
Chapter 6

Laenor landed Seasmoke on Driftmark. He was now making the trip between the island and King's Landing regularly. Despite the rumors dying down, if for no other reason that they speakers wanted to keep their tongues, Rhaenyra insisted on him attending near every court function. The court was now seemingly divided near perfectly in two, half wore green to every event and the other half wore black, stating plainly their intended alignment. Only Viserys, Elaena, and a few others seemed to dress in any other colors these days.

His sister Laena came to greet him as he dismounted from Seasmoke.

"Ah Laenor, how are things in King's Landing?"

"Tense as ever, sister. I heard father finalized the betrothal, how are you feeling about it?"

"Mixed, the boy is still too young for us to wed, but rumor has it he's spoiled and overly pampered. Hopefully he will grow out of it, but for now, I wait."

"You do not sound discontent."

"I'm not, the son of a Sealord is quite a step down from the King of Westeros, but that was father who desired that, not me. Here I can fly Vhagar as often as I like. If I grow bored, I can fly to King's Landing and watch Rhaenyra and Alicent stare at each other like two angry cats."

Laenor laughed, as the comment was made with jest in mind instead of mocking, so he took no offense. Not that his sister could easily offend him; they had always been close.

"I'm off to see Joffrey, but we can go flying together later, if you wish. I'm not expected back for two days."

Laena agreed and Laenor went to find Joffrey.

His lover greeted him affectionally.

"I've missed you."

"And I you," Laenor responded.

Joffrey let out a heavy sigh. "You shouldn't, I'm a useless cripple now. I'm not sure why you insist on staying with me. My right hand has almost no strength and my right leg trembles at random. I'm no longer fit to be a knight, and the Maester says that he doubts it will improve."

Laenor scowled. "Don't speak like that. It wasn't so long ago, you had difficulty with your words sounding correct, and now no one can tell there was any problem. Even if you never recover, so what? We were meant to be together, your ability to fight in a tourney or at war is not why I desired you."

"So, what am I to do? Eat and drink and sit around doing nothing?"

Laenor considered. "Master-at-arms. You can train the next generation of swordsmen."

"When I can't even hold a sword properly? A poor jest."

"I'm serious. You always had a keen eye for sizing up an opponent's fighting style. You can instruct the young ones, oversee their training, and teach them of knightly duty and honor. You'll train Jace when he's older and you can advise me, and Rhaenyra, on matters of war."

Joffrey considered and slowly nodded. "I suppose I could do that." He looked at Laenor, "Is this pity or do you truly wish for me to stay because you want us to remain together? If it is the former; I will leave, there will be no sourness in our parting. I will understand."

"I will not leave you! It is not pity, but love. Cease asking, before I begin to doubt your own feelings for me."

Joffrey gave him a passionate look, and soon showed Laenor the depths of his feelings. The two days passed quickly. Laenor dined with his parents, flew with his sister, and loved Joffrey. His return trips to King's Landing were always bittersweet. He enjoyed the company of Rhaenyra and Ser Harwin. He enjoyed racing Seasmoke against Syrax and Viktoriya. He enjoyed the finest wines and delicate morsels, but he also hated so much about being there. Constantly being on guard, having to watch every word he spoke, and of course seeing the man who deliberately maimed Joffrey on a near daily basis frustrated him to no end.

Upon landing he sought out Rhaenyra. She was feeding Jace and welcomed him home; the boy was growing larger at a rapid pace. No doubt by adulthood he would be taller than his half-brothers. After catching up Rhaenyra broached the subject that both pleased and alarmed him.

"We've tried again, and you've done your best, but I still need to bear more children. I also miss Harwin pleasing me in that manner; the substitutes are enjoyable, but the time has come for us to put this failed attempt behind us."

Laenor nodded. A large part of him preferred it this way. Oddly enough, it was Elaena's angry expression that came to mind. She would be rather wroth with him if Rhaenyra's second child looked like Harwin's again. That was a minor issue, the bigger one is the danger to Rhaenyra, her child, and future children, as well as himself. He recalled Ser Harwin's words; they did have the power. It could be argued that the Hand was the most powerful position in the realm, next to the King. With the King, the Hand, and the wealthiest noble, Laenor's father, all supporting them, what hope did their enemies have to delegitimize Jace and any of Rhaenyra's future children?

"That works for me Rhaenyra. I know you need me here often, but King's Landing has not suited my taste lately. You are the Lady of Dragonstone, perhaps we could spend more time there? I'd like to make Joffrey the new Master-at-arms and we could still be seen in public and I can be close to Joffrey more often."

Rhaenyra pursed her lips, considering. "We can do so sparingly. I dislike leaving Alicent here to cause mischief in my absence."

Laenor would be content with that, for now.


Viserys glanced at Elaena as they walked. She was growing up fast, even if she stayed diminutive in stature. He recalled her early distaste for the proposed match with her and Aegon. Now another match was being considered.

"Elaena, I spoke with your sister yesterday."


"Yes, she wanted me to consider matching you with Jacaerys. And a few months prior Alicent wished me to consider a match with Aegon."

Elaena did not falter in her stride, though Viserys sensed an increase of tension in the air.

"Father, the thought still sits uneasy with me. I do not wish to wed close family. Surely a match can be found elsewhere in the Seven Kingdoms."

Viserys expected that. He could not understand why his otherwise perfect daughter was so hung up on not marrying according to the tradition of their family.

"Also, Jacaerys is seven years my junior. I would ask you to decline my sister's suggestion."

It dawned on Viserys that now both daughters had fought tooth and nail against marriages that would be good for them. Rhaenyra had been furious with him, but in the end, she had married Laenor. Viserys was well pleased with the result, a wonderful boy, and another child on the way. The two seemed happy together. And it had repaired the frayed relations with the Velaryons. Should he just set the match and end the discourse on it? In the end Elaena would get over it, just as Rhaenyra got over it.

As if sensing a decision forming, Elaena spoke up again.

"You allowed Rhaenyra to do a grand tour of the realm when she was older. And while she ended up not selecting anyone, it did allow her to learn more of the Seven Kingdoms. I enjoy learning, and books cannot teach me everything. I also would love to have the opportunity to select my own husband, within reason of course. Given the even greater importance attached to your heir's choice in lifelong partner, I would not think it wrong to give her younger sister, whose choice is less impactful to the realm's future, the same opportunity."

Viserys thought a bit about her words. He had given his eldest the choice… it would be fair to allow her the same privilege. Introducing his other daughter to the wider realm, a daughter who was brilliant and poised, would also beneficial.

"When would you begin such a tour?"

He saw Elaena concentrate, "Six and ten would be appropriate, I would be mature enough to make a rational decision."

"Given the time it takes to negotiate a betrothal contract, and plan a wedding, that may be too long of a wait."

"Would it be? Based on the texts I've read, giving birth at a young age shortly after the first coming of moon's blood leads to birthing complications. Given my family history, I would be more at ease in waiting longer and being sure I will be around to help my children grow."

Viserys tried to suppress a wince. Alicent had been there for Elaena, but she had well founded fears given what happened to Aemma. That, itself, pushed his decision.

"Very well, we will plan a tour when you are five and ten, unless you change your mind about marrying one of your family. But mind you, if you emulate Rhaenyra in this matter, I will make the choice for you."

Elaena's smile lit up her face. "Thank you, father!" She embraced him in a hug and he felt good about the decision. Making his family smile was a duty and a joy.

His daughter had another request, not related to her future marriage.

"Father, I'd like to study at the Citadel. I've asked Maester Mellos for additional tomes and texts, however there is a lengthy travel time to consider, and some works have few copies and the Maesters are loath to provide originals."

"I'm not sure about that my dear, I don't believe women study at the Citadel."

"Well," she said with a smile, "it is a good thing then that you are the King, and that your wife is a Hightower. One word from the both of you and I am sure they will have someone escort me around as I desire."

He chuckled. "It may not be as easy as that."

"It should be, and if you wish Rhaenyra to inherit, then there should be fewer barriers to women being able to accomplish things. I am not suggesting you overturn the prohibition on female Maesters, but surely the King's daughter could visit and study at the Citadel!"

She has a point.

"I will discuss it with the Grand Maester. It is quite the distance from King's Landing to Oldtown. This is something we can consider when you are older as well."

"I have a dragon, father."

"You haven't even reached your eighth name day, Elaena! I am not allowing you to fly halfway across Westeros on your lonesome."

"Very well, I can wait until I am eight, thank you father!"

He blinked. "Elaena, that isn't what I said."

She gave him a roguish smile, and for a moment she reminded him of a young Daemon, and that brought a pang of sadness that they were still at odds with each other. He missed his brother.

"Yes, but I believe you overestimate the danger. I can fly to Bitterbridge on the first day and spend the night with House Caswell. The next day, make for Highgarden and then evening with the Tyrells. I would then arrive on the third day in Oldtown. I would be in the air the entire time, or surrounded by your loyal and leal lords of the realm."

The King shook his head. No matter how advanced Elaena was for her age, this was a bit too soon.

"I'm sorry, Elaena, but not yet."

"I understand. In that case, what about allowing me to make shorter trips, such as visiting Driftmark or Dragonstone?"

Not wanting to outright refuse her twice in a row he gave a partial agreement.

"You may, if you have an escort. Your sister or our Velaryon cousins."

Elaena looked pleased with that and they finished their walk for the day on a high note.


"How did Aegon do?" Alicent asked Ser Criston.

"Acceptable. He is earnest, and at times has difficulties controlling his temper. When his ire grows, he forces himself to do a type of patterned breathing that calms him."

"It works?"

"Yes, Your Grace. As far as his potential at swordsmanship, it is too early to say."

Alicent nodded. It would be good if her son grew to be someone who could win tournaments like Cole so often did. It wasn't a necessity of course; Aegon was a Targaryen, and one day he would have a dragon. Aegon himself could not wait for that day, though his arms training was serving as a good distraction.

"The princess is with child again," she told Criston.

"And this time she has been seen with Laenor, but the nature of that man means the child likely is not his."

Alicent found the whole subject distasteful, no matter how useful it was. Despite the pronouncement of Viserys, Alicent was sure to regularly make comments inferring the true nature of Jacaerys. She knew that her father was also spreading the tale outside of King's Landing, drumming up the very real concern that a bastard would one day sit the Iron Throne.

"We shall have to see."

The door opened and Elaena came in.

"Mother, Ser Criston, how do you both fare?"

"No complaints, princess," Criston said.

Alicent looked at Criston, as he always grew more wary when Elaena was around. She thought it her imagination at first, but being around the knight regularly meant she had learned much of his manner. She realized she had paused too long, as Elaena was looking at her for an answer.

"I am well, my daughter. I wanted to speak with you regarding your request to your father. It our duty as noble women to marry those who will benefit our families, not just who strikes our fancy. I will not pretend that is always an easy duty, but it is a sacrifice we make for the good of the realm."

"What is best for the realm, is not always easy to discern. I would of course consider not just physical form and personality compatibility. I intend to do a detailed cost-benefit analysis on each prospective candidate."

"Or… you could consider marrying Aegon."

Elaena was silent for a few moments, "I'm sorry mother, but I cannot view my siblings as potential marriage partners. It unsettles me greatly. If you were not married to father, I believe you would find the notion of marrying Gwayne just as troubling."

"But they are not Targaryens," Ser Criston interjected.

"No, but I cannot change the way I feel on this. I would expect you to understand better than most, Ser Criston."

Alicent was surprised, was that a comment on the vows of chastity the Kingsguard take? Why would that create embarrassment for Ser Criston? She sighed, her daughter was almost never stubborn about anything, and this of all things was where she chose to dig her heels in. Well, Elaena was young still, maybe she would change her mind. And if not, Aegon could wed Helaena. Following that Targaryen tradition in that manner had its own benefits.

"Thank you for explaining, Elaena." A thought came to her, "I take it that means you are set on not marrying anyone within your family, be it brother, cousin, or nephew?"

"That is correct, mother. Father also broached the idea of being married to Jacaerys, but it still felt wrong to me."

"He did what?" Alicent almost hissed the question.

Elaena tilted her head, "You did not know? The age difference and the familial relation made it easy to beg off. Father was kind enough to listen to my concerns and I will not have to wed him either."

Alicent gave her a fragile smile. "Yes, that's good, yes. Elaena, would you mind checking on Aemond and Helaena, I have a few other things to speak with Ser Criston on before dinner."

The young princess left them alone and Alicent whirled on Criston.

"That would have been a disaster if the two married! How is it that my husband did not see fit to tell me about this?"

Ser Criston looked at her oddly. "Your Grace… how would I know?"

Useless, if father was still the Hand, he would have my husband's ear. Seven knows I don't half the time.

Alicent had hoped that Lord Strong would make some misstep as Hand, but so far, he had not done so. The man wore black, like his son, but he was cordial with many at the court. He had a reputation for evenhandedness her father had not had. Another disappointing turn. It seemed as if every possible opportunity was cut off before it could be grasped. Sometimes she despaired and felt it was all hopeless.

"Have the maidservant bring Daeron, I wish to hold him for a time."

"Yes, Your Grace."

Daeron, her youngest child, and hopefully last child, was a delight. Only Helaena had been as sweet during the early years. Holding her babe tight, while she could, was one of the few things that allowed her fears to temporarily subside.


Rhaenyra was once more on the birthing bed. At her side was her sister and husband. Ser Harwin guarded the door and an actual competent Maester, a man by the name of Gerardys, was assisting with the birth. This was her second time, and things seemed to be progressing smoothly. The pain was a dull ache, bothersome, but nothing she couldn't handle. Laenor even complimented Rhaenyra on doing better at not maiming his hand.

She liked Laenor. His jests were frequent, but not too common. He approached life in much the same way she did. Damn the stringent roles that Westeros forced on them; they would live. When it came time to push, she pushed, and soon she was welcoming another boy into the world. Lucerys would be his name, or Luke for short.

Viserys came and congratulated her. He had doted upon Jace and oft said he would one day be King of the Seven Kingdoms. Luke was much like Jace in body, and when Elaena had an opportunity to hold the babe, she gave Laenor a fierce glare. Rhaenyra barely held onto the giggle that threatened to leak out as the dragonrider and warrior who had fought in several battles, shrank back from a little girl's ire.

Not all visitors were welcome. The bitch Queen Alicent had stopped by. Her green dress showcased her slim figure and emeralds danced upon wrist and throat. She looked down at the babe and then at Laenor. "Do keep trying, soon or late, you may get one who looks likes you."

Laenor's jaw clenched, but he said nothing and soon Alicent left them. As the hour grew late, they posted guards to inform them that she and her babe were resting and to turn anyone away. Only then did Ser Harwin enter and hold his son.

Rhaenyra always enjoyed seeing her sworn shield interact with his children. They had to keep it to a minimum, but these moments were too precious to miss despite the exhaustion settling in from the delivery.

"He's perfect," he rumbled.

He was. As was Jace. Harwin also deserved more time with his children. Rhaenyra wanted to remain in King's Landing to be a counterweight to Alicent's influence, but was all this worth it? She was the Lady of Dragonstone, she had two children, she could take her seat and manage it personally. Flying on dragon-back would still allow her to attend court functions, tournaments, name days, and feasts as required.

Seeing baby Luke so peaceful in Harwin's strong arms made her decision. Court intrigues be damned, she would not sacrifice the father of her children's happiness for advantage. She was the heir, and no matter how many backbiters and ne'er-do-wells Alicent gathered, it would not matter.

Ser Harwin would have to give up his position as captain of the Gold Cloaks, but she knew that would be fine. With the additional privacy of Dragonstone, they could afford to be more free and less guarded. She would miss seeing Elaena on a daily basis, but her sister was already asking for escorts so she could visit various places with Viktoriya. Dragonstone was also very close to Driftmark, which would allow her to spend more time with Laenor's sister Laena, who was a kindred spirit in many ways. Yes, this would all work out for the better.


Viserys had been disappointed when Rhaenyra left for Dragonstone. It was her right, of course, and Lord Lyonel had advised it was good for his heir to learn how to administer holdings personally instead of leaving it to a castellan. And yes, she would return regularly, but his two grandsons were too young for the rigors of dragon traveling, and he missed seeing them. There was something special about being a grandsire, and he delighted in holding Rhaenyra's babes over all others.

Fortunately, he still had his precious Elaena. Their daily walks were still the best way to begin his day.

"Father, I love my sister, and there are many who are utterly devoted to her. Yet, I feel at times their short-term desire to aid my sister will cause friction in the future."

Viserys was not sure what Elaena meant, so he looked at her quizzically.

"Your Hand is Lord of Harrenhal, a critical seat in the Riverlands. His son and heir has given up a position of importance to continue serving Rhaenyra as her sworn shield. While he was here in King's Landing he could do both duties reasonably well, but obviously it is impossible while on Dragonstone. While in King's Landing it was easy for him to interact with potential ladies of the court who could serve as wife and continue the Strong line."

The King faltered in a step. Elaena's words were clear and direct, but Viserys had to wonder if she had heard rumors of the bastard accusations. He didn't want to bring it up himself, but as he gave it more thought, why hadn't Ser Harwin found a bride? Men could afford to marry later as childbearing was not an issue, but if he did find a bride it would also curb the malicious stories that had spread.

"You make a good point, but Ser Harwin need not interact in court to find a match. I will speak with my Hand and inquire as to his plans. I would not want Ser Harwin to ever regret his service to my family."

Elaena smiled, "Thank you, father. On another matter, I was curious as to the future of the Stepstones. Trade has prospered once again, however now that Dorne has lent their weight to the Triarchy I hear that Uncle Daemon's forces are hard-pressed."

Viserys knew of the conflict, as his small council kept him diligently informed. Daemon fighting in the south kept him out of trouble, but as long as he wasn't outright defeated, he tied up much of the would-be pirate force of the Triarchy, allowing Velaryon-facilitated trade to continue.

"Hmm, well, our Master of Ships reports that trade is not being harmed, and I have no wish for war with Dorne. Daemon is of my house, but given his rogue nature, his actions are not considered to have my backing and blessing. This allows for peace to continue with Dorne. War is a terrible thing, Elaena, it is one of chief aims as King to not have war break out under my rule."

"A wise course in general, father, war is wasteful and so many precious resources are lost in it. Yet, trade has immense benefits. Every master of a family realizes one should not make at home what would cost him more to make than to buy. What we can import from the advanced Free Cities is a great boon, and additional markets for our steel, wines, and specific foods not grown in Essos have created an economic boom. It is not just the additional oversight of monetary matters that has led to the treasury being so robust. All this is jeopardized if the Triarchy and Dorne mange to defeat Uncle Daemon."

It was a conversation of surprises for Viserys.

"Where did you get these updates about the situation in the Stepstones?"

"When I visited Driftmark and feasted with Corlys and Rhaenys. I inquired on the state of the conflict, and Lord Velaryon indicated he would soon need to reinforce Uncle Daemon or it would go poorly."

"Ah, so he had you speak with me. The Sea Snake is a clever man."

But Elaena shook her head. "No, I doubt he would think me a vessel to communicate to you his concerns. He views me as an inquisitive child, not as a someone who considers strategy."

Viserys chuckled. Elaena's perspective of Corlys was probably true, but he wouldn't put it past the wily old legend not to know about his morning walks with his daughter.

"I suppose that is likely true. You bring this up, so I sense you have some thoughts on what should be done?"

"I believe we should respond with overwhelming force and remind the Triarchy, Dorne, and the whole world that we have dragons. Instead of having thousands of men from the Stepstones, Dorne, the Triarchy, Driftmark and more fight and die, we show with dragons and win a sharp victory."


"Yes. Not all the dragons need to fight, but bringing them all will be a show of power and make clear the cost of continuing the dreadful conflict. Vhagar, Syrax, Seasmoke, Viktoriya, and Meleys joining Caraxes would send everyone nearby fleeing. Of course, while arrows, spears, and scorpions can lay low even a dragon, the odds are vanishingly small when having to deal with half a dozen fire breathing weapons of mass destruction."

The King's brow furrowed. "If, and it is a large if, if I wanted to do this thing, you would not be going."

"I don't have to fight, father. Just make the presence of my dragon known. The more overwhelming our perceived power, the more likely there is less fighting. You are a man of peace, so bring peace to the Stepstones! Present the closed fist of Targaryen power with the open hand of generous terms. No import tariffs for five years from the Triarchy controlled cities. Allowed safe passage for their ships through the Stepstones. A permanent envoy in your court."

Elaena could be very persuasive, and her scheme may even work, but it could also create many problems. What if Dorne and the Triarchy refused to be cowed? What if one of the dragon riders were slain? It was his kin who rode those dragons.

"I will discuss this with the small council. You have a keen mind, daughter, but even you cannot see all sides of the dilemma in the Stepstones. Rest assured my council has much experience in matters such as these."

"Of course, father."

Viserys grinned. "Any other realm sweeping suggestions you may have?"

"Now that you mention it… the Iron Bank is profitable. Have we considered the creation of a royal bank?"

He had been jesting with that comment, but his daughter's response was serious.

"Have you been talking with Lyman again?"

"I have, he enjoys our discussions. A bank has potential to create large amounts of profit, especially since there are so few of them. There are fiscal dangers in operating a bank. However, as the royal family, we limit those risks. The first principal danger is how do we enforce the collection of debts when someone is in arrears? The King's authority to call banners, send a dragon, and dispense the King's Justice limit that difficulty. The Iron Bank has likely had to spend a fortune to enforce its debt collection prowess to the point that people will regularly say, 'The Iron Bank will have its due.' We wouldn't have to."

Viserys felt a headache coming on. Banking was not something he that much of a familiarity with, it had always been his policy to run a surplus in the treasury so his reign never involved the borrowing of sums from others.

"Another layer of risk is a so-called 'bank-run' where someone's belief that their money is secure is challenged. Again, with the backing of the treasury and the years tax receipts, this should be an unlikely occurrence, and their risk much diminished. Currently lending opportunities are limited, and rates can be ruinous. Simply creating an alternative financial institution will create needed competition in the marketplace allow for lower rates, less money going to existing banks, and more wealth in the hands of the people of Westeros."

"And Lyman agrees this is a good idea?"

"He is… cautious. The creation of a royal bank will create some animosity to the crown by the existing banking institutions and they may react poorly. However!" Elaena's voice perked up a bit. "Cousin Laena is betrothed to the Sealord's son, which would create difficulties for the Iron Bank to wage any sort of economic warfare or back the crown's enemies."

His daughter had taken an active interest in how the Seven Kingdoms were managed. He felt a pang of disappointment that it was not his heir who was giving these matters the same level of examination. Viserys did not know how good either of these ideas were, but they were well thought out and considered the complex realities of governing.

"I admit, I know little of how banks operate, but I will endeavor to rectify that. You've given this much thought, Elaena, and I promise you I will consider all your suggestions seriously."

"Thank you, father, I appreciate you hearing me out."