
Chapter 7

Alicent squeezed her eyes shut; it had happened again. She was now carrying the King's child for a fifth time. How many more could her body handle bearing into the world? She had survived four, but each time it seemed harder to recuperate her figure and energy. Each time she had to be more drastic in altering her routine to return to her proper figure, and each time she grew more and more weary.

She knew that once the babe was born, she would love him or her. All her children were growing, and even thriving. Aegon had thrown himself into swordsmanship and Ser Criston had said he had a passion for it that few could eclipse. He cautioned that he did not have, as of yet, a natural talent or impressive reflexes, but he would be better than average if he kept to his training.

Helaena always seemed to be in another world. Elaena had introduced painting and drawing and the little girl had thrived with that outlet. Some of her paintings were quite disturbing. Dragons breathing fire, a small child's head cut off, and more. Alicent liked the one of Aegon wearing a crown, and had even had it sealed in a protective layering and placed in her chambers.

Aemond was a fierce boy, but more disciplined than Aegon. He was quick to anger, but better able to control it, and was already begging to begin training with the sword as well. Little Daeron was still too young to form much of a personality, but he had learned to toddle about quicker than Aegon and Helaena.

Despite the onrush of self-pity the pregnancy had brought, Alicent was much more content now that Rhaenyra had gone off to Dragonstone. Already she had started to slowly pull influence from the Blacks still in the capital. Singers and bards were selected and told to play certain stories, the ones where black-hearted bastards committed evil. These were not new made-up stories, but ones that have lived for hundreds of years; Alicent made sure they were played often.

Her husband's small council was a mixed bag. She knew his Hand could not be swayed, so it was not even attempted. Jaspar Wylde, the Master of Laws, was quite sympathetic to the notion of Aegon inheriting. He had told her, "Boys inherit before girls, I hope Viserys comes to realize the proper course in due time."

Tyland Lannister, the Master of Ships, was also an ally. He was circumspect and was not as bold as Lord Wylde had been, but he made it clear in so many words that Aegon would be his preferred choice. The Grand Maester also hinted that he would advise the King of 'tradition and its import' but was even more vague than Tyland.

The Master of Coin, Lyman Beesbury had been a true disappointment. The man was fully loyal to Rhaenyra, despite his house's close relationship to her own. He would not even hear her out and had been borderline rude to her, as he stated he was busy with an important work.

She told Viserys about her pregnancy over dinner and her husband looked at her with happiness.

"That is wonderful! The child will be of similar age to Jace and Luke. Children being able to play together is a blessing. I still have fond memories of my adventures with Daemon, why one time…"

Alicent listened politely as he shared his tales of childhood, all the while irritated that he had not even mentioned Daeron. It was almost worse that he did not slight her intentionally, for he seemed not to notice how blatant his favor was for Rhaenyra's children, over his own with her.

"Ah, those memories, we never knew the danger were we in at times, but experiencing some of those bruises, stings, and fear was good for us. Hmm, that reminds me, perhaps I should reconsider allowing Elaena to go flying further."

Alicent did not like the sound of that. She had not yet reached her 9th name day, and if she continued to need an escort then that just meant more time with the Velaryons.

"I don't know if that would be safe, you know I disapprove of her flying for the hours it takes to get to Dragonstone and Driftmark. Even if she has an escort, what can they truly do in a dire circumstance?"

Viserys moved his head back and forth while thinking, "Yes, well maybe later. Still, she seems really enthralled with the idea of visiting Oldtown."

Alicent paused, "Oldtown? Does she wish to visit with my family there?"

"I'm sure she would, but her primary aim is to study at the Citadel for a time."

She bit her lip. She did not like the idea of extended dragon travel for her daughter in all but flesh, but it would be good to have her interact more with her family in Hightower. It had not gone missed that her daughter preferred silver, gold, and blues over black and green for her dresses. Elaena always changed the subject when Alicent tried to speak of Rhaenyra's faults. While it hurt that Elaena was not clearly favoring her, she understood. It would be like someone asking Alicent to choose between her father and her brother, she would prefer not to make the choice at all.

"She has always loved reading, more so than anyone I have ever known. Perhaps we should not deny her this."

Viserys raised an eyebrow. "Oh? That is quite a distance to travel, even by dragon."

Alicent was torn between concern for safety and in what her father would want her to do in this scenario.

"I am not a rider of dragons, you are, is it safe?"

Viserys patted her on the hand. "A Targaryen's connection with their dragon is different than the way someone cares for a horse or hound. They are still of flesh and blood, so by no means is safety ever guaranteed, but I would trust dragon-back more than I would a ship."

"In that case, let us allow her to do so. I will have my father give her a proper escort and guard while she stays in the city and visits the Citadel. Elaena has never disobeyed us, and is a model of what a good daughter should be."

The King smiled at her. "Well, this is a turnabout! I will let her know in the morning and we can begin making arrangements. I believe a moon's turning should be enough time to scratch her bookish desires. I would not wish to part from her for longer than that."

On that, they both agreed. Alicent hoped her children would not make too much of a fuss over being separated from their sister.


"I would have my small council advise me on two proposals. The first, sending the Targaryen dragon riders to the Stepstones and demonstrating our commitment to ensuring the safe passage of trade ships."

There was a certain amount of shock around the table. Several of his advisors looked to each other before anyone spoke.

"I cannot advise on how effective the dragons will be, nor about the potential consequences of such an action," Lyman began, "but I can say that the distraction of the pirates has led to more trade vessels reaching their destinations, without harm. It has been good for the realm."

"Piracy is a scourge, Your Grace, the more we do to eradicate it, the better." Lord Wylde replied. it seemed to Viserys that Jaspar was in ardent support of the action.

The Grand Maester shook his head, "Your Grace, ever have you been a man of peace, if you do this, it will create an escalation. Remember, it was Dorne who slew Meraxes, and we risk all-out war with them by such a course."

Tyland Lannister spoke next. "As Master of Ships I can tell you that dragons are unquestionably a nightmare for ship captains. I do not see how the Triarchy, even with Dorne, could stand against several dragons working in concert."

Surprisingly, Lord Strong was not in favor. "Your Grace, I must agree with the Grand Maester. Outside of the conflict in the Stepstones, and a few isolated incidents, we have had peace with our Dornish neighbors. If that changes the Dornish Marches will be far bloodier in a moon's turning than many years of conflict on the Stepstones."

"Then we will smash them in the field as well! It is well past time we bring those oily Dornish to heel," countered Lord Wylde.

"Would it even come to war?" Tyland asked. "It isn't as if Dorne has a hope of invading, the best they can do is raids and then hide in their sun-drenched sands."

"So too thought The Conqueror, and it cost him his sister," Mellos pointed out.

Viserys listened to his council argue with each other. It came down to whether he wished to risk a full-scale war with Drone. He chose the path of peace.

"It was a thought, but I will not risk a greater war. The possibility of losing any of our riders, means losing kin. Thank you for the robust discussion, but we will leave things in the Stepstones as they are. The second matter is the formation of a royal bank."

That also drew a variety of reactions. Mellos, Lannister, and Wylde opposed. Strong and Beesbury were in favor. Beesbury proved to be a dedicated advocate for it, and verbally sparred with the others. He sounded far more convincing than they did. In the end, it also came down to Viserys not wishing to have both suggestions made by Elaena discarded.

"We will press forward with creation of the Bank of the Dragon. In time, I am sure it will one day hold more reserves, and bring in more incomes than even the Iron Bank. Lord Beesbury will head this effort as Master of Coin. The council is dismissed, and we will meet again in two days."

As the rest were leaving Viserys asked Lyonel to remain.

"Lyonel, you, and your son have rendered good and faithful service. I of course wish for you to remain as my Hand; however, I am concerned about your legacy. Neither Harwin or Larys is married. I worry that Harwin's duty as sworn shield to my Rhaenyra is preventing him from finding a suitable wife. Have you given thought to the matter?"

"Ah, Your Grace, my son says he is not ready to settle down and raise a family, but I can address the matter again."

Viserys nodded, "See that you do, I hold no stock in gossipers and backbiting fools, but I admit it will quell certain impropriety claims if he has wed and settled into the seat, that he will one day inherit."

Lyonel looked down. "I see, yes, I will make arrangements, Your Grace."

"Thank you," Viserys said as he stood up, and then winced.

"Are you well?"

"Yes, Lyonel, just a stiffening of the joints. I'll be fine in a moment. And try not to look so put out, don't you want to be a grandsire? I tell you, little Jace and Luke are grand blessings."

Lyonel nodded and the two left the small council chamber. Viserys was already feeling better by the time he reached the room that held his diorama. He wondered if Old Valyria had banks or not. They weren't in any of the histories he read, but there were few surviving texts. Perhaps when Elaena visited the Citadel, she could check if there had been any. It didn't matter, but if they had a bank, it would be nice to know he was restoring a small something that had been lost of his ancestors' nation.


Rhaenyra was furious. They had barely settled in on the island, and already Alicent was moving against her.

"This is her doing! I know it. She cannot stand to see me happy, even if it hurts her own cause," she ranted.

Laenor and Harwin were doing their best to calm her. Both had listened to her rage over the news. They were on Dragonstone, but even in private rooms, shouts could be potentially be heard by serving staff. It was important not to air their dirty linens for yet more gossip to begin.

"My father only said I had to begin looking for a wife in earnest, not that I had to leave your service immediately," Harwin replied.

"And, who's to say he can't find someone… accommodating?" Laenor remarked.

Rhaenyra shook her head. Laenor had been accommodating, true, but he was a man one in a hundred. Women could be just as territorial, she knew that.

"That would be most difficult, and opens us up to further danger," Rhaenyra replied.

Harwin took her by the hand and raised hers to his lips. "Then what do you suggest? What can we do?"

She sighed, "I am unsure. Even talking with my father about this matter is perilous. I believe he does not know, nor wishes to know, so he will remain blind, unless I make it too clear."

Laenor paced beside them. "Why not just continue to be her sworn shield, find a noble lady, wed her, bed her, and put her in Harrenhal while you continue your duties on Dragonstone."

Harwin looked uncomfortable with that. "I'm not sure I would see someone used in that manner. I have another idea, though it does bring some shame."

Rhaenyra encouraged him to continue.

"What if I tell my father that I have slept with maidservants, whores, and even several dalliances with noble women I will not name, and none has produced a child. I can tell him that I did not wish to be wed knowing that nothing of that union would be fruitful. Larys children, should he ever have any, can inherit Harrenhal."

That was one an idea, Rhaenyra thought. Yet what concerned her was how much Lyonel knew. Would such a tale be believed? Worry gnawed at Rhaenyra and she once again cursed Alicent for her pettiness.

"I would not see you shamed before your father."

"I care not, I am a proven knight, held high positions, and been a dutiful son in all other ways. I love you Rhaenyra, no other."

Laenor sighed, "I still think we could try to find someone accommodating. If you marry beneath your station, say a wealthy merchant's daughter, a legitimized noble bastard girl, or a landed knight's daughter, then your pool opens considerably. Someone will be more than pleased to take the offer to wed and be the lady of a powerful and notable fortress such as Harrenhal as well as accept you being away and off with another woman."

Rhaenyra was torn. The plan to claim Harwin was incapable of fathering a child had its risks. Laenor's idea had merit, but whatever girl they found eager to rise in station, could seek to rise further by betraying him… well they didn't have to tell her everything. Either way a decision would have to be made, and soon.


Otto Hightower, once the Hand to two separate Kings, had been perturbed by his dismissal. Viserys was a weak King, one who rarely stood his ground. How was Otto to know that the one issue on which he would find his spine, was the one he had pressed the most? Otto knew he had pushed too hard and thus was dismissed from service and sent back to Oldtown. He was still the father of the Queen, so not all his influence was lost. Alicent was also weak, but she was obedient.

His brother scanned the missive he had received. "What's this, Otto? Princess Elaena is coming here to study at the Citadel? The girl Viserys is crediting for this damnable 'Double-Entry' book keeping?"

"She is being credited with it, and it appears she is the one who came up with the idea."

Hobert Hightower, the head of their house, scratched at his cheek. "Given her age, I thought it was but a scheme to raise her status."

Otto shook his head, "Viserys doesn't think like that. If he did, he would be looking at ways to make Rhaenyra gain admiration and respect."

Hobert guffawed, "Little chance of that happening with your rumor mongers spreading the tales of her bastard children far and wide."

Otto gave his brother a small smile. Half the realm had the rumor of Laenor being a cuckold on their lips. The heir of the Iron Throne birthing bastards was tantalizing and tawdry enough that people repeated it, even if they did not believe it to be true. The 'Realm's Delight' would find the love of the smallfolk quite the fickle thing.

"Well, what should we do about it? I've half a mind to arrange an accident. The little whelp has cost us thousands of gold dragons."

Otto felt cursed to constantly be surrounded by lesser men. What kind of idiot was his brother to even think or speak of the idea of killing the King's daughter, in their own territory!

"No, brother. That would be far too suspicious and would not solve any of our difficulties. It would also redouble the King's protection and focus on Rhaenyra if he had but one of Aemma Arryn's daughters remaining. No, we will be cordial and welcoming. There is no sense to stir up trouble."

"Bah, fine. You know the Targaryens better than I do."

He did, though his time away from capital was dulling his understanding. Alicent did not always see clearly, and the spies he had remaining were not as closely placed to certain players as he wished. Elaena herself was a bit of a mystery to him. This visit presented an excellent opportunity to rectify that.

A few days later Otto watched the silver dragon descend outside of the walls of Oldtown. He was familiar with dragons and noted immediately the grace with which the dragon landed. Otto saw Elaena speak and then the dragon took off.

"Princess Elaena, you honor us with your visit," he intoned and bowed his head as she approached.

"This here is Ormund, my nephew, heir to the lordship of Oldtown." He gestured to his other side, "And this is my eldest son, Gunthor."

The petite princess accepted their greetings with formal courtesies, but softened with a slight smile upon her face.

"A pleasure to meet you all."

"Princess, I saw your dragon fly off, is that safe?" Ormund questioned.

"Quite safe. Viktoriya is well trained. She'll hunt, but only fish and wild animals. No horses, people, or animals owned by your people."

Otto directed them through the gates of Old Town. He escorted her to the Citadel and discussed what she would be learning as they travelled.

"I have an interest in the weather of Westeros. The changing of the seasons is so ununiform, I wish to learn of the causes. I am also interested in learning more of the healing arts, especially as it pertains to childbirth."

"Oh, because of Queen Aemma, that makes sense." Ormund replied.

Otto was too disciplined to shake his head at the rather tactless way he responded. However, Elaena did not seem to take any offense.

"It is often said that the birthing bed is the woman's battlefield. It would put me at ease if I knew more of the process surrounding it, for when my time comes. Though, I should say that my good-brother Laenor's stories of battle in the Stepstones sound quite exciting. If I have time, it would be interesting to speak with the Archmaester of iron."

Gunthor chuckled, "What do Maesters know of war? I respect them for their knowledge, but I'll not trust their council in matters of warcraft until I see one with a sword in hand."

"That would be a sight to see! Can you imagine, Grand Maester Mellos charging a battlement?" Elaena jested and both of Otto's younger kin grinned in response.

She's good. We are fortunate she is not the elder.

They arrived at the Citadel and Otto gave her two guards who would be escorting her wherever she wished to go within Oldtown. There would be a formal welcoming feast on the following day, but beyond that her time was fully her own. The Maesters had mixed feelings about the whole affair, but Otto didn't care about their idiosyncrasies. The Grand Maester, the Lord of Oldtown, and the King himself had all granted approval for the princess to study and do as she wished. Being a gracious host would lay the seeds for Otto's eventual return to King's Landing, and he intended for there to be no complaints to Viserys about the treatment of his daughter.


Viserys sighed; if it was not one thing, it was another. Grim news from the Vale, his good-sister Rhea Royce was dead from a fall from a horse. She had deserved a better husband and a better end. It was ill news, but not what had him frustrated. Daemon had abandoned the Stepstones and flown to the Vale to claim the Royce lands. Only Jeyne Arryn, Lady Paramount of the Vale, had denied him.

The King's brother was still exiled from court, but he had sent a missive by raven demanding that Viserys step in and enforce his claim. The utter gall of the man, he had failed to do his duty as a husband, and now he wished to reap the benefits of his wife's untimely death? He had refused him, and then refused again when another raven came with Daemon asking to return to court to plead his case in person.

Daemon would certainly be angry, but he had made his bed and it was time for him to deal with it. Naturally, Viserys had expected him to return to his 'kingdom' of the Stepstones, but evidently, he had soured of the whole affair. Which led to the Sea Snake once again asking the crown to intervene, because House Velaryon was now quite outnumbered without the rest of the Seven Kingdoms willing to aid.

His distracted mood drew the attention of his wife. "Viserys, is everything well? Is your toe bothering you again?"

He waved that concern aside. His right foot's toe had turned red and bulbous, but the Grand Maester had administered a salve that reduced the swelling and decreased the pain. No, his concerns were political of nature.

"It is my brother and now Corlys. Every time I believe the realm is stable and all crises are over and done with, something else comes up. My brother has abandoned the Stepstones and upset the Vale. I have nobles to appease and now Corlys is urging me to confront the Triarchy and Dorne. Lyman is attempting to start our bank and we were counting on Laena's betrothal to the Sea Lord's son to smooth things over with the Iron Bank, and the man dies of sickness."

Alicent listened and then came around behind where he was seated and began to massage his shoulders.

"Seven preserve his soul, and I have no wish to be cheerful over the passing of another, but is this not a beneficial thing? Isn't Laena's betrothed now the Sealord?"

"No, they do things queerly in Braavos. Some sort of vote among the keyholders of the city. I'm told the young man is not even in consideration."

"I see. Does not House Velaryon command three formidable dragons? What need do they have for aid?"

Viserys frowned. "Laenor is Rhaenyra's husband and they have young children. A showing of force is one thing, but a prolonged deployment to the Stepstones would not be fair to my daughter. Rhaenys is probably capable, but is on the older side for a military campaign. Laena has the opposite problem as she is young and has never fought in war."

Alicent was quiet for a few minutes as Viserys closed his eyes and enjoyed the relieving of tension in his shoulders.

"I still feel as if this is his problem, not ours. I know how proud you are of having kept the peace during your reign, I would not see your aim dismissed over the Sea Snake's greed."

Viserys agreed. Though he also wondered what trouble his younger brother would get in now that he was not preoccupied with war. His musings were interrupted when Ser Harrold Westerling, the Lord Commander of his Kingsguard, entered. The man was past his prime, but was more solidly built than men ten years his junior.

"Your Grace, pardon the interruption, you asked to be advised when your daughter returned."

A smile bloomed on the King's face.

"Send her in after she has refreshed herself."

The Kingsguard bowed and left them. Alicent took a seat next to Viserys and had a smile on her face as well. It was one of the things he loved about Alicent, how she had taken in Aemma's last gift and raised her as her own. If only she could have kept cordial with Rhaenyra.

Elaena entered and approached the two of them exchanging hugs and assurances that she was well after her flight. Viserys still wondered at how the girl had convinced both he and Alicent of her ability to travel so far on her own. Rhaenyra and Laenor both crediting her flying prowess had lent weight, but still, in hindsight he had worried quite a bit until a raven had come from Oldtown.

"How was your adventure?" Alicent asked.

"Quite productive. I did not learn about any banking history in Old Valyria, but did have a text copied that described some of the buildings. From my memory of your model, father, there may be some minor alterations for you to make. Beyond that, I studied the healing arts as well as astronomy and weather patterns. I discovered that the Citadel knows much about what it does not know. There are some interesting theories involving triangulation and the axis in which the world sits, but it does not explain the lack of uniformity of the seasons… oh I apologize, I am rambling a bit."

Viserys laughed, "I am pleased you found such topics so enthralling. I trust the Hightowers treated you well?"

"Yes, mother's family was most gracious and welcoming. Lord Hobert was oft busy, but Ormund and Gunthor regularly checked in on me and supped with me. Oldtown is a wonderful city, and I enjoyed my time there immensely, thank you for allowing me to go."

The King basked in his decision-making aplomb and the three of them discussed more of the trip for several hours. The hour grew late and as they said their goodnights, Elaena asked about continuing their walks.

"We can, though you'll have to bear with me a bit. A minor ailment has me less spry."


"Nothing to worry about, we will just need to take it slower, and possibly cut it short. But if it proves too short, we can start breaking our fast in the mornings together. I find our conversations just what is needed to clear my head before court and council meetings."

"Of course, father, and mayhap I can put my Citadel learning of the healing arts to the test. I'm sure Grand Maester Mellos has things well in hand, but it might be intriguing to attempt to diagnose you myself."

Viserys had no concerns with it. As they gave each other a final embrace before departing, he already started feeling better. The stresses and decisions of the morrow, could wait for the morrow. Elaena bid them goodbye and promised Alicent she'd spend most of the day with her siblings.