
Chapter 10

Laenor had only been in the Stepstones for a week. His open, and Elaena's secret arrival had already turned the tide. He wasn't sure if the return of a dragon had demoralized their foe, but they were making rapid gains. Two more islands had fallen, and on one of the main ones the enemy had given up their camps and had returned to the caves, much like the Crabfeeder had done in years past.

His father had summoned him to discuss the next assault. While happy with the progress, Laenor was worried about Elaena. Since Laenor spent most of the time with Corlys, or flying about nearby out of his father's sight, there wasn't a good opportunity to reconvene and see how she was.

"Father, you summoned me?"

Corlys Velaryon, the legendary Sea Snake, rose from his seat.

"You've made the Triarchy and Dorne run off like frightened rabbits. My men report victory on every front." The older man laughed. "Where was this a few years back? I'm no dragonrider, but our foes are falling apart. Explain it to me."

"Ah, well, Seasmoke is larger, and I'm more experienced. The men here may have had much less experience dealing with dragons, we don't know how many are veterans from the conflict from years ago."

Corlys nodded, "I see. Tell me Laenor, do you think me a fool?"

Laenor froze. "Father?"

"Who is the other dragonrider?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Do not lie to the face of your father. I know you. You are brave, but you are not daring. If called upon to do so, you would charge a battlement without a dragon, but you wouldn't come up with that plan on your own volition." Corlys moved out from behind the table to approach Laenor. "It isn't within you to burn thousands of men day and night without cessation. Especially when I know damn well that you were asleep on this very vessel the same night my men report a dozen enemy vessels sinking to dragon fire."


"Shall I continue? Is my son the man to personally find Racallio Ryndoon, sever his head, fly to Tyrosh, and deposit it off at their gates in the dead of night? As I said, you are brave, but that sort of daring is more Daemon's flavor than yours. Only that was not Caraxes. Who is the other dragonrider?"

Laenor felt sick. Elaena had done what? The enemy fleets sunk? Thousands dead? How? And why had Elaena flown at night when it was much riskier. Let alone flown to Tyrosh!? Was she working with his men to find this Racallio? Leanor was familiar with the name from when his father had briefed him of who their foes were, but how did Elaena know? He had a thousand questions, but his father was demanding an answer. Which meant he did not know it was Elaena, which surprised him, because there were only a couple of dragons that were similar to Seasmoke's coloring.

Perhaps his mind shies away from such a ridiculous idea that the King's daughter of 1 and 10 has come to the battlefield and made it her domain. If he does not suspect, perhaps I can befog the waters.

"Father, I have pledged my word of honor to the other dragonrider, and given that we have prospered with his assistance, it would be amiss of me to betray that trust."

His father narrowed his eyes. Laenor continued to throw up smoke.

"Remember, father, the blood of the dragon does not always fall within the bonds of matrimony. There are many eggs that are lost to the Cannibal, but who can say how many have survived and flown elsewhere? I will tell you this true, upon my love for you and mother, revealing the other dragonrider will end the assistance that is being provided."

"You play a dangerous game, Laenor. Perhaps I was wrong about your daring, first with your wife's children and now with a rogue dragonrider that the realm knows not of."

Laenor felt a stab of panic. "My children?"

"Oh, Seven Hells, do you really do think I'm already in my dotage? I have sailed beyond the Jade Gates. I have been north beyond the Wall. No one else but I and my crew from Westeros has seen Nefer. And you think mine eyes that have seen more of this world than any five nobles of the Seven Kingdoms combined cannot see the truth when it is laid bare before me? The arrogance of youth."

Laenor opened his mouth to speak then stopped. What could he say?

"If what you say is true, why not say something? Why not do something?" Laenor asked.

Corlys returned to his seat and sat down.

"Do you think I care so much of blood over my name? I will go down in history as the Sea Snake, the man infamous for the nine voyages, the man who built High Tide with his own back. The man who wed the Queen who never was. The man who will have a grandson sit atop the Iron Throne. In two hundred years, will claims of bastardry matter? One day the blood of my fathers will reunite with the line of Rhaenyra. I intend to see House Velaryon so powerful that even generations from now, it will be the Targaryens who seek this house's favor!"

His father smiled at him. "Your mother and I do care for you; we would see you happy. Exposing you to the King would do incalculable damage to you personally, and to my house. Does that satisfy your curiosity, my son?"

"Aye, father. It does."

"Good. The enemy has suffered catastrophic losses, the survivors have picked up the old tactic of hiding in the caves. This time, we will flush them out and end this once and for all. After the massacres at sea, I suspect Dorne will have had enough of this war."


Corlys laughed. "Your fellow dragonrider is thorough. I suppose one can't take prisoners while riding a dragon."

Laenor felt queasy once more. What in the Seven Hells had he unleashed?


Otto Hightower was displeased with the news from the Stepstones. His brother, Horbert, the head of House Hightower, was clearly feeling a stronger emotion than 'displeased.'

"How? House Velaryon was on the verge of fiscal ruin! Their fleets were no longer engaged in trade; they were supplying men and food to the Stepstones. Their war galleys had suffered significant losses, and they had gone into debt to finance mercenaries. The Lannisters and our own house would soon be wealthier than those over-proud Valyrian bastards."

"The answer, as it always does, comes down to dragons. I suspect in their desperation, Laenor unleashed dangerous heroics that would otherwise not be risked. The reports indicate he is Aegon reborn, launching attack after attack on dragonback, at all hours of the day."

This was a problem. Otto was not worried about his brother's obsession with being richer than his peerage, but of the wars to come. He had thought Daemon would be the greatest threat on dragonback, but it seems that Laenor would be just as deadly, despite riding a smaller dragon.

"Well, is there anything we can do?"

"To prevent the defeat of the Triarchy and Dorne? Nothing. There are steps we should take however. I will be travelling to King's Landing to visit my daughter and grandchildren. I hope to speak with the King and rekindle our friendship, such as it was. Soon I intend to remove Lyonel Strong, and once that takes place, I have hopes to become the Hand once more. He is limited in options at this point. Were he wiser, he would place Rhaenyra as Hand."

"A woman, as Hand?"

Otto nodded, "Yes, you find it an absurdity, and yet her being Queen and ruling would be a greater one in your eyes. Getting the realm ready for it by having her be Hand would be the ideal way to convince others, nonetheless with her often on Dragonstone, it won't happen. Daemon is still exiled. Corlys would be a good choice as well, but he might not even accept, given the Crown's refusal to aid him in the war with the Triarchy. And Viserys hides it, but he has his pride as well."

Horbert bit into some peppered mutton and made an agreeable sound.

"You as Hand again will be good. With Rhaenyra not even in King's Landing she won't be able to gainsay your moves. When will you rid us of our current Hand?"

"When the opportunity arises. An unexpected ally will provide the means, but the timing needs to be done with caution. I first need to ensure I am back in the King's good graces."

"Keep me informed, the Lannisters are just as wroth as I am."

Otto inclined his head, though his thoughts were already moving on to something else. The faction of the princess was simply too powerful in the currency that matters most, dragons. Dragons were not invincible, but their prowess made bringing one low nearly impossible. If war broke out between the 'Blacks' and his own faction, the 'Greens,' it would be a massacre. Save for Sunfyre, a youngish dragon, they had no dragons. However, the weakness was the riders themselves. Kill the rider, and the dragon was no longer an issue.

Daemon, Laena, Laenor, Rhaenyra, and Rhaenys, were several of you to die in a coordinated strike at the right time… the odds could shift. Especially if more of my grandchildren had dragons at that juncture.

It was not easy to assassinate multiple individuals, some of whom had Kingsguard protection. But even if only some of the assassinations proved successful, it could be enough. Otto wondered if the normally prohibitive price of one of the Faceless Men could be decreased if the target did significant business with the Bank of the Dragon. Surely Braavos would want to see misfortune fall on those who turned from the Iron Bank. Across the whole of the world, none were better at killing than Faceless Men. The problem is that the cost associated rose with the importance of said target. Someone like the heir to Driftmark would be far outside the realm of possibility, at least normally.

He would send one of his sons to Braavos and discuss it with the keyholders there. Discretion was vital and could be counted on. If they refused to ease the cost, he would have to deal with other assassins and cutthroats. There were always options. In the interim, he would begin placing some of his people in Driftmark and Dragonstone. It would be a product of years for his people to gain any real proximity to potential targets, but he had time. Viserys was never the healthiest of men, but he did not seem to be deteriorating rapidly. There was time.

It would also be good to consider fostering one of my grandchildren here in Oldtown. Best not to put all our eggs in one basket.


Helaena always knew Dreamfyre would be hers. It was one of her most common dreams. Ever since she could remember, she had dreams that would come true, but she also had dreams that didn't come true. She dreamt of family, she dreamt of dragons, and she dreamt of death. The world was an odd and delightful place at times; she knew she was different in how she perceived it, but seeing and feeling in her waking moments was intense and mostly pleasant.

She refrained from telling people of her dreams, because they didn't make sense. She saw her younger brother Aemond, older with only one eye. Yet she also dreamed of him even older, with two eyes. How is such a thing possible? Could she condemn a person for what they did in her dreams, when her dreams held conflicting images? Even worse, she oft knew not the context of the situation, and she knew she forgot much of what she beheld.

Dreamfyre, her Dreamfyre, was always there. In no dream did she ever see her dragon bond with any other. Even her name spoke of the rightness of being bonded to her. And now the time had come, and she could not keep a smile from her face. It was exciting. She knew her mother fretted over it. It was painful to her to see such heavy emotions such as fear on her mother's face. Better to distract herself with seeing a little creature crawl up the wall, or to put to sketch her thoughts.

Her big sister Elaena would be with her. That wasn't necessary, but it was nice. She liked Elaena, she was mild and never fierce with her feelings. It was like being next to a still and clear lake. Her brothers were stormy water with tides and maelstroms, but not Elaena. Even her smiles did not stir the waters.

Elaena was reminding her of the phrase in the old language. She wanted to tell her it wasn't necessary, that she already knew she would be bonded without issue, but it was easier just to nod. Elaena was a tranquil lake, but sometimes rocks fell from the sky and disturbed even the stillest waters. In her dreams, Elaena could be terrifying. She hoped some of those dreams were the false ones.

They entered the Dragonpit. It was cozy and warm. Helaena thought it would be nice to nap here. She scanned the area for any little creatures of interest. The little ones always interested her. Unlike their larger furry counterparts, they never expressed anything but industriousness. Painting them was soothing and she had Elaena to thank for introducing it to her. She saw none them here though, so she followed the Dragonkeepers to where Dreamfyre made lair.

"She's normally docile, princess, but your brother failed to bond with her, so caution is warranted."

Helaena nodded slightly. "He is of the sun and I am of dreams."

There, that should explain things.

Only it never seemed to do so. It was irksome, but feelings of confusion, when not tinged with fears, were not so fierce as to bother her. She advanced and Dreamfyre approached. The Dragonkeepers were nervous, which made Helaena discomfited, but upon sight of the pale blue dragon, her worries ceased.

Dreamfyre ducked her head and advanced again. Helaena reached out her hand and Dreamfyre closed the last of the distance, carefully and slowly. With a laugh of glee, the young girl hugged the face of Dreamfyre.

"Well done, sister. Do you feel the bond between you two?"

"I do, I want like to take her flying now."

"This may be premature," one Dragonkeeper spoke, "perhaps visiting a few more days in succession to ensure you are well acquainted and that she listens to you would be best."

Helaena wanted to fly, but she didn't want to argue. That sort of fierceness bothered her. But she really wanted to fly. Dreamfyre stretched her wings and let out a soft screeching hiss.

"My sister and her dragon are of one mind; she will fly today," Elaena spoke. Her voice was as placid as the still lake, yet firm.

"As you say," the man relented.

Dreamfyre followed her out of the Dragonpit. Elaena ensured the saddle and chains binding her to it were secured properly. And then Dreamfyre soared. Helaena felt as if her heart could burst, for this was the most magical and wondrous experience of her life. She could see clearly in all directions. On the ground she saw people transformed into the most delightful of small creatures. It was incredible and exhilarating.

She flew and flew, but knew her sister was waiting for her to finish, so she let Dreamfyre know to descend. It wasn't a command, or word, she just felt it and Dreamfyre did so. Upon landing Elaena approached and smiled. This smile was not like most of her other ones, this one showed that the mild lake was not always perfectly still.

"Enjoyable, I take it?"

"Yes, it was incredible."

"We will have to go flying together sometime. Aegon can join us and I can show you some tricks."

Elaena could. If her dreams about Elaena were true… no she wouldn't think about it. Helaena knew not all her dreams were true. Until shown otherwise, she would just assume most of the ones with Elaena in them were false.

Please let them be false.


Despite the good news on having one of his daughter's eggs hatching, Daemon found himself frustrated. Even the hatchling served as a reminder of his brother and the slights he had made against him. Viserys had been quite clear in his message. Daemon was to be exiled from the Seven Kingdoms, he, and any children he sired, were stripped from the succession, and they would not be given any dragon eggs. The last seemed even pettier than normal, for what had Baela and Rhaena done to his brother to deny them their heritage as dragonriders?

Fortunately, some of his family still cared for him. His niece, Rhaenyra, had brought two eggs for the twins. These were from her dragon Syrax. Laena and Daemon had agreed that they would claim these eggs came from a clutch Vhagar had produced. Daemon knew there was no scrap of parchment on Old Valyria that spoke of old dragons not being able to lay eggs. This was probably because it was obvious to all… but nonetheless the lie would be easy.

Laena found him sulking. "Daemon, there you are. Can you believe it? A dragon hatching so soon after the babe was born. The egg breaking in the light of the moon, 'tis is a good omen."

Daemon kissed his wife and nodded in agreement.

"I am happy for that, yet I cannot forget that if my brother had his way, my daughters would be dragon-less."

"Daemon, you know he will come around eventually. We did get married without his leave or my parent's leave. Rhaenyra says there are dozens of rumors of how the Rogue Prince has once again bucked tradition and done as he wills."

Daemon frowned. "I'm fond of tradition. I honor my family and my house by marrying some of pure Valyrian stock. I have always believed we need to keep our blood pure and keep to the old ways."

"You are just being argumentative now, my love. We will return to Westeros one day; we will find good matches for our children. In the meantime, we should celebrate what joys we have. Each other, our beautiful daughters, a new hatchling, and my brother's safe return from the Stepstones."

Daemon kept his features calm. He had no quarrel with Laenor, but it galled him that the man was now covered in glory that rightfully should be his. He would probably hate him were it not for him being Laena's brother and for their prior battles together. The young man at the time had looked to him for guidance and followed orders to the letter, never faltering when given a role for him and Seasmoke.

"Yes, a great victory. I still find it peculiar how it was won. The Triarchy was dangerous enough, but with Dorne allying with them? Their fortunes were reversed so swiftly, it beggars belief."

Laena pursed her lips, "Hmm, I do not know. Laenor can be single-minded when he has set his will to something. It does seem odd, you've fought there for years in the past, what do you think happened?"

Daemon shrugged, "I do not know. I suspect the Dornish command insisted on some foolish stratagem and the Triarchy agreed out of desire for additional men and ships. Perhaps they massed together and were easy meat for a dragon. Or there was infighting and they are now saving face. It matters not, to Ser Laenor goes the glory and the fame."

"Is that why you are in this mood? That your contributions were made to seem lesser?"

"Many things make up my mood, but aye, it is one. Were it not for me, your father would have never launched the war against the Crabfeeder. I may not have been there for the final battle, but were it not for me the Stepstones would not be in his hands."

Laena embraced him from behind, letting her lovely arms wrap around his chest.

"You shouldn't worry about what lesser men say. You are the rider of Caraxes, wielder of Dark Sister, and the brother of a King, and the blood of Old Valyria. Men do not think little of you, they fear you. The great and the powerful whisper against you for that reason.

Daemon was reminded how pleasing his second marriage was turning out. Laena understood his greatness, and she was of higher purity than even his niece, and certainly more so than the Hightower whore. It was no small thing that she was a stunning beauty either, far more so than the bronze bitch who was plain. The marriage reaffirmed his worldview. If you desired something, you had to take it, not wait for it to be given to you. Had he asked his brother and Laena's father for the match, he would have never married her.

"You are right, Laena. I should not let this mood overtake me. I am married to you, have two daughters, and ride a dragon. But mark my words, if my brother does not see reason, none will stop me from returning to Westeros."


Viserys had mixed feelings on the resolution of the Stepstones matter. It was good for Westeros, and Beesbury was pleased there was no longer a risk of default from House Velaryon. He was also gladdened to know that his good-son returned safely. And yet… Corlys would be even more overweening with pride.

His uncharitable mood was likely the result of the resumption of the pains in his joints. The Grand Maester said that his condition could be exacerbated by different issues, such as stress over the business the Stepstones and the day-to-day concerns that required his attention. The pains were subsiding a bit, perhaps it was because he forced himself to walk with Elaena now that she had returned from her astronomical work with the Citadel. Mellos had been rather excitable about the subject; that was rare for the somber old Grand Maester to behave, so Viserys could only conclude his talented daughter had accomplished something useful again.

A knock interrupted his musings, and his former Hand was ushered into his presence.

"Your Grace," Otto bowed his head.

"Ah, Otto, it has been too long. I understand you wished to see your daughter and grandchildren. A fine thing; nothing is more important than family."

"Indeed, Your Grace, and to see you as well. It has been far too long, my friend."

Viserys smiled. Save for one or two occasions, Otto had always given wise counsel.

"It has, I find time slips further and further away as I age. When did we two grow so old as to have seen our children bear children? Come have a cup with me. I've a bottle of aged spiced honey wine I should not finish myself."

"I will gladly take a cup, my King."

They each took a swallow and both agreed it was good. Viserys asked about what Otto was doing in Oldtown and how his family was.

"I've been advising my brother and overseeing my nephew's education. It is one of the reasons I've come to King's Landing. I would like to have one of my grandchildren fostered in Oldtown. Daeron is young still, but my daughter writes that she has her hands full with so many children."

Viserys stroked his chin for a moment in thought. While Elaena had been away, Alicent had grown frustrated with her children and the attention they needed. Much of Elaena's time was spent attending to, playing with, and teaching her siblings. Alicent's children loved their half-sister and hung on her every word. Gone for weeks, the children had driven his poor wife to distraction.

"I approve of this, and I can understand the desire to be close to at least one of your grandchildren."

"Thank you, Your Grace. We will of course bring him to visit and claim a dragon, I know how important it is for the children. I was delighted to hear that my granddaughter bonded with Dreamfyre. How is Aegon handling having his little sister ride a larger dragon?"

Viserys honestly didn't know. He shrugged. "He's made no complaint to me on it."

"That's good, I'm pleased to see Aegon has more control these days. The prince drove my daughter to distraction."

Viserys chuckled. "Children will be children, but it all turns out for the best in the end. When young mothers deal with their first child they don't quite know what to do. Alicent has experience now, and is wiser herself."

Otto nodded. "I hear you also have two nieces."

"Daemon… my brother is so often a thorn in my flesh. Corlys wrote to me as well, saying that his daughter would not return without him, and that I should lift the exile."

Viserys was curious to see what his old Hand would suggest. He was surprised by Otto's response.

"It would not be my place to say, Your Grace. Daemon and I often butted heads, and I cannot trust any counsel that comes from me to be as unbiased as it should be."

The King smiled at his old friend. Otto was a man of principle and honor; he was lucky to have had him at his side for so long.

"Very well, to happier tidings then. It is still a few weeks away, but Elaena's 12th name day is approaching. Would you like to stay for the festivities? She has an interesting idea of holding contests for those unknighted and allowing the winners to become knighted."

"An interesting notion, did she say why?"

"She did, she said it would make those who wish to raise their station in the world try harder and will generate goodwill with the small folk. Elaena suggested that it not be a common event, but once or twice a year on special occasions. I've given some thought to even giving them a moniker such as the Knights of Victory, which is similar to her dragon's name."

"For such an event, I would gladly stay and celebrate. She will soon be experiencing her moon's blood. Have you made any plans for her hand?"

Viserys gave Otto a smile. "She wishes to have the same choice as Rhaenyra, to be allowed to choose. How could I deny Aemma's second daughter what I granted her first? She will begin searching out a husband on her 15th name day, and have a betrothal in place when she is six and ten."

Otto took another swallow of wine. "I've always admired your love for your family, Viserys, you are not just a good King, but a good father."

The two fell into further genial conversation, and Viserys made a mental note to encourage Otto to visit King's Landing more regularly.


At first, Alicent had been happy to see her father visit King's Landing. He was a stabilizing influence, and had always known what to do. He looked hale and as dignified as always. Unfortunately, the task he set before her was not pleasant. She would never deny Viserys his rights as a husband, but she had not initiated contact. Due to his recent joint pains, he had not been in the mood of late, and that had been a great relief. Her father had been shockingly direct.

"Every child you bear has the potential to be a dragonrider. It is not just for the immediate succession after the King dies, but to secure your son's reign and his children's reign afterwards. We now have Sunfyre and Dreamfyre, the Blacks still have far more."

"I have borne him five children. This surpasses what most ladies can boast of."

"I see. So, your son's reign should be less secure, because you have already 'done enough,' is that what you mean to say?"

"No, I…" Alicent couldn't think of what to say. Couldn't think how to articulate her fears and her frustrations with having to go through another pregnancy.

"No? Then do your duty. Entice him. Viserys should be easy to entice. Get wine in him in necessary. Bring more dragonriders into the world. It is your duty, daughter."

Alicent bowed her head to hide her grimace. "Yes, father."

"On to other matters, you need to help make sure the Velaryons do not grow too strong. The Sea Snake controlling the Stepstones will enrich their house. The stronger they are, the more dangerous Rhaenyra will be."

"But what can I do?"

"Among your court ladies you can spread rumors, talk of how you are cross that stories have reached your ears of Corlys boasting that he need no help from the crown to do anything, nor to ask permission. Speak of how he has recently once more besmirched the King's grandsire for making the foolish choice of passing over his wife."

That would be easily done, the ladies of the court were all 'Greens' at this point. Those loyal to Rhaenyra had gone to Dragonstone with her.

"Are they true?"

"Perhaps, but that is irrelevant. I want the entirety of the court and the Small Council fully convinced of Corlys slighting the King. The Sea Snake has always been ridiculously puffed up, so long as the lie is believable it may as well be the truth."

"I can do this, father."

"Of course you can, I will likely have further instructions before I depart."

"You are staying then, for Elaena's name day tourney and contests?"

"Yes, Elaena is proving herself to be a brilliant girl."

Alicent swelled with pride, she had done well by her daughter of the heart.

"I could not help but notice that she does not wear your colors at court."

Not everyone always wore green or black, that would be a bit much. They typically would, or at least allow some of that color into outfits. Elaena never did so, outside of the occasional wearing of a gift that Alicent or Rhaenyra would give her. And on those occasions, she was sure to wear the other colors as part of it. It was clearly a deliberate act, and one that Alicent thought was due to her desire to avoid political intrigue. She was young, and that made sense.

"She does not wear black either, father. She's too young for such intrigues."

Otto gave her a scathing look. "Don't play the fool."

Alicent began to reply but was interrupted.

Alicent, by not making a choice she's making choice. Yet, you are the one she resides with. She is around your children frequently. She should be on your side, make it happen."

Alicent felt a pit in her stomach. She did not want make her daughter choose. It was unfair. Elaena had a giving heart and was charitable to all, to force her into the intrigues of court was foul. And there was the nagging suspicion in Alicent's mind that Elaena may not choose her. Elaena regularly flew with her sister, both when Rhaenyra was in King's Landing and now on Dragonstone. Targaryens shared queer bonds with their family members.

She does fly with Aegon and Helaena though.

"You are quiet, Alicent. What did I say that was unclear?"

Her fingers twitched and pushed and her nails pressed against each other and her cuticles.

"I… I don't want to push her. It can wait until she is older."

Her father stood up. "Again, you sacrifice your son's future for short term concerns over comfort. I thought I had raised you better than that."

Alicent struggled not to sob.

"N-no, it isn't like that father. I just, I just don't know what to say."

Otto turned back to her. "Then find the words, you are not incapable, you are my daughter. Act like it."

Alicent watched her father's departure and felt nauseated to her core. She hated disappointing him; she had ever strived to be the dutiful daughter, like she was expected to be. Seven help her, she had no inkling of how to even bring it up with Elaena. However, she knew she had to try.