
Chapter 11

"I intend to arrive a week prior to Elaena's name day tourney. I want time to convince my father to undo the exile of Daemon," Rhaenyra told her husband.

"Do you think he will listen to you?"

"Father always listens, whether he does as I ask is something I am unsure of. But I will be enlisting my sister to aid me in convincing him."

Laenor's smile turned sickly. That was the third time he'd reacted that way when she mentioned Elaena. What was wrong with him?

"Laenor, did my sister badger you about the children again?"

Laenor looked momentarily flummoxed. "What? Why do you ask?"

"Every time I mention my adorable little sister, whom I love very much, you look as if you've eaten spoiled bread. What is going on?"

Laenor looked pained. "Rhaenyra, your sister knows about the children's parentage. It just makes me nervous."

She narrowed her eyes at him. There was more there, but she didn't wish to argue. Elaena was growing up fast, and she sometimes forgot that knowing secrets and having the King's ear made people nervous. What was odd to her though, was that Elaena had always treated Laenor kindly. The three of them enjoyed many dragon races on Dragonstone. Why Laenor was suddenly worried about it was beyond her.

Laenor had come back from the war a somewhat changed person. He did not like to talk about what he had done in the Stepstones, even though he was looked at in awe these days. It wasn't as if it was his first time riding Seasmoke and killing enemies. The scale, of course, was on another level, but still, once you've killed a hundred, would a thousand truly be that different or difficult? They were still close, but Laenor did not wish to discuss the matter.

She shrugged. He would eventually get over it. The court in King's Landing no doubt would expect a conquering hero. One who radiated confidence, and right now Laenor was not that. She'd work with him on it. In truth she was not worried. He could have been a mummer were he not a lord; he may not feel confident, but he could fake it.

Rhaenyra had much to look forward to. It was always a joy to see her sister again, and she missed her father as well. Returning with Laenor's triumphs would put a damper on Alicent's faction in the court. The lords of Westeros were easily swayed by who they thought was more powerful. As well, while Dragonstone employed a number of excellent cooks, but King's Landing had the best in the realm, and her mouth watered just thinking of what spectacular feasts there would be.

Even more importantly, Ser Harwin would be there. He'd done his duty and now had an heir for Harrenhal. Rhaenyra was not looking forward to meeting his wife, but she would endure it if it meant being able to be held by his strong arms again.

She also dearly wished her father to forgive Daemon. Rhaenyra had spoken with Ser Harwin about how it would only be fair if she had the opportunity to have a bit of bliss when he was not around, since he had a wife too. Harwin had understood and not begrudged her that. Lately, the memory of when Daemon had been with her was intoxicating. When Harwin was around she didn't think of it, but when he was not… temptation loomed. She would of course speak with Laena first, but they had been friends and if she was happy with Daemon, surely, she was of the adventurous sort. Laena had always been free-spirited as long as Rhaenyra had known her.

The journey to King's Landing had gone smoothly and she had brought all three of her children with her. Jacaerys was five, Lucerys had just turned four, and Aenar would soon be two. Her father was delighted to see her and showed her joy at seeing his grandchildren again. Rhaenyra smiled fondly at Viserys sitting on the Iron Throne and holding Jace in his lap, telling him how he would one day rule all the Seven Kingdoms.

Elaena was pleased to see her as well, and as soon as she could find a quiet moment alone with her, they talked.

"Elaena, I have a favor to ask of you."

"What is it, sister?"

"Laenor misses his sister, I think it would be good if she returned to Westeros. But that necessitates Daemon returning as well. I had hoped you could help me convince father to let bygones be bygones. I want to fly Syrax next to Vhagar again. Father is often even more generous on name days, if you ask it of him as your name day gift, I am sure he will relent."

Elaena blinked, clearly surprised at the request.

"Daemon has done much to buck father's authority. It isn't good for there to be no consequences for those types of actions."

Rhaenyra frowned. Elaena was always willing to help in the past, why the reluctance here?

"Is that Laena's fault? Doesn't she deserve to be home and speak with her brother, and parents?"

"Well, yes, it is her fault as well. I'm not unsympathetic to the desire to marry who one wishes to, but the circumstances are quite poor. Daemon killed her betrothed and then flew off with her with neither the King's nor Laena's father's permission."

"Elaena! They were in love and it was a good match. At one point father was thinking of marrying Laena, if she was good enough for a King, she's good enough for the King's brother."

"My comment was not an indication there was something wrong with Laena's lineage or her person, only that they did not go about it the way we do things as nobility."

"So? It is the King's prerogative to forgive that bypass. If your concerns are political instead of familial, now is the right time because it can also be viewed as a favor to Laenor for his valor in the Stepstones."

Elaena kept her face impassive. "Yes, it is our father's prerogative, but it still sends a poor message to the realm. Now, had Daemon done something to show contrition, such as assist the realm against the Triarchy, that would be something else. But how has Daemon sought to make amends?"

"He shouldn't need to! He's family! I've written to Laena and she's happy with him. They have beautiful twin daughters who deserve to be in Westeros. Did you know Corlys and Rhaenys have yet to see the babes?" Rhaenyra's voice was getting elevated and frustration was clear upon her features.

"Sister, please, we are having a discussion, there is no need to get angry."

"No need to get angry?" She yelled, "You are talking about putting court intrigues over family. Over your sister. Has Alicent been whispering poison in your ears? Has she tried to draw you into her filthy plots?"

Rhaenyra's sister looked at her placidly and then lowered her eyes.

"If it is important to you, I will speak with father."

Rhaenyra gave a sharp nod, and then felt some tension fall from her body. A wave of guilt surged within her for screaming at her sister. She hadn't meant to do that, but the thought of Alicent pulling her sister into political scheming and plots sickened her. She approached her sister and enveloped her in a hug.

"I'm sorry I yelled Elaena, but family is important. Nothing is more important. You are not yet wise to the ways of the world, and you mustn't ever let other voices in the court come between us."

Elaena's eyelid twitched, and Rhaenyra cursed herself. Her baby sister was struggling not to cry; she never wanted to make Elaena cry. But her sister was the blood of the dragon, and no tears fell from her blue eyes.

"I will speak with father tomorrow morning; we regularly walk together. I find it is the best time to speak with him, as he has not yet had the cares of the day to wear him down." Elaena replied after mastering herself.

Rhaenyra smiled at her; her sister was so brave. "Thank you, Elaena, I mean it, and I know Daemon and Laena will thank you too."


Daemon flew Caraxes around the city three times before landing with his wife and Vhagar. They had not wanted to risk the babes with such a long flight, so they were traveling by vessels and would not make it in time for the tournament. Given their age, it wasn't as if they would remember it anyway.

Laena was already on the ground waiting for him.

"Really Daemon? You are making your brother wait. Was that victory lap necessary?

He smirked at her and kissed her on the lips. "Yes."

After dismounting they were led to the throne room. Daemon saw Rhaenyra smile at him as he entered, and her husband gave a nod in greeting as well. However others were less pleased by his presence. Among them was Otto Hightower and several of the Westerlands lords.

Good, let them look on in futile frustration.

He took a knee and lowered his head; Laena did likewise by his side.

"My brother, and my good-sister," Viserys began. "When I learned that you had wed without either of your house's permission, I was quite wroth. And yet, I was reminded of the importance of family recently. In the spirit of familial bonds and in celebration of my daughters' twelfth name-day I rescind your exile, once more you are Daemon, of the House Targaryen, Prince of the Realm!"

Rhaenyra and her supporters clapped and cheered; Daemon knew that others in the court would clap, but much more softly, and without enthusiasm.

Daemon rose. "Thank you, Your Grace. While they are not here yet due to their age, I ask that you recognize my daughters as part of House Targaryen as well."

Viserys nodded. "Naturally, let it be known that Baela and Rhaena are of the House Targaryen, born under the pact of marriage to Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon."

"Thank you, brother."

After a few other proclamations were made, the court was adjourned. Daemon and his wife greeted Rhaenyra and Laenor. Daemon clasped hands with Laenor.

"Well done in the Stepstones; I taught you the arts of dragon warfare well."

Laenor looked uncomfortable, but nodded. "Seasmoke has missed flying beside Caraxes, perhaps we will have time to soar over the city together while you are here."

Daemon embraced his niece. "Uncle, it is good to see you again. Now that you exile is ended, where will you be staying? Know that you will always be welcome on Dragonstone."

"Laena wishes our daughters to be around their grandparents; for now will reside on Driftmark."

"That is near enough for dragonriders. I am glad you will be close by."

A guard approached and addressed Daemon, "My prince, the King wishes to speak with you alone."

"Ah, duty calls, we have much to discuss. I much look forward to being reacquainted."

Daemon followed the guard and nodded to nobles who addressed him as they passed. It was good to be back in the halls of power. He noted as to where certain lords and ladies stood. He marked out his nephews and nieces. Aegon, Aemond, Daeron, Elaena, Helaena, and little Daenora were clustered around his brother's wife, Alicent Hightower. He met her gaze, openly looked at the children and then smirked at her. Alicent shivered slightly as Daemon walked past her.

They traversed up several stairs and Daemon soon found himself in the room that held the pet project Viserys liked to tinker with. The model city of Old Valyria. As someone who valued the history of their family, he was gladdened to see it, even if he would never have the patience for such tediousness.

"Brother, it has been too long. Please, sit."

"It has been, to what do I owe the honor of a private audience, Your Grace."

Viserys waved his hand. "None of that now. I wished to ask after the health of your daughters and how Laena fares. But also, I wish to be clear on how things stand."

Daemon's lips thinned. He shared that the two babes were on the small side, but healthy. Laena had flown on dragonback and was well.

"One of Vhagar's eggs from her recent clutch has hatched. An auspicious sign. As to how things stand, go on, clarify that for me." Daemon's voice held an edge to it.

Viserys met his eyes. "The court is full of tension of late, and I will not have you brewing a storm for your amusement. You are welcome to visit the court, more than welcome in fact, but you will have no place on my small council. I wanted to make sure I set clear expectations for you."

Daemon bit back a cutting remark. The phrasing of his brother's words was clearly not his own. Which of the small council had his hand up the King's arse for this? Lyonel Strong was no friend, but also was not an enemy. The Lannister prick maybe, or possibly the Grand Maester himself.

"You wound me brother, but 'tis not new." At his brother's tightening features, Daemon held up his hands. "I wish no quarrel. Once my daughters arrive and are presented to you, I will depart for Driftmark."

The King let his features relax. "You've caused more than your share of problems, if you can prove not to spark additional problems for the realm, I will find you lands. Lands that you can rule over and once you have a son, inherit after you. But not until you've proven yourself."

Daemon again struggled to reign in his temper. He had promised Laena to behave, and not embarrass Rhaenyra after she intervened on his behalf, but it was hard. He was Daemon Targaryen, the King's own brother! Mastering himself he forced himself not to react. Knowing himself, he knew he had to get out of this room.

"Thank you, Viserys. Now, if you will excuse me, I had best ensure my armor is ready for the tournament on the morrow."

"You are intending to the ride in the lists?" Viserys asked in surprise.

"I am, there is glory to be won, and it has been too long since I've competed."

"I wish you luck then, brother."

He finally left and once out of earshot slapped his fist into the stone wall. How dare his brother seek to manage him like he was some minor lordling. To be expected to 'behave' like a dog, in order to be rewarded some scrap at his brother's choosing galled him. Daemon knew Otto had no official place on the small council, but him being in King's Landing meant his unique brand of backbiting venom was even now finding fertile ground.

He located the chambers he would be residing in; Laena was already there, along with Rhaenyra and Ser Harwin.

"What did the King want?" Laena asked.

"He wanted to make it clear that my transgressions were forgiven, but not forgotten. And that I needed to earn his trust before I would be granted lands for my family."

Rhaenyra sighed. "Father was extremely upset with you; it was a near thing we were able to convince him at all. But even if he never gives you lands, once I am Queen of the Seven Kingdoms you and all your descendants will want for nothing."

His niece meant well, so he would forgive her the wound to his pride that her statement was.

"On to happier matters, or, hopefully, uncle." Rhaenyra licked her lips and her eyes roved over Daemon's body.

Daemon looked at his wife who was smiling. He looked to Ser Harwin who shrugged.

"Do tell."

"You showed me that the bed was not just for bearing heirs. That a woman could find her pleasure in many ways. What you showed me that night at the pleasure house… I have long desired. And I want it from you. Laena gives her full blessing, and while my beloved Harwin will not be joining Laena and you in my bed together, he understands that I have needs that go unmet when he is at Harrenhal."

Daemon felt his features form into a smile. Laena and Rhaenyra, together? At once? Truly the Gods smiled upon him.

As they should.

Alicent felt sick with anxiety. The court was too full of people, too many of whom were her enemies. The way Daemon had looked at her children, she saw the threat in his eyes. It would be Rhaenyra who ordered their deaths, but it would be Daemon who would carry out that command gleefully. His hatred for her father was a burning thing that had lasted over a decade. Only a man as strong as her father could bear the weight of an enmity from a man like the Rogue Prince and not falter.

She knew her father was ever working toward securing his grandchildren's future, and so Alicent would do her part. Her father was right again; it had been easy for her to convince Viserys to join with her at night. It helped that his physical ills had subsided recently. The task was no more joyful than it had ever been, but she took solace in that she was doing this for her children.

Trying to talk to Elaena was more difficult. She still did not know how to go about it the proper way. The one time she had tried since her conversation with her father had borne no fruit. Alicent had been so tentative and awkward that she wasn't sure if Elaena had been confused or had deliberately changed the topic to avoid discussing it. Alicent resolved to try again, but after her Elaena's name-day.

The day of the tournament dawned and there would be several contests. Beyond the normal joust and the normal melee, there would also be a second melee that would be fought only by non-knights. It had been Elaena's idea and she had worked hard to organize it. The winner of that melee would be immediately knighted and given a token from Elaena and be recognized as a "Knight of Victory."

Alicent found the idea charming as had the small folk of King's Landing. The number of entrants to Elaena's event required splitting them up into separate melees in quick succession, and it was quite popular. The King was sitting at the top of the stands, but Elaena was given a central place right below him. Alicent could have sat next to the King, but she and her children opted to sit with name-day princess. The main event, the joust, was nerve-wracking once Daemon took the field. The man unhorsed a hedge knight and two knights of the Kingsguard before being paired with Ser Criston.

"Fascinating coincidence," Elaena spoke softly.

"Why do you say that?"

"I learned the winners of prior tourneys, and twelve years ago those two fought. If I recall, Ser Criston ended up proving the victor in that tournament."

Alicent felt the icy hands of time. Twelve years ago, when Queen Aemma died, when she and Rhaenyra had still been dear friends. How had so much time passed? From her other side she heard her sons arguing on who they think wound win.

"If sister is correct," Aegon said, "Ser Criston should win again."

Aemond shook his head, "I think the Rogue Prince has more to prove. He's hungrier for it, even against the Kingsguard none of his jousts went to a second tilt."

Alicent prayed for Ser Criston's safety, even more so than his victory. Daemon was a vicious killer and if he saw an opportunity, he would gladly slay the younger knight.

"Who do you think will win?" Aegon asked Elaena.

"It will be close, Prince Daemon is riding better today, but Ser Criston makes no errors in his lance placement."

Aemond let out a small laugh, "You have to pick one!"

Elaena looked amused as she eyed her younger brother. "I predict whoever wins will be the victor, for certain. Ser Vaemond Velaryon and Ser Elmo Tully are both also doing well, but there is a noticeable gap between them and the likes of Ser Criston and Prince Daemon. The best of the Kingsguard have already been unhorsed." She gave a slightly theatric sigh, "But if you must press me, I believe Ser Criston's accuracy with the lance and younger age will have a slightly better chance of victory."

Alicent saw Aegon smirk in apparent victory. They all turned to watch the joust. Both knights raced their horses forward and both lances splintered on shields. Both riders kept their seats and were swiftly provided with new lances. Again they crashed, this time, Daemon's lance flicked high, but Ser Criston's shield was brought up enough to shield his face as they crashed together.

The roar from the crowd was reaching a frenzied pitch as two of the most famous knights in all the realm battled. Seven times they splintered lances, and seven times, both remained seated. Viserys stood up and called the fight to a halt.

"Seven tilts are more than sufficient. The crown will decide by judgement has won this bout."

Screams of "Ser Criston" and "Prince Daemon" roared out from the crowd.

"Both rode magnificently. A difficult decision, and one which I think will be best done by my daughter who's name day we are celebrating!"

Alicent saw a look of surprise – and then panic fill out on Elaena's face. It lasted only a heartbeat before she stood and cooly looked over both knights.

"Ser Criston, say Ser Criston won," Alicent whispered to her.

When Elaena spoke, Alicent marveled at her voice's tremendous volume for a frame so slight. It wasn't just how loud it was, but how clear and unwavering. Any earlier alarm at being given this decision had been dispelled.

"Valiant knights, would that I can give you both a victor's crown. It is my judgement that Ser Criston Cole is the winner of this match."

Alicent breathed out a sigh of relief. It wasn't so much about winning a tournament, though that did matter to some, it was that Elaena had listened to her. Had done as she bid. Feeling much better afterwards, she watched the rest of the tilts in a more buoyant mood. Elaena's prediction proved correct. After besting Daemon, none could withstand him and he was crowned the victory.

Alicent saw Ser Criston then ride around the tourney crowds and then presented the wreath of flowers to her, naming her the Queen of love and beauty. It was a gallant gesture, and Alicent found herself slightly flushed at the attention. Aegon and Aemond both cheered loudly along with the masses. She looked at her husband who was smiling brightly down at her and raising his cup of wine in toast to her laurels.

The final melee occurred next and finally it was time for the winner to be knighted. Elaena left the stands to go down personally. Her clarion clear voice again rose up.

"We have a winner, but as I watched the melee, I saw several acts of skill and valor. There are two others who will also be knighted today, having well earned a place beside the victor."

Alicent heard her call out the two names and two more men approached. One had a bandage over his face. Alicent recognized Donnel Wydman, the younger brother of Lord Wydman from the Vale. The other two looked to be common born.

"You three have proven your valor, your steadfastness, and your skill. By dint of your merit, of your own abilities and courage, you will be knighted. You will each be given a saddle, one that will mark you evermore as one of the 'Knights of Victory.'"

Alicent was curious as three mighty horses were led out, each of them bearing a unique saddle. Each saddle looked at once both elegant and fearsome, the victor's being most prominent with intricate wreathing in silver depicting draconic iconography. That alone would have made them extraordinary gifts for a knight, but Alicent saw that there were also upturned metal structures on the back of the saddle that were lined with feathers, the long imposing kind which must've belonged to birds of prey. When looking directly at the front of the horse, they looked like wings.

"These wings represent your talents lifting you aloft to a higher station. Let it be ever that someone's worth and talent be counted as chief among their virtues. Let it be ever that you ride with the same surety and fervor as I feel upon my Viktoriya's wings! On this most wonderous occasion, let it be known to all that you three are the first to soar on these Wings of Victory!" Elaena paused while the crowd took to her speech with joyous and awed cheers, and then looked at the soon-to-be knights. "Who would you have knight you?"

Two chose Ser Laenor, who had not participated in the tournament at all, outside of being a spectator, and the last chose Ser Criston Cole. Laenor's reputation had risen greatly as a warrior. Alicent knew he was a good tournament knight but never one of the greater ones like Criston or Daemon. According to Alicent's father, Laenor's martial glory he had won in the Stepstones was worrisome. What he did as Rhaenyra's husband reflected positively on her and made their tasks more difficult. Just another problem in a seemingly endless slew of them.


Laenor had finished dressing for the feast and dance. The culmination of the tournament would have all in their best attire. He wore mostly black, but had a diagonal sash of teal across his torso, showing off the Velaryon colors. A heavy chain of gold adorned his neck and fell to his chest at its endpoint, which was in the shape of a three headed dragon.

His attire matched Rhaenyra's; she wore solid black with tiny rubies sewn all about. Ebon gems clung to her ears and throat. Laenor personally thought wearing so much black was too on the nose and more than a bit gauche. Jace was also in black, but they would leave Luke and Aenar with the servants.

As they were finishing, the guard announced Prince Daemon and Lady Laena who they bade enter. Daemon wore red and black while Laena wore black and blue.

"You look stunning, Rhaenyra," Daemon complimented and embraced her. He and Laenor exchanged nods while Laenor enfolded his sister with a hug.

"We were ready to go, but didn't want to arrive before you two," Laena explained.

Laenor knew Laena did not enjoy court politics. She would much rather be flying Vhagar, admiring the waves, or telling saucy japes. She knew all her courtesies of course; she just despised the backbiting and guarded nature of those interactions. Laenor suspected it was why Daemon had fascinated her. Daemon freely shared his opinion and spoke with a directness that was oft discourteous, but also held biting humor.

"Quite understandable," Rhaenyra replied, "the less time spent with the Queen and her ilk the better. She will try to draw a reaction out of you. Be prepared to keep tempers in check, more than a few toasts to the 'winner' of the tournament will be made simply to needle Daemon."

Daemon snorted, "It wouldn't be an issue if your cunt of a sister knew how to judge a joust."

"Daemon!" Rhaenyra and Laena said in unison.

They looked at each other and Laenor saw them communicate in the silent way women somehow did.

"That is my sister and she is dear to me. This was my father's fault for putting her on the spot. Ser Criston is also the Queen's sworn shield, so she most like sees him daily, while you are a stranger. Do not speak ill of her."

Even as she finished Laena rounded on him. "She's also but two and ten, my love. And a girl, do you think she was taught how to judge jousts? Be reasonable."

Daemon grimaced at the two ladies and then turned to Laenor for support. "Rhaenyra won't bite if you hold an opinion, ser, surely you have feelings about Ser Criston being honored after what he did to your paramour."

In truth, Laenor had been sick with rage, he had even harbored dreams of dueling Ser Criston himself and killing him. Though in the light of day he knew that to be foolish, both for the political impacts and that Ser Criston would likely defeat him. This question about the tournament judgement disturbed him. None of them knew the reality under Elaena's mask.

Laenor cleared his throat. "It is but a tourney; I would not let it sour your perception of your niece. You should let this go Daemon, if they see it angers you, they will use it."

Daemon shook his head. "A dragon does not fear to show his anger when provoked. Do try to remember we are dragonriders and not field mice. But I tire of this discourse, let us find our place in the feast."

Laenor took Rhaenyra's arm and a servant led Jace by the hand. The feast was opulent. There would be twelve main dishes, twelve side dishes, and twelve confections. Much of the food was heavy and rich, which was not to his taste, but the wine was good and the glazed trout would sit well. Rhaenyra had different tastes, and had her fill of every course.

They were seated at the King's table. Laenor could tell that the arrangements irritated her. Alicent sat next to Viserys, and Elaena had been seated next to her, following that were Alicent's other children. Rhaenyra was seated next to Viserys, which meant to converse with Elaena she would have to talk across the Queen. Laenor sat next to his wife, Laena next to him, and Daemon next to her. Jace was seated at one of the smaller tables with the other young children, including Daeron.

The conversation was not as bad as he feared. There were the usual feasting toasts to winners and declarations of 'next time.' To Leanor's discomfort he was also toasted several times. It was also, often, not whom he would have expected. Tyland Lannister praised him for 'freeing the Stepstones from the Triarchy' which on the surface was polite and respectful, but it was subsequent toasts which were more barbed that made him see the truth.

"A toast to Ser Laenor, a man of few tourneys, but many battles. A man who gets things done where others cannot!" This one from Ser Stafford Prester."

"A true dragonrider!"

"The scourge of the Triarchy!"

"With no one to hold him back, he can accomplish anything!"

Laenor glanced at Daemon who was quaffing down cup after cup. Laenor's sister was whispering into his ear and seeking to calm him. The whole mummer's farce was maddening. All this praise for him was undeserved in the first place!

Rhaenyra stood up, "Compliments to the cooks, father, this is the finest table. Have the musicians come and play, it is time for the dance."

Laenor was thankful for the distraction and joined Rhaenyra on the dance floor. A moderately paced number was played at first and they went through the motions with practiced ease. While he felt no lust for Rhaenyra, or any woman, he did enjoy dancing with her.

"Is Daemon going to cause a scene?"

"I hope not," Rhaenyra replied, "this has Otto's hands all over it. He has always known how to needle my uncle. I'll try to distract him."

Laenor nodded, as they finished the number they exchanged partners. Rhaenyra grabbed Daemon, while Laenor took a dance with Falena Celtigar. She was young, but obviously enamored with him and wanted to know about how he saved "the Stepstones and trade itself across the world" with his dragon. He gently set her aside after the dance ended.

As the next number came up, he found himself face to face with Elaena. He blanched as she took his hand.

"Good-brother, its almost as if you aren't happy to see me. I would think the bolstering of your reputation and the safety of your Lord Corlys would put you in a more pleasant mood."

Laenor lowered his voice to barely a whisper. "What were you thinking? How did you…no, one item at a time."

Elaena danced through the number with ease despite their height difference.

"Hardly the time and the place for this, but I would appreciate if you would stop provoking my uncle over the matter."

"What?" Laenor asked dumbfounded.

The princess gave him a deadpan look, and then quietly responded. "Really now? All those toasts right in a row, your standing is secure without your friends constantly raising the point and making comparisons. No, Laenor, don't stress, I'm just as committed to ensuring you take the sole glory over it, just try to understand that your rise can look like someone else's fall in comparison."

Laenor nearly tripped over his feet as the number ended as Elaena released him and turned to dance with Gwayne Hightower. For Laenor's part he was soon approached by another lady of the court and he focused on his steps and words and not on his utter bewilderment from the conversation he just had. The dance spun him to another partner and out of the corner of his eye he saw Elaena and Daemon meet. Warning horns sounded in his head as he saw the two move about the floor.

He directed his dance partner slightly off the proper moves to stay within sight. Daemon was speaking, but Laenor could not hear what was being said. Part of the dance involved grand movements at times where the woman was spun away and then pulled back in. Laenor winced as he saw Daemon practically fling the young girl away from him and then yank her back in forcing a collision with his chest.

Laenor was about to stop his own dance and intervene when Ser Criston stepped.

"Unhand the princess," he commanded.

The music continued to play and only a few dancers realized something was going on. Laenor paused and he and his partner, whose name he could not recall, looked.

Daemon continued to dance, this section had the two partners held more closely, but not as close as Daemon was now holding Elaena. Ser Criston grabbed the King's brother forcefully and Elaena was thrown to the floor as the two briefly struggled.

"Elaena!" Alicent shouted and the music and the dancing stopped.

"Get off of me you lowborn wretch, you made my niece fall."

"What's going on?" Viserys shouted from the table, meat pie still in one hand.

Ser Criston released Daemon and interposed himself between uncle and niece.

"Your Grace," Ser Criston answered, "your brother was hurting the princess."

"I was dancing, the girl was fine until this oaf forced us apart and knocked… knocked her to the ground." Daemon swayed a bit and Laena quickly ran to his side and steadied him.

"Look at her wrist, its red and swelling, your beast of a brother was harming our child!" Alicent accused.

"She got that while… while… fault, fly… falling!"

"My husband in his cups, I assure you he meant no harm," Laena defended.

Viserys walked out from behind the table in a rage. "Fetch the Maester, now!"

"Father, I'm fine," Elaena said while gently pushing Alicent aside as she rose. "Please, I don't wish to disturb the festivities."

Viserys had been advancing on his brother, and then he turned toward Elaena and inspected her arm and her slightly dirtied dress from the fall. Its white and blue coloring made the regular dust from the floor standout. Laenor knew the place would have been cleaned prior to the feast, but so many individuals walking across it made it remaining pristine an impossibility.

Laenor saw the King bend down and touch her face. Laenor looked through the crowd to find Rhaenyra, but couldn't spot here. Where was she?

Gods be good, I can't see Ser Harwin either. Really? Now?

The King and his daughter were talking as more of the Kingsguard came between the parties.

"My daughter does not wish the festivities to be halted, but she will be attended to by a Maester, and only if he grants approval will she return to the feast. In the interim she bids all to be merry and continue the celebration." Viserys then rounded upon Daemon. "Get him away from here."

Laenor stepped in to help his sister, "Yes, Your Grace, we will see him to his quarters and ensure he causes no further trouble."

"It was… wasn't me, brother. It was Cole," Daemon slurred.

Viserys walked away in disgust back to where Alicent and several servants were escorting his daughter. Laenor took most of Daemon's weight on his side and walked him out.

"Sister, go back and try to salvage this farce. Try to cover for Rhaenyra, she's off with Ser Harwin somewhere."

Laena groaned and walked back into the feast hall.

Laenor helped Daemon past one hall and around the bend and then the man straightened up.

"Ah, that's enough we can walk normally back to the room."

Laenor looked at him aghast.

"You aren't drunk?"

"It was watered wine only; acting like you are within your cups is a skill that can be quite useful."

"But why? What was this for? Why would you harm your niece, embarrass my sister, your wife, for what?"

Daemon looked at him. "Why? Because I could. Elaena was not harmed, a light bruise is all the mark I gave her, but she will remember being helpless within my grasp. The court will remember that I am not so easily cowed by any, and with the excuse of being drunk and Ser Oaf potentially being responsible I will face no censure."

Fear and anger gripped Laenor. He grabbed Daemon by his shirt and shoved him against the wall.

"Are you fucking insane? Do not ever lay hands upon Elaena again you reckless idiot!"

Daemon hit the wall with a grunt and then laughed. "Ah, there he is, the dragon who won the Stepstones. I wondered if your manhood only showed itself while atop a dragon."

"Ignore me at your peril, Daemon. Do not touch her again."

Laenor stalked off, dwelling on the sight of thousands of scorched Dornish and Triarchy soldiers. Thinking on the sheer destruction wrought within just a week's time. Daemon did not understand, and could not understand what sort of fire he was playing with.