Otto was pleased to be back in King's Landing. Alicent had not done an awful job in his stead, but he much preferred a more hands-on approach. Having two levers over Viserys would be useful. Some ideas and suggestions worked best in the small council room and others in the bed chambers. He knew now the one topic the King would never budge on, the succession, so long as he avoided stepping on that beartrap, his position would be secure.
His grandson Aemond had also done well. Securing the power of Vermithor to their cause was magnificent. Now they had a potential answer for Vhagar. The odds were still poor without the proper preparation, but they were growing better by the moment. Daeron and Daenora were too young to claim dragons yet, but they too would have options.
The fire at Harrenhal had worked out even better than what had been intended. Larys had made the arrangements with the goal of killing Lyonel, Harwin, and Harwin's son. Otto only truly cared about making the Hand position open. Harwin surviving and moving to Dragonstone? That was a gift from the Seven. Harwin dead would give time for people to forget Rhaenyra's transgressions, but a constant reminder in the form of a living breathing Breakbones? Perfect. He had told Larys not to make any additional moves without his say and the man had begrudgingly agreed.
It had been quite an unexpected coup to learn Larys hated his family. He had never suspected anything of the sort, but having a member of the Strong family on the council would no doubt make the Blacks believe they had another ally alongside the Master of Coin. Little would they realize that the Master of Whisperers was firmly on the side of the Greens.
Otto attended the first council session since his return with a jovial spirit.
"Ah, welcome Lord Hand," Lord Wylde spoke first and the rest murmured their greetings.
Viserys smiled at him. "Thank you for agreeing to return as my Hand. The peace the Seven Kingdoms has enjoyed needs someone of your caliber seeing to matters of state. Be welcome Otto Hightower."
"Thank you, Your Grace. I am eager to begin my duties. Having just arrived I have not yet prepared an agenda, what business does the small council have today?"
"Nothing overly pressing. I have the year's totals of the treasury to go over. Revenues continue to be up, and we've seen a marked uptick in trade which led to a projected net revenue improvement for next year's budgetary needs. There is a list of suggestions regarding usage of the surplus."
"What are those proposals?" Viserys asked.
"Infrastructure improvements. The kingsroad is not robust in many areas. By expanding and solidifying these roads, particularly to the north through the Riverlands, we will be able to decrease the cost of transporting goods. Banditry is not a serious issue, but we are dependent frequently on the local lords to resolve said issues. Once they are gone from a lord's lands, pursuit is not done seriously. Our chief proposal is to both improve the roads and create a secondary branch of the City Watch who would be responsible for patrolling those roads."
Lord Wylde nodded, "A good suggestion. Justice should not be thwarted due to laxness or fecklessness."
"What are the other suggestions?" Otto asked. He was uncertain if another armed force would be useful or a detriment. Oldtown did a great amount of trade via sea. If the roads were to be improved, he would prefer it be the roseroad.
"The Stepstones could be fortified and ships sent to help patrol. House Velaryon wishes to keep tariffs low, but if they are to bear the brunt of defending the Stepstones they would need to recoup their costs. As trade benefits all, it is another fine suggestion," Lord Beesbury replied.
Lyman cleared his throat again.
"Improving the Royal Fleet is always an option. We could also improve the city; some parts are a fire hazard and we can consider a concept called zoning to ensure the city reduces its noticeable stench. It would involve paying owners of certain properties a fair value so they can be torn down and rebuilt elsewhere. The proposal is one I personally dislike, but it is an option."
Otto narrowed his gaze. "You've mentioned 'our' and proposals you dislike, who are you working with on this?"
"Ah, that would be the princess, Elaena. She's a font of wonderful ideas and her accounting reforms as well as the Dragon Bank have seen our coffers grow and productive industry flourish." He gave a wry smile. "Well, I can't place all the credit on her, Ser Laenor clearing out the Triarchy at the Stepstones is of course a great boon."
Viserys was beaming. "Elaena is the Realm's Blessing as Rhaenyra was the Realm's Delight. Two fine daughters any King would be proud of."
You have two other daughters as well.
It was frustrating to have learned from his own daughter that Elaena was so simplistic in her view of the succession. Her voice could influence the likes of Beesbury and others if she had followed Alicent's lead. Her insistent neutrality in dress was a surprise. Possibly it was to just keep the peace with the family she lived with. In another young lady he could assume she was unaware of the strife or was too timid to choose a side, but Elaena had proven to be very mature for her age, with a mind clearly more advanced.
Grand Maester Mellos sound mildly annoyed as he added his thoughts, "Returning to the matter of the surplus, why be so quick to spend it? The treasury does not have its typical vastness because of the Dragon Bank. While year over year revenues and incomes have increased due to trade and interest from the debt, the treasury has less physical coin. I say we build back our reserves while we wait for the loans to be repaid."
Beesbury frowned, "Grand Maester, keeping coin idle does not serve the realm. We have enough in case a sudden influx is needed, and the bank is adequality capitalized. In the unfortunate outbreak of some calamity or war it will be up to the lords to gather their strength and the coffers will do little to aid a muster and arming of men in short order."
Viserys frowned. "Well, Otto? What do you suggest?"
"Having just arrived, Your Grace, I feel the need to understand these proposals a bit more before providing my counsel. Perhaps we can divvy it up in parts like the last time there was a windfall. Save some, improve the roads somewhat, and provide sums back to the houses that have paid the most to fill said coffers."
Viserys nodded. "Good, good, we can reconvene in two days and then we will hear your proposal, Otto."
The meeting moved to some other business, Wylde reported on the number of crimes committed within King's Landing and the punishments meted out. Lannister shared the status of the fleet and the finished construction of a galley.
After the meeting Otto discussed the surplus with Tyland Lannister.
"Let us make sure we are in accord when we speak in two days at the council. Funding the defenses of the Stepstones is not in our interest. Let merchants and lords chafe under Velaryon fees and tolls."
"We are of one mind, Lord Hand."
"The armed force patrolling the roads, that could be beneficial if we could control it. Wylde believes Aegon should be King after Viserys, but he also is too hidebound to take any steps before Viserys passes. If Viserys opts for their creation I need you to back giving control to my son, Gwayne."
With Tyland's agreement secured it was time to see just what Alicent had been teaching Aegon about his future.
Viserys was enjoying the walk with his daughter. She was planning on visiting her brother Daeron in Oldtown and was speaking to the idea of Daeron getting a head start on forging a Maester chain. The Maesters allowed others to study at the Citadel and forge links without taking on the vows of a Maester, to a certain point. His former Hand, his late friend, Lyonel, had six links forged for example.
"Isn't he young for that?"
"Very much so, but with intense study he could begin forging links prior to his maturity and if he chose the path of becoming a Maester he could very well have the largest chain. As a third son, there are worse fates. And of course if he opts not to become a Maester, having knowledge is better than not having it. While he may not inherit lands of importance, he could have a future on a small council as a critical advisor."
Viserys appreciated how forward-thinking his daughter was. The way she looked out for her half-siblings was something he was quite proud of. He prided himself on having done an exceptional job raising her. He knew he had not had as much time with her as he desired, but evidently the mistakes he had made with Rhaenyra had been corrected with Elaena.
"My Hand has finished his proposal. Given that you helped Lyman with suggestions, I wonder what your thoughts are on it?" Viserys asked.
Elaena was delighted to voice her opinion on it and Viserys explained the proposal. A lessening of the tax burden on the major ports of the realm such as Old Town, Lannisport, and Driftmark. There would be no funding for the Stepstones and the roseroad would be improved from King's Landing to Bitterbridge. Patrols would begin along the newly improved road underneath the command of Ser Gwayne, Elaena's uncle by marriage.
Elaena frowned slightly. "The roseroad? There is more of a need through the Riverlands. Though if we wished to compromise, why not forgo the lessening of the taxation on already wealthy houses and improve both the roseroad and the kingsroad toward the North?"
"Otto explained that since we were not funding the Stepstones sight towers, docks, and manpower it would make things difficult for the Velaryons. By giving them a reprieve on taxation they will have adequate funds. However, we wouldn't want to encourage military adventurism, so we wouldn't outright say that was the reason. So Otto proposed a clever scheme of providing the lessening of that taxes on the major ports as cover."
"Ah yes, cover, and no other potential reason." Elaena said, voice thick with wry disbelief.
Viserys stopped walking. "Have you been speaking with Rhaenyra about Otto? I know she's not fond of him, but you shouldn't let her views color your impression of him. Otto has been a good friend and has years of loyal and leal service to the crown."
"You know father, you are correct. I shouldn't allow my impression of him to be formed by others. With your permission, might I negotiate his proposal on behalf of the crown in your place? Ultimately if we cannot find resolution, we can bring this matter to your attention, but it would allow me to get a better measure of the man firsthand."
Viserys felt a smile bloom upon his face. "What a wonderful idea, Elaena. I'm sure working with him will allow you to see his good nature."
Moving from that subject, Elaena brought something else up.
"Father, you've gained a stone over the last two years. I discovered that you've been taking meals, full of foods that you had agreed to limit, for some time now."
Viserys huffed, "Who has been speaking of this?"
"It wasn't hard to uncover it, but no one outright betrayed your secrets. In fact most didn't know it was supposed to be secretive at all. Father, I want you to live long enough to see your grandchildren grow up. Grandchildren that I intend to give you too at some point. The eating to excess will only make activities like walks or taking stairs more difficult over time. Please practice more moderation."
This was a bit of an annoyance for Viserys. He had so much on his metaphorical plate that he desired to have more food on his literal plate. Had he not reigned over peace and plenty? Did he not deserve to indulge a little? He had already cut his drinking in the evenings, was he to live like a septon?
"Elaena, I appreciate your concern, but I am fine. You warned that based on your Citadel learnings that my joints would continue to worsen if I did not curb those foods, and yet I did not do so and while my joints occasionally bring me pain, it is rarely for long."
The King saw his daughter's face twitch oddly for a moment, and he continued.
"I am in good health. And it warms the heart to know you care for me this much. But I will not rob myself of my little pleasures as I manage the Seven Kingdoms. You will understand when you are older that when there are more responsibilities on your shoulders, there is more need to find things to lighten that burden."
Elaena let the matter drop, but Viserys could sense disappointment subtly radiating from her. Normally after their walks he felt an air of lightness and a sharpening of the mind, but after they departed there was no such feeling. He did hate disappointing his daughter and it cast a pall on his mood for the rest of the day.
Otto had put together his proposal to maximize the interests of the Greens. Providing a slight decrease in taxes to the port of Driftmark was only in the name of compromise and as a bargaining tool to get the King to agree. The man always wanted situations where everyone received something – due to this Otto knew how to structure agreements that on the surface did that, while still outright benefiting Hightower and their allies the most.
The King telling him that Elaena and he would make changes to the proposal based on mutual agreement with him had stuck in his craw. She may be advanced for her age, but to disrupt the delicate balance he had achieved would make a muddle of things.
"The Princess Elaena Targaryen," the guard outside of his office announced.
Otto rose and bowed his head as Elaena entered.
"Lord Hand, thank you for agreeing to meet with me."
"The pleasure is mine, princess. Would you care for some refreshment? I have a rich Arbor vintage… oh forgive me, I can have something sent for instead."
Genuine amusement seemed to dance in Elaena's eyes as she declined his offer.
"Perhaps we might begin in earnest. I had some preliminary adjustments I thought beneficial," Elaena spoke directly.
"Do tell."
"I do not see a need for a decrease in taxation just targeting the richest ports. They are already wealthy and have no troubles maintaining a guard, fleets, and adequate stores for winter. I would remove that from the proposal all together. My father states that the taxation ploy is but a means to an end to secure funding for House Velaryon without rewarding them for military actions outside of the King's expressed promotion. But that simply is not an issue. Everyone enjoys a winner, providing resources to safeguard the Stepstones is simply prudent."
Otto kept a frown from his face as he listened. This was going to be worse than he expected. It would be a delicate dance because it was clear Viserys looked favorably on his daughter. He had hoped to persuade and possibly even trick her into agreeing to his proposal, but by her initial overture, she had a keen understanding of the situation.
"I do think it behooves the crown to ensure trade in the south is maintained without making individual merchants bear the price of safe seas. Coin should be provided for that. Now, as to the roads, instead of concentrating it solely on the roseroad I'm willing to see it split into the kingsroad and the roseroad. Given that House Velaryon has secured the trade passages in the south, I would think someone else from that esteemed house would be best for commanding the extension of the City Watch. Say Vaemond Velaryon?"
"Some of those ideas may have merit, but I fear you may not have a full understanding of the implications here. For one, House Velaryon is known for its ships. Ser Vaemond is more fit to patrolling the Gullet or the Narrow Sea. You must also understand that the noble houses chafe under the consistent chipping away of their authority. I do not mean to propose they would raise their banners, but the King has always sought peace and amicable relations between the nobility and the crown. Reducing taxation is a gesture of respect from the crown."
Elaena was nodding. "You forget that many houses, great and small, have already benefited from the crown forming the Dragon Bank. Buying up high interest debt held by the Iron Bank and providing a lower rate has allowed some of the lords to further improve their lands. Viserys is overall quite popular – doling out positions like Master of Ships and the Handship to the Westerlands and to the Reach. I suspect you overstate the case in how disgruntled the nobility truly is."
Otto realized that Elaena was far less malleable than Viserys. He could not simply share information and have it accepted at face value. Nor could he lean on the Grand Maester and Tyland like he could in the small council chamber to back what he was saying.
"We appear to have a disagreement on the facts of this situation. I assure you, princess, that I have met with far more nobles and heads of houses and discussed these very issues. What you have described as a proposal is not anything I can support."
Elaena smiled, "Then we have two competing ideas that cannot both be enacted. Shall we go to my father and explain we could not compromise? Should my eyes grow watery and say you were dismissive of me?"
Otto's eyes widened fearfully for a moment.
"Or… shall we get to the haggling?" Elaena's gaze caught his and those blue Arryn eyes had no give in them.
Otto realized something then and there. Elaena was not neutral. She was fully siding with the Blacks and was almost certainly getting her orders from her older sister Rhaenyra, or perhaps her disturbingly competent husband. Every part of her suggested actions over the years had been to undermine the Reach and the Westerlands, Rhaenyra's principal opponents in the court. He had thought Alicent's Greens had full reign over the court, but Rhaenyra had left a snake in the grass. A girl, supposedly innocent of the ways of the court who held the King's ear. And Alicent had thought she was neutral!
My daughter can be such a fool.
"To haggling then. What are you willing to compromise on?"
"The roads. We can concentrate on the roseroad fully, if in exchange you drop the tax reduction and have those funds diverted to the Stepstones."
Otto thought carefully. His position was precarious in many ways. He recalled how overtly proud Viserys was of Elaena and how easy it would be for Elaena to color this meeting in way that harmed him in the King's eyes. This was not what he had hoped for, but in the end none of the nobles outside of the small council knew of the surplus.
"Agreed, but on one condition. It is not Vaemond who will be in command of the patrols, instead it will be my son Gwayne."
Otto watched as Elayna bit her lip. He knew that Rhaenyra would not want another armed institution under Hightower command. It was most certainly the biggest hurdle. But how match latitude had they given Elaena in these negotiations?
"60/40 then instead of a 50/50 split. The Stepstones receives the 60."
Otto blinked in surprise, but this was too good of an opportunity to miss. Elaena was no doubt making an impulsive decision, and he did not want to give her a chance to reconsider or exchange word with whatever agent the Blacks had in King's Landing telling her what to do.
"Done, but let us put this business behind us and take it to the King immediately. I also expect you to share how industrious our partnership was."
"Well, my Lord Hand, that depends on if that is reciprocal in nature. If I stated you were eager to compromise and work with, I would expect you to do the same. Have we an accord?"
Otto saw no harm on it, Elaena already had the King's ear. Yes, this was not nearly as bad as he feared. Now that he knew that the game was up regarding where Elaena's loyalties truly were, he could counteract what she suggested. In fact working with her regularly in the future would allow him insight into what Rhaenyra was planning.
He raised his cup of wine, "To a productive working relationship, the princess and the Hand."
And when the time is ripe, you too will be removed from the board.
Alicent was in the birthing bed for the sixth time. As usual, her sweet daughter Elaena was by her side. For the most part, Alicent trusted her father, but she could not believe his claims regarding Elaena. Her daughter was loyal to her father, the King, so of course she believed the King's will should prevail in the succession. But to suggest that she was working glove and fist with Rhaenyra to plot intrigues in the court? Madness. Sadly, her father seemed to be growing paranoid with age, seeing enemies behind every shadow. He was still a wise man in other regards, but not when it came to this.
Mellos was there helping the birth, even his normal pessimism gone as Alicent went through her labors. She had gone through so many births, she knew what to do and the pain barely even bothered her anymore.
"Push, Your Grace, the baby is coming any moment."
"Surely not so soon, Grand Maester, it will likely be another hour," Elaena spoke.
Mellos glared at Elaena. "Princess, I have been part of dozens of births, I believe I know what I speak of."
Elaena inclined her head and did not comment further. It took another eighty minutes before Alicent gave birth to a silver haired boy. He was slightly larger than average and had violet eyes.
"A healthy boy, Your Grace," Mellos announced. "Have you a name?"
"The King granted me leave; he shall be named Uthor."
Mellos gave a smile at hearing it, "An ancient name, one that comes with high expectations. May he live up to them, fully."
Alicent was weary, but not as weary as her last birth. Perhaps the additional food Elaena pushed on her had made the difference. The babe looked heartier too. She fed him and held him close to her, once again feeling the strange admixture of joy at the creation of something she had not truly wanted, but was now pleased to have done so.
Viserys entered sometime later and held his newborn son.
"Babe and mother are healthy? Truly the Gods smile on the House of the Dragon. You've done well, my love."
Alicent nodded wearily. "Thank you, Viserys. You have an even set now, four daughters and four sons."
Viserys smiled at that. Alicent knew he would be very pliable in the coming weeks. The perfect time to ask for a favor. Her father no longer wanted Aegon to marry Elaena, and instead wanted Aegon to marry Helaena. The match of a brother and sister would be carrying on the tradition of Old Valyria. When it had been broached before, Viserys had demurred and wanted to wait for the outcome of Elaena's marriage tour. However, he would be open to doing a favor.
Her father had explained that if Aegon had a child before Viserys died, it would show a strong continuation of the line of the would-be King. This sort of stability factored in to the decision making of noble houses that were still undecided. And so, he desired for the match to be made sooner than later, and they could wed upon Helaena's first moon's blood.
Elaena patted her hand and said she was going to go to her own rest. Alicent loved Elaena, it was obvious how frightening she found the birthing bed. She always started so strong, but as the process continued, she would grow pale and withdrawn. Elaena never spoke any prayers, but the way she held herself in seemingly utter concentration, Alicent could only assume she was beseeching the Seven for a healthy birth. She admired her daughter of the heart for bravery. She knew of duty and sacrifice, unlike her older sister Rhaenyra.
Alicent drifted off to sleep and woke up to her brother's presence. Gwayne Hightower was now Commander of the Waywardens. His duties oft took him from the city, but he had found time to return.
"Ah, sister, I came as soon as I heard."
"No matter, your nephew is sleeping, but I'm sure you can hold him if you are careful. How fares my husband's roads?"
"There are few troubles. In fact, some of the lords further out from King's Landing have complained that due to our vigil, their own lands face more banditry. Things are well in hand and Ser Donnel Wydman can handle things while I visit."
Alicent knew that Elaena had persuaded her brother to make two of the Knights of Victory officers in the Waywardens, and it seemed Ser Donnel had proven his worth. Gwayne had always been a dutiful knight and she was glad he had a strong second.
Gwayne gently picked up the sleeping Uthor and held him. Alicent had done her duty again. Her family was nearby and everyone was healthy. Worry and anxiety plagued her daily, but for that moment, she knew peace and comfort.
Rhaenyra was pleased by how things were coming along. Harwin and his bride had settled in well. Her love had shared that Lyra almost certainly knew of their relationship, and whom the boys' father was. However she had made it clear she didn't wish to speak of it and ignored it. Harwin did his duty by her and their son and that was the end of it.
Rhaenyra was also pregnant again. Only this time, she didn't know if the father of the child was Harwin or Daemon. Either way she would love the child fully, but for political reasons having a child that looked more Targaryen would help. She planned to announce her pregnancy at dinner. Daemon and Laena were already here, and Elaena would be flying in to join them.
A few hours before dinner Daemon arrived. They embraced like the lovers they were, and when their lips parted, he spoke seriously.
"Rhaenyra, I have news you should be forewarned of."
"Elaena and Otto have been working together. These new 'Waywardens' are a joint project she and that Hightower dog worked on together. Her Knights of Victory have been named officers, and guess who holds command?"
"Gwayne Hightower, Otto's son. I know you care for your sister, but she has made plain by deed, not dress, that she is on Alicent's side."
Rhaenyra did not think that was the case. Elaena would never betray her, she knew that.
"Daemon, you worry too much. Road patrols are hardly a dangerous force for us to fear. Gwayne isn't his father, and seems cordial enough. She lives in King's Landing; do you expect her not to interact with anyone?"
"She can interact with who she likes, but from what I've heard from my friends in the city, she has my brother's ear and regularly meets with the Hand. All I am saying is that you should mind your words with your sister and do not trust her."
Rhaenyra frowned, but didn't wish an argument before dinner. "I will take precautions, but you will not pick any quarrels. Today is a day of happiness, try not to ruin it out of boredom."
Daemon chuckled and kissed her once more before returning to his own wife. Shortly thereafter, Elaena landed and the two embraced. Rhaenyra could find no sign that things had changed between them. Her sister was her usual self. A little odd, fascinated with the most boring of subjects, and unfailingly polite.
Dinner was a wonderous affair. Jace was six now and well behaved enough to sit at the high table. Luke was still a bit of a handful so he and Aenar were being watched by the servants. At the table sat Laenor, Laena, Daemon, Joffrey, Harwin, and Lyra. The people she cared most about, save her father who remained at King's Landing, were all together under one roof.
"Tell me Elaena, you are three and ten now, surely you have some idea as to where your affections might lie," Rhaenyra asked.
"I'm doing some preliminary work as to where to visit and when."
"You know what I mean! Speaking of which, have you become a woman proper now?"
Joffrey guffawed and Laenor smacked him on the arm.
"Oh, you speak of my moon's blood? Yes, that happened some time ago. An irritant, but one I can deal with."
Rhaenyra sighed. Elaena was as unchanging as the stars.
"Have you considered a match with your nephew Jacaerys?" Laena asked.
Daemon quickly interjected before anyone else can speak, "No, that wouldn't be a good a match. There are other matches that young Jacaerys should consider."
"Oh, maybe Lucerys? Though the age gap is becoming a bit broad there." Laena amended.
Daemon shook his head. "That would not be ideal either. Aenar would be best, though you are right about the large distance of age. Elaena is ten years older and such a match would delay her from childbirth for some time."
Rhaenyra looked at her uncle. It quickly dawned on her as to why he didn't like the suggestions.
"Uncle, are you looking to make your Baela my Jace's Queen?"
Daemon nodded, "The thought had crossed my mind once or twice. It would tie the house even more firmly together and since your first three children were all sons a brother and sister marriage would not be possible."
"We could have talked of this earlier Daemon," Laena spoke with mild disapproval.
"It is good to discuss these things," Rhaenyra said, "and I truly am not opposed to the match. Though that still leaves poor Elaena to wed outside our family."
"I much prefer it that way," Elaena spoke up, "I have a different view on the Targaryen tradition of sibling and close family marriages. That is why I did not consent to the match with Aegon that father proposed."
Rhaenyra dropped the garlic buttered bun in her hand and let it clatter against the silverware at her side.
"Father did what?"
"He wished me to wed Aegon, but I did not want to marry family."
Daemon had narrowed his gaze and his eyes were stormy. "I would not see that as a good match, but why do you not wish to marry in the tradition of our House?"
"I simply do not. Some men prefer tall women, and others prefer short. Some men don't prefer women at all, is it so odd that some I prefer not to be partnered with close family?"
Joffrey couldn't help but laugh again despite Laenor's glare.
"The point is rather unimportant now, if Jace and Luke are spoken for, and Aenar is too young, and none of us want her to marry any of the Queen's brood, the words are like wind. They don't matter."
"I wouldn't be a Velaryon if I didn't speak, ser. Wind does matter, but I agree with you Harwin, Elaena's preferences don't matter here so none should chide her over it."
"Thank you Laenor, I always appreciate your helpfulness," Elaena smiled at him.
For her part, Rhaenyra was still shocked that her father had planned to wed Aegon and Elaena. Had that marriage gone through… loyalties would be horribly divided. Her sister would be expected to cleave to her husband. Were it not for Elaena's odd thoughts regarding not laying with family, it could have been an enormous mess.
Remembering her purpose for the dinner, she shook herself and stood up.
"All this talk of matches has made this the right moment. Laenor and I are expecting a fourth child!"
A wave of congratulations was said and spirits were high. Joffrey was drinking, but he had always been a humorous drunk. Daemon was in good spirits, likely because she had responded favorably to the match between her son, the future King, and Daemon's eldest daughter. Daemon suggested that after they had recovered from their libations, they should all go flying on the morrow. Rhaenyra thought it a fine idea, and she was not too far along that her pregnancy would hinder her.