
Chapter 15

Daemon eagerly mounted Caraxes; it was a beautiful day for flying with the sun shining high. He thought back through his memory. Five dragons would take flight at the same place, perhaps for the first time in decades.

My cousin should fly more, we could have made it six.

Obviously, Daemon would not want half-breeds like the cunt of Hightower's grandchildren joining them. Even after all these years he could not believe his brother had married Alicent. He should have married Laena, that was the match that would preserve the true blood of Old Valyria.

His foolishness was my gain, so I shouldn't be bitter.

He enjoyed Laena immensely. She was a descendant of two houses of Old Valyria and that counted for more. Their daily life was agreeable, between bouts of fucking each other and flying dragons he was rather content. She even joined him in bed with Rhaenyra. Save for marrying Rhaenyra herself, this was the best possible match for him. She had also proven fertile and given him two daughters. Other than their small size, due to having to share a womb, they were flawless.

As the dragons soared, Daemon made note of their sizes. The largest, by far, was mighty Vhagar. She was past her prime, but the strength of her scales and breath made her the most dangerous dragon in the world. Not even his own mighty Caraxes has as much power as that ancient bastion of strength.

Next in size was Caraxes, then Syrax, then Seasmoke, and finally Viktoriya. Viktoriya was a young dragon, but had put on size faster than most. As much as he viewed her as treacherous, he could not find fault with Elaena's lineage, for it was the same as her sister Rhaenyra's. She also seemed adept at flying her dragon and did so frequently which mayhap have helped her growth.

As the dragons soared, they swooped through the air and flew around each other. Daemon was used to racing Vhagar and Syrax on Caraxes. His dragon typically won those races as mighty Vhagar's bulk hurt her in that regard and Syrax was simply not as quick as Caraxes. Daemon and Laena often play fought in the skies, completing faux chases, and raining fire nearby each other. Caraxes was always under his full control, and Laena did well with Vhagar, but the old battle dragon did at times have a temper and it was good to be careful.

Daemon considered what would happen if his brother died soon. Viserys was weak and easily led by the nest of vipers that was his small council, but Daemon truly wished him no harm. He was his brother and the King and if push ever came to shove, he would defend his older brother to the death. But, if he were to die, he knew the Hightower schemers would try to crown Aegon and have Otto rule as Regent.

If that were to occur, dragon would fight dragon. For now those loyal to Rhaenyra had a massive advantage. Vhagar was bigger than Vermithor and Laena a much more experienced rider. It would be up to Daemon to likely deal with Dreamfyre, and he was confident Caraxes could take her, even if Dreamfyre was a bit larger. His niece, Helaena, was said to be an avid dragonrider, but she wouldn't be able to hold a candle to him.

Sunfyre would be dealt with by Syrax and Seasmoke would deal with Viktoriya. That still left Princess Rhaenys and her dragon Meleys as another battle dragon as an extra. A tidy victory with each match favoring the Blacks. The problem was that very few knew of how dragon fights went down in Old Valyria. Daemon knew. The most common occurrence when dragon fought dragon of similar size was mutual death of riders and dragons. The histories said that was the most common outcome, though of course individual skill and draconic prowess could lead to better outcomes.

Viserys was also likely to live longer. There things became murkier. Daeron was the next one who would be of age to claim a dragon. Should he claim Silverwing, who was bigger than even Dreamfyre, it would cause some consternation. The dragon had already flown to King's Landing shortly after Vermithor's claiming, so there was little Daemon could think they could do to stop it.

Rhaenyra's three sons all had dragons, but they were inconsequential at the moment, as was his daughter's dragon. He almost hoped the egg she had would not hatch. It would be better if she claimed an already adult dragon, though either way that was years away. If Daeron did in fact claim Silverwing, then the last of the 'tame' dragons would be Tessarion. There also existed three wild dragons on Dragonstone, who the small folk had named the Cannibal, Sheepstealer, and Grey Ghost.

Tessarion was of similar size to Seasmoke. Grey Ghost was larger and nearing the size of Syrax. Sheepstealer was even larger and around the weight of Caraxes. The dreaded Cannibal was nearly as large as the Bronze Fury. Claiming a wild dragon was perilous and Daemon would prefer not to risk his daughter doing so.

An issue for another time, as her egg may yet still hatch.

As Elaena and her dragon may one day be enemies, it was time to show her how dangerous that could be. He spoke to Caraxes and they rose higher into the air. As Daemon circled up, he saw Elaena below him. With a vicious smirk he sent Caraxes into a dive toward Viktoriya. His intention was to scare her, however Caraxes moved directly for Viktoriya.

"Do not!" Daemon shouted in High Valyrian, but the bulk of Caraxes was descending directly down. Fortunately, Elaena sensed it and quickly veered Viktoriya to the side, avoiding Caraxes. Daemon fought for control and Caraxes relented as he leveled off. He scanned the sky for Elaena and the others, initially not seeing the smaller dragon at all. A shadow fell over him.


Elaena was directly over him, perhaps only fifty feet above, pacing Caraxes easily. It made no move to attack, just matched Caraxes. Daemon veered off to the left and Viktoriya matched it, continually putting him in the shade. With a growl of irritation he commanded Caraxes to rise and his dragon began to circle upwards. He then veered sharply, he then descended, and quickly rose again. But every which way he went, somehow, the little princess kept her dragon between him and the sunlight, almost never wavering her exact position above him.

Daemon was becoming sorely tempted to have Caraxes crane his neck upward and exhale a gout of flames on the silver dragon above him. It would not do to actually cause her or her dragon harm. Rhaenyra was still convinced her sister was the best sister someone could hope for and loyal to her. But he was tempted… fortunately for his willpower, Syrax and Seasmoke flew toward them curious as to what was going on. As they arrived Viktoriya ceased shadowing him and flew back down to the island.

Once all the dragons had landed and their riders dismounted, Elaena headed straight toward him on foot.

"Uncle Daemon, never fly like that again. With my sister, with me, or your nephews. Had I not moved, Viktoriya could have been hurt."

Daemon smirked. "There was never any danger of you being harmed; it was but a bit of sport."

"Then perhaps your eyesight begins to fail you," Elaena replied with her face not wearing any expression at all.

Rhaenyra and the others arrived into the conversation.

"What's going on?" Rhaenyra asked.

"Nothing." Daemon replied.

"Uncle Daemon is reckless and nearly caused Viktoriya injury. I mean to have his word that he will not be so foolhardy when he flies with you and others."

"I was not reckless. Caraxes goes where I will. You were never in any danger," Daemon retorted.

"Did you scare my sister?" Rhaenyra asked with a frown.

"It was a lark, to help get her to pay attention when flying. I was well away from her dragon; the rush of wind just frightened her."

"No, you were about to collide with me, until I evaded you."

Laenor cleared his throat. "Daemon, whether you were about to collide with her, or merely made her think you were about to collide with her is only a matter of degree in which you were in the wrong. This is my good-sister who has yet to reach adulthood."

Laena added her voice as well, "My love, she seems very certain, which means she feared for her dragon. Let us put the matter to rest with a promise to be more careful."

Daemon's temper threatened to overtake him, but he realized he was alone here. He also realized that the more he argued, the less they would take his future warnings of Elaena's loyalties to heart. He glanced at the others and then back at Elaena.

"Forgive me, princess, I frightened you without cause."

Elaena looked at him for a few moments. "The past is the past, but I would ask for your word that you would not take such risks with your family."

"You have it then," Daemon kept the rancor he was feeling from entering his voice.

Rhaenyra smiled, "Well, what's done is done then. We've broken our fast, but the cooks will have honeyed rolls for snacking if any care to join me."


Viserys struggled to his feet. The pain in his toe and knees was hideous, but he was determined not to miss the morning walk with his daughter. The diluted milk of the poppy took the edge of the torment, but only just. Maester Mellos said that taking any more could have adverse effects and make him too drowsy and incoherent to rule. He limped to the gardens, the Kingsguard a white shadow by his side.

"Ah, Elaena, how good of you to wait."

"It is no trouble father. Trouble sleeping?"

"Not as such… the mornings are hard on my feet."

"The Maester has not had any luck treating you?"

"He relieves the symptoms, but can only keep my toe from becoming inflamed so much."

"Father, won't you try the selection of foods I have created for you? I truly believe they will help."

Viserys made a silent curse. "Oh, very well, I give you leave to command the cooks of the palace for what I shall eat. But if it does not provide relief soon, I will go back to what I ate before. At least that makes me happy."

Elaena hugged him. His daughter was not one for many embraces, with one per day as normalcy. So the spur of the moment hug was a welcome surprise, and one that already made him feel better. His mind seemed less clouded and even his throbbing joints eased a bit from the shooting pains.

From there they spoke of Rhaenyra's impending birth. His eldest daughter was about to give birth to her fourth child. Along with it, Syrax had laid a clutch of three eggs. Given the rate of births, there would be great need for more dragon eggs! Viserys felt inordinately proud of that. The Targaryen dynasty was flourishing under his reign. Alicent had given him six children. Three of them dragonriders already. Rhaenyra had given three grandchildren and all of them had cradle dragons. It felt good to know the strength of his house was increasing at such a rapid pace.

"Elaena, I know your mind in regards to wedding within the family. Our agreement was if you did not find a suitable match you would wed Aegon." Viserys held up his hand, "No, no, let me finish. Would you take objection to changing who among the family you would marry if you do not find a suitable marriage arrangement?"

"Since I have every intention of finding such an arrangement, I would not mind. Though I am curious as to why and who."

"A match has been proposed between Aegon and Helaena, and it has been requested that a betrothal be in place sooner than late."

Viserys watched a minor look of revulsion appear on his daughter's face. She mastered it quickly.

"The marrying of brother to sister has always bothered me father, but it is not mine own marriage. If Helaena and Aegon do not share my… feelings on the matter, it really is not my place to object. An early betrothal is fine, but marriage should wait until they both reach maturity. In the event they feel different about each other, there will be no dishonor in changing the arrangements since it is your own family."

Viserys scratched at his chin. "Hmm, there was a thought to have them wed once Helaena's moon's blood is upon her."

"That seems premature and dangerous. Childbirth for those very young can cause complications, or at least that is what my studies have suggested. Around 70 years ago a Maester did a…"

What followed was a very dry and dull explanation, one that Viserys didn't truly need. Childbirth was perilous and if there was even some slight additional danger at 13 or 14, he didn't object to having them wed around Helaena's sixteenth name-day.

"Mercy Elaena, I believe you. The nuptials can wait, but we will announce the betrothal. In the event you fail in your tour, I will have you wed to Aemond instead."

"That is well understood. In truth, that you consult me anywise brings me all the more appreciation for having such a good father."

Viserys beamed and smiled down at his daughter. Sometimes he doubted himself, given how wild Rhaenyra had turned out, so it was nice to hear Aemma's other blessing speak aloud her feelings about him.

Now if only his damnable body would not make life difficult, he could truly enjoy himself. He would honor his agreement with his daughter and allow her to see if this 'healthy diet' would alleviate the pains in his toe and other areas. It would be a shame if he had to give up these wonderous walks. He knew no better armor for dealing with the small council than a clear and refreshed mind. And lately even they had been less cantankerous. The regular discussions his good friend Otto was having with Elaena meant that in many cases all his councilors were in agreement by the time a proposal was brought forward! Depending on how Elaena's marriage tour went, Viserys wondered how feasible it would be to keep her in King's Landing to serve on the small council in some capacity.

A thought for when the time grows closer.


"I'm not saying I believe she will be a bad wife," Aegon began, "I'm just saying that the pressures of being Queen will not be good for her. You know how she prefers to be left alone with her painting and sketches."

Aemond shrugged. "You are getting a dragonrider as a wife, you shouldn't complain so much."

Aegon was never sure if Aemond disagreed with him, or if he just wanted to argue. Aemond enjoyed the 'robust exchange of ideas' that Elaena had taught them. Rhetoric was a tool, and like all tools it had to be honed from time to time. Aemond had relished it just like he relished swordplay. Aegon was indifferent to it, he saw the value of course, Elaena had told them it was important, but he didn't enjoy it. He would prefer discussion to find the best course together, not a spar with words.

Truthfully, he just hated finding another skill that Aemond was better at him in. It was stupid, he was three years older than his younger brother, why couldn't he best him in anything? Aegon let that familiar frustration go for the moment and shook his head.

"If I wanted to wed a dragonrider, I'd prefer Elaena."

"Well, naturally," Aemond replied, "she would be the best for anyone. But she's made it clear she takes the more Andal and First Men view on familial marriage."


"Since mother and father and wanted to continue the tradition of father's house, who are your options? Wait years and years for Daenora to be old enough? Daemon's daughters are even younger, and it seems like they will be betrothed to the Dark Storm's sons."

Aegon sighed. "You're right brother, I was just commenting."

Aemond snorted. "It sounded like complaining, and you know the rule on that. If you wish to complain, you had best have a solution in mind as well, otherwise you will just decrease morale without purpose. Or at the very least you bring up the issue so others can brainstorm solutions, you were just griping to gripe."

Aegon felt his fist tighten. Aemond may be able to beat him in swordplay, but he still outweighed the younger boy. It was tempting to lay into him.

No, I better not, Elaena would be disappointed.

"What of you, who do you think you will be matched with?" Aegon asked to slightly change the subject off himself.

Aemond considered, "Our brothers, Daeron or Uthor would be closer in age than I would be to Daenora. I suspect I'll have a match outside of the family. Somewhere in the Stormlands or the Reach would be ideal."

"Why there?" Aegon asked.

"Conflict in the Dornish Marchers. I can't very well make a name for myself if I'm not involved in any fighting. It is also closer to the Stepstones if the Triarchy wishes to go another round in the future."

Aegon chuckled. "They'll likely only try once Ser Laenor has gone from this world."

"Aye, and I mean to make similar reputation for myself when its time. Laenor flies Seasmoke and Vermithor is three times as large. Perhaps I will be the one to conquer Dorne, something not even the first Aegon could do."

Aegon shook his head, "That's too far into the future to really think on, but the Dornish don't fight fair. You know the stories, people murdered at weddings, poisonings, and ambushes. When I rule, I would prefer peace."

"When you rule?" Aemond asked.

"It isn't official, but grandfather says that the lords will never bend the knee to Rhaenyra. They don't want to follow a Queen as a sovereign."

Aemond furrowed his brow. "Grandfather speaks rather freely of treasons. Regardless of what the lords will do, while father is King, we shouldn't discuss defying his chosen successor."

"It is just the two of us, Aemond. Don't be so fretful over it."

"Me? Fretful? Aegon you are the one – bah it doesn't matter. Just hold your tongue, you never know who might overhear. I would have thought grandfather would have had better sense than to talk about this sort of thing with you."

Aegon stood up. "I believe I'll go riding with Sunfyre; conversation with you grows wearisome."

Aemond gave him a smirk, the look something that never failed to irritate Aegon, and a nod. Aegon decided he would invite Helaena, his soon to be formally betrothed. They got along well enough, but it couldn't hurt to strengthen their bond.


Laenor was a bit drunk as he sat in the room he oft shared with Joffrey. Rhaenyra was likely to start her labors in next few days and Elaena had just arrived a few hours earlier.

"Drinking without me? You must be nervous about this one," Joffrey said after entering their room.

Laenor let out a inappropriately derisive giggle. "Oh yes, Rhaenyra, that's why I'm drinking."

Joffrey looked at him quizzically. "Is there something else?"

Laenor looked away, and Joffrey gently reached out and touched his chin, exerting a minimal force to move back Laenor's gaze to his.

"What is this? You are the bravest man I know, but you seem unmanned by something. Do you fear some conflict between Ser Harwin and Daemon? Based on the timing, the babe is likely Daemon's, but I thought Harwin was accepting of this."

"No, it isn't that. I shouldn't speak of this to anyone, but it is gnawing away at me. I am not the man the realm thinks I am."

"Then tell me. I promise I will still be here with you, regardless of what it is."

"Promise me, promise me you will never breathe a word of this to anyone."

"I swear it, not speak of what ails you, my love."

Laenor took a deep breath. "I am not the Dark Storm. I am not the one who laid waste to the Dornish troops, nor am I the one who sent the Triarchy fleeing. It was not I who hunted down enemies and delivered their heads to foreign cities. It is maddening to know that the hushed whispers and stares wherever I go are naught but lies. If I so much as raise my voice, when not clearly in jest, I see terror in the eyes of others."

Joffrey looked at him in confusion. "If you didn't do it – who did?"

Laenor barked out a laugh. "That's the trick of it all, no one would believe me if I said it. I could scarcely believe it myself."

Joffrey folded his arms across his chest. "You can't leave it at that, who is he then? Who is this mysterious dragonrider, and should I be jealous?" Joffrey's voice was tinged with mild amusement.

Laenor shook his head. "Not a he, a her. Elaena Targaryen, the killer of thousands before she even reached maturity."

Joffrey looked stunned. "If this is a jest…"

"See? See!? It is absurdity! And do you know how it affected her to do this? Do you know how she changed?"

Joffrey shook his head slowly.

"It didn't! Not one bit of her personality or mannerisms changed. Perfectly polite and poised at all times. She is an unrivaled force of slaughter, a master of killing in the guise of a little girl – and no one would ever believe it!" Laenor's voice cracked from the wine and absurdity of it all.

Joffrey was silent for a few moments as Laenor tried to compose himself, but then he spoke. "It sounds fantastical, but you have always spoken the truth to me. And riding a dragon, well the dragon is doing most of the work. Perhaps the princess is just along for the ride and it is Viktoriya that is filled with bloodlust."

Laenor shrugged his shoulders. "It could be true, mother said that in the lore of Old Valyria a dragon influences its rider and the rider influences their dragon. Only, I don't believe my personality is altered due to Seasmoke. There is so much we don't know of our past. Dragonlore is guesswork and seems to be different enough from dragon to dragon to make the whole of it useless." Laenor let a small smile appear on his face. "Don't tell Daemon I said that."

"So it is Elaena that makes you nervous? That is why you are drinking?"

Laenor nodded. "She unnerves me. There are moments when she's looked at me and I've felt every instinct in my body screaming at me that she is the deadliest person in the room. It has only been a few times, and typically when Rhaenyra gives birth to someone clearly not my child, but I will not cling to false pride. I do not want to be there when my wife gives birth to another babe that does not look like me."

Joffrey looked at him with sympathy. "Well, if it's any consolation, she cares deeply for her sister. No doubt she is concerned for her, so that means she is sympathetic to you. And she helped your house both through loans from the Dragon Bank at generous rates, and in helping clear out the Stepstones. Your good-sister is an ally, her dragon riding ability and fierceness in battle is a good thing."

Laenor supposed that was true. In the end, Elaena had never done a single thing save for some choice words and a few looks to ever harm him. He remembered the way Elaena had stayed by Joffrey's bedside when Cole had wounded him so badly. Laenor knew he was expected to be there in the birthing room, and truthfully even though the babe was not his, he would love the child just as he loved the sons Rhaenyra had already borne.

"Thank you, Joffrey. You always know what to say."


Rhaenyra enjoyed being the focus of attention of all her favorite people. It made the pangs of labor and the discomfort of pregnancy tolerable. Harwin, Laenor, and Elaena were all by her side as always. This time, Laena and Daemon too had arrived. Rhaenyra had grown quite close to them both. Daemon was just so, so… Daemon. It was always like riding a dragon, exhilarating and a bit dangerous. It was so different than with Harwin. Harwin was gentle, a strong rock she could lean on and rest assured that he would comfort and be there for her. As much as she desired Daemon, she knew he was not that sort.

Laena had been such an exquisite surprise. Playful in and out of bed, she was a much-needed feminine presence in her life. Elaena did not count, being far too dispassionate. Rhaenyra appreciated her intelligence and her competitiveness in dragon races, but how she wished she had a sister who she could gossip with like she used to do with Alicent, before the betrayal.

Despite efforts of politeness, she could not get herself to enjoy time with Lyra. The woman was meek and strangely fearful of Rhaenyra. For no cause, truly, it wasn't like Lyra had to worry about her safety. She was Harwin's wife, of course she was secure in Dragonstone! Perhaps it was the near loss of her life in the fire that had her so skittish.

For the birthing itself she was glad Maester Gerardys was attending the birth and not the perpetual fearmonger Grand Maester Mellos. Her labors were for the fourth time something she handled with ease. When it was done, she looked on at Elaena who was a little unsteady.

"See? Nothing to worry about, the Gods have graced me with a body fit for birthing."

Elaena gave her a tight nod and Gerardys declared the boy a perfectly healthy babe. The child's fine Targaryen features were quite different than his siblings, and Rhaenyra knew it was Daemon that was the father. She had already suspected based on the timing. Daemon was not in the room, but at long last he had a son, by blood if not by name.

"My fourth child shall be named Aelyx Velaryon."

Laenor held little Aelyx, his expression hard to place. Harwin hovered over Rhaenyra, making sure she was all right. Laena took a turn holding Aelyx next and the baby warbled happily. Daemon was not in the birthing room itself, but a servant had gone to fetch him, to let him knew his niece had done well in the childbirth.

Elaena looked at the babe for a long moment, before announcing she intended to get some rest. Laenor hastily moved himself out of the way to allow Elaena to pass.

"She was not going to bump into you, Laenor, you can relax now that the birthing is done. I do adore your worry for me, but 'tis past now."

Laenor gave her a sickly smile in response.

When Daemon came in, none were left in the room save for Laena, Laenor, Harwin, and Rhaenyra.

"This is your son, uncle."

Daemon looked down on him. "I've long desired a son, but he isn't truly my son Rhaenyra. I will keep my eye out for him, for I expect him to do great things, but I am sure Laena will provide me trueborn sons of my own soon enough."

"I thought you would be happier."

"I am not displeased, Rhaenyra, I am just realistic. The boy will be raised on Dragonstone, not Driftmark. I am the boy's family, but I cannot be his father."

Rhaenyra sighed, suddenly weary. She loved having Harwin, Daemon, and Laenor as bed partners, but it did complicate relationships.

"Perhaps, we could always consider fostering him in Driftmark. A thought for when he is older. I believe my sister had the most sense out of all of us, 'tis time for rest."

Harwin kissed her and then Laena did so, and then they left her to rest. Rhaenyra was happy, though she did hope that her next child would be daughter. Jace, Luke, Aenar, and now Aelyx were loved fully and she delighted in their interests. But… the dressing of a small girl, teaching her the ways of womanhood, and guiding her through life was something she never quite got with Elaena. Her younger sister did not need any help nor nurturing. Rhaenyra still held a small faint hope that once Elaena began searching for a husband she would open up and they could have their sisterly talk of boys. She fell asleep with a smile on her face thinking on it.