
Chapter 29

Alicent was furious. Daemon had insulted her daughter, and had Ser Criston not been there, he may very well have struck her. A strong man's fist encased in a gauntlet could easily kill a young woman.

Alicent told Ser Criston and her two children, "Come with me. We go to see the King."

They made their way to the King's chamber. Once announced, Alicent saw her husband speaking with her father and Rhaenys.

"It is always a delight to see you, my love," Viserys spoke. "But the countenance on your face makes me suspect this will not be a happy occasion. What has happened?"

"Daemon! He insulted our daughter and were it not for Cole's presence I fear he would have struck her."

Viserys rocked back slightly. "What? Explain, what happened?"

"Deamon was sparring with Elaena's suitors. Lord Baldric bested him and Daemon grew wroth. Daemon demanded another fight, and Elaena objected. He called our daughter a bitch and violence was about to erupt if my knight had not intervened!"

Viserys looked over to Ser Criston. "Is this true? Did Daemon attempt to strike my daughter?"

"Your Grace, I cannot say for certain. He did not attempt to strike her, but I have fought in many battles, in the Marches and in tourneys, and I believe it was about to happen."

Viserys shook his head. "I cannot believe he would do such a thing, but his temper is fearsome and he has no cause to be terrifying my daughter. Is Elaena well? That must have been frightful for her."

Aemond laughed. All eyes turned to him.

What is wrong with him?

Aemond had not been as troublesome in his early youth as Aegon had, but he seemed to delight in stoking the hearth. Even when he agreed with what someone was saying, he would pick at pieces of it to start heated discourse.

"Do you find this amusing?" Viserys asked with some heat in his voice.

"Forgive me, father, but the idea of Elaena being terrified is more fanciful than any mummer's tale. She is not some meek-willed girl; the blood of the dragon runs through her more fiercely than any."

Viserys was scowling, and Alicent was irritated. It was true that Elaena had not looked frightened, but why was he undermining her case to have Daemon punished!?

"Your Grace," Aegon began, voice unsure, but then strengthening as he spoke. "My brother speaks true. When I foolishly tried to force my bond on Dreamfyre, our sister did not hesitate to intervene even at the risk of her life. The Dragonkeepers were terrified, but she was not."

Alicent tried to recall those days, Aegon had been much subdued after his attempt to bond with Dreamfyre, but this was the first she had heard this detail.

"Force a bond?" Rhaenys questioned. "That cannot be done."

"Aye, it did not work, and I only mention it because my sister was not scared of Daemon. But that does not absolve my uncle. If Princess Elaena feels fear, she would not let it show." Aegon explained.

Alicent had been angry at her boys, but it had lessened. There were a multitude of witnesses to the event, and none had seen Elaena flinch, weep, or show fear upon her visage. They were right to speak and clarify. A wave of parental pride suffused her, her sons were wise.

Viserys looked troubled. "Have Daemon brought to me here so he can give an account for himself. I find it hard to believe that there is ill will between the two of them; Elaena is one who spoke on his behalf to lift his exile."

Alicent blinked, and caught her father's pointed look at the words of the King. It had been Elaena who had brought Daemon back. Rhaenys also looked confused.

"Nonetheless, I wish to hear what preceded these events."

Aemond spoke before anyone else could and went into detail of those battles. He was complimentary of the suitors, and spoke of the clever trickery of Lord Baldric in feigning sluggishness before grappling with Daemon and wining the match.

Viserys was amused, "No wonder my brother's pride was pricked. It is not oft that he is bested."

A courier arrived letting them know that Daemon had already flown off on Caraxes.

"See? He flees your judgement." Alicent said in triumph.

"My daughter is overwrought, and her concern is centered in the soft heart of a mother." Otto spoke in a slow, level voice. "Daemon is cavalier with his words, his insult to Princess Elaena should require his apology, but judgement? Come, let us keep to an even keel."

Alicent's eyes widened in disbelief. Her father was defending Daemon?

Viserys was nodding. "Yes, most like my brother is still furious at losing. His anger was lashing out blindly, but as Ser Cole has spoken that Daemon made no attack, I cannot believe he would strike a woman, his own kin, even when enraged. Compose a letter stating that he will need to apologize for his words to Princess Elaena, in court, and the matter will be settled."

Alicent was furious. Why had her father not backed her? She felt her eyes begin to sting and she hastily excused herself. She heard her father say he would handle it and once they were free of the chambers, Alicent whirled on him.

"What was that? How can you argue on behalf of that vile brute? Cole said he thought he was about to attack. My daughter could have been killed!"

Ser Criston did not speak up, but remained still and on guard as her sworn shield.

Her father gave a slow shake of his head.

"You overstep. When there is any doubt, he will err on the side of Daemon. There is nothing here." He put his hand on her shoulder. "Yet this is not to our ill, Viserys will remember that I spoke up for Daemon and so at a later juncture when I have actual cause my words will be heeded."

Alicent angrily moved away from her father's hand. "And your claim that Elaena is working for her sister? How can that be with her and Daemon at odds?"

"Daemon also made Lord Corlys upset when he absconded with his daughter. Does that make him any less a Black? Does your anger at me make you less a Green? Personalities will clash, arguments will be had, harsh words shared, but in the end, Elaena is loyal to Rhaenyra, not to you. She is most responsible for bringing Daemon back in the first place, and her damnable bank is what allowed the Velaryons to pursue their war. You must learn to think properly, daughter."

Alicent had not known the cause of Daemon's return, but she could see how it might have come to pass. Elaena disliked conflict and was always the peacemaker within the family, one of the few who could sometimes get Aegon and Aemond to set aside their petty squabbles. That didn't mean she had done so to strengthen the Black cause. Elaena was passionate about the Dragon Bank, but her father's absurd belief that Elaena was pulling Lyman Beesbury's strings, rather than the other way around, was nonsensical.

Emotionally spent, she ended the conversation. She needed to be alone and think. When she arrived at her chambers the nursemaid began telling her of Baelon's day and Alicent stopped her.

"Is he injured? Has something terrible happened? If not, for Seven's sake, leave me in peace."

The nursemaid shook her head and took her son away, leaving Alicent blessedly alone.


Viserys had considered the suitors and reached a decision on who would be more suitable. His daughter had joined him for their morning walks again – something she hadn't always had time for lately, due to her tour and moving between King's Landing and Dragonstone.

"Good morning, Elaena. I trust you rested well?"

"Yes, father. How have your aches been?"

"They've had a resurgence recently, but the intensity has waned again. I worry that this might just be the inevitable toll of time. However, that is not the purpose of our discussion today. Before we go into discussing the merits of your suitors, we must address Daemon's recent behavior."

Elaena nodded. "Yes, I found the insistence on not using tourney swords a needless risk."

Viserys blinked. "Oh, that, well yes, that could be risky. My bigger concern was his insult toward you, and the concern that it looked as if Daemon might have done something rash when his temper frayed."

Elaena gave a slight shrug. "It was a practice yard; I'm given to understand that courtly language is oft set aside. As to violence, I believe my mother does not understand my uncle very well."

Viserys raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Daemon likes to put on an air of violent unpredictability. And in fairness, if you lack sufficient station or familial bond, you could be at risk for violence. But Daemon is not nearly as out of control as he wishes to be perceived."

Viserys paused in the walk and frowned. "It is early still, explain what you mean."

"Daemon wishes to be seen as a hairsbreadth away from violent action, to be feared by all. Had he truly been out of control over his loss, he would have immediately attacked Lord Baldric. Instead, Daemon tried to force a second bout, where he could vent his anger and maintain plausible deniability should he wound or kill Baldric. That speaks, at the very least, to someone using low cunning rather than lashing out in unbridled rage."

Viserys was troubled by what his daughter was saying for a few reasons.

"If that is the case, he insulted you purposefully? Made it appear that you were in danger?"

"Yes, when Daemon does not get his way, he likes to let his displeasure be known. I suspect he hoped to 'teach' me that his wrath is dangerous and to avoid sparking it in the future. Ser Criston even advised me of being wary."

Viserys shook his head in revulsion.

"Disgusting behavior from my brother. I will have him apologize, in court, for his actions." Viserys turned to his daughter. "Few can look my brother in the eye and feel no fear. Even fewer can stand between a dragon and one who has angered her, then go about their day as if nothing happened. I am proud of your courage, but is it truly courage? They say a man can only be courageous when he is afraid, and I worry that you may lack the self-preservation instinct others possess."

Elaena gave him a smile. "Confidence in reading the situation is not a lack of self-preservation. I am fearful at times, but when it comes to dragons or family, I do not worry for my safety." Her smile dissipated. "I do worry over my family, and the birthing bed is a fearful place. To that end, I am quite worried how that will go when I bear children."

Viserys knew that part was difficult. Rhaenyra had done well in all her births, he prayed to the Gods that Elaena would be similarly blessed.

"It is not that I wish you to be fearful. I am just thinking back to the many things you have done that were a risk. Flying at such a young age. The actions, which no one informed me of until recently," he gave her a stern look for a moment before continuing, "the travelling without a sworn shield, meeting privately with renowned warriors, and more."

"Dreamfyre is a gentle dragon, her anger could have left scars, but I doubt she would have seriously harmed Aegon. As to the rest, I am sorry if it feels as if I have been cavalier with my safety. I assure you, I have not. My own personal safety is something I take very seriously. Precautions are taken, I rarely meet with anyone when I am not within shouting distance of many others. When I travel, I am with Viktoriya who makes any sort of violence as unlikely as an event can be."

Viserys chuckled. "An answer for everything. One final concern before I discuss how I rate your prospects. Why are you not more driven to right a situation when you are wronged? Whether it's Jason Lannister or Daemon, you seem reluctant to take your pound of flesh."

Elaena tilted her head. "Revenge, when it provides long-term utility for yourself or the ones you care for, has its place. Revenge, when it may worsen your situation is irrational. Lannister has paid a price, and Daemon is part of the families that hold up the realm. If I thought additional correction of my uncle would lead him to behave differently, I would consider it."

Viserys nodded as if confirming something. "You are not entirely wrong, but you may not realize how much harm can be prevented by a show of force. Exiling Daemon was one of the hardest actions I have ever taken, and yet it served its purpose. Not just for Daemon, but for any other lord who thought to be too free with his tongue. But setting all that aside, I have my top selection for you."

They continued their walk as Viserys spoke.

"My top candidate is Kevan Lefford. He has a good head about him. He shares your strange fascination with counting coppers, and has rich lands to support you and Viktoriya. Ser Kevan also has something you lack. While courtly, thoughtful, and gentle, he reminds me much of Laenor."

Elaena made an odd warbling noise in her throat before smothering it with a smile.

"Do tell."

"There's a ruthless streak underneath. One that I know he would not turn upon you, but one that he would not hesitate to use if you are threatened. That is how I liken him to Ser Laenor, who has also proven to be quite similarly protective of you."

"I see. That is an interesting perspective, but I would also hear of how you rate the rest and your reasons, father."

"My next favorite is Ser Alan Beesbury. He is softer, but given your friendship with Otto and your love of learning, being so near the Citadel and the Hightowers will be a boon to you. It will also make Lyman quite possibly the happiest man in the Seven Kingdoms!"

Elaena gave a small laugh. "Lord Lyman has been quite ardent in his support for his grandson."

"My third favorite is Hamish Arryn. He's still a boy, but his mind is as keen as a Maester. Your wit is beyond most, and I fear only those like Hamish will ever keep up with it. That said, I do not place him higher as he has little means to his name. The Vale's intrigues could cast an ugly shadow over your marriage, and if you select him, we will need to have a serious talk of some concerns. But they can be overcome if that is your choice."

Elaena nodded, and Viserys wondered just how much she had picked up on regarding the Vale's nobility while she was in Gulltown.

"Next is Forrest. I like him. He is by far the one who would be the most honored to wed into our family. I do not think your personalities mesh well. He is a man of action, and you are a woman of thought. There is no slight against him, I would be quite pleased to have a good-son such as he, but in my heart, I do not feel he is right for you."

"Forrest is… eager at times. It is endearing to me in some ways, but I understand your view." Elaena replied.

"Ser Medrick is a fine knight, but the North is not a good place for a dragon. They dislike the cold. Also I would hate for you to be so far from King's Landing. The people of the North worry about survival and not learning and cerebral pursuits. I find it difficult to believe you would be pleased to reside there. And lastly, I place Lord Baldric last. He sees you for your dragon, and would want to use your dragon as a shield against Dorne."

Viserys sighed. "Some men view Targaryens different because of Queen Visenya and Queen Rhaenys. They believe all dragonriders have the ability to kill and burn at will. I know you, Elaena, you have too gentle a heart for that. I will support whichever choice you make, but he is last on my list."

As they concluded their walk, Elaena embraced him. As always hugging his favored child lightened his mood.

"Thank you, father. You did as I asked, and I value your counsel greatly. I intend to ask mother and Rhaenyra for their assessments as well. You three are the opinions that I value most, though I may ask others their thoughts."

"It was a delight to get to know all six of those fine young men. I rest easy knowing that the next generation of lords are capable."


Alicent was still fuming. She wished she could shake some sense into her husband and her father. Elaena too, for that matter! She was so sure that her uncle had merely been bluffing; her daughter of the heart was keen of wit, but also naïve. Daemon was dangerous, disrespectful, cruel, and a threat to anyone he took a misliking to.

There's nothing more I can say to convince them. I can only pray that the Seven safeguard my family.

Alicent resolved to be cordial and unargumentative in her discussion with Elaena about her suitors. In truth, she didn't particularly think any of the six were an excellent match. It would have been fitting, if a little strange, to have her marry Alicent's brother Gwayne. It would have solved many of Alicent's concerns, but it was not meant to be.

Elaena walked in and gave Alicent a smile. "Hello, mother. I'm pleased to see Uthor has progressed well in learning his letters."

Alicent blinked. She couldn't recall all the details of what the Maester had told her. So long as they weren't behind where other noble children were, she didn't really care too much. Elaena had always seen that her siblings learned their numbers and letters far ahead of other children.

"Yes, but he has missed you. Once your selection is made, I hope you spend more time in King's Landing with your brothers and sisters. They miss you."

Elaena nodded in agreement. "I shall. Have you decided upon your evaluation of my suitors?"

"Indeed. More than anything, I do want you to be happy. You deserve a partner devoted to you. Ser Forrest Frey is one who is besotted with you. He will make your days merry and see to your every need."

"That is the only criteria? Not social standing, location, wealth, or virtues?"

Alicent narrowed her eyes. "Elaena! You asked for my opinion, and now you disparage it? I have taken those items into account, but this is the most important."

Elaena bowed her head in apology. "My apologies, mother. I should let you finish, before I make assumptions. I do value your opinion."

Alicent continued. "Hamish is one who you seem to get along well with. I also like that there is little chance he will do something foolish and die in a tourney, duel, or war. There are benefits to having a partner who you do not have to worry over."

Elaena gave a nod and Alicent continued.

"Medrick is someone who will do his duty to you, and I believe has the demeanor and thoughtfulness to turn that duty to love. I would hate for you to move to White Harbor, however he is not Lord Manderly yet. Viserys would give him a role within King's Landing, so you could stay here longer. I know this is the same for many of your suitors, but I want you to know that I did consider the location."

The last bit was said with a bit of bite and Elaena nodded again, taking in her point.

"Ser Kevan and Ser Alan both feel as if they seek your hand for their own gain. It would warm my heart if you were near Oldtown, but the Beesbury boy is not right for you."

I'm sorry Elaena, I cannot ignore the fact that his grandfather would be Aegon's enemy.

"As to the last. Lord Baldric is my least favored choice, and if you have any love in your heart for me, do not take him as your husband. He wants to use you for your dragon. He has also already inherited and would most like wish for you to live with him in Harvest Hall."

Please Elaena, don't leave King's Landing. Your siblings would be inconsolable and drive me to madness.

"Thank you for sharing your views on the matter, mother. I have yet to decide, and still need to hear from others. Regardless of my choice, I wish to set your mind at ease on one item. I do not intend to be a stranger in King's Landing regardless of my choice. I cherish you, father, and my siblings too much. The work of the Dragon Bank is here within the city as well. One of the joys of being a dragonrider, is that travel is so much swifter."

Alicent gave her a smile, but a brittle one. Had she mentioned that because Lord Baldric was a likely choice? She desperately hoped not.

"Whoever you choose will be a lucky man. The dual weddings will be the largest wedding event Westeros has ever seen. I had some thoughts on what you and Helaena might wear."

The two talked over the wedding for some time. Elaena was insistent in not wearing green, and encouraged Alicent not to have Helaena wear such either. It had been too much to hope for, but there was no harm in trying. On the off chance that Elaena had relented in her neutrality, the horrified look on Rhaenyra's face would have been wonderous.


Rhaenyra found herself quite impressed with how Forrest had matured. She would probably let him ride her dragon. She loved the look of Harwin and Daemon, but Forrest had grown into his features, and his boldness was as delightful as ever. Laenor, too, seemed to like the man, and his disposition would make him a welcome addition to family dinners. Elaena would likely still spend most of her time in King's Landing, but her regular visits to Dragonstone would be livelier with Forrest.

Despite this, he was not her favorite candidate. When Elaena was announced and had entered, Rhaenyra embraced her sister warmly.

"Come, sister, I've had the cooks craft a new pastry just for you."

Elaena returned the embrace. "My thanks, I truly believe your kitchen staff outshines the rest of Westeros."

They made some more small talk before getting to the meat of the discussion.

"I have my list. Laenor and I have some slight disagreement on some of them, but for the most part we are in agreeance."

Elaena let a wry smile appear on her face. "Depending on how one looks at it, Laenor is either the best or the worst at giving young women advice on what to look for in a partner."

Rhaenyra choked with laughter. "Elaena! Did you just tell a joke? That's three in the last year. Are you sure you aren't a snark who has replaced my dear sister?"

Her younger sister was so studious and serious at times, it was good to see her coming out of her shell.

Elaena sniffed. "My humor runs drier and is oft missed. But nonetheless, please go on. I'll speak with Ser Laenor later."

Rhaenyra wiped the tears of laugher from her eye. She did enjoy a good joke, and to hear it even mildly reference something sexual in nature was an amazing step for her sister.

"My top pick is Hamish Arryn. He is not who I would choose, but you are not me. I've come to realize that you are not me writ in miniature. Hamish has an able mind, one that shares similar passions. This little war game you play, Cyvasse, is not my cup of wine, but I believe you two having a similar interest will make you grow close. I also selfishly like the fact that he has no lands of his own, so you can remain in King's Landing and close by."

Rhaenyra raised her hand. "In truth, you care for your family immensely, being close by is something you will cherish."

Elaena nodded. "I appreciate you sharing your reasons. My brother Aegon was also quite impressed with the young Arryn. Aemond less so, but I suspect that was simply because he was bested in Cyvasse. Who is your next favorite?"

Rhaenyra ignored the comments on Aegon and Aemond. She knew it wasn't fair to blame the boys for their mother's vileness, but it was hard to believe they hadn't been brought up on bitterness.

"Ser Forrest. His bold tongue is matched by his willingness to back it with actions. The Freys are a powerful house, and their mercantile nature mirrors your own. He's handsome, no, don't give me that look, it is important!"

"Looks fade with time, but I understand your perspective." Elaena replied simply.

"My third choice is Ser Kevan. I took into account that he is from the Westerlands, otherwise he might even be higher. Kevan is not as outspoken as Ser Forrest, but he is forceful. There are few men who would openly disagree with the 'Dark Storm' unless they knew him. His uniquely considered comments on Dorne, despite everyone else at the table having a different perspective, were refreshing."

Rhaenyra took a bite of the honey drizzled pastry.

"And since I know it matters to you, the Leffords are wealthy. Second only to the Lannisters in the Westerlands. Most like I see you expanding banking in that direction, and it will be fun to see the Lannisters twist about with that!"

Rhaenyra saw a gleam in Elaena's eye and wondered what it meant.

"Lord Baldric is nearly as formidable as Ser Harwin. You may not think that important, but many men are proportionate across their bodies…"

Elaena let out a small groan of irritation.

"Ah hah! You immediately knew what I was speaking of, your mind has gone there as well! My prim and proper little sister is not so pure in her thoughts after all."

"Go on, please."

Rhaenyra cleared her throat with some wine. "As I was saying, he is formidable, but having you in the Stormlands is a waste. You could be happy there, but I don't think you would be as happy as you would be elsewhere."

"Princess Rhaenys thought highly of Baldric as well, but she too had concerns due to the location of Harvest Hall."

Rhaenyra nodded. "Moving on to the last two. To be direct with you, sister, they bored me. Medrick was mildly better than Ser Alan, but Beesbury was more concerned with not making a mistake than he was in showing himself. Ser Medrick is boringly knightly."

"Many would consider that a boon."

Rhaenyra tsked that statement away. "Their locations are poor as well. If you lived near the Citadel, I'd never see you again. And the North is not suitable for dragons. I will wish for the best whomever you wed, but the last two would be for the worse."

Elaena gave her a wide smile. "I appreciate you taking this seriously. This is a big choice, and I want you to know that I value your input. You are my only elder sister and have gone before me in the major milestones of life, so thank you."

Rhaenyra felt pride radiate through her. It was a strange thing, but she knew at a certain level she craved Elaena's approval. Her little sister was almost everything she could ask for in a sibling. Rhaenyra had long since concluded Elaena would never be as free about carnal pleasures as she would. There was too much duty and properness within her.

"I eagerly look forward to learning of your decision! It is a pity you have to share your grand day with your half-siblings. I could talk to father…"

Elaena shook her head. "No, it has already been decided. And I am pleased with it. No sense in holding two weddings and two tournaments and two celebrations. This is more fiscally wise."

Rhaenyra sighed. "I knew you would say that."