Joffrey lay in bed, pleasantly exhausted after his time with Laenor.
"Hmm, feel better?"
Laenor stretched and gave him a peck. "Aye, you do have a way of soothing my cares away."
"Well, it wouldn't do for the 'Dark Storm' to be unmanned by a casual conversation with his good-sister."
Laenor groaned and slugged Joffrey with his pillow.
"Well, I was distracted from it."
Joffrey laughed. "It's her dragon that is fearsome, and all you were doing was making a recommendation. Speaking of which, who did you suggest?"
"I chose Ser Medrick. I have nothing against him, but White Harbor is quite the distance away," Laenor answered.
"I still think you exaggerate the dangers. One time, one time she goes on a rampage, to the benefit of your house! And ever since, you walk on eggshells as if she is about to conduct a massacre. I would not see you so fraught and anxious every time you see her."
Joffrey much preferred Laenor to be carefree and happy than perpetually worried about something that was likely to never occur.
"You don't understand! Joffrey, my love, what she did should have been impossible. Seasmoke and Caraxes were on the Stepstones, and we couldn't dislodge the Triarchy. She brutalized the Triarchy and Dorne! She manipulated me and left me no choice but to cover her actions. Before she'd even flowered! She was a child!"
Laenor sat up from the bed, then stood and began pacing.
"And then she returns without a hint that massacring hundreds, if not thousands of people bothered her in the slightest! If I didn't know the truth I would never, not in ten thousand years, believe she was capable of that. She is Maegor made flesh in the form of a little girl!"
Joffrey sighed. This wasn't the first time his lover had spoken like this.
"But she's your little Maegor. You see how she cherishes her sister, your wife! You have nothing to fear from her. She's never threatened you with physical harm, only with sharing what occurred. Does that not tell you something? Perhaps she masks her true feelings well. She was raised at court, perhaps she does feel horror at what she has done. If she's never taken another life since, isn't that enough to ease your fears?"
Laenor bowed his head. "Perhaps you are right. In either case, I do not regret my suggestion, though I doubt she will take it. Rhaenyra does not feel White Harbor would suit her."
Joffrey was curious. "Who do you think she will choose?"
Laenor scratched at his chin. "Hmm, well if you are wrong about her, she'll choose Lord Baldric. And we could look forward to seeing our southern neighbor in flames."
"I don't think it will be him. My silver would be on Hamish or Ser Kevan. Those two have sharp minds and fit more nicely with her financial focus."
"Mayhap… though that's another oddity about her. We didn't realize it before, but apparently, she's the mastermind behind the Dragon Bank. Not just the idea, but also operating it. Lord Beesbury is merely giving his stamp of approval." Laenor replied.
"All the more reason to be glad she's loyal to her family. The bank saved your house much hardship. Favor after favor is bestowed upon you. Your reputation and your family's finances are due to her. The princess may have a terrifying potential for violence – bah, I repeat myself. Come let us talk no more of murderous princesses. Do you think your sister will another boy?"
Conversation drifted to Laena's pregnancy, and Joffrey was glad for it. One day he'd get Laenor to relax around his good-sister – one day.
Viserys was eager for Elaena's arrival. She was coming with news of her selection. His other daughter hadn't stirred nearly this much anticipation during her tour, which was likely for the best considering how it had turned out.
The selfish part of him had wanted to meet with his daughter in private, but Alicent had wanted to be there as well, so he relented. They waited in companionable silence until the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard announced her, and Elaena swept in.
"Father, mother, it is good to see you."
"How is your sister fairing?" Viserys asked.
"She is well, and while it is too early to announce, she believes she is with child."
Viserys broadened his grin, he loved grandchildren!
"How wonderful! And with Laena pregnant as well, we may have to scramble to find enough dragon eggs if this continues."
Elaena nodded solemnly. "It is a problem. There are three unhatched eggs on Dragonstone, but they were laid some time ago, so it's possible they won't hatch at all. There's one remaining in the Dragonpit here in King's Landing. Dreamfyre and Syrax are the most likely to lay new clutches, but the timescale of dragons often means decades between them. Any eggs laid by wild dragons have all been consumed by the Cannibal."
Viserys frowned. A Targaryen deserved the chance to bond with a dragon. He knew Silverwing remained unbonded, and there were still a few wild dragons on Dragonstone. Yet, if his house continued to be as fecund as it had been, there would soon come a time when not all could even attempt to lay claim to a dragon.
"A concern for another time, my daughter, today I would hear of your choice."
"Of course," she bowed in acquiescence.
"First, I want to thank both of you for your recommendations and reasoning. Your statements helped me rule out Lord Baldric and Ser Medrick. My dear sister, Helaena, also shared some terrifying dreams about the North, and I was glad to put her fears to rest about living in White Harbor."
Viserys saw his wife smile. He knew her biggest worry was her selecting Lord Selmy.
"It grew harder from there. Mother, I know you thought Ser Forrest would be a good match. In that, you were not wrong. And yet, despite seeing eye to eye on a great many… surprising issues, in the end we were too different in personality."
Alicent nodded. "I understand, so then how did you choose between the remaining three?"
"Please, mother, allow me just a little longer to explain how I reached that decision. Like yourselves and many others, my brother Aegon thought Hamish a good fit. Again, I agree. However, he is young has little to his name. Working with the Dragon Bank has taught me that I do crave management of mine own lands. Yet Hamish Arryn is a tremendous intellectual asset, one who I will instead be hiring on to help operate the Dragon Bank."
"So long as Lyman agrees, I see no issues with that." Viserys replied.
Elaena nodded. "Speaking of our esteemed Master of Coin; I gave his grandson an honest chance. He is polite, thoughtful, kind, and workmanlike when I asked him to design something for me. Ser Alan is, well here in the confines of this chamber, I would call him meek. I do not think that, at least as of now, he has the strength of character I am looking for in a husband."
Viserys stood up gesturing widely. "So it is Kevan? Lefford? A fine selection, daughter!"
He was quite proud that his own top selection was his darling Elaena's choice. Being asked for advice was enjoyable, having one's advice taken was quite the step up.
"Yes, he is my choice. I will marry Ser Kevan Lefford. His thoughts mirror my own. He understands how the wealth of nations is formed, and he stands to inherit fine lands, rich in agriculture, mining, and at a crossroads between the Westerlands and the Riverlands. The Golden Tooth also offers an excellent climate for Viktoriya."
Alicent frowned. "I know that look, I suspect you are set on your path. But have you thought of what that means? You would be a vassal to the Lannisters."
Elaena gave a slight shrug. "In theory. My loyalty, and Kevan's will be to the crown. Should the lion seek to give us an undue burden, I have no problems appealing to the King directly."
Viserys laughed. "Oh, please do so as soon as that boastful lord tries anything!"
Alicent let out a small exhalation, it may have even been a sigh. "Congratulations, Elaena. I know that was a big decision. Have you let them know?"
"Not yet. I wanted to give a token of my thanks to the suitors who spent so much time vying for my hand. I also have a flair for the dramatic, and since my name-day is coming up in the next couple of weeks, I thought to make the betrothal announcement then. I will inform them of it prior, of course."
Viserys had no issues with the request. "Token? What did you have in mind?"
"Well, I am offering Hamish Arryn an important post at the Dragon Bank. I would like to provide similar boons or gifts to the others. For Ser Forrest, I would like to gift him a dragon bone bow. His love of all things draconic will see him well pleased. For Lord Baldric, I would like to work with my family and gift him a dragonrider for the Dornish Marches." She held up her hand to forestall questions. "What I mean is a rotation, where there is always at least one dragon on our southern border with Dorne."
Viserys sat back, deep in thought. "As for the bow, that is of no consequence. The dragon rider, however, may prove more challenging. Daemon and Laena will be preoccupied with the Stepstones. My daughter is on Dragonstone with her husband. Alicent's children are too young for such a post, and Rhaenys is now advising the small council."
"Oh but is she that necessary?" Alicent asked. "She has kin the Stormlands and being there for a spell will be good for her."
Viserys thought he saw Elaena narrow her gaze for a moment, but it was so quick, he may have imagined it.
"I believe it would be a good way to teach Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond some of the practical ways a dragon can be used for the betterment of the kingdom. They have mostly stayed within King's Landing all their lives, and it would benefit them to see more of the Seven Kingdoms. I also have no doubt that Laenor will be willing to take a turn from time to time, and I will too, as I would not suggest something I wouldn't be willing to do myself."
Alicent was shaking her head. "No, this is dangerous. The Dornish have slain dragons before."
"It is a deterrent, mother. And scouting from on high presents no danger." Elaena replied.
Viserys headed off the discussion. "I believe we can arrange something, but you will need to obtain the agreement of the others. I won't order anyone to do it."
"Agreed then, and thank you, Father," Elaena said with a smile. She continued, "Regarding Medrick, I want the crown to make a more serious effort to aid the North during the next winter, and beyond. Instead of focusing on some of the other recent efforts, I would like to see resources allocated to improving land utilization in the North. The 'New Gift' caused acrimony with the Northern lords, and providing food for the winters – both through shipments and by building up the North's ability to feed itself – will mend the relationship."
Viserys felt a bit out of his element here. He'd have to talk with Otto about this.
"That is something we can discuss, but this would be a major undertaking, and I cannot promise it outright."
Elaena took the gentle 'maybe' gracefully and moved on to the final gift. "For Ser Alan, I would like funding for the Alan Bridge, a bridge over the Honeywine river."
Viserys chuckled. "You don't do things by half-measures! To think that the dragon bone bow would be the least of your requests!"
His daughter leaned back. "I know the combined cost of these efforts will be high, but they will also greatly strengthen the realm. I believe my seventeenth name-day celebration can simply coincide with the wedding day. I've also spoken with Aegon and Helaena, and they are both quite pleased to be married on that day."
"That is over a year away!" Alicent said. "Surely there is no need to wait that long."
"I believe there is, mother. It will allow Rhaenyra to recover from the birthing bed and be able to attend. Such a large celebration will also have lords come from all around the realm. This will be the greatest gathering of nobles since grandfather's grand council, and the sky will be filled with dragons of our house."
Viserys was warming to the idea, and he did greatly desire Rhaenyra's presence. She could come while she carried a child, but he would hate to create additional risk. If she was late in her pregnancy, she wouldn't be able to join the other dragonriders in the sky. Yes, this new schedule was preferable.
"I approve of you ensuring all can attend, Elaena. Your request is granted, and we will speak more of your ideas on gifts to your other suitors soon."
Forrest raised his cup in a toast to the newly betrothed couple. He had known about the decision for a week and was still saddened by it, but he did his best to hide it. Elaena had been gracious in her choice and had even gifted him a rare bow made of dragon bone, which he knew he would cherish always.
He kept his sadness at bay, not wanting Elaena to feel any guilt on her name-day celebration. His thoughts turned to what he would do next. Most likely, he would marry Sabitha Vypren. Her house wasn't particularly powerful, but it was an ancient line of nobility, several thousand years old.
A familiar figure limped to his side. Larys, the Master of Whisperers, had been a true friend to him and had offered good advice. It hadn't been enough, but that was hardly Larys Strong's fault.
"Ser Forrest, how are you faring?" Larys asked before taking a seat next to him at the table.
"Well enough, 'tis a bitter thing to have come so close and not reached fruition. I do not regret in striving for her hand, and I have made useful connections, and even more importantly good friends."
Forrest raised his cup to Larys.
"To good friends, then. Something we all have need of." Larys let the words linger before continuing. "You are a knight, and I know many knights find my role distasteful, but I assure you of its importance. With that in mind, I would like your assistance."
Forrest was intrigued. "In what way?"
"We all have our little ears who gather information from the high and the low. Some gather rumors and listen to the talk in inns and brothels, others pay good to servants and maids for what they overhear. I mean to focus my efforts on keeping Princess Elaena safe from Lannister schemes, which leaves me blind elsewhere."
"Lannister schemes?"
"Oh yes, Jason Lannister will not at all feel honored that his vassal is being wed to the princess. No truly treasonous whispers have come my way, I but worry for the future."
Forrest grimaced. He hated when the nobility plotted and schemed. He would prefer open defiance or combat than this skullduggery.
"Can you not take your concerns to the King?"
"Oh, I have. But without proof, there's no way to move against a Paramount Lord without risking civil war. Our ruler takes pride in maintaining peace in the realm, so any evidence must be ironclad." He gave a small chuckle. "I may be getting ahead of myself, my friend. Perhaps I'm seeing shadows where there are none, but I will be bending all of my efforts towards the Westerlands."
"Good. I bear the princess no ill will, and wish for her happiness. How can I be of assistance?"
Larys gave him a smile. "I would like some servants, who are in truth my agents, to journey to the Twins. Some of them will in time move to other holdings in the Riverlands. Perhaps a servant will accompany you to Riverrun where he will fall in love with a girl of the castle. Your permission to stay there and your vouching of his loyalty..."
Forrest frowned. "You were correct, I do mislike your role. But I understand its necessity. I can do what you ask."
Larys nodded. "Your efforts will strengthen the realm. And should you learn of any potential dangers to the peace and security of the kingdom, I would ask you to send word to me first before raising a hue and cry. Assuming time is not of the essence, of course."
Forrest took a long drink from his cup.
"Aye, I can do that as well."
Larys rose and departed, limping away. A few minutes later, Ser Medrick arrived.
"Ser, might I join you?"
"Of course." Forrest gestured as he smiled at the knight from the North.
"Has the princess spoken with you regarding the closer bonds she wishes to forge between the North and the Riverlands?"
Forrest nodded. "She has. My father still rules the Twins, but he will be amicable. The question is, will your father and the Graftons be so eager for a port along the Bite?"
"The Riverlands has the Saltpans in the east, and Seagard in the west, a northern port is only natural. We benefit from shorter distances for goods and most importantly, food to traverse. The Neck is difficult terrain for the movement of goods. On the whole, it benefits both of our kingdoms." Manderly replied with confidence.
"To building a better future for our people then!" Forrest said with good cheer and a toast.
Yes, it had been good to throw himself into the contention for Elaena's hand.
Rhaenyra was excited to learn that she was with child. Based on the timing, she knew this one was likely Harwin's. She hoped for a girl. She loved her boys, of course, but she longed for a little girl. Seeing Harwin play with his daughter by Lyra always sent pangs of frustration through her. Melissa was a sweet thing, a bit larger than most girls, but that was the Strong blood running through her veins. The girl taking after Harwin made it easier for her not to resent the child, but it increased her own longing for a daughter.
Rhaenyra asked Laena, "Oh, but must you give birth on Driftmark? Why not here on Dragonstone?"
Laena stroked her lover's cheek. "Rhaenyra, my family wants to be close. High Tide is my home, and I will be in comfort."
"Very well then, but this time Gerardys will be in attendance from the start!"
Laena laughed. "Oh, but poor Vaelar will be most put out. Did you hear how he and Mellos are corresponding on writing a new book about how Targaryen women are quite different from other bloodlines?"
Rhaenyra's face showed some surprise. "What? The temerity of those old men to claim we are the ones at fault for their incompetence!"
"Not quite, my dearest. They claim that Targaryen blood has made their examinations more difficult, and that we are more likely to survive than other women."
Rhaenyra waved her hand in dismissal. "Who knows what is true, but I know excuse-making when I hear it. Mine own Maester has done exceedingly well in delivering my children, and has made no such statements to me. Having him there for your next child will make the difference, you'll see."
"I will be glad to have him! I suspect he'll enjoy sailing more than flying." Laena tittered.
Rhaenyra joined her in laughter. "Oh yes, the man was stalwart at first and had recovered by the time we landed. But when we first rose up on Syrax, he let out the most effeminate scream."
They continued discussing the best time to head to Driftmark, eventually deciding on three weeks before the Maesters predicted she would give birth. Rhaenyra didn't mind Driftmark, but she had a stronger fondness for Dragonstone. The island called to her, and after learning how to read the swells of air from her little sister, Syrax flew faster than ever around Dragonstone.
Thoughts of her own child, who had yet to swell her belly, gave her pause. Elaena had brought it to her attention that a dragon egg shortage was imminent. With three half-siblings yet to claim dragons, the future children of Rhaenyra and Laena, and possibly those of Elaena and Helaena once they were wed, frictions could arise.
Elaena may be right. Something should be done about the beast that roams. And yet, it is dangerous to provoke wild dragons, their savagery is formidable. The one they call Cannibal is larger than Caraxes, though smaller than Vhagar.
Thinking upon Elaena's words made Rhaenyra bring up her sister's choice with Laena.
"What do you think of Elaena's decision? He's handsome enough, but I'm uncertain if she will be happy in the Westerlands."
"I must admit, I thought she would choose someone else. Her little game with figurines she taught your sons is something she is quite keen on. I thought it would be Hamish. Though I understand he's taken a post with the Dragon Bank, so it appears our quick-witted kin has decided to have her honeycomb and eat it too." Laena replied.
"A good observation. A part of me does dread the coming wedding. Having to be around Alicent and a court full of Greens will be irksome." Rhaenyra complained.
"It will be, but the Blacks will equal their number. It will give the court pause to see just how much backing you have. A reminder that the Sea Snake, the Dark Storm, and the Rogue Prince are all with you. They are used to all but a few being on their side in their daily lives. Alicent has power now, but will not in the future and this will be a reminder to them all." Laena said, eyes brimming with steel.
Rhaenyra sometimes wondered about Laena. On the surface she was always carefree and adventurous. A woman who loved to laugh and someone after her own heart when it came to chasing desires. Only rarely did another side of her come out, and when it did it showed an icy resolve. The Dragonkeepers had explained that the bond between dragon and Targaryen sometimes influenced them. They pointed to the timing of dragon eggs being laid with their rider giving birth to children as part of their reasoning. If that were true, Rhaenyra wondered just how the old war dragon, Vhagar, influenced Laena.
"Hmm, yes, I suppose you are correct. On the whole, it will be a celebration, I would hope even Alicent wouldn't mar the proceedings with her pettiness. Her own daughter and son will be getting wed as well."
Though I wouldn't put it past her.
"Have you picked your dress and jewels for the wedding?" Rhaenyra asked.
Laena shook her head, "Not yet, but I did have an eye on the new style form far off Qarth. That cut in black and red would do nicely."
Rhaenyra could envision it. "Shall we dress alike? We will be twin paragons of our island homes!"
Laena nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!"
Rhaenyra greatly enjoyed her time with her good-sister. Now they just needed to get through their births safely so they could look forward to the grand wedding of weddings.
Two days ago, Jace had celebrated his ninth name-day. He had mounted Vermax, who gave a few tentative hops and even glided for a good ten seconds. Although his dragon could fly on its own, the strain was too great with a rider.
Soon though, I will soar!
He had received wonderful presents. A dagger with a jeweled pommel from Uncle Daemon was now always at his side. His mother and father had gifted him a sand steed, a rarity in the Seven Kingdoms as the Dornish guarded them fiercely. However, Jace's father had explained that his own father had connections from his trading days.
Harwin, whom he knew to be the man who had sired him, had given him a fine saddle and reins for his new mount. Together, they made for a splendid gift, one he would cherish even after he could ride Vermax.
Aunt Elaena had gifted him a Myrish far-eye, and it was neat! It made things appear three or four times closer. She had told Jace that if he enjoyed using it, studied diligently, and obeyed his parents in all things, she would get him a more powerful one that had to be mounted on a tripod.
He had thanked her for the gift and for the joy of spending a full week with her. She had already taken him up on pretty Viktoriya three times. Elaena flew even faster than his mother – it was so much fun!
Cyvasse wasn't nearly as interesting as learning words, archery, flying on dragons, or riding horses. But Elaena really liked it, and she was now showing his brother Luke how to set up the pieces. Luke wore an expression of intense concentration that Jace found amusing. He made faces to distract his brother whenever Elaena wasn't looking.
"Jace, if you keep vexing your brother, I won't take you flying for some time."
How had she known?
Jace gave a slight harrumph and finished setting up his pieces on his side. He particularly enjoyed using the dragon figure, but the elephants looked imposing as well. Their ability to crush even heavy horses made them formidable. When he played against Elaena, she always managed to trap them, which was frustrating, but Luke wouldn't know how to do that, so he wasn't worried about this game.
Elaena finished her explanations, and once Luke had set up his pieces, she lowered the cloth barrier between the two sides. Jace glanced over the board and noticed that Elaena had guided Luke into a defensive formation. Jace always preferred attacking – it was way more fun than just sitting back.
As the game proceeded, Elaena had to remind Luke a few times about the rules of movement, but otherwise, she offered little assistance. Jace relentlessly dismantled Luke's pieces, and it was soon over.
"I win!" Jace cheered.
Luke nodded. "Yeah, but I'll beat you soon. Unlike with swords, where you cheat by having a longer reach, I can fight you on even footing."
Jace laughed. "So you say, but I'm older so that makes me wiser."
Elaena smiled at them both. "It is good to be competitive, just remember that this is a tool to get you to think in different ways and consider the consequences of actions taken. Even if Luke doesn't defeat you, he is a grindstone upon which you can hone your skill in the game. Be thankful that you have a sibling who will give it their all, it will only make you stronger."
"I will beat you!" Luke added, again.
Jace wasn't worried, but he took Elaena's words to heart. She was his mother's younger sister, yet she always seemed to know more about everything whenever he asked her questions. His father had explicitly told him never to upset Elaena, using such a serious and forceful tone that Jace had felt a bit frightened. It had seemed silly in retrospect; Elaena was always kind. Still, he didn't want to risk annoying one of his nicest relatives and having her stay away.
As they put up the pieces, Jace looked over to Elaena.
"Mother says I must stay here and not go with everyone to Driftmark. I really want to go; I'm going to be bored! Father, mother, Harwin, Daemon, you, everyone is going!"
Elaena shook her head. "I'll not quarrel with my sister over this. Plus, childbirth is not always pleasant. We will not want anyone underfoot, but afterwards I promise I'll stop by before heading back to King's Landing."
Jace gave a huff but chose not to pursue the matter further. His mother had been firm on the subject, and his father rarely attempted to change her mind about anything concerning Jace and his siblings. He shrugged; he supposed there would be plenty enough to do on Dragonstone while everyone was away, at least for a little while.