Struggle within (power fluctuations)

While Agustín was piecing together the mystery of the murders back in Peña de Bernal, the situation in the Dark Valley was intensifying. Alejandro, newly freed from his imprisonment in the silver cross, was grappling with his newfound powers. However, these powers came with a formidable challenge: they were inextricably linked to the darkness of the valley, and Alejandro's old, good memories were causing a rift within him.

The Dark Valley, a realm of shadow and malevolence, was not kind to those with remnants of goodness in their hearts. Alejandro's spirit, while vengeful and angry, still held echoes of his former self—the kind, generous man who had once lived in the village. These remnants were a thorn in the side of his growing evil, causing his powers to fluctuate unpredictably.

Alejandro wandered the desolate landscape, a place where the very air seemed to pulse with malevolent energy. Shadows twisted and danced around him, whispering dark promises and feeding his rage. Yet, amidst these whispers, there were also moments of clarity—fleeting memories of his life before the murder, before the betrayal. He saw flashes of his kindness, his love for the villagers, and his desire to see his home prosper.

These memories were like chains, holding him back, and Alejandro knew he needed to sever them to fully embrace the darkness. Each time he tried to summon his full power, these vestiges of his former self would interfere, causing pain and instability. The dark portents of the valley sensed his struggle and pressed in on him, amplifying his internal conflict.

Determined to rid himself of this weakness, Alejandro began a grim ritual. He sought out the darkest corners of the valley, places where the shadows were thickest and the air coldest. Here, he encountered other lost souls, spirits consumed by their own hatred and despair. By confronting these spirits, Alejandro hoped to learn how to purge the remnants of his goodness.

In one particularly harrowing encounter, Alejandro faced a spirit that had once been a kind-hearted healer. The spirit had become twisted and bitter, its healing touch now a weapon of torment. As they clashed, Alejandro felt the healer's memories and goodness clash with his own, creating a maelstrom of pain and confusion.

Through sheer force of will, Alejandro overcame the healer's spirit, absorbing its essence into himself. The process was agonizing, but it taught him a valuable lesson: to gain full control over his powers, he needed to embrace his darker side entirely. Each spirit he defeated brought him closer to this goal, their despair and hatred feeding his own.

Alejandro continued his grim journey, seeking out more spirits and confronting them. With each victory, he felt the chains of his old self weaken. He became more ruthless, more focused on his goal of vengeance. The memories of his kindness faded, replaced by a burning desire to make those who wronged him pay.

The dark portents that had once been a source of instability began to fuel his strength. Alejandro learned to harness the malevolent energy of the valley, using it to fortify his resolve. He was no longer just a vengeful spirit; he was becoming a force of pure evil, his mind consumed by thoughts of retribution.

Back in Peña de Bernal, Agustín was unaware of the transformation taking place in the Dark Valley. He was still trying to piece together the clues, unaware that the evil he sought to understand was growing stronger with each passing day. Alejandro's struggle was reaching a tipping point, and soon, the full force of his wrath would be unleashed upon the living world.