dark past

Agustin set off for the church. The building stood at the heart of the village, its stone walls weathered but sturdy. Inside, the air was cool and quiet, filled with the faint scent of incense.

Agustin approached the priest, Father Gabriel, a kindly old man who had served the village for decades.

"Father Gabriel, I need your help," Agustín began, explaining the situation and the story his father had told him.

Father Gabriel listened carefully, his brow furrowing in concern. "I've heard tales of Father Miguel and the silver cross, but I didn't think there was any truth to them.

The archives are in the old library beneath the church. If there are any records, that's where they'll be."

With Father Gabriel's guidance, Agustín descended into the library. The air was musty, filled with the scent of aged paper and leather. Shelves lined the walls, filled with books and scrolls that chronicled the village's history. Agustin began his search, poring over the records and documents.

Hours passed as he sifted through the old texts, his eyes scanning the faded pages.

Finally, he found a journal written by Father Miguel himself. The entries detailed his encounters with Alejandro's spirit and the struggle to imprison it within the silver cross.

One entry caught Agustín's eye:

June 14, 1856

Today, I faced the most formidable challenge of my life. Alejandro's spirit, consumed by rage and sorrow, threatened to destroy us all. With the blessed silver cross, I managed to capture his essence and imprison it. But I fear this is only a temporary solution. The cross must be kept safe, hidden from those who would seek to use its power for evil. Should it ever be broken, the darkness will be unleashed once more.

Agustín's heart pounded as he read the words. This was the confirmation he needed. Alejandro's spirit had been freed because the cross was broken. He had to find a way to either repair the cross or discover another method to contain the spirit.

As he continued reading, another passage stood out:

July 3, 1856

I have hidden the cross in a place known only to the clergy of this church, but I fear its location may not remain secret forever. / have also left instructions for future priests on how to bless and empower another cross, should the need arise. It is a ritual that requires great faith and purity of heart.

Armed with this knowledge, Agustín knew he had to speak with Father Gabriel again.

He returned to the upper levels of the church, the journal clutched tightly in his hand.

"Father Gabriel, I found the journal of Father Miguel. It contains the instructions on how to empower another cross. We must perform this ritual to stop Alejandro."

Father Gabriel looked over the journal, his expression grave. "This is serious indeed.

We will need a new silver cross, and the ritual will require great strength and faith. It will not be easy, but it is our only hope."

Determined, Agustín and Father Gabriel set to work. They acquired a new silver cross, and with the guidance of Father Miguel's journal, they began the arduous process of blessing and empowering it. The ritual was complex, involving prayers, incantations, and the use of sacred herbs and oils.

Days turned into nights as they worked tirelessly, their determination unwavering.

Finally, the cross began to glow with a faint, ethereal light, a sign that the ritual was working. As the final incantation was spoken, the light grew brighter, filling the room with a warm, comforting glow.

"It is done," Father Gabriel said, his voice weary but filled with hope. "This cross now carries the same power as the original. We must use it to confront and contain Alejandro's spirit."

Agustín felt a renewed sense of purpose.

He was ready to face the vengeful spirit and put an end to the terror that had gripped his village. With the blessed cross in hand, he set out to find Alejandro, knowing that the fate of Peña de Bernal rested on his shoulders.

But first, he needed to understand how to summon the spirit and ensure he could confront it on his own terms. He returned to the church library, searching through the journal for any clues on how Father Miguel had managed to face Alejandro directly.

An entry from the final days of the conflict provided the answer:

An entry from the final days of the conflict provided the answer:

August 1, 1856

Alejandro's spirit can be summoned by invoking his name and calling upon the events that led to his unjust death. He is drawn to places of great significance to him in life. The old village square, where he was accused and condemned, holds a powerful connection to his spirit. It is there that l will face him and attempt to contain his wrath.

Agustin knew what he had to do. He would go to the old village square, the place where Alejandro had been wrongfully accused and executed. It was a place steeped in history and pain, a fitting location for the final confrontation.

As night fell, Agustin made his way to the square, the newly blessed silver cross clutched tightly in his hand. The air was thick with tension, the shadows deepening as he approached the spot where his great uncle had met his tragic end.