Face off (agustin and alejandro)

Agustín stood along with father gabriel in the village square, his heart pounding as he clutched the silver cross. The ancient spell he had chanted hung in the air, its power reverberating through the silent night. The shadows around him seemed to deepen, and a chilling wind blew through the square, carrying with it a sense of foreboding.

From the darkness, a figure began to materialize. Alejandro, his form ethereal yet imposing, emerged from the shadows. His eyes glowed with an eerie light, and an aura of dark energy surrounded him. Agustín felt a shiver run down his spine, but he stood his ground.

"Who dares summon me?" Alejandro's voice was low and menacing, echoing with the torment of decades .

Agustín took a deep breath, steadying himself. "I am Agustín Rivera, your great-nephew. I know your story, Alejandro. I know the injustice you suffered. But this path of vengeance must end."

Alejandro's eyes narrowed, a mix of recognition and contempt in his gaze. "You think you understand my pain? You, who have never felt the sting of betrayal? You, who have never been wrongfully condemned? My soul cries for justice, and I will have it."

Agustín met his gaze, his voice firm but filled with empathy. "I can't fully understand your pain, Alejandro. But killing innocent people is not justice. Mateo and Amelia had nothing to do with your death. Their lives were taken senselessly."

Alejandro laughed, a bitter sound that echoed through the square. "Senseless? My life was taken senselessly. I was a good man, and they turned on me. The world must pay for its sins."

Agustín stepped forward, holding the silver cross out in front of him. "Alejandro, you can find peace. We can find a way to help you, but you must let go of this hatred."

Alejandro's eyes flicked to the silver cross, his expression hardening. "Do you want to fight me with that?" he sneered. "Father Miguel's relic may have contained me once, but I am far more powerful now."

Agustín's grip tightened on the cross. "This isn't about fighting, Alejandro. This is about redemption. You were a good man once. You don't have to be consumed by this darkness."

For a moment, something seemed to flicker in Alejandro's eyes—a glimmer of the man he once was. But it was quickly overshadowed by the darkness that had taken root in his soul. "Redemption?" he scoffed. "There is no redemption for me. Only revenge."

"Revenge won't bring you peace," Agustín insisted. "It will only bring more pain and suffering. The world has changed. The people who wronged you are long gone. Why should the innocent pay for their sins?"

Alejandro's expression turned cold, his voice dripping with venom. "Innocent? They stood by and did nothing while I was condemned. They are just as guilty."

Agustín felt a surge of frustration. "You're letting your hatred blind you. If you continue down this path, you'll lose whatever humanity you have left. Is that what you want?"

Alejandro's eyes blazed with fury. "Humanity? My humanity was stripped from me the day they murdered me. All that remains is my thirst for vengeance."

Agustín's voice softened, his eyes pleading. "Alejandro, please. You can still choose a different path. Don't let this darkness destroy you completely."

Alejandro's gaze bore into Agustín, a storm of emotions playing across his features. "Why do you care, boy? Why risk your life for a world of hatred that means nothing to you?"

"Because I believe in the goodness that still exists," Agustín replied. "I believe in justice, not vengeance. And I believe that you can find peace if you let go of this hatred."

Alejandro's expression wavered for a brief moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. But the darkness within him was too strong. His eyes hardened once more, and his voice was cold and final. "There is no peace for me. Only retribution."

With those words, Alejandro turned away, . Agustín watched helplessly, knowing that he had failed to reach his great-uncle.

And started hatred and respect for alejandro was now over .

Then agustin become helpless and there was only way to complete this story by battle.