The Confrontation in the Square

Then Agustin took a step forward, the silver cross held out in front of him. "Alejandro, you can find peace. We can find a way to help you, but you must let go of this hatred."

Alejandro's gaze shifted to the silver cross, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "Do you want to fight me with that?" he sneered.

"Father Miguel's relic may have contained me once, but I am far more powerful now."

Without warning, Alejandro lunged at Agustín. The force of the attack knocked Agustin to the ground, but he managed to scramble to his feet and swing the silver cross at Alejandro. The cross struck Alejandro, but it had no effect. Alejandro laughed, a dark, echoing sound.

"Your silver cross is useless against me now. I am stronger than you can imagine."

Alejandro raised his hand, dark energy crackling around his fingers. With a swift motion, he shattered the silver cross, the fragments scattering across the ground.

Agustín staggered back, the destruction of the cross a devastating blow.

Alejandro advanced on him, his eyes burning with fury. "You cannot imprison me again. I am beyond your reach."

Agustin tried to stand his ground, but Alejandro's power was overwhelming. He felt a surge of dark energy slam into him, sending him crashing to the ground. Pain radiated through his body, and he struggled to remain conscious.

Father Gabriel, who had been watching from the shadows, rushed forward, attempting to help Agustín. Alejandro turned his attention to the priest, a sneer curling his lips.

"And you, Father, think you can stop me?

The power is nothing compared to the darkness I command."

With a wave of his hand, Alejandro unleashed a torrent of energy, striking Father Gabriel. The priest crumpled to the ground, barely alive.

Alejandro loomed over them both, his expression cold and merciless. "Do not interfere in my quest for vengeance, or you will suffer the same fate as those who wronged me." And destroyed sliver cross . But alejandro is still fluctuating so

With that, he vanished into the shadows, leaving Agustin and Father Gabriel broken and defeated. Agustín crawled over to Father Gabriel, his heart heavy with despair. The priest was gravely injured, but still breathing. Summoning his last reserves of strength, Agustin managed to drag Father Gabriel to safety and call for help.

The village was in shock as they gathered around the injured men. The local doctor worked tirelessly to stabilize Father Gabriel, but it was clear his condition was critical. Agustin, though badly injured, refused to rest. He sat by the priest's side, his mind racing with thoughts of the confrontation.