
As Alejandro left the Dark Armory, his steps confident and purposeful, a sinister smile spread across his face. The Dark Smith, still standing at the entrance of the armory, watched him with a sense of pride, unaware of the true intentions lurking behind Alejandro's calm demeanor.

Alejandro paused and turned to face the Dark Smith, his eyes gleaming with a malevolent light.

"Thank you, Dark Smith," Alejandro said, his voice dripping with false gratitude. "I couldn't have achieved this without your guidance."

The Dark Smith nodded, still unaware of the impending betrayal. "You have done well, Alejandro. Remember to use your power wisely."

Alejandro's smile widened into a cruel grin.

"Oh, I intend to use it wisely. Very wisely."

Before the Dark Smith could react, Alejandro unleashed a surge of dark energy, striking the Dark Smith with a force that sent him sprawling. The Dark Smith gasped in shock, struggling to comprehend the sudden attack.

"Alejandro, what are you doing?" he managed to utter, his voice filled with betrayal and confusion.

Alejandro laughed, a sound devoid of any warmth or humanity. "You foolish old soul.

Did you really think I sought this power to protect the world? No, my dear Smith, 1 sought it to destroy the living world and take my revenge."

The Dark Smith's eyes widened in realization and horror. "You... you deceived me!"

Alejandro nodded, his expression one of cold satisfaction. "Indeed, I did. And now, it's time to rid myself of any witnesses."

With a swift motion, Alejandro unleashed another blast of dark energy, this time aimed directly at the Dark Smith. The force of the attack overwhelmed the Smith, and he collapsed to the ground, his life force rapidly fading.

As the Dark Smith lay dying, Alejandro turned his attention to the Dark Armory itself. The structure, a testament to centuries of dark craftsmanship, stood as a symbol of power and control. But Alejandro had no intention of preserving it.

He raised his hand, channeling the full extent of his newfound power. Dark tendrils of energy snaked out from his fingers, wrapping around the armory's walls and pillars. With a surge of dark energy, Alejandro tore the structure apart, the sound of cracking stone and splintering wood echoing through the dark realm.

The armory crumbled to the ground, reduced to rubble and debris. Alejandro stood amidst the destruction, a dark figure surrounded by the remnants of a once-great fortress. He relished in the chaos he had wrought, his laughter ringing out across the dark realm.

But Alejandro's actions had consequences he had not foreseen. The destruction of the Dark Armory sent shockwaves throughout the dark realm, disrupting the balance of power. The realm itself seemed to tremble, as if reacting to the violation of its sanctity.