The price of betrayal

The dark realm's guardians, ancient beings tasked with maintaining order, sensed the disturbance and immediately intervened.

Alejandro found himself surrounded by these spectral entities, their forms shifting and flickering like shadows.

"You have violated the sanctity of the dark realm," one of the guardians intoned, its voice echoing with a haunting resonance.

"For your transgressions, you shall be imprisoned."

Alejandro snarled, his anger flaring. "You think you can contain me? I am more powerful than ever !"

The guardians, undeterred by his defiance, extended their hands, and chains of dark energy wrapped around Alejandro, binding him in place. He struggled against the restraints, but the combined power of the guardians was too much, even for him.

"You have gained great power, but with it comes responsibility," another guardian said. "You have chosen to abuse that power, and now you must face the consequences."

Despite his struggles, Alejandro was dragged away, the guardians leading him to a prison deep within the dark realm. The prison was a place of eternal confinement, a void where time stood still and escape was impossible. It was a fitting punishment for one who had betrayed the very essence of the dark realm.

As the chains tightened around him, Alejandro felt the weight of his actions. His quest for revenge had led him to this point, and now he was to be imprisoned, his power rendered useless within the confines of the dark prison.

The dark realm's prison was a place of utter desolation. Alejandro was confined within a cell of pure darkness, his movements restricted by the chains that bound him. The silence was deafening, the isolation absolute. He had no way of knowing how much time had passed, but he knew that he was trapped for at least a year in the dark realm's time.

During his imprisonment, Alejandro's mind raced with thoughts of revenge and escape. The dark energy within him continued to surge, but without an outlet, it threatened to consume him from within.

He was forced to confront his own inner demons, the darkness that had driven him to this point.

Despite the overwhelming despair, Alejandro refused to give up. He focused on maintaining control over his power, using the time to refine his abilities and strengthen his resolve. He would not let the dark realm break him. Instead, he would use this period of confinement to prepare for his eventual escape.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Alejandro's

imprisonment continued. He used the time to reflect on his actions, to understand the true nature of the power he had sought and the consequences of his betrayal. The dark energy within him continued to grow, but he focused on controlling it, mastering it, and bending it to his will.

He knew that when his year of confinement came to an end, he would be stronger than ever. He would find a way to escape the dark realm and return to the living world. And when he did, he would be unstoppable.

Alejandro's resolve remained unbroken. He would use the eternity power not to protect, but to dominate. The living world would pay for his suffering, and he would have his revenge. The dark realm had not defeated him; it had only made him more determined.

As the end of his confinement approached, Alejandro felt a surge of anticipation. He was ready. Ready to break free from the chains that bound him, ready to unleash his full power upon the world. The dark realm had given him the tools, and now it was time to use them.

The guardians watched over him, unaware of the storm that was brewing within their prisoner. Alejandro's time in the dark realm had only strengthened his resolve. And when the time came, he would emerge more powerful and more dangerous than ever before.

The dark realm had tried to contain him, but it had only fueled his desire for vengeance. Alejandro would rise again, and this time, nothing would stand in his way.

Specially the dark realm . Now alejandro want to destroy dark realm too. Cause he want to become the strongest entity in whole universe .

But he must wait for year cause the prison was not easy to escape.