Welcome to my castle

I sat in my dimly lit office, the flickering candlelight casting shadows on the walls. The anticipation of Riley's arrival filled my mind, making it difficult to concentrate.

The thought of seeing her again filled me with a mix of excitement and anxiety. It had been so long since our paths had crossed, and the circumstances were now vastly different.

She was my perfect match, according to the system, but I knew it wouldn't be that simple. Her heart harbored anger and grief—emotions I had unwittingly caused.

I had always been composed and unflappable, but today was different. Today, the woman I had loved for so long was finally coming to stay at our castle. The thought sent a thrill through me, but also a wave of anxiety. What if things didn't go as planned? What if she didn't feel the same way?

With a sigh, I stood up and rang the small bell on my desk. Almost immediately, a servant appeared in the doorway, bowing respectfully. "Yes, Lady Seraphine?"

"Prepare something special for dinner," I instructed. "Make sure everything is perfect."

The servant nodded and hurried off, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I needed to get ready. I couldn't afford to look anything less than perfect when Riley arrived.

I made my way to my room, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Once inside, I quickly stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash away my worries.

As the steam enveloped me, I closed my eyes and imagined Riley's face, her beautiful green eyes and pink hair. The thought made my heart race.

After a quick shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and opened my wardrobe, staring at the array of clothes inside. What should I wear? I wanted to look elegant but not too formal, confident but not intimidating. As I stood there, agonizing over my options, the door to my room suddenly swung open.

"Well, well, well," came a familiar, teasing voice. "So my coldest sister is getting stressed for a meeting."

I turned to see my older sister, Ciara, leaning casually against the doorframe. Her white hair framed her striking red eyes, and the small horns on her forehead gave her an undeniably badass look. She wore a black shirt and pants, her usual attire that somehow always looked effortlessly stylish.

"Shut up, Ciara," I snapped, glaring at her. "You play with women every chance you get."

Ciara sighed dramatically, walking into the room and plopping down in one of my chairs. "And you cling to one woman like she's your only lifeline. It's so tragic," she said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to my wardrobe. "I'm not clinging. I just... want everything to be perfect."

Ciara glanced at the clothes hanging neatly in my closet. "You should definitely wear one of your finest suits," she suggested, pointing to a black and red ensemble.

The suit was exquisite: the jacket was tailored to perfection, with intricate red embroidery along the lapels and cuffs. The pants were slim and elegant, matching the jacket perfectly. It was both sophisticated and striking, exactly what I needed.

I nodded, taking the suit off the hanger. "Good choice." I retreated to the bathroom to change, slipping into the suit and adjusting the fit. When I emerged, I looked at myself in the mirror, smoothing down the fabric. "I look great," I said, feeling a bit more confident.

Ciara laughed, lounging comfortably in the chair. "Please don't faint when you see Riley. Or do—it could be quite funny."

"That's not funny," I muttered, though a small smile tugged at my lips.

A knock on the door interrupted us, and a maid entered, bowing deeply. "Lady Seraphina, your perfect match is here," she announced.

I sighed heavily, my nerves returning. "The royal chambers have been prepared for both of you," the maid added.

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Thank you. I'll be down shortly."

As the maid left, Ciara stood up, giving me a teasing smile. "Don't faint," she repeated, brushing past me.

I shot her a look. "Not funny, Ciara."

I followed her out of the room, my heart pounding. This was it. I was finally going to see Riley again. We made our way to the castle entrance, the servants bustling around to ensure everything was ready. I stood there, waiting, my eyes fixed on the large doors that would soon open.

"Remember to breathe," Ciara whispered, smirking.

I shot her a look and I opened my mouth to respond, but the sound of the castle gates opening silenced me. A sleek black SUV rolled through the gates and came to a stop before us. My heart pounded in my chest as a servant stepped forward to open the door.

Time seemed to slow as Riley stepped out of the SUV. She was breathtaking. Her light brown hair, a change from the pink I remembered, cascaded down her shoulders in gentle waves that framed her face perfectly.

Her green eyes shone with a depth that drew me in, sparkling like emeralds under the soft evening light, holding an intensity that was both captivating and mysterious. 

She wore a black dress that hugged her figure, highlighting her graceful curves and exuding a sense of both power and elegance. The fabric shimmered subtly, catching the light with each of her movements, creating an almost hypnotic effect.

Her makeup was impeccable, enhancing her natural beauty without overshadowing it. Dark eyeliner accentuated her striking eyes, and a soft blush highlighted her cheekbones, giving her a radiant, almost ethereal glow.

I took in every detail, my breath catching at how gorgeous she looked. The brown hair suited her more, I realized. It made her look more mature, more formidable. There was an air of confidence about her that was new, a quiet strength that seemed to resonate from within.

Her presence was commanding, yet there was a warmth in her eyes that hinted at the Riley I once knew, the one who could light up a room with just her smile.

As she stepped closer, the scent of her perfume, a delicate blend of jasmine and vanilla, enveloped me, stirring memories and emotions that I had long buried. Her gaze met mine, and for a moment, it felt as though the world had fallen away, leaving just the two of us standing there.

As Riley walked toward us, I could feel every eye on us. The servants were perfectly lined up, creating an air of solemnity and respect. I took a deep breath, stepping forward to greet her.

"Welcome to my castle," I said, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me.