It's time

I was in my room, the sunlight filtering through the heavy curtains, casting a golden glow on the walls. My thoughts were a tangled mess, bouncing between anger, resentment, and a hint of curiosity.

The maids bustled around me, their hands deftly working to prepare me for the journey. I sat still, barely registering the gentle tugging and prodding as they adjusted my dress and fixed my hair.

I didn't want to go. The thought of stepping into that demon castle, into her domain, was nauseating. But I had no choice. The Perfect Match system had decreed it, and even my mother, with all her harsh words and domineering presence, couldn't change that.

"Miss Riley, please lift your head a bit," one of the maids said softly, adjusting the necklace around my neck. I complied without a word, my mind elsewhere.

Revenge. The word echoed in my thoughts, a bitter reminder of why I had to go through with this. Seraphine had taken everything from me, and now I was supposed to believe she was my perfect match? It was absurd.

But perhaps there was a silver lining. Being close to her might give me the opportunity I needed. I would make her pay for what she did to Jade, for the pain she caused me.

"There, all done," the head maid announced, stepping back to admire their work. I glanced at my reflection. My light brown hair was styled elegantly, my makeup subtle yet flawless. The black dress they had chosen was simple but elegant, fitting for the occasion.

"Thank you," I said, standing up. The maids bowed slightly and stepped back, their job done.

I walked to the window, looking out at the courtyard below. The black SUV was already waiting, a stark contrast against the stone walls of the castle. I could see the demon guards standing by, their imposing figures a reminder of the world I was about to enter.

The guards were intimidating, to say the least. They were tall and muscular, their skin a deep, ashen gray. Their eyes glowed a fierce red, and each bore a set of horns—some curling elegantly, others jutting out like jagged weapons.

Their armor was black and crimson, adorned with intricate designs that seemed to pulse with a dark energy. 

A knock on the door broke my reverie. Lydia stepped in, her expression a mix of concern and sadness. "It's time," she said softly.

I nodded and followed her out of the room, my heart heavy. As we descended the grand staircase, my mother was waiting at the bottom, her face a mask of barely contained anger. She didn't say anything, but the look she gave me spoke volumes. Disappointment, frustration, and a hint of something else—perhaps fear.

The demon guards approached, their presence filling the space. One of them stepped forward, his voice a deep rumble. "We came to take you, Riley."

I glanced at Lydia, who gave me a sad smile. "Goodbye, Lydia," I said, hugging her tightly. "Take care of yourself."

"You too," she whispered back. "And remember, you're stronger than you think."

I pulled away and faced my mother. She said nothing, just crossed her arms and glared at me. Her silence was more cutting than any words could be. I didn't bother with a farewell. Instead, I turned to the guards and nodded.

"Let's go," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

The guards led me to the SUV, their presence flanking me on either side. As I climbed in, I took one last look at my home. The castle had never felt so oppressive, yet leaving it filled me with a sense of dread.

The door closed behind me with a heavy thud, sealing my fate. The interior of the car was luxurious, yet it felt more like a cage. The engine roared to life, and we began the journey to the demon realm. 

I stared out the window, the scenery blurring as we sped down the road. My mind raced with thoughts of what awaited me. Seeing Seraphine again, confronting her, would be a challenge. But I couldn't let my emotions get the better of me. I had to stay focused on my goal.

The drive seemed endless, but eventually, the landscape changed. The human world gave way to the dark, eerie beauty of the demon realm. The trees were twisted, their leaves a deep purple, and the sky had an otherworldly hue. The air felt thicker here, charged with a strange energy.

As we approached the demon castle, my heart pounded harder. The structure loomed in the distance, its tall spires and grand architecture both beautiful and intimidating. I could see figures moving about—servants and guards preparing for my arrival.

The SUV came to a stop, and the door opened. One of the guards offered his hand to help me out. I ignored it, stepping out on my own. My eyes scanned the courtyard, taking in every detail.

Then I saw her. Seraphine stood at the entrance, her eyes fixed on me. She looked as imposing as ever, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders, her red and black suit fitting her perfectly. There was a regal air about her, one that demanded respect and attention.

"Welcome to my castle," she said, her voice clear and composed.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak just yet. The maids and guards around us watched in silence, their eyes following our every move.

I squared my shoulders and walked toward her, each step bringing me closer to the woman who had caused me so much pain. The tension between us was palpable, a silent acknowledgment of the history we shared.

"Thank you," I finally said, my voice steady but cold.

Seraphine nodded and gestured for me to follow her inside. "We have much to discuss," she said.

As I stepped into the grand hall, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Anger, grief, and a strange sense of anticipation. This was the beginning of something new—a chance to confront the past and, perhaps, shape the future.

But one thing was certain. I wouldn't let Seraphine off easily. She would have to answer for what she had done, and I would make sure of it.