Chapter 23

The world, covered in snow and ice, collapsed with a rumble.

And revealed a sanctuary.

Auto Han burst into laughter.

"He really managed to overthrow the Snow Mountain King. Impressive."

Elric's expression twisted slightly.

"As expected. It was a difficulty level that I couldn't handle, right?"

"Of course."


With such blatant positivity, there was hardly any room for rebuttal.

"Well, it's a bit unexpected. While he seems to have accumulated some knowledge mentally, still, how could a fledgling who has only formally entered the field for a few years dare to challenge the Snow Mountain King? No matter how talented he may be, he was originally a military officer."

Elric clenched his fist. He felt an overwhelming urge to strike Auto Han's face.

Just when it seemed easy...!

"At least half a year. Depending on talent, it could take up to two to three years. And at that point, one would become quite competent."

Well, if it had gone on for more than a year, it would have been handed over to a descendant who had no talent whatsoever, and they would have been treated like dirt.

Perhaps even Auto Han's idea of being 'competent' after a year was only by the standards of the family; from an external perspective, it was undoubtedly an absurdly rapid growth.

"But to overcome this situation in just one month... Hoho! Still, it's fortunate that all the time spent here wasn't in vain."

Auto Han nodded satisfactorily.

How infuriating that sight was.

Elric grumbled bluntly'

"It's been a month."


"I'm talking about mastering magic. Since I spent another month here, it's been exactly two months now."


Auto Han momentarily doubted if he had misheard.

But as Elric turned away without bothering to explain further, he realized belatedly and was taken aback.

"Huh? Hahaha!"

Then he burst into laughter again.

So satisfying.

* * *

"What was her demeanor in the end?"

"She was smiling."

"Is that so? That's a relief."

Auto Han nodded faintly with a smile.


Elric could sense a profound loneliness in that expression.

While he had glimpsed into her life by consuming the Snow Mountain King's legacy, he didn't know every detail.

However, one thing was certain: the two adversaries had developed tender feelings for each other at some point.

And he could only speculate that due to differences in race and position, it could never come to fruition.

'Come to think of it, there were no descendants coming from the Auto Han lineage in the family tree.'

They claimed it was arranged for the succession of the family, but in reality, it might have been that they wanted to protect the Snow Mountain King's tomb even after death.

"Is the succession all over now?"

But Elric didn't bother asking about that.

Everyone had their own story, and he didn't need to know it all.

"Do you think it's over?"

Auto Han, as if aware of Elric's consideration, smiled faintly.

"No. It seems like it will continue."

"That's right."

"How much longer do you intend to keep this up...?"

"Until it becomes like the ancestors."

"...Wasn't it simply about passing down the family legacy or something like that?"

In truth, Melvinger had only 'stories' about the early days of the family, just as ancient as its history.

The oral traditions were all filled with fanciful tales.

Especially about ancestors whose names weren't even properly known.

"Why did you think that?"

"Well, it's because it's filled with stories like directly raising dragons, making giant's guardians, and such..."

Elric trailed off, sneaking a glance at Auto Han.

As he spoke, it felt as if he were disrespecting the ancestors in front of the progenitor.

But even this expression was quite tactful in reality.

-The heavens were filled with dark clouds and the earth was engulfed in flames as two cities, daring to doubt him, were submerged when the ancestors performed miracles.

-When the head of the dragons, cherished by the ancestors, closed his eyes at the end of his auspicious life, his scales became forests, his flesh became land, and his blood became rivers. His skeleton formed mountain ranges, which are now known as the Dragon's Backbone Mountains.

- The giants who devoted themselves to the ancestors were usually quiet, but when they rose, the earth trembled, and when they charged, their momentum was like wildfire, unstoppable against any foe.

-Many miracle-workers gathered around the ancestors. They became the laws and truths of today, becoming the gods of the present.

Controlling storms and changing landscapes as I desire?

Elric knew there was only one word that could refer to such a being.


'Even my grandfather, considered the strongest among the ancestors, wouldn't have been on that level.'

The reason why Elric and the previous ancestors treated the early history of the family, including the ancestors, as mere legends was because...

'Wait a moment. Isn't this similar to the dream I had before...?'

As Elric briefly recalled the dream he had seen at the Jewel Dragon's nest.

He had to open his eyes wide at Auto Han's following words.

"That's quite a blunt assessment."


"Just because only that much has been passed down orally."


What on earth does this mean?

"Although we anticipate even greater achievements in the future with your blessed talents, you are still far from reaching your full potential, my descendant. Do not dare to judge them according to your perspective and standards just because you have only seen them bloom."


"He has achieved much and left much behind while he was present on this land. We have prepared all these things to follow in his footsteps. All you need to do is walk that path faithfully."

Elric felt as if his breath had caught in his throat for a moment.

What kind of being is the ancestor to warrant such words?

"Anyway, for now, you should focus only on what you can do immediately."

Elric realized that Auto Han was about to explain the new succession, so he opened his eyes wider.

On the other hand, he was too curious about what the ancestor's 'path', which couldn't be adequately explained by just passing down the family legacy, really meant.

"The path you have started to walk will be as cold as ice and so lonely that everything will seem desolate. The mountains and fields will be covered in snow, and the branches will sway in the wind, making even the path hard to see."

Auto Han's eyes sank deep.

"So you must prepare your own livelihood there. You've obtained one thing, so you must prepare another, right?"


"Seek the God of Camellias."

"If you mean camellias... Are you talking about camellia flowers?"


Elric's mind went blank for a moment.

The god of camellias? Was there such a deity?

"He will guide you on your new path."

Elric nodded silently.

He didn't bother asking how to find the God of Camellias.

As time had passed, all the clues that existed before would have disappeared.

And perhaps even finding it would be a test from the ancestors.

'Just because we're from our family, there's no way they'll teach us willingly.'

Fortunately, it wasn't entirely unplanned.

'If we start with visiting the Flower Temple, we might find some clues. Let's start there.'

It was time to leave.

"I appreciate everything you've done."

Elric bowed politely.

Regardless of the manipulation, he had learned so much thanks to Auto Han.

In fact, Elric was experiencing for the first time here the 'care of an adult' that he had never received before.

"You talk as if we're never going to see each other again. Won't you come back here occasionally?"

"Well, I might not be able to come often."

Elric scratched his cheek with his index finger.

Auto Han nodded as if he understood.

"Of course. There's work to be done. Anyway, you did well, and I hope you'll roll even more in the future."

"...What kind of encouragement is that?"

This guy, seriously. Why are they all like this?

Elric grumbled and closed his eyes to escape from this irritating atmosphere.

Then, opening one eye slightly, he asked.

"Anyway, how I am going to deal with going out?"

* * *

"Damn this place! There's nothing I like about it!"

Elric exclaimed angrily, his eyes wide open.

The scene before him was the library. It was reality.

『Hahaha! Looks like Auto has been on the receiving end of some temperament from you.』

Mephisto chuckled gleefully, his demeanor somehow infuriating.

A blaze ignited within Elric.

"Temperament? What temperament! If that's temperament, then what do you call hostility!"

Mephisto, on the verge of saying 'What do you have to say?' barely restrained himself and asked,

 『What did you do to him?』

"What the hell...!"

Elric felt a surge of anger as the memories of that time came flooding back.

-Oh. Right. A way out. Um....

-...Um, did you just say 'um'?

-Haha. As if.

-You didn't even consider it, did you?

-Well, if it's not there, you make it.

He should have realized it when Auto chuckled suspiciously.

With a very simple method, Elric could escape from the imaginary world.

...By dying.

'What kind of nonsense is this about just dying offhand! Damn it!'

No matter how many deaths he experienced, death was something he could never get used to.

Naturally, he had to stand his ground firmly.

'Showering temperament with a cascade of love. What an exquisite lineage. Heh heh heh.'

Mephisto could savor a contented feeling after quite a while.

"But more importantly... what am I supposed to do with this?"

Elric grimaced slightly as he held his hands wide open.


A white crystal emitting a chilling light appeared above his hand.

-Oh right, and before we go, I need to take this with me.

-What is this?

-Ice Crystal.

-Ice... Crystal?

-The God of Camellias... his personality is a bit peculiar. We might need this just to get a word in with him.


-So, we're going to find him and say this.

-I've come to complete 'winter'.

* * *

Alone in the field, Auto Han gazed at the spot where Elric had left, letting out a dry chuckle.

"He was quite an interesting descendant."

Whether it was talent, determination, or temperament, it would be difficult to excel in every aspect. Auto Han felt satisfied that all his waiting from the past seemed to be paying off.

Yet, at the same time...

Part of him felt nostalgic and somewhat regretful for the bustling month that had passed.

"By the way."

Auto Han's gaze shifted elsewhere.

"You, who have struggled to sleep for so long, should now be able to rest comfortably."

Snow Mountain King stood in his place.

"The grudge you left behind... do you think it can be properly resolved in that child's hands?"

Despite loving Auto Han all his life and striving to surpass him, Snow Mountain King had to face frustration because he could never achieve it.

All of it was because of that time when he fell into obsession.

It was when he rashly tampered with the seal in his pursuit of power, causing the seal to go haywire.

When he finally came to his senses, what lay before his eyes was nothing but ruin and her kingdom alone.

Her dying wish was for him to take her life to stop her.


Even in death, Auto Han chose to be buried with her.

To atone for his sins toward her.

In order for her grudge and legacy to continue,

"So, please, in the next life..."

Auto Han closed his eyes silently.

The shadow of Snow Mountain King, who had always been there, was no longer visible.


Somehow, it seemed like it was still there, reflected in his eyes.

"May both of us meet more beautifully than before."

Tears glistened slightly in the wrinkles around his eyes.