Chapter 24

『What are you searching for?』

After finishing his prayers, Mephisto furrowed his brow as Elric showed no signs of leaving the library.

He only wished to escape this place as soon as possible, even if it was just for a day.

Elric continued to rummage through the shelves all night.

"I'm searching for something."

『You're searching?』

Elric didn't even glance towards Mephisto, instead, he spread his hands wide behind him.

A crystal, enveloped in a radiant white light, appeared in his palm.

『This is...?』

"It's an ice crystal."

『...The Winter Sage, he's the one who gave it to you, huh?』

"I've brought this."

『To whom?』

"To the God of Camellia."

『Hah, hahaha! So, he's attempting to create 'winter'?』

For the first time, Elric's gaze, which had been fixed on the book, turned towards Mephisto.


A word he had been searching for all this time, yet couldn't seem to grasp its meaning.

It was clearly not simply a seasonal term.

"Do you know what it means?"

『How could I not? Your abominable 'Four Seasons ' that have plagued us, including me, the King of Demons, for so long.』

"Please, tell me more about it."

Elric closed the book shut. His eyes sank deep.

But as always, Mephisto merely crossed his arms and sniffed disdainfully.

『Why should I? I've said it before, I have no reason to help you in any way.』

"Exemption from hellish cuteness."

『Four months.』


『Four months.』

"Two weeks."

『Four months.』

"Fine. One month. No more concessions."

『Four months.』

Mephisto seemed determined not to make any concessions whatsoever.

Elric's expression crumpled.

"Alright, alright! Let's make it four months then."

『Ask, and you shall receive, with a double dose of exemption from tantrums!』

"...You're really pushing it now."

『And? You don't want to?』

"I do! I said I do!"

『Then, while we're at it, let's form a mana covenant to ensure you can't say anything else.』

A mana covenant was a contract that controlled access to mana streams. If violated, it could lead to permanent loss of magical power, making it an unparalleled safety measure.

Elric grumbled but had no choice but to comply with Mephisto's demands. He was the one desperate for this deal.

Click, click!

As the mana covenant was established, Elric felt as if a lock had been placed on his heart, sealing away the mana circles embedded within.

It wasn't a particularly pleasant feeling.

"But why exactly four months?"

『Just because. It seemed fitting to inquire about the seasons.』

As Mephisto looked at Elric's thoroughly crumpled face, it felt like all the memories of his time here were evaporating.


"Is it all done now? Then tell me."

With the final step of the covenant completed, Elric pressed Mephisto for answers.

Since things had come this far, he intended to ask everything he wanted to know.

『It's a past that I wouldn't particularly like to dwell on, but... well, I suppose it doesn't matter much now. After all, you'll soon find out for yourself.』

Mephisto continued, with a measured tone.

『The Four Seasons refer to the four divine beings that raised your Melvinger family to prominence on the cliffs.』

"Divine beings?"

Elric cocked his head in confusion.

Auto Han isn't a divine being but rather one of the Four Ancestors...?

Something seemed different from what he knew.

『Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. That's the Four Seasons. Our kind used to differentiate them like that, as each of them suited the characteristics and traits of the respective seasons.』

"...The Four Ancestors!"

Elric belatedly realized what Mephisto's mention of the Four Seasons referred to.

The four divine beings who assisted the ancestors in raising the lineage.

They were beings whose existence was as unbelievable as the legends surrounding the lineage itself.

However, there was something puzzling.

'Wait. Isn't Auto Han one of the Four Ancestors? Why would they be called divine beings?'

Fortunately, Elric's question could be easily resolved.

『Pahah! Is that what you people call them? Well, anyway. Among them, Auto Han was the one corresponding to 'Winter.' He was... the most trusted advisor among advisors, having been admitted as a member of the Great Melvinger's lineage and later even chosen as a head after several generations.』

Elric couldn't shake the feeling that Mephisto was reluctant to mention the ancestors.

『For such a being to remain as a guide in your lineage... It's probably not just about passing on the power they possessed.』

Finally, Elric could nod in understanding.

Now he had a rough idea of what Auto Han represented.

'So, once all this guidance is over, could I receive the guidance of the other Four Ancestors sequentially?'

Auto Han said,

Even the family legacy is vastly insufficient to explain the ancestors.

If that's the case, the same would apply to others chosen by the Four Seasons...!

If he could inherit all that power?

'He said he'd guide me until I become as strong as my ancestors... So, that's what he meant.'

The power of the Four Seasons clearly originated from the ancestors.

'If that's the case, rebuilding the family lineage is definitely not impossible.'

Elric's eyes gleamed strangely.

Then he asked,

"What about this crystal?"

『That's an 'egg.'』

"An egg?"

『The essence of winter, formed only in the deepest depths of an iceberg covered in perennial snow... It's pure and concentrated, possessing both essence and spirit due to harboring the purest energy.』

"In short."

『...Didn't I say? It's essence and spirit.』




Elric gazed at the still trembling crystal with admiration.

An egg of a spirit, something he had only heard of in stories?

『Since it contains nothing within, depending on what you fill it with in the future, it could give birth to infinite possibilities.』

"So why does the God of Camellia need this?"

『How could I know that? He's just someone who worships flowers; he might just want to hit on some kids.』

Elric nodded as if he understood.

Camellias bloom in winter. So there wouldn't be a better flowerpot than a crystal.

『What's certain is that the picture left by the Winter Sage seems quite plausible.』

Mephisto accurately deciphered Auto Han's intentions.

There had been times when they clashed so sharply. Perhaps they knew each other too well.

'Thanks to that, it's easier for me to understand... But why does he seem unnecessarily kind? Is there another trick up his sleeve?'

Elric narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Then, he realized belatedly.

'My vision... It's become a bit clearer, hasn't it?'

His eyes widened.

* * *

'It's certain. It's increased, albeit slightly. It's clear that after his guidance ends, some of the King's power will return!'

Mephisto had to suppress a laugh that was threatening to emerge.

While he had felt a gradual return of magic each time the Seal of Cruelty grew, this time it seemed more pronounced.

Still, it was too minimal to be certain.

Compared to the magic he possessed in his prime, it was a mere drop.

Even if magic returned, it wasn't clear whether it was due to Elric's growth or natural recovery over time.

But the moment the guidance ended, he could be sure.

Elric and his soul were undeniably closely linked!

'I need to make this guy stronger as quickly as possible to regain my power.'

Originally, he had planned to hint at Elric and seize his body.

Now, simply nurturing him would yield reflexive benefits without the need for such measures.

Though it was somewhat unsettling to have to nurture Melvinger with his own hands.

But what could he do? Immediate recovery was the priority.

Whether to attempt seizure or strive for independence could be decided later.


Elric could quickly catch on to Mephisto's subtle intentions.

'If my essence has strengthened, it means my power is recovering. For now, I can still control things as I please, but it might become more difficult later.'

In a way, it was akin to having a hidden dagger aimed at him from the closest possible range.

As dangerous as it was.

'Isn't this good?'

To Elric, as befitting a Melvinger, this opportunity seemed promising.

'It means I can extract even more from Mephisto in the future.'

Although he had secured Mephisto's assistance through a series of threats and deals, now he could expect to receive it more smoothly.

'And although I don't know when, someday… I'll have to break Mephisto with my own hands, just as Auto Han did with the Snow Mountain King.'

Elric considered Mephisto to be the obstacle he must eventually overcome.

* * *



Despite the difficulty of movement, the once pleasant weather had turned into a fierce snowstorm.

The robe knights were gradually growing weary.

"Miss... Are you alright?"

In response to Knight Chen's question, the leader of the group, Isabelle, nodded firmly.

"I'm fine. So please don't worry too much. We don't know when they'll come, but for now, let's focus on finding the 'tomb.'"

"Yes... understood."

"I too am a child of the 'Blue Lion.' I don't want to be any more of a burden to all of you."

"A burden! How can you say such absurd things...!"

Chen's complexion turned pale at the word 'burden,' but seeing Isabelle biting her lower lip tightly, he couldn't say anything.

It had already been a month since the guide and passengers, including those pursuing them, were all killed.

During that time, they had endured severe hardships.

They had to wander through the Dragon's Spine Mountains, and amidst that, two precious knights lost their lives. One lost an arm, which was almost equivalent to losing their life, so now only one person had to protect Isabelle.

So, Isabelle must be trying to show such a strong appearance.


Could they really find the target properly in this state?

Chen felt his once confident determination crumble a while ago, until he was driven to anger.

'Can we really find that 'tomb' in this vast mountain range?'

But Chen never showed such inner turmoil.

He was a knight.

A knight who had to uphold and fulfill the oath to his lord.

Even if she were to fail, silently guarding her was his duty.


"Chen, I know what you're thinking, but somehow, I'll make it through."

Isabelle had sensed Chen's thoughts long before, but she pretended not to notice.

If she showed any signs of wavering now, everything would truly be over.

Even at this moment, the assassins sent by her uncle were surely hot on their trail.

"Nearby for sure... But where exactly?"

Isabelle continued to trace the image she had seen on the map, but in an environment where visibility was severely limited, estimating their location was anything but easy.

"Where could it be...!"

Her father, Herman Weil, who was once bestowed with the title 'Blue Lion', had pushed himself too hard to add one more link to the five chains known as the 'Barrier of Humanity', and as a result, had fallen into a state of paralysis.

The family's chief physician had diagnosed him with a grim prognosis after examining his pulse.

-This is the same symptom we've only heard about,similar to blockage diseases .