Chapter 33

"Why... Do you spare me?"

"At least one of you should survive to properly convey my message."

Isabelle stared at the Blue wolf squad member with trembling eyes, the only survivor among the assailants.

The one who remained at Elric's request, pleading for the sparing of one.

At this moment, Isabelle was engulfed in strange emotions.

'These people. I didn't expect them to have such eyes.'

Until now, the people of her family had kept their distance from her, considering she had no talent.

Even when maintaining etiquette, it was merely a courtesy as the 'lord's daughter'. They always kept their distance.

Especially those affiliated with her uncle tended to do so while pretending to keep such etiquette, and Blue Wolves occasionally showed chilling glances.

She knew well that it all stemmed from a stance of disdain.

But now, they were expressing different emotions for the first time.

The emotions reflected in their eyes were ones she knew well.

'Fear... They're afraid of me.'

Their reactions were remarkably similar to when family members and even outsiders faced her father.

Of course, she was well aware that this fear was directed not at her but at Elric standing behind her.

Yet, in this moment of reprimand, it felt like it was directed at her.

That's why such a thought occurred to her.

'I want it to be mine.'

The desire for power tickled her heart.

"If I say... no?"

"Go and convey it to my uncle. There will be no more dealings with him from now on."

But to gain power, she had to change her attitude.

She decided to throw away the complacent thought that she should at least save her own people by handing the crown to Paul Weyl.

Even though she knew she was returning to the imperial capital, the moment he tried to cut off even the remaining limbs, the possibility of dealing with her uncle had vanished.

"What do you mean...?"

"No matter how hard my uncle tries, the position of Blue Lion will never go to him, that's what I mean."

Isabelle had set her mind on wearing the crown herself.

There were many paths to walk to achieve that, but for now, she didn't dwell deeply on it.


The member of Blue Wolf Squad didn't bother to ask further.

All he wanted now was to leave this place as soon as possible. Reports of Isabelle baring her fangs at his lord needed to be conveyed somehow.


So when he tried to hastily get up and flee, Elric suddenly called him back.

The Blue Wolf Squad member, with their spine stiffening, turned around, wondering if they were going to change their mind or something.


His vision shook dramatically the moment their eyes met. It felt nauseating, as if experiencing motion sickness.

"No. Go."

The Blue Wolf Squad member was worried that Elric would change his words again, so he quickly left the place.

Isabelle widened her eyes, watching him leave, then turned to Elric.

"What did you do?"

Elric smiled faintly as he replied.

"A curse."


"That guy, like others, originally had ice poison lodged in his heart. It's dormant now."


"After reporting everything he saw and heard here, that poison will awake. Boom, bang!"


Elric chuckled coldly as he clapped loudly at the part where he said 'Boom'.

"If you're going to give a warning, might as well do it properly, right?"


Mephisto burst into laughter beside him.

『Puhaha! As expected of Melvinger, who always goes a step further than demons in backstabbing.』

Then he raised the corner of his mouth.

『But is it really okay to do this? You said you wouldn't get too deeply involved. If you go this far, they might come after you with knives in their mouths.』

Elric had heard from Isabelle that the person threatening her was her uncle, Paul Weyl.

[They'll come after me one way or another.]

『Why do you think so?』

[Haven't I disposed of about fifty of those Blue wolves or whatever while helping Isabelle? Once it's known that only one person dealt with them, it will cause quite a stir...]

『And what about the 'magician' who knows the secret?』

[It is the nature of lions to never want their secrets to be discovered by the Magic Tower.]

Admitting weakness could become a vulnerability.

That's how bad the relationship between the Lion family and the Magic Tower was.

As much as they were considered potential enemies.

[And my magic... It's very unique, isn't it? Even if I try to hide my identity after overturning the Academy in the imperial capital, they'll quickly find out that it was me.]

There aren't many magicians specializing in ice magic.

『So, since you are going to be exposed anyway, might as well escalate the situation, right?』


If he had no choice but to turn to Paul Weyl, he might as well make thorough use of the situation.

[The resurrected Melvinger Family joining hands with the Blue Lion. Isn't it nice? Fortunately, the Blue Lion was already somewhat recognized within the Lion family. Melvinger was also a well-known figure in Magic Tower.]

『Not only building a flashy spotlight but also a solid position all at once.』

Mephisto thought Elric was overflowing with talent only in magic, but he seemed to know how to stand firm.

For the first time, Mephisto liked Elric's plan.

『But although I do not know the current situation of humans well, the biggest part of the picture you're drawing would be possible only after that woman reaches that level, right?]

[It's simple.]

Elric brushed aside Mephisto's doubts and looked at Isabelle.

"Now, where do you intend to go?"

"I'm thinking of going to Kanoi."

It was a fairly remote rural village from the imperial capital.

"It looks like the blue lion is recuperating there."

"Yes. I thought I'd take care of my father for a while and seize the opportunity."

Elric somehow felt that Isabelle's tone was much stronger than before.

"Are you trying to gain strength?"

"There have been many students who have benefited from my father. I thought I might seek their help."

Isabelle had been trying to resolve the conflicts within the family.

Because she believed it was for the sake of the family.

But that was a mistaken thought.

To survive and win, she had to become strong.

The sword was never meant for decoration.

"That's a good idea. Even if it's Paul Weyl, he wouldn't dare to touch the sanctuary where the Blue Lion resides."


Isabelle was about to say something but stopped.

She wanted to say that if her father's treatment, the main cause of the conflict, wasn't resolved, they would ultimately lose the fight.

Elric was an outsider.

And he was a magician.

A magician could never be associated with lions.

She couldn't ask for help to that extent.

Above all.

'I have to part ways here.'

It was abrupt, but it was a farewell.

Thinking like that, she felt a strange tingling in her heart.

Why was she feeling like this?

"Please accept it."

Whether Elric knew Isabelle's thoughts or not.

Elric chuckled lightly and pulled something out of his pocket, handing it to Isabelle.

It was a small note densely filled with tiny writing.

"What's this?"

"It's the treatment method for the Blue Lion."



"W-what is this!"

The astonishment was not only Isabelle's; the knights standing behind her were equally surprised. Especially Chen's complexion turned ashen.

"First, let me clarify my identity."

Elric withdrew the magic that had been used on his face. As a result, his disguised face returned to its original state.

"Wha-what...? You?"

Isabelle and the others looked at Elric with a mix of wonder and recognition. Especially Isabelle gaped at his familiar face, as if something about him was coming to mind.

"My name is Elric Melvinger. I am the head of the Melvinger family, known as the 'Radiant Star Duke.'"




Radiant Star.

A title given posthumously by the imperial family after his grandfather, Usdun Melvinger, known as the 'Magus of the Stars,' achieved a great victory in the Great Demon War.

Although the title didn't have any real power, it was a precious honor imbued with dazzling glory.

But Elric had never dared to use it before due to the nickname 'Disgrace,' given to him. But now, things are different.

"… I heard you are in a coma at Imperial Magic Hospital... ?"

Isabelle asked with trembling eyes.

"Yes. That's correct."

Elric nodded calmly.


Isabelle was about to voice her doubts but hesitated.

She knew that the only heir of the Melvinger family couldn't use magic, as far as she was aware. Yet the Elric standing before her was a magician close to the level of a magus.

Although it seemed completely mismatched, it wasn't something she could bring up directly.

Fortunately, Elric didn't seem to mind.

"There were some circumstances preventing me from discussing it until now. However, it is true that I suffered from 'blockage disease' until recently."


"It may seem odd, but I've heard that the Reflux disease afflicting the Blue Lion is quite similar to 'blockage disease.' If that's true, this might be of some help."


Isabelle finally looked down at the paper in her trembling hands.

"I've described the treatment method and precautions. Please give it a try, and if there are any questions, feel free to contact me."

Elric didn't specify where to contact him.

It was an expression of confidence that no matter where he was, he would easily find out.

"H-how can I ever repay this kindness..."

Isabelle's voice trembled softly.

"Well, of course, the recipe isn't free."

Isabelle laughed lightly.

She thought Elric's remark was a joke to lighten the mood.

But Elric's words were sincere.

"Thank you. I'll make good use of it."

Isabelle tucked the paper into her embrace and bowed her head once again.

She didn't even entertain the thought that he might be lying.

After all, sometimes you can see a person's sincerity just by looking into their eyes.


"Then I'll contact you separately once we arrive in Kanoi."

"I look forward to hearing from you."

Elric and Isabelle's party parted ways soon after.

This was because the directions of the Imperial Capital and Kanoi were completely different.

Isabelle looked at Elric with a look of lingering regret for a moment, but then, thinking that she had to hurry and get to her father, she drove the carriage and set off on her journey.

And then...

『Looking at your ugly face, I guess you're quite pleased with what's in that pocket.』

Mephisto watched Elric fiddle with the item Isabelle had left behind.

"Mephi. Do you know what's inside this?"


"A gold coin! Gold coin! And not just any gold coin! These were issued directly by the Great Emperor Estonia himself, issued only a small quantity 200 years ago... !"

『Looks like someone's completely lost their mind.』

Mephisto shook his head and clicked his tongue.

Of course, Elric wasn't around to hear his comment.

"Haha! They say the Blue Lion originally came from a merchant family, and among the Eight Lions, he's said to be the wealthiest... Haha! Turns out that was true. And there's even a rumor going on."

Then, Elric's head snapped up.

"I've decided."


"I'm going to suck on the straw I've stuck into the Blue Lion until it's completely worn out."

Mephisto didn't bother responding to that remark, as engaging would only bring him down to the same level. He just kept shaking his head.