Chapter 34

Why are there so many people giving me headaches these days?

Sean said while pressing his temple with his index finger.

"I've told you several times, elder sister, that the patient's condition is not good right now, so they're refusing all visits, haven't I?"

"And I've explained several times that I am going to personally examine the critically ill patient with my qualifications as a magus, haven't I?"

Tasha Nerester replied confidently, brushing off her burning red hair.

She mimicked Sean's tone deliberately, grinning slyly.

She was trying to provoke him.

The problem was, if he crossed this line, she would be attempting to break into the hospital.

So Sean had to press on somehow.

'At any rate, Elric, I can't have a single day of peace because of that bastard. Why does my sister even care about him?'

Tasha Nerester.

One of the prodigies born into the Nerester family, one of the Hexagram.

Sean himself, despite not yet reaching thirty, graduated from the academy with honors and already boasted the title of assistant professor.

However, in front of his older sister's fame, he felt as insignificant as withered grass.

Sensing mana at the age of three. Understanding the concept of equations at six.

A monster who completed all of the academy's courses at the age of twelve.

From the age of thirteen, she was the student of the 'Red Moon Dancer', who was said to have dominated the era along with Usdun Melvinger, and lived up to everyone's expectations.

And indeed, at the age of fifteen, she became the 'youngest' magus.

So for Sean, Tasha, despite being siblings sharing the same blood, always seemed like a distant figure, like a star.

Of course, the six-year age gap only made that distance more pronounced.

In any case.

She was a genius who had everything.

Beauty, intelligence, background - you name it.

Although there were two or more geniuses comparable to her, who were bundled together as 'New Stars,' simply because she was born in the wrong era, it was not an exaggeration to say that this era belonged to her.

So why?

Tasha Nerester had only one flaw.

'Goodness, her personality, that's it. And a big one.'

She was well aware that she is a genius.

So she was always arrogant.

And also, very confident.

She had never experienced failure, nor had any reason to. She had never missed anything she set her mind to. Because there was no reason to.

Such a woman showed interest in Elric.

Until then, she didn't even know of Elric's existence. She was only interested in the issue of 'Dragon's Nest.'

She was a dragon enthusiast.

"It looks like I won't be able to date until I'm almost thirty...."

Suddenly, one of Tasha's eyebrows twitched.

Then, she chuckled and tilted her head slightly to the side, speaking in a teasing tone.

"Hmm! My little brother is saying something weird again?"

"Did I say anything wrong?"

Sean inwardly regretted that his thoughts had inadvertently slipped out, but then decided to play it cool and put on an unaffected expression.

Age and dating. These two things were absolute taboos that should never be mentioned in front of her, even at home.

"Is it because of my beauty, or is it because of my abilities? Men are all like children, too busy clinging to my ankles to do anything. A modern woman. A career woman, you know? Falling behind in this era like this...."

"Who's saying anything? You're getting pricked alone."


Tasha had to barely hold back her urge to swear as Sean's blunt tone made her blood boil.

"Oh, enough. There was no acquaintance between Elric and you, elder sister, so find someone who's conscious, don't make it hard for the medical staff. Hey, what are you all doing? Not escorting my elder sister?"

Sean shouted angrily at the attendants behind Tasha.

The attendants looked unsure of what to do, glancing at Tasha's expression.

Tasha briefly glared at Sean, chuckled to herself, then turned away.

"Well, if he's not feeling well, there's nothing we can do. Let's hope he gets better tomorrow. Let's go."

Sean stared at Tasha and the others as she walked back with arrogant steps for a long time, then sighed in relief.

"Why does she come here every day? Feels like she smells something, but I can't figure out what."

He is already in a rush because of Professor Berex's matters.

It was really killing him to see even Tasha giving him such trouble.

"Did the young miss leave?"

At that moment, the attendant Karl cautiously peeked his face in.

"Where on earth did you come from?"

"From somewhere. It was a place where the young miss's gaze couldn't reach."


Sean was momentarily speechless at the attendant's cheeky reply, who seemed to have hidden away just to live alone.

"Anyway, why is that witch like that? Did she find out anything?"

"It seems she's interested in grimoires."


"Yes. Have you heard of the 「Dragon's Book of Darkness」?"

"Hmm? Wasn't that like a fairy tale or something?"

Dragon's Book of Darkness.

It was one of the stories that spread like wildfire even in the magical academic community.

Just before dragons walked the path of complete extinction, the last remaining dragon king stood alone against the demon king's army, leaving behind a journal.

Within it, the truth of the great battle between dragons and demons was recorded, along with the historical context of the time.

It was expected to have significant historical value if discovered, as it provided detailed descriptions of dragon customs and magic.

Of course, this was all assuming that it would actually be discovered.

No one believed it would actually exist.

"But it's been found."

"What? Then...?"

"Yes. It's not confirmed yet, but there are rumors that it's mixed in among several artifacts excavated from Lord Elric's nest. As you know, the young miss goes crazy at the mention of dragons...."

"Damn it!"

Sean cursed without realizing it.

But there was a bigger problem.

"So the item list has been leaked?"

"Fortunately, it was blocked beforehand and hasn't leaked to the outside. Only a few within the family seem to know about it."

"That's it!"

Sean covered his face with his hands.

If his sister knew, it meant even their father, the head of the family, would find out.

Would his father, who could sell his own children for the sake of the family's prosperity, really let such a good opportunity slip by?


But the fact that he had been silent until now was terrifying.

"Increase security around the hospital, the nest... Double the guards, and don't allow anyone access without my permission, even if it's a strict order from my sister or father!"

"I'll keep that in mind. And..."

"What now? Is there more?"

That was when Sean's expression was cruelly distorted.

"This arrived in front of you this morning, young master."

Karl suddenly handed him a letter.

Only the recipient was written, with no sender.

Sean opened the letter without thinking, wondering what this was, but for a moment his expression became even crumpled.

-Brother, I'm going now.

"This bastard, after just a few months of silence...!"

To think he has been protecting such an indifferent guy as a friend all this time.

Sean had to grip his stiffening neck tightly.

Beside him, Karl whimpered.

"Oh, oh? Careful there. If you collapse, young master, I'll have to find another job, you know? What a hassle."

"Are you really saying that now!?"

Why are there only enemies around me who raise my blood pressure so much?

Sean felt skeptical about the relationships he had built over the past twenty years.


"My goodness, are you leaving already? Why don't you stay a bit longer...."

"No, thank you. I have already been a burden for too long. I hope for your speedy recovery and you can return to your daily life as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

Elric left Lacente two days after Isabelle's departure.

He left quickly, even though Isabelle had earnestly requested him to stay and take care of the final arrangements.

Elric accepted this as a commission and took care of the victims who lost their homes overnight, while also distributing the compensation that Isabelle left to them.

"Thank you for everything."

As the time to leave approached, Chen, who had volunteered to stay, bowed his head.

A farewell mixed with gratitude and apology.

Elric clapped his hands.

"No need for that. I've just done what was right."

『Oh, you've done everything for the sake of money.』

Of course, Elric ignored Mephisto's words as if he hadn't heard them.

"Still, it's not easy for you to do all this. We will never forget your kindness throughout our lives. And I, Knight Chen, swear to do the same."

"You don't need to do that."

『That kind of kindness would be better if given in money, wouldn't it? Don't you think so?』

Elric chuckled quietly, steering the conversation.

"What will you do now, Chen?"

"These people have lost their homes overnight. It's not just a matter of throwing money at them to solve everything. Even though it was Paul Weyl's doing, it's also a crime committed by the Weyl family. In the name of the Weyl family, I will stay until the end to help these people and then depart for Kanoi."

『It's probably to placate public sentiment. If he shows such sincerity, people's hearts will have to soften. And while doing so, he'll spread infamy about Paul Weyl... That woman, she looked quite gentle, but there's a shrewd aspect to her that's more than meets the eye.』

[That's the responsibility nobles carry.]

『Establishing justification, I suppose. Instead of just pushing through with force. Humans fuss over everything. Tsk!』

Elric nodded to Chen.

"Until we meet again."

"We'll probably see each other again soon. When that happens, let's meet with smiles different from now."

For the first time, Chen was smiling.


Hehe, hehehe!


Before leaving for the Imperial Capital, Elric visited the market to buy supplies and was startled.

"Why are they behaving like this?"

The horses, which had been quietly grazing or playing in groups until Elric approached, suddenly began to act up as if they had encountered a natural disaster, jumping around excitedly as if they were about to escape the market immediately.

The horse handlers had to sweat profusely to control them.

『Looks like they've sensed this king's presence.』

Mephisto chuckled lightly as he watched.

"You think they sensed you, Mephi?"

『Who knows? The more sensitive an animal's senses are, the easier it is for it to survive. Perhaps those who have been exposed to the wilderness longer will read this king better.』

"That would be a big problem, wouldn't it?"


"If that's the case, I won't be able to go anywhere with animals around. And other people would find it strange, right?"

『Haha! That's something for you to worry about, not for me to concern myself with.』

Such a careless attitude.

Elric narrowed his eyes.

'Is there nowhere to get rid of this nobleman?'

Thinking so, the owner of the market rushed over and bowed his head to Elric.

"Oh my, who might you be? Aren't you an ice magician?"

『Pffft! That nickname is always amusing!』

The Ice Magician. It was a nickname given to Elric by the residents of Lacente for suppressing the arsonists with blizzards.

Was it because it was coined not long ago that it was so awkward? Why was it given so humiliatingly? Mephisto kept teasing him about it.

"I'm here to buy horses. Do you happen to have any good ones?"

"I would like to thank you if you came to our market for such a reason. However, if you're looking for a horse that suits the Ice Magician... it might not be just any horse..."

"As long as it's a horse that can run to the Imperial Capital without getting tired."

"Oh dear! If I give just any horse, I'll surely get in trouble with the others. Let me see."

The market owner pondered for a moment and then glanced around.

"In fact, there is one exceptional horse with a reasonable price and good lineage... and so it has good stamina."

"Is there any issue with it?"

"Well, it's naturally fierce... I think it would be better for you to see it for yourself rather than just hearing about it."

Elric followed the market owner into the center of the vast meadow.

"It's that one."

Pointed by the market owner. There was a horse standing alone even in the midst of where other horses were gathered.

It wasn't being ostracized at all. The other horses couldn't even make a sound near it.

It had a robust physique, about 1.5 times larger than ordinary horses, and a long brown mane that stretched out like a lion's.

Its gaze was quite fierce as well.

"He was originally brought in from the wild as a stallion to improve the breed… He has a fierce temper, and he's really smart. Ahh! We've been unable to tame him so far. Even trying to breed it has been difficult because it just won't listen..."

In short, it was said to be a nuisance in the market.

Elric watched the distant figure for a moment and soon smiled as a good idea came to mind.



Instantly, Mephisto instinctively felt something strange and took a step back.


[Didn't you say an animal from the wild can sense you better?]


[Go near that horse.]

Elric pointed at the horse with his chin.