Chapter 38

'Why are you suddenly looking here?' Sean furrowed his brows.

It was because he couldn't understand why his older sister was suddenly acting like that.

No, more than that, how did she recognize him when he is clearly wearing a robe?


And on top of that, she suddenly smiled in a displeasing manner.

Sean furrowed his brow, wondering if his older sister had eaten something wrong to act like this all of a sudden.


Then, belatedly, Sean realized that Tasha's gaze was fixed not on him but right beside him.

'No way... Elric?' Sean's eyes widened.

Even if it was him, how did she know it's Elric? His older sister must have thought Elric was still in the sickroom, right?

Or... is it just a coincidence?

'There's no way!' Sean knew Tasha better than anyone.

Always confident, arrogant, and greedy.

She was someone who wouldn't move unless she was absolutely sure.

That means she must have noticed something about Elric.

Where did the information leak from? If she really noticed something, wouldn't she make some kind of move? Sean felt nervous for no reason.

"....." Elric, however, continued to look at the podium with an intrigued expression.


"...So, it is my fault for making mistakes and creating social issues. However, after going through such challenges and failures several times, I believe that I can achieve results like this one. Therefore, I will continue to strive forward with this in mind."

Professor Berex sensed his victory the moment his prepared final speech ended.

'Alright! The position of headmaster is mine!'

Despite all the embellishments, his campaign promise was very simple.

The credit for the excavation rights belonged to him, and he pledged to establish a system to ensure continuous major discoveries in the future.

For the academy officials, this was undoubtedly an intriguing proposition.

Moreover, he didn't forget to extend his influence to the Magic Tower.

He proposed that they can participate in the excavation as an 'advisor'.

Although they were competitors with excavation rights not long ago, Magic Tower still had voting rights. Considering his future political aspirations, he couldn't afford to be an absolute enemy with them.

'Yes. There are no eternal enemies in the face of a justification. I should keep Sean Nerester close by. Letting that annoying brat off the hook is frustrating, but...! Still, as Siesta said, I need to look far, far ahead.'

Lazuli... Every piece of advice Karl gave him was as precious as gold, and he found himself completely immersed in Siesta's words.

Even now.

Aren't the gazes of the election representatives directed towards him mostly positive?

'Don't I have nothing but a bright future ahead of me? I should be able to brush off such minor incidents with my broad-mindedness and virtue. Hahaha!'

Professor Berex stifled a laugh that threatened to burst out from his lips.

"Booo, step back! Murderer! Fraudster!"

"Why did you even come out here for politics? Get lost!"

"Hmm! Isn't it okay to expand scholarships for students?"

"I don't think there's any need to protest this much… ."

Even the applause and jeers raining down from the audience seemed like cheers to him.

"Alright, candidates, please take your seats... Let the voting begin."

Following the announcer's instructions, Professor Berex took his seat with a confident expression.

The outcome was obvious without even looking.

Still, he wanted to fully enjoy this moment.


"It seems like everyone already has some candidates in mind, so let's proceed right away."

The election representatives prepared their placards, pondering over the decisions of the organizations they represented.

Most of them already had guessed that Dean Berex had the upper hand, and had made some deals with him to some extent.

So, there wasn't much to ponder over.

But still, they had to maintain appearances and pretend to deliberate.

"But not all the election representatives have arrived yet, right? Why are we starting already?"

Suddenly, someone stood up from the middle of the audience.


"Who is that guy?"

"Is he raising an objection?"

In an instant, the attention of the election representatives, committee members, and even the audience in the stands turned towards him.

A man dressed in a deep black robe.

There were no remarkable features about his face, gender, or anything else.


Oddly, there was a captivating aura about him that drew attention.

Despite the noisy cheers and chatter from the audience.

'Who is that guy?'

Professor Berex furrowed his brow slightly.

He was trying to enjoy the atmosphere, and now some strange guy was interrupting, which was annoying.

So, he quickly signaled to the announcer, Rivern.

"Uh, the head of the Melvinger family is currently ill, so one seat will be marked as vacant. Therefore, please remain seated in the audience, and maintain silence during the voting process...!"

Rivern was about to say something, but suddenly the man pushed back the hood of the robe covering his head.

At that moment.

"It's Elric Melvinger!"

At the shout of a journalist, the entire audience was struck with a great shock.

"Wha... What!"

"Ho... How did this happen...?"

"W-Why is the disgrace of the Magic Royal Family here?"

"Weren't he just...?"


Click, click, click!

The reporters instinctively sensed a scoop and hurriedly aimed their recording devices in that direction.

Almost everyone here knew Elric.

Because Elric's name had been so widely circulated, and there were quite a few montages of him floating around.

Even those who didn't know or were doubtful quickly widened their eyes after hearing the conversations around them!

"I, head of the Melvinger family, Elric Melvinger. I hope to participate as a representative in the election as the Radiant Star Duke?"





Rivern couldn't respond immediately, rolling his eyes towards Professor Berex.

But even Professor Berex was in a state of shock.

'Why is he here!'

For a moment, Professor Berex felt like his mind went blank.

Even though he couldn't confirm it because the Nerester family was blocking the hospital room, still, he had thought Elric was in a coma, not knowing he was here...!

If it weren't for something serious, that guy wouldn't be here.

'Siesta! Where did Siesta go?'

Professor Berex had a foreboding feeling and quickly looked around. He instinctively felt that leaving Elric to rampage like a loose cannon could be really dangerous.

But his trusted advisor, who always provided perfect assistance, was nowhere to be found when needed most. 

'Damn it! Of all times...! No! I can't just leave him alone! I have to stop him somehow!'

Professor Berex signaled to Rivern, meaning to somehow stop Elric.

Rivern hurriedly grabbed the microphone.

"E-Elric Melvinger intends to pa-pa-participate as the representative of the Melvinger family!"

'What a stupid guy! Why is he stammering and babbling there!'

"S-Since you didn't di-di-disclose your medical condition, you're not e-eligible to vote...!"

Elric smiled coldly as he watched his old friend hiccuping, stuttering, and busy carrying out Professor Berex's instructions.

"I did, didn't I?"


"It seems like the announcer didn't confirm it properly. The medical form was already submitted to headquarters before the start of the first round of voting."

Rivern's eyes widened as he suddenly realized. Then, a committee member rushed to him and whispered something in his ear.

"W-What...? It was su-su-submitted...? Su-su-submitted!"

"Fortunately, it seems that it was confirmed even though it was belated. Then I will participate."

In fact, the medical form had been submitted through Karl just before the deadline. So, the announcer and the candidates had no way of knowing until now.

Elric smiled even wider as if relieved, and began to walk towards the stage.

His steps were very slow, but steady.

Each step carried a weighty significance.

Click, click!

The central auditorium quickly fell silent.

Everyone watched his back with equally tense gazes, swallowing their dry saliva. All that could be heard was the sound of cameras clicking.

The more they watched,

Professor Berex's complexion gradually paled. 

Despite being on the brink of becoming the headmaster, he felt like just an ordinary student. 

Perhaps due to the psychological pressure, Elric seemed to loom larger and larger.

'What should I do?'

Professor Berex quickly scanned his surroundings, but no one met his gaze. 

Neither the ordinary citizens in the audience nor the journalists, not even the respected professors from the Faculty Council.

Also Vice President of the Alumni Association.

A magician dispatched from the Magic Tower.

Also high-ranking figures from the imperial family.

Everyone was looking at Elric.

Some were entranced, some intrigued, some curious, and some displeased. Despite their varied reactions and attitudes, they all shared one common thing: focusing solely on Elric.

"Oh, right."

Just then, Elric's steps came to a halt.


The gazes of the people also stopped right there.

"There was something I forgot to mention before participating as the election representative. I should have consulted with the other committee members first."

Elric confidently straightened his posture and addressed the election representatives.

Although his movements seemed excessively theatrical to anyone watching, the impact of his revelation was so immense that no one found it unnatural. Instead, it almost seemed to suit him perfectly.

Watching this, Sean chuckled softly.

It seemed like he knew what that was.

That was...

'Dignity... right?'

The ability to look down on many people.

The dignity that only those born with elegance could possess.

'Even if it's just a facade, isn't a duke still a duke?'

As he thought along those lines...

"What is that?"

Tasha, who had been watching Elric with interest, raised one corner of her mouth and asked.

"I will reclaim the excavation rights that were transferred to the Usdun Academy."



"Ah, no, that's not...!"

"What on earth are you saying!"

"The excavation rights contract isn't over yet!"

Professor Berex widened his eyes at the bombshell declaration, and the election representatives who had discussed the excavation rights with him also stood up in protest.

But Elric responded as if he couldn't understand.

"The contract must have been made without my permission, the owner of the nest, right? As far as I know, there is no contract signed by me, nor any official document issued by my family. Or was there a hidden contract that I don't know about?"

Everyone fell silent.

"If such a contract exists, I will declare it null and void. The excavation rights bidding will be conducted fairly from the beginning in my presence."



"Moreover, contrary to what is known to the public, Dean Berex has not provided any assistance for the discoveries made by me and Sean Nerester."



"Instead, it seems he even attempted to rob my family's heirloom... Regarding this matter, I am considering taking legal action separately. Of course, there is evidence to support this."



"I understand that many of you may have something to say, but I will not entertain any objections. I have neither the reason nor the obligation to do so."

Elric glanced at the dismayed election representatives.

While Tasha still seemed to be amused as if she were dying of laughter, it was impossible to discern what she was thinking. However, fortunately, she seemed to have no intention of causing any further disturbance.

And then.

Elric looked directly at the completely distracted Professor Berex and chuckled lightly.

"Let's proceed with the vote right away."