Chapter 39




Even as the voting began.

The election representatives hesitated to step forward rashly, instead exchanging glances with each other.

[Hmm! What should we do?]

[Is there really anything to debate? Despite all the controversies surrounding Dean Berex, ultimately, it was actually because of excavation rights we chose him, right? But if that's nullified, then he is naturally worthless.]

Although it didn't show outwardly.

Those who were already at least magus level secretly opened communication channels and exchanged messages quickly.

[Moreover... judging by Elric Melvinger's tone, it seems there's been more conflict than what was previously known... Hmm!]

[But looking at him so composed, it seems like he's been recovered for a while now, so why was he announced as being in a coma all this time?]

[Just a little, but I sense mana... Hmm? Wasn't he known to have blockage disease all this time?]

[There are so many things that make me uncomfortable. Representative of the Nerester family! What's going on?]

[My younger brother is related to Melvinger's representative. But I just found out.]

[But you seemed to already know.]

[Hoho. Of course not.]


[Enough, enough! Let's set aside the curiosity about Melvinger's representative for later and focus on the vote now! What's everyone going to do?]

[We have deals we've made until now... so we'll stick with that for now.]


[Us too, impossible.]

[Hmm! What do we do?]

[But we can't just hold onto someone who's already worthless, can we? Let's think easily. On the left side of the scale, the dragon's nest; on the right side, Dean Berex. Where do you stand?]

[Now that it's framed that way, the decision seems too easy.]

Some election representatives chuckled softly.

Naturally, the scale could only tilt to the left.

[Actually, it seems like the key is where his intentions lie right now. Isn't it?]

At that moment, at Tasha's remark, the gaze of the election representatives turned towards Elric, who was sitting on Melvinger's seat.

And just as some candidates who had already given up suddenly found a glimmer of hope, they looked eagerly at Elric with sparkling eyes.

Already, they had no consideration for Professor Berex.

Elric, receiving their attention, chuckled lightly and then gestured towards the podium.

While doing so, he used sound conduction to send a message to the candidates.

[Who would like to buy the position of headmaster.]





"Th-the vote count... Candidate number 2, Lord Juan Mata, has recorded a total vote percentage of 67%, and... without a second round of voting, he has been nominated as the sole candidate for the headmaster position..."

Rivern announced the results, then closed his eyes tightly.

It felt like his once bright future had suddenly turned dark.

Click, click!

Click clack!

Juan Mata, who had unexpectedly found himself in the headmaster's seat, despite not expecting anything, expressed his emotions of gratitude.

All attention suddenly focused on Elric, who had emerged and changed the tide.

Even the reporters' cameras were pointed in his direction.

'Issues, check. Publicity, check. At this rate, my value will skyrocket. Good, very good.'

Perhaps because there were so many eyes watching, he was trying to control himself as much as possible, but Elric was barely holding back the smile that was about to spread across his lips.

『Quite audacious. Making deals so openly there. I do not know whether it's confidence because of being from Melvinger or just plain insanity...』

Mephistopheles, with his arms folded, shook his head in disbelief.

Starting from trivial things like the cancellation of accumulated academic warnings and full scholarships for the remaining semesters to obtaining main staff qualifications for national support projects, full support for future historical research, listing as first author when writing related papers, and lifetime appointment as a adjunct professor after graduation, etc., he had secured a profile that would ensure his success in academia in the future.

It was impressive that he had closed so many deals in such a short moment, but having them make a Mana Vow so that they could never go back was truly astounding.

[Then what should I do? There was no one I liked in the first place.]

Since he hadn't received any special treatment at the academy, there wasn't a candidate he particularly favored.

If even one of them had shown some warmth towards Elric during his active years, he wouldn't have been so ruthlessly opportunistic now.

[Well, I was half joking about the deals…]

『Joking? From the listeners' perspective, it might have sounded like a threat.』

[Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. Thanks to this, I don't have to worry about graduation or making a living anymore. Win-win situation, isn't it? Strike while the iron's hot.]

『Anyway, I feel sorry for that guy too. I'm sure he thinks this is the end of the deal... Ugh, tsk tsk!』

Mephistopheles watched with a melancholic gaze as the new headmaster, who had just been elected and was now shaking hands with each of the election representatives, clearly foreseeing the future of a man who had once crossed Elric.

[If anyone hears it, they will think I am selling organs.]

『It's worse than that. If you take the organ, you can die peacefully, but if one falls into your hands, they'll struggle in agony for a long time.』

[Oh, it's not that extreme.]

『I see that when I look at your friend.』


『But seriously, what's that guy up to? Doesn't he have any balls?』

Mephistopheles narrowed his eyes as he glanced at Professor Berex, who was quietly sitting in a corner.

It was clear that he was seething with anger, as his face was turning red, but he had not shown any reaction so far.

Instead, he seemed to be forcibly suppressing his anger and even preparing to leave his seat.

[Still, he's technically an 8th-circle magician. His actions may seem childish and predictable, but since he is originally a 'sage' level expert, his insights are equally profound. He also has social decorum to maintain.]

『Then are you going to just leave him alone?』

Professor Berex didn't even glance in his direction, turning away to leave the central hall. Rivern hurriedly followed behind him.

[I can't just let him go like this. I need to make him owe us a favor.]

Letting him go like this would only give him an opportunity to regain his composure and find a way to retaliate later. 

Considering the considerable influence he held in academia, he needed to be completely socially buried in this position today.

Elric smirked, lifting one corner of his mouth.


He used sound conduction to send a message, meant only for Professor Berex.


His confident stride came to an abrupt halt.

[Zero votes.]

"...You damned bastard dares to mock me!"

Just the fact that he was being played by disgrace of a prestigious magic family and treated Elric like a bastard for so long, was enough to boil Berex's blood.

And now, Elric had added fuel to the fire.

Professor Berex, barely maintaining his composure, lost his temper completely.


The staff he was holding suddenly emitted a flash of light. Then, the embedded 6th-circle spell "Lightning bolt" thundered as it descended towards Elric's head.

"Dean Berex! What is the meaning of this!"

"Dodge it, Cadet Elric!"

People on the stage panicked at the sudden lightning strike. The audience in the stands was in disarray, while the officials quickly reached out to protect Elric.

It was known that Melvinger's representative was completely inexperienced in magic. If exposed to such an attack, it would be instant death.

But Professor Berex's magic was too powerful for them to intervene.

The lightning bolt was already descending from the central hall's ceiling towards Elric's forehead.

In that moment,


A wave of mana spread out around Elric, creating a brief flurry that pushed the lightning bolt outwards, deflecting it away from him.

The stage was torn apart into shreds by the shock, and steam filled the air thickly, resembling a dense fog.

"Could that be... 'White Blizzard'?"

"How can the disgrace of a prestigious magic family use magic of 5-circle or higher...? It's clearly stated he can't learn magic...!"

"No, more importantly, isn't that Lacente's hero...!"

"Is that really important right now?! Another Lightning bolt is about to strike!"

Kwarrlng, kwarrllll-

Professor Berex didn't realize that Elric had blocked his magic with his own. 

Instead, he was consumed by the thought of eliminating him, as he had arrogantly survived against all odds.

Just as lightning bolts continued to rain down without pause,


Suddenly, a column of red-hot fire rose above the podium covered in thick steam, and as if it were not enough to engulf the fire, it broke its shape midway and took on the shape of a bird.

It resembled the legendary phoenix rising from the ashes!

"If a person of your age keeps causing trouble like this, the juniors will call you a moron."


Underneath the phoenix, Tasha appeared with the sound of her high heels, smiling slyly.

Firebird Witch.

That was the title bestowed upon her for taming the phoenix herself and reaching the level of 7th-circle as the youngest person.

And then,


Clang-clang, clang-clang!

"Any further disturbance will be deemed as terrorism and will be punished, Dean Berex."

"Maintain your composure!"

As Elric stepped back, 54 election representatives stepped forward one by one, releasing their magic. Lightning crackled, and strong winds blew, showing various phenomena.

They were no less powerful than Dean Berex, or even more so, being magus and sages in their own right.

Yet, such incidents occurred because they were treated with disrespect.

Dean Berex flinched, but,

[Is he at 0 votes because he's bald? Zero hair, zero votes!]

Elric couldn't just stand idly by and watch.

"I'll kill youuu!"

Driven solely by the determination to kill Elric, Dean Berex rushed towards him, who was hiding behind the election representatives.

Thud, thud!

Crackle, crackle...

As a storm of magic surged violently, causing the central hall to sway as if it would collapse,

...You would have made an excellent demon king, if you were born as a demon.』

[Thank you for the compliment.]

Mephisto had to shake his head in disbelief as he watched Elric brazenly advance the situation until the end.


"Did you hear the news?"

"What news?"

"The commotion that happened at Usdun Academy! Apparently, Elric Melvinger, who was supposedly in a coma, suddenly appeared and completely turned the tables!"

"Hmm? Was the announcement wrong all this time? But what's the big deal about a magic family's reputation? Isn't it just a joke?"

"No, listen! Do you know who Elric Melvinger really is?"


"He's said to be the hero of Lacente!"


Rumors about Elric caused a stir.

The fact that the protagonist of the recent major discovery, which had already caused a commotion in the Empire for the past few months, had returned unscathed was already a significant issue. 

But the fact that he was actually the hero of Lacente, an ice magician, added fuel to the fire, causing the rumors to explode.

And as if to reflect that public opinion, the headlines in the newspapers the next day were all related to Elric.

[The glorious return of the magician famous for being a disgrace!]

[The hero of Lacente, defeating a new villain.]

[How did he cure the incurable diseases? Is there a hidden secret in the Dragon's Nest?]

[Attention once again focused on the still-sealed nest.]

[The rising star again, Melvinger!]

[The morning star that has fallen in a wilderness rises again – Angel Bardem, Chief Editor]

Last night, during a quiet family dinner, I received shocking news from the desk, stating that there had been a bizarre conspiracy and disturbance in the highly esteemed Usdun Academy, and a new rising star had emerged as a result of the headmaster election. That rising star is none other than the hero, Elric Melvinger.


Who was his grandfather, Usdun Melvinger? He was the hero who led the desperate Great Demon War, sacrificing himself and emerging victorious, the hero who had to become a star and disappear. If there's anyone living in this empire and continent, they owe him a debt.

But instead of considering repaying such a debt, we've mocked and disregarded his descendants, haven't we?

However, he managed to overcome all that ridicule and mockery pouring in from all sides, and succeeded in standing tall. Not only did he achieve a major discovery that no one else had accomplished after years of research, but he also overcame the physical limitations that had restrained him.

Truly, he's the embodiment of a hero who overcame trials and stood up.


"It's the end of the world, isn't it? When you see something like this being put out as an important editorial."

Sean sighed as he threw the newspaper at Elric, who was sitting on the bed enjoying some fruit.

"What's this now? A hero? An embodiment? Oh. They really went all out with this, huh?"

Elric chuckled in amusement, but this was the Imperial Magic Hospital.

This was the very room known to be occupied by Elric.

According to public announcements, he had been sentenced to twelve weeks of rehabilitation due to an attack by Dean Berex during the headmaster election.

"People need to know that you are just a con artist playing tricks."

Of course, this time too, it was a hoax to gain public sympathy... no, an act.