Chapter 40

"Guess what everyone's most curious about?"


"How on earth did you manage to use magic?"


Elric chuckled as if understanding.

Well, it wasn't enough to recover from the blockage disease, which no one else could heal, and now he had become a leader among his peers.

What was it called again? Lions called this kind of thing the 'late bloom star,' or something?

"So, what did you say?"

"What did I say? Well, it's been quite a while since I found a cure, but I had to keep it hidden because there were too many humans trying to control and suppress me. Then I got enlightened in the nest, healed completely, and mastered magic. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense."

It must have been a few years since he started earnestly learning magic. That was Sean's judgment.

Who would believe that he had grown this much in just two months? Even he himself, who was witnessing it firsthand, couldn't easily accept it.

So Sean completely dispelled any doubts.

Elric had been hiding himself all this time, only biding his time for an opportunity.

Of course, all of this was because of Professor Berex.

-Dean Berex had been persecuting Elric Melvinger for the past few years to steal the heirloom of the magic royal family and gain the legitimacy of Melvinger!

-Elric Melvinger had been hiding himself to survive such persecution by Dean Berex and preserve his family!

Rumors like this were already circulating as if they were true.

Fortunately, Elric had always been recording top grades in the theoretical field, so there was no reason to doubt him.

"As expected of our Sean. You know I care about you a lot, right?"

"Give me the creeps. Don't say such things. Before I kill you."

"Hehe. Anyway, our dean's condition isn't great to begin with, and it's only going to get worse."

Currently, Dean Berex was under arrest on charges of rioting and attempted murder.

Not only was public opinion not favorable, but he had also been expelled from the academy and completely ousted from the academic circles.

Even if Elric didn't know, many speculated that even after serving his sentence and being released, it would be difficult for him to return.

"Anyway, you're lucky. Your grand return overshadowed the fact that you've been deceiving people all this time with your flashy antics."

"I get it. Stop harassing me already. It means to stay quiet here until things calm down, right?"

Did he really understand properly?

Sean had to sigh again as he looked at Elric, who was grinning smugly.

How many sighs was that now, anyway?

"But will that be easy?"

Elric discreetly pulled aside the curtain and gestured beyond the window.

Outside the gate guarded by the Nerester family's troops, there was a crowd of people forming a scene.

"So, all we need is just one word, just one interview, let me get through this..."

"Huh? Elric Melvinger!"

"What? Where?"

"I'm Sandro Elegans from 'Nature Tune'! Lord Elric Melvinger, may I ask for a comment on this matter?"

"While Dean Berex, currently in custody, claims innocence, regarding this..."

"We are..."

Rumble, rumble!

The journalists, who were bustling about, were startled and rushed towards Elric as soon as they spotted him.

Thanks to this, only the soldiers were shocked and had to force them away. Meanwhile, the soldiers inside came out to help them.

Meanwhile, high-ranking officials and members of Magic tower, who had been waiting to enter from behind, twinkled their eyes and engaged in busy conversations with people from the Nerester family.

They probably requested entry.

In such cases, they would typically try to force entry by flaunting their ranks, but they couldn't do that because of the weight carried by the Nerester family.

"There are so many people looking for me. Looks like they won't give up easily."

Elric chuckled contentedly and pulled the curtain shut again.

Sean clenched his teeth in frustration.

"...Yeah. You're something else."

* * *

In truth, it wasn't the journalists who were giving Sean a headache.

All you have to do is drive out those types of people with few soldiers.

But the lobbyists were a different story.

The organizations they represented were mostly influential, and among them were many that even the Nerester family couldn't ignore.

Until now, they had been using Elric's condition as an excuse to refuse them entry, but soon they would have to open the doors for them separately.

So, before that, some traffic control was definitely needed.

"What about the excavation rights?"

That's why Sean was curious about how Elric planned to handle the hot potato.

It might be a matter of keen interest to others, but to him, it was just a headache.

Sean wanted to quickly put it aside.


"What should I do?"


"Of course, it has to be handled by the Nerester family."


Elric was saying as if it was obvious.

For a moment, Sean hardened his expression.

"Hey! I helped because I wanted to help. So, if you're thinking about repaying the favor...!"

"Don't worry. It's not like that, so don't worry."


"I judged that this would be beneficial for me too."

"Explain it in detail."

Elric's explanation was very simple.

Although the ownership was his, the Melvinger family lacked the capacity to conduct excavations immediately.

"Gathering investors to create an excavation team could be an option, but it would only consume time and be difficult to control, right? So, let's close it off and share the benefits between us. Besides, you also have a stake in this, don't you?"

Sean pondered for a moment.

Even though Elric put it that way, he couldn't ignore the intention behind wanting to support him, considering that he would likely face criticism from both the family and the academia due to this incident.

"And I won't be able to focus here for the time being. I need to prepare for the new semester, write papers, deal with family matters I've postponed, and also practice magic..."

He also had to visit the Temple of the Flowers to complete 'Winter'.

Of course, he omitted the latter part.

"Amidst all this, who else but you would I trust?"

"...Listening to that, it seems like you need someone to watch your back, doesn't it?"

"Surely not."

Elric chuckled lightly, but he wasn't entirely wrong.

'Anyway, there's not much for me to gain from the nest.'

He had already acquired most of the dragon's magic formulas by interpreting the barriers. While there were other materials, they were just supplementary and not worth losing sleep over.

Even if there were hidden secrets, Elric was already overwhelmed with just the given soul speech, seal, and magical Amulet.

If there were such things, it would be better to give them to Sean.


Sean felt as if he were once again being toyed with in Elric's palm(?).

But after listening all this, he couldn't keep refusing.

"...Sigh! Fine. Okay, I got it. I guess I'll focus on the excavation for a while to clear my head."

Sean couldn't help but wonder if this might actually turn out well.

Even if he continued to stay at the academy, he would only receive glares from those around him, and he was also fed up with the highly political world of professors. For the time being, he wanted to focus only on research.

In that regard, there was no better place than the dragon's nest.

Depending on the excavation, it could be a perfect career move.

He might even aim for a higher position at times.

He was, after all, a member of the Nerester family.

If he claimed to have no ambition, it would be a lie.

His involvement so far had been solely out of a desire to help Elric.

"Well, since it's come to this, can I ask one thing?"

"What is it?"

"I've been putting off inviting you because I felt a bit awkward about it, but my father keeps insisting that he wants to have a meal with you. How about it? If it's uncomfortable, there's nothing we can do about it."

At that moment, Elric's eyes lit up slightly.

Sean's father meant Guy Nerester, the head of the Nerester family.

If you were to list the top magicians of the era, Guy Nerester, one of the 9th-Circle great sages, would undoubtedly be among them.

For someone of his stature to personally invite someone to a meal carried significant weight.

If it was just about discussing excavation rights, he could easily convey his intentions through lower-ranking officials.

'I wonder what kind of person the one my grandfather wanted as his last disciple is.'

Elric nodded eagerly and asked, "Sure. When can we go?"

* * *

"What? That woman survived?"

'Azure Leopard cat.' A nickname given to him for his sharp and proficient swordsmanship.

Not only did they fail their mission and return alone like a fool, but the subordinate before him was babbling about some strange report. Paul Weyl's gaze, like that of a wild cat, sharpened even further.

"That's right… Lord, please kill me!"

The Blue Wolf Squad member, the one who survived the assault on Isabelle's group and returned alone, couldn't even muster the courage to meet Paul's gaze and prostrated himself on the ground.

"Whether I kill you or not is for me to decide. Explain in detail. How the hell did she survive?"

The last survivor described the encounter with the mysterious magician who had attacked squad 2 and squad 3.


With each passing moment, one of Paul's eyes twitched more fiercely.

"And then..."

"Is there more?"

"Say to your lord to wash his neck and wait…"


Just as his expression contorted in confusion...

"Watch out!"

Suddenly, before the cry of the attendant behind him could even finish, the last survivor's body exploded.


Shards flew everywhere!

As if shattered glass, the broken flesh surged toward Paul.

But Paul was already a Sword Master who had achieved the 4th-chain.

No, he was a superior-ranked figure, on the verge of reaching the 5th-chain.

Being no mere victim to such a crude explosion, Paul quickly stepped back, wielding his sword to sweep aside the flesh that surged towards him. But he couldn't prevent his expression from contorting.



As the flesh collapsed onto the ground, wisps of steam rose up. It meant an ice magic had been triggered.

"Are you alright, my lord?"

At that moment, Hilton rushed over, visibly concerned.

Paul's stern expression showed no sign of softening.

"I need a proper explanation for what just happened, Squad 1 leader."

"It was my mistake, sir."

"I said explain!"

"...It's exactly as reported by the dead guy just now. Blue wolves were attacked, and the young miss fled. The explosion we just witnessed... seems to be the work of that magician. It was my mistake. I had confirmed there was nothing wrong with his body when he returned, but I never expected such a mishap to occur...! I will see to it that the one who conducted the search is held accountable."

Hilton bowed even deeper.

He had to somehow appease Paul's anger now.

"What's the name of this person?"

"Elric Melvinger."


"Yes. The grandson of Usdun Melvinger, the current Radiant Star Duke."

"Wasn't he supposed to be in a coma? Np, he at the Imperial Magic Hospital? Why was he there?"

"We're still trying to ascertain the details... But it seems he was training in the Yeti Highlands, deceiving the world's eyes all this time, and happened to come into contact with the young miss's party by chance."

"You have been barking up the wrong tree from the start, it seems!"

Paul gritted his teeth until they ground together.


"What now? Is there more?"

"A messenger just arrived a while ago... It's reported that the young miss has arrived at Kanoi."

"How are you going to handle this!"

Paul's sword was poised to fall on Hilton's head at any moment.

The fact that Isabelle went to the Blue Lion instead of coming to the Imperial Capital means that her surrender failed.

In an attempt to handle things more easily, he had stirred up the extinguished embers, only to reignite the flames.

As a result, Hilton hadn't even thought of bringing up the recent rumors in the streets.

Rumors were spreading about Paul Weyl's obsession with power, his intention to eliminate his only nephew, and forcibly usurp her position...

Added to that was the fire that broke out in Lacente, spreading Paul's infamy far and wide.

At first, Hilton tried desperately to contain it.

Recent events orchestrated by Elric in Imperial Capital only added to his notoriety, putting him in a difficult position.

"All this mess happening while I'm away...!"

His negligence in handling affairs while trying to contact the Golden Lion had backfired.

"I'll devise a plan to rectify the situation as quickly as possible. However, there's talk that the imperial family might directly investigate this matter... We need to tread carefully."


"....Yes, my lord."

"I've kept you around not only for your skills but also for your potential. I won't tolerate another mistake."

"I understand, my lord."

Hilton bowed deeply, his forehead almost touching the ground.

As he did, a crescent moon-shaped tattoo, or perhaps an insignia, briefly appeared and then vanished beneath his cascading sleeve.

Whether he knew it or not.

Paul, already furious about his plans being foiled, vented his anger at the one who not only ruined his plans but also dared to send a warning.

"Elric! Elric Melvinger, isn't it...? Oh, you. I'll tear you apart just the same."