Chapter 69

"...What a mess."

Long black hair. Cold eyes.

Judas, a messenger of Azazel's followers, 'Gregori,' became dumbfounded as he looked at the ruined mansion of the Viscount Garot.

He had hurried here according to the orders of the High Priest, but he never expected the 'revelation' he saw to become reality.

The fact that the organization's long-planned scheme had gone awry was a problem, but what was even more troubling was not knowing why this place had become like this.

From the remaining traces, it was certain that a considerable number of troops had launched a surprise attack.

But beyond that, nothing could be known.

"First, I need to figure out what happened here."

Judas, looking around for any good 'material,' soon stopped coldly as his gaze settled somewhere.

"It seems like something good is coming my way."


Judas turned into a black wind and disappeared from his spot.

And soon, in his place, a man in a black mask appeared.

"What exactly are we supposed to find here? Ha!"

Hel, a Inspection bureau agent, grumbled irritably as he surveyed the scene.

Understandably so, because the new order from his superior, Patran, was to search for any third-party interference from outside.

The problem was, despite mobilizing people for days and scouring every corner, there was no trace to be found.

Even after thoroughly investigating the suspected paths the intruders might have taken, they found nothing.

It was almost as if they had dropped from the sky and then vanished just as suddenly.

Still, an order was an order, and he returned to this place with a desire to find at least a straw.

"I hope I find something this time."

As Hel muttered so, he began to dig through the hidden vaults and rooms he had discovered before.

"There's bound to be something."


Hel, straightening up at the calm voice piercing his ears, froze in place.

Suddenly, Judas's fingers emerged from behind him, turning his head in the opposite direction.

The last thing Hel saw before dying was Judas's coldly smiling face.

And then...


Hel was completely shattered and absorbed by Judas.

As if enjoying a delicious meal, Judas leisurely consumed Hel, only opening his eyes again much later.

"So, that's how it happened, huh?"

Judas's seal was 'Assimilation.'

With it, he could partially absorb memories and mimic abilities from what he devoured.

Thanks to this, Judas could fully understand the situation by absorbing Hel's memories.

But something was off.

A third party.

Suddenly stealing totems and documents from the vault.

Yet, as far as Judas knew, no one from Garot's fallen mansion had managed to escape.

Was it possible there were other allies Kaya foresaw that he hadn't grasped, or were there other hidden details he didn't know about?

"I might find out more by digging deeper."

Luckily, the Inspection bureau wasn't far away.

Judas transformed back into a black wind and vanished once again.

* * *


The whip made of elephant tendons lashed harshly across Patran's cheek, tearing flesh and causing blood to splatter.

Though it must have been excruciatingly painful, Patran clenched his teeth and didn't let out a whimper, merely gritting his teeth.



Rather, other agents and city guard soldiers present had to avert their gazes as if they hadn't seen anything.

No one dared to intervene in the situation.

That's how furious Prince Jericho was.

"One more time."

Of course, as the most noble under the sky, he couldn't dirty his own hands.

It was an agent, Yott, who was delivering the punishment on behalf of the crown prince.


Yott seemed on the verge of losing control, knowing he was striking his direct superior, but if he didn't, he might face punishment himself.

"One more time!"


How many times did they lash him?

Patran's face was completely mangled, covered in blood.

His nose was smashed, one eye entirely destroyed.

Even if he received separate treatment, it seemed impossible for him to recover.

"That's enough."

When Yott was also beginning to tire, he finally ceased the whipping.



Patran, with blood continuously dripping from his face, calmly put on the mask he had placed nearby, showing no sign of discomfort.

"Your highness's benevolence is as vast as the sea."

"I have never forgiven you."

"I understand."

"I will not permit any treatment. You must cherish today's wounds for the rest of your life and reflect on your sins."

"I will keep that in mind."

Patran placed both hands on the ground and pressed his forehead against it.

Prostrate. It was a posture of submission, offering all his loyalty to his master.

[T/L:- 오체투지: In Buddhism, one of the ways to bow. First, kneel on the ground, place both arms on the ground, and then bow until your head touches the ground.]

"So, what are you going to do now?"

All their plans carried out in secrecy over the past few years had come to naught.

By now, Gregori would have known that they were being pursued by the Inspection bureau and would have gone into deeper hiding.

Other heirs, including the Fourth Prince, would have heard about the deployment of the city guard, ready to take immediate action.

In other words, they had gained no benefit or achievement, only alerting their enemies.

It was only natural for the crown prince to be so angry.

"Viscount Garot is the only information that the 4th bureau has obtained regarding Gregori. We will storm those places all at once to gather information about Gregori's headquarters."

"I understand. But won't they try to sever ties as well?"

"They will not."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because just like here, other places have also struck at the same time."


An unexpected revelation.

The crown prince's eyes widened slightly.

Patran's head sank even lower.

"I received this information only this morning as well."

It was the truth.

-While catching the "Black Rabbit," the "Rabbit Hunt" has begun.

That was the content of the 4th bureau's instructions secretly given to Patran.

The "Black Rabbit" referred to Viscount Garot, and the "Rabbit" symbolized all the identified branches of Gregori.

-Prepare for a new hunt.

Only then did Patran realize.

He had been nothing more than a pawn, believing himself to be the most proactive.

"Why wasn't I informed?"

The crown prince's gaze turned cold involuntarily.

"I, too, cannot fathom the wisdom of the director and the deputy director. However, I suspect that..."

"You may speak."

"It might not have been a double operation."

"A double operation?"

"Yes. They would have tried to block out all unnecessary information so that Your Highness could focus solely on this mission, and only after everything was handled, they intended to explain the situation and present all findings to you afterward."

Even if the crown prince failed in the attack on Viscount Garot but succeeded in a massive crackdown on Gregori's branches, it would only be seen as a minor "operational mistake." 

Conversely, if the crackdown failed entirely and the crown prince was completely unaware of it, it would simply be perceived as a mistake made by the 4th bureau, with no connection to the crown prince.

The crown prince grasped the entire situation and became notably calmer.

"Were all other operations successful, then?"

"That is correct. I have been informed that reports will be submitted to Your Highness shortly."

"Very well."

The crown prince nodded silently and turned away.

Anger flickered in Patran's eyes as he remained prostrate.

'They may have said so, but... In reality, the crown prince was probably the bait.'

Although Patran had said that the "Rabbit Hunt" had occurred at the same time, he had actually anticipated that it would be delayed by one beat.

The crown prince attacked Viscount Garot first, and drew all the attention of political opponents within the imperial family, including Gregori, to that direction, and then made a great achievement by sweeping other branches.

It would seem like the Fourth bureau had orchestrated this game. The Crown prince was merely a chess piece that moved on top of it.

The foolish crown prince was pleased that everything seemed to be going well, not realizing the full extent of it.

'And to think I was treated like that…'

Initially, the title of a Inspection bureau agent was nothing more than a pawn moved by the superior. Patran had no particular complaints about it.

But now it was different.

All the efforts he had piled up had gone to waste, and now he was even being mocked. His mood was very bad.

'I'll end up shouldering all the blame and being demoted if things continue like this. I need to come up with a different plan.'

Patran glanced up. He saw the back of the ceown prince.

'Do I really have to keep holding onto that foolish string?'

As he thought so...


Suddenly, huge fireballs rained down from the sky.

"It's an ambush!"

"The demons are ambushing us!"

"All troops, form up! Protect the crown prince!"

With the shouts of the scouts, the city guards hurriedly grabbed their weapons and began to prepare for battle.

In the distance, a considerable number of demons were swiftly moving and killing city guards at a rapid pace.

"W-what is this?"

"Your Highness! You must hide!"

The crown prince, who had only thought of attacking the demons but never thought he would be attacked, was bewildered.

Patran, seeing this as a new opportunity, grabbed the crown prince's hand and pulled out the sword that was lying at his feet.


The sword rang out loudly as it was suddenly obstructed.

"Quite impressive?"

In the place where the crown prince had been, Judas appeared with a cold smile.

The crown prince's eyes widened at the realization of what could have happened to him.

"I would like to confirm if you can keep up with this kind of challenge."

"I, Patran, will execute the traitor who attempted to assassinate a member of the imperial family."

Activating the "discipline" with the spell, Patran fiercely attacked Judas.

Clang! Clash!

The two clashed fiercely in an instant.

"Your Highness! Come this way!"

"You must get out of here!"

"Oh, alright!"

The crown prince tried to hastily leave with the help of his guards.

But the situation was dire.

It was unclear just how many demons had been mobilized, and their numbers kept increasing.

Eventually, the crown prince found himself unable to escape, blocked by the demons closing in.

"Is that the crown prince over there?"

"If we bring back his head, they'll probably give us a new seal, right?"

"When has the leader ever lied?"

"Never. That's why we're here!"

Five demons approached, laughing.

"You punks! How dare you block the path and think this place is safe!"

One soldier tried to confront them, but he had to stop midway.

Before he could finish his sentence, his head rolled off his shoulders and onto the ground.

"Hahaha! Can you not hear us, humans?"

"Hey, hey. Don't make fun. Our dear crown prince must be quite shocked, isn't he?"

"Oh, really? My apologies, Your Highness. We'll guide you from here. Come with us."

The blatant mockery made the crown prince's face flush with anger.

But no matter how much he wanted to yell, the sense of imminent danger felt like a tight noose around his neck.

Crown prince grit his teeth, thinking that if things keep going like this, he will be in big trouble.


"Who dares— to stand in the way of the lion—?"

With an immense roar akin to thunder, a massive wave of aura poured down from the sky like a torrential rain.


Many of the attacking demons were swept away by the overwhelming force.

It was truly overpowering martial arts.

The agents of the Inspection bureau, the city guard, the demons—every gaze turned towards one direction.

There, a flag fluttered prominently in the sky.

The emblem of a lion with a sword on a blue background.

"The Blue Lion! The Blue Lion has appeared!"

As the demons were taken aback by the unexpected arrival of the Blue Lion, Herman Weyl, the crown prince could see it.

Beside the Blue Lion, walking with confidence, stood his former fiancé he had long dreamed of.

It was Isabelle.