Chapter 70

Herman Weyl, accompanied by his daughter Isabelle, moved towards the imperial capital to meet Elric as soon as his body had recovered to some extent.

Throughout the journey, Isabelle couldn't help but worry that her father's condition might worsen again.

"Don't worry. If anything, staying holed up in the room would kill me even more."

Herman lightly chuckled and reassured his daughter several times.

And as if to prove his point, he visibly grew healthier with each passing day of the journey to the imperial capital.

He had reached a point where drawing out the aura, which had once been difficult, was no longer taxing.

"It's truly amazing."

"What is it, Father?"

"Well, the treatment method taught by the Melvinger family head."

Although Herman had yet to fully manifest the powers of the 5th-chain from his prime, it seemed he had found a strength beyond that of an expert.

"As you can see, my aura has returned. Even though the Melvinger family head himself suffered from symptoms similar to reflux disease, and has knowledge of the treatment, there should be considerable differences in mana usage between martial artists and magicians... Yet, the treatment suited me perfectly, almost as if he had directly witnessed my symptoms."

Isabelle's expression stiffened for a moment.

"...Are you implying he's involved in this matter?"

"Hm? Haha! Did you take it that way? Not at all. Um, how should I put it? It's more like... he understands the difference between martial artists and magicians very well? Or perhaps, he knows too much about aura?"


"I mean, it signifies a very high level of understanding of mana or aura. And also about the constitution each individual possesses."

"Come to think of it... Before he mentioned the treatment, he did ask various things about your eating habits and lifestyle."

"That's right. That's exactly it. It means understanding one's constitution before making a diagnosis and providing a suitable treatment."

As Isabelle listened to Herman's explanation, a peculiar expression crossed her face.

Since she was a brilliant woman, she caught onto what her father was implying.

And somehow.

Isabelle felt a sense of pride, as if she had received praise herself.

"A genius... Indeed."

"A genius. A young man who not only possesses deep knowledge of magic but also of martial arts, and even understands the individual differences in constitutions. Where else would you find such a person? And to have recovered from reflux disease? Reflux disease is said to be a divine punishment for an excess of mana's blessing...!"

Herman's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he continued speaking.

"He's undoubtedly more than just a genius. Not only in magic but also in martial arts... He must have remarkable talent in swordsmanship as well."


The corners of Herman's mouth curved up slightly.

"Our family has held the position of a Blue Lion for generations. However, I haven't yet appointed a successor. If I were to have another child, what should I do?"

"Uh, Father, what do you mean by that?"

Isabelle's voice trembled slightly, no longer something she could mention lightly.

But Herman, as if implying he needn't say more, lightly chuckled and playfully put his finger to his daughter's mouth, saying 'Shhh!'

"Nothing has been decided yet, so let's not say any more. It's just my thoughts for now, and the other party hasn't expressed any intentions yet."

"….Yes, yes!"

Isabelle nodded quietly. But her voice still trembled slightly.

And then.

One by one, people began to gather around the father and daughter heading towards the imperial capital.

They were the "Blue Hawks" who had roamed the world with Herman in his youth, practicing justice and cooperation.

* * *

However, Elric, whom they naturally expected to meet in the imperial capital, was already gone.

"Elric has already gone north."


"Yes. He said he had something to do there."

"Do you know where he went?"

"Well, he didn't give us any detailed information either. But why is the Blue Lion looking for him?"

The North is vast. Isabelle, wondering how they would find Elric there, narrowed her eyes as she looked at Tasha, who was eyeing her suspiciously.

It felt like being watched by a wary cat, she was unsure how to interpret it.

However, knowing that Elric had a special relationship with the Nerester family, Isabelle presumed they would find him quickly if they inquired, so they headed north.

Unexpectedly, they ran into the Crown Prince's entourage.


Herman suddenly crossed his arms and let out a hot breath.

"Isabelle, why are you acting like this? Suddenly seems really grumpy."

"Didn't you see him, brother? I thought I was going to see my son-in-law, but suddenly ran into an unpleasant face, so it's natural to feel annoyed."

"Huh? Did something happen with the imperial family?"

"Huh? You didn't know?"

"What happened?"

Herman's sworn brothers, who had been indifferent to worldly affairs, were now furious upon hearing about what had happened between Isabelle and the Crown Prince.

"What! Has the imperial family gone mad?"

"What's lacking in our Isabelle to warrant a breakup! Face, character, there's nothing missing!"

"Brother, do we need to help that scoundrel with the shifty eyes? Just ignore him and move on...!"

"I am a knight. I have sworn allegiance to the well-being of the imperial family and the empire. Although there may have been regrettable events, I cannot abandon my duty. You are not knights, so you may withdraw."

With that, Herman drew his sword and charged onto the battlefield. In an instant, aura swept in from the sky, sweeping away the demons.

It was like a lion leaping into a flock of sheep, wreaking havoc.

That was evidence enough of how much power Herman had regained.

"...Anyway, eldest brother, you are truly upright. Why do you always have to act like that instead of just pretending not to know?"

"Wasn't it because of those qualities that we followed and respected him, brother? Stop complaining and let's help him quickly. That way, we can continue on our way."

Following Herman's lead, even his sworn brothers joined the battle, quickly turning the tide towards the Inspection Bureau.

Every member of the Blue Hawks was at least an expert or master level martial artist. They were already a force to be reckoned with individually.

"….Hmm. Seems like this is it for now. Can't be helped."

As it appeared that the surprise attack was no longer effective, Judas didn't hesitate to immediately give the signal to retreat.

Just giving chills to the Crown Prince was warning enough. Losing more forces was not a good option.

Herman and the Blue Hawks didn't bother to pursue the fleeing enemies. The Inspection Bureau and the city guard were too preoccupied with the chaos to even attempt it.

"Thank... you."

The Crown Prince slightly nodded his head as he met Herman.

It was ironic that the first meeting they met after the imperial family unilaterally broke off the engagement turned out to be a rescue.

He couldn't bring himself to look directly at the face of the one who had almost become his father-in-law.

His pride was hurt.

What hurt the Crown Prince's heart the most, however, was something else.


She greeted him by Herman's side, but her eyes showed no emotion whatsoever.

There was no anger or regret.

She was just numb.

As if she had seen a complete stranger.

There was no warmth in her greeting, no inquiry about how he had been all this time.

So when the Crown Prince tried to say something himself.

"I'm glad that you don't appear to be seriously injured, Your Highness. As loyal subjects of the empire, it is our duty to ensure your safe return to the capital. However, it seems there are many capable individuals around you already, so we shall take our leave."

Herman, with a powerful voice, respectfully bowed his head.

It was a flawless display of military courtesy.

He looked like a blue lion, with the strongest spirit of chivalry among lions.

However, the Crown Prince knew well that it was Herman's intention to maintain distance.

In the end, he had to swallow his frustration and nod his head. Still, his voice was filled with lingering resentment.

"...Since the road seems busy, I shall take my leave."

"Thank you for your understanding."

"If it's not a secret, may I ask where you are headed?"

Herman thought about it for a moment, but decided that there was no need to hide it from the imperial family and the inspiration bureau.

"I'm looking for Elric Melvinger."

"…..The current head of the prestigious Melvinger family?"

"Do you know of him?"

"Not particularly... No. But his recent fame has spread far and wide as a renowned hero."

The Crown Prince had to watch silently as the Blue Liom party departed. Isabelle didn't spare him a glance the whole time.

But the Crown Prince didn't forget.

When Herman mentioned Elric Melvinger, he remembered the faint smile that had appeared on Isabelle's lips.


Lit a fire in the Crown Prince's heart.

'Elric Melvinger! It's you again! How dare you lay a hand on my woman! I will never forgive you!'

Combined with previous grievances, feelings of jealousy and envy towards Elric slowly rose in his heart.

* * *

On the path back to the North.

After completing all the treatments, Elric, who had been lost in meditation, suddenly smiled.

Currently, the dissolution rate of his Mana Core is 14%.

This was a remarkable increase of 4% in just a few months.

This growth was partly due to the increased efficiency of his Mana utilization as he trained in magic martial arts and body strengthening arts. 

But it was mainly the result of gathering seal fragments and demonic energy from the totem recently.

'Even if I can't engrave any more seals immediately, just recovering seals or increasing their completion will steadily increase the dissolution rate. This fact is very important.'

Elric believed that there was some kind of mechanism left by his ancestors that prevented the seals from increasing too much. 

Engraving too many seals could be inefficient in mana usage. Also, seals like the Seal of Ferocity could cause resistance if there were too many.

So, it seemed that Elric's body, which could be considered a vessel, was gradually adjusting to accommodate the contents, the seals, smoothly.

Fortunately, just storing them without engraving didn't hinder his growth.

Thanks to this, Elric could focus fully on the circulation of mana.

'Of course, that doesn't mean I should rely solely on mana.'

He was sure of this after his one-on-one battle with Kaya.

Simply knowing 'how to fight' wouldn't make him stronger. To truly become strong, he needed to be able to utilize what he already had even better.

After much deliberation, the conclusion he reached was very simple.

'Let's create my own magic.'

This decision might seem insane to other magicians, and they might even accuse him of being crazy for wanting to establish a new magic system.

Creating a new magic system was not an easy task. In fact, declaring the creation of a new school of magic was just as difficult.

But Elric didn't make this decision out of ignorance.

'Household magic, enchantment, seals, dark magic, magic martial arts, body strengthening arts... When combined with what I will acquire and research in the future, it's going to be quite a headache.'

Similar thoughts had already occurred to him in the Labyrinth of Blue Fog.

'Fortunately, the big picture has been taken care of thanks to the mana circulation of Night's Chronicles. By adjusting the details and gradually steering the overall flow in the desired direction, I should be able to manage.'

Of course, he had no intention of creating a new system right away.

He lacked the insight and magic skill for such a task. There was still much to learn.

But if he prepared little by little whenever he had time, it would be a great help... That's what Elric thought.

He already had in mind the first few spells he would develop.

'Ice Chain, Ice Arrows, Frozen Touch... Let's start working on these gradually.'

While Elric was lost in thought like that,

The carriage had almost arrived at its destination without him realizing it.

In the distance,

The wall that marked the border between the Empire's North and the "Northernmost" part of the continent, the Great Wall, was gradually coming into view.