The Empire boasts the largest territory and prosperity on the continent, to the extent that many of its citizens no longer remember the name of their own nation.

The lands they occupied were some of the most valuable on the continent.

As a result, various races, including demihumans, had to leave their original homelands and were constantly pushed to the outskirts and remote areas.

The areas referred to as "restricted areas" became the habitats for demihumans and other ethnic groups, not because they desired it, but because they were forced into it.

A prime example of this is the beastmen tribes.

The current home of the beastmen, the "Black Snowfield," was once a land perpetually tainted with poison, with forests reeking of stench and teeming with numerous monsters—no, creatures even more fearsome.

Naturally, the northern imperial territories bordering the Black Snowfield harbored significant fear of both the beastmen tribes, each an exceptional warrior, and the monsters.

To prevent the southward advance of these threats, the Empire had to construct a massive, tall wall stretching a great distance.

This was known as the "Great Wall."

"Things have been quite noisy 'beyond' these days. Are you still planning to cross?"

The Great Wall is typically manned by the Border Guards, reputed for its strict discipline, second only to the Imperial Guards.

As the guard post leader of the 112th Gate inspected Karl's border crossing permit, his gaze was notably stern.

"Noisy, you say? May I ask what you mean by that?"

Karl asked as he received his permit back from the guard post leader, hoping to gather any useful information about the unknown lands beyond the wall.

"Just what I said."


"Lately, for unknown reasons, it's been very tumultuous beyond the wall. There are several monster waves each day…. Because of that, several gates and outposts are on high alert."

"So then?"

"It means that crossing now likely puts you at great risk. Normally, even with a permit, it's against the rules to allow passage. However, since this has been authorized by the Magic Tower and you're dispatched by the Nerester family, I'm letting you through."


Karl's eyes sank deeply.

A veteran, who faces the Black Snowfield daily, was warning of the danger.

If that was the case, then it was evident that something significant was happening.


'Even so, he'll insist on crossing alone if necessary.'

The real issue was that Elric was the one practically leading this party.

Although he hadn't clearly explained what exactly lay beyond the wall, it was undoubtedly something crucial.

"So, you still need to go?"


"Then, if a crisis arises, go to the tallest wooden post nearby."

"Hmm? If we do that, will you come to rescue us?"

"No. It'll just make it easier for us to find your bodies."


Karl looked at the leader with a puzzled expression, unsure if he was joking or being serious.

The guard post leader had his wool hat pulled down low, making it impossible to read his expression.

* * *


The sandworm burst from the ground, opening its massive maw wide to devour the prey it had finally found.

"[Endless Blaze]!"



A massive fireball, large enough to combine the heads of several people, exploded upon it. The sandworm writhed and screamed in agony, but no matter how much it thrashed, the flames wouldn't extinguish. Eventually, it collapsed and fell silent.

"When will they stop appearing? It's impossible to move forward like this."

Sean muttered in exasperation, raising his mana once more.

With monsters appearing in a constant stream, they had to stay on high alert and memorize spells at every chance.

Was it because of this?

His breath steamed out in visible puffs as he grumbled.

"And why is it so damn cold? Even if we're at the northernmost point, it should be hot here. This makes no sense!"

The party had been enduring bitter cold from the moment they crossed the wall.

The name "Black Snowfield" was merely a figurative expression.

There was no actual snowy expanse; rather, the land was always blackened and dead due to various poisons, hence the name. In reality, it was more akin to a barren, hard rocky desert.

Furthermore, it was now June, the time when the heat was beginning to set in. Considering the Black Snowfield's harsh continental climate, such cold was inexplicable.

Perhaps it was related to the "strange disturbances" the guard post leader had mentioned.

In any case, the current conditions made it extremely difficult to forge a path forward.

"Damn it. What the hell are we supposed to find in a place like this?"

Sean scowled as he glared at the carriage behind him.

Seeing Elric still holed up inside the carriage despite the hardships they were facing made his blood boil.


Augustine, sitting inside the carriage, had the same question.

"The arrangement of your family you mentioned, is it really here?"

Elric had been deeply immersed in thought for several days, barely sleeping or eating, staring at a piece of ice floating in the air.

Initially, Augustine and the others had supported Elric, believing he was developing a new magic system, offering encouragement and ready to assist whenever needed.

Now, they paid him little mind, leaving him to his own devices.

Augustine's curiosity was growing.

No matter how much the empire has tried to explore Black Snowfield, it has failed time and time again, and in the notorious black snowy plains, even the absolute being of the 9th-Circle may be in danger if he goes in depth.

How on earth will Elric be able to find what he wants?

But then...

"I wouldn't know."


Elric shrugged, his gaze still fixed on the piece of ice.

Augustine wondered if he was hearing things due to his age and glanced at Heize for confirmation.

Heize sighed briefly, frowning slightly before reprimanding Elric firmly.

"Mind your manners when an elder is speaking."

Only then did Elric break his contemplation, pouting as he looked at Augustine. The ice piece fell from his hand.

『You really have no sense of etiquette.』

[At least I've never whined for over a thousand years about getting dumped by my first love. Do you realize how incredibly rude that is? The other party would be horrified if they knew.]

『It's not what you think at all!』

[Ah, sure, sure.]

『Ugh! How much longer must I endure this humiliation from you!』

Elric ignored Mephisto, who was rampaging and clutching his temples, and spoke.

"Actually... I wasn't planning on telling you, but since we've come this far, it seems strange to keep hiding it, so I'll tell you."

Augustine nodded.

In fact, he had only heard that they were heading north, but never imagined they would actually cross the Great wall. 

When Elric first said their destination was the Black Snowfield, everyone had been so shocked.

"I intend to find the 'Temple of Flowers'."

"...What? Surely it's not the one this old man knows?"

"It probably is."


Augustine let out a short, incredulous laugh.

At that moment, Heize, who had been listening quietly, spoke in a calm tone.


"Yes, dear?"

"I apologize, but is it alright if I crack your precious disciple's skull open right here?"

"Disciple, who? The one I just disowned."


Heize chuckled brightly as she stood up from her seat. In her right hand was a massive hammer.

It wasn't until Elric noticed the shadow of his sister covering his face that he felt a sense of urgency.

"….Wait a moment. Sis?"

"I'll start from the top of your head and work my way down."

"That means you're going to smash my head!"

"Oh, caught me?"

"It's really scary whenever you become like this, sis."

Elric said with a nonchalant tone, but in reality, it was perfectly natural for Augustine and Heize to react so strongly.

The 'Temple of Flowers' was the stuff of fairy tales, after all!

Long, long ago, in the ancient past before the empire was established, the now-foul-smelling and poisonous Black Snowfield was originally a garden full of blooming flowers, where numerous flower gods lived together with humans, according to legend.

And the place known to have been inhabited by such flower gods was none other than the 'Temple of Flowers'.

Despite Augustine and Heize asking so seriously, it was understandable that Elric still thought they were joking.

"I'm serious. I'm not lying."

After Elric exclaimed pleadingly, Heize's footsteps came to a sudden halt.

"Tell us more."

"I was going to do that anyway."

Elric sighed lightly. Then he glanced at Augustine.

In truth, the question of how much he could tell the people around him about his family's arrangement was still a dilemma. But he felt he could talk about this much.

"The Temple of Flowers really exists. I checked all the records left by my family and cross-verified them with the materials at the Imperial Library."

"Huh! If that's true, the academic community will be in an uproar."

Augustine stroked his beard with an eager expression.

He too was a magician. His thirst for new knowledge was immense.

"Whether the Temple of Flowers truly harbors gods as depicted in folklore is unknown. But since there seems to be a connection to my family's arrangement, that's why I'm going to find it."

Elric could finally breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Heize quietly return to her seat.



"Do you ever think about going back home, even now? You said you left your previous job midway...!"


"...But still, I feel much more at ease with you around. Please help me until this is over. Hahaha."

Elric thought to himself.

What was welling up in the corners of his eyes was definitely not tears, but sweat.

Then he noticed Mephisto glaring intensely at Heize.

He felt tempted to stir up trouble.

[Why are you staring at someone else's sister like that?]

『If I keep studying your sister, maybe someday I can beat you in a battle of words.』

The biggest sucker among suckers speaks in a serious tone like that.

Elric felt the need to tidy things up for once.

[Have I been too passive all this time?]

『Hmph! Are you trying to get me to do baby talk or recite proverbs? That won't be lifted for another month…!』

[[Stand on your head], [Dance].]

『W-what? Aaahhh!』

Mephisto suddenly found himself tap-dancing with his body flipped over, screaming wildly.

'Now I feel a bit relieved.'

As Elric nodded in satisfaction, Augustine asked, "So where exactly is the Temple of Flowers? It would be nearly impossible to find just based on records alone."

The term "restricted area" was not just for show.

There were countless cases of people getting lost and disappearing due to the inability to gauge their location.

"I plan to search among the beastmen tribes."


"Yes. There are records suggesting they protect the Temple of Flowers. I want to verify that. Even if it's wrong, since they are the only intelligent beings living in such a place, they might know something."

"But they harbor deep resentment towards humans. Is it safe?"

There are very few people in the world of magic who don't know the story of the beastmen who lost their home to humans and fled to the Black Snowfield.

"Well, not all the beastmen are the same, so there would be division within them, right? And I have something to entice them."

"Oh? Something to entice?"

Augustine's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Instead of answering directly, Elric chuckled.

The beastmen would never reject him.

He believed that because he possessed the 'power' that they had longed to reclaim for over a hundred years.

The body strengthening art of the ancient king of the beastmen, Tiger King.

Didn't he have that?