An Unnormal Day

He is bored, scrolling through his phone with some reels. Only a day left before the Summer break ends and after that, the second semester will start. Toby, our protagonist, cannot think more things to do than to lie down in bed for the whole day as to past his last days in their house. Thinking what future might hold for him, he stopped for a moment.

"Hey," Toby said to himself, " isn't this weird? What was that again?" As if something popped in his head out of nowhere. "Am I really on the third day!?" Third day? What he was saying was out of context. What does he mean third day?

"I'm sure I've seen this post yesterday before yesterday, but why does it says it just posted an hour ago?" He saw the post the third time from the three separate days, although it is said that it just posted mere hours ago.

He check the whole details of the post up to its end and came to conclusion that his hypothesis was right. It seems the post was repeating, or is it?

"Ahh!" Toby sulks, "this sucks!" Tired of overthinking, he leaped out of his bed and decided to go for a breakfast.

"Goodmorning, Toby. Today I made you some Omurice." "Really, Sis? It's the third time you made that same breakfast." An awkward silence emerged for a second. "Huh? What do you mean? It's the first time I made you some Omurice." Toby tired of disbelief, he glanced at the calendar and saw that it was May 31st.

"Hey, Sis, isn't it June 2nd today? And the school starts yesterday?" "Huh? Are you really that excited to go back to school? It's tommorow right?" Toby just shut and sat down the table realizing that he said it the third time now.

While watching TV, his sister said something, "Hey, Toby, aren't you excited to have a new transfer student tommorow? It's a girl right? Maybe it's time for you take some chance with girls sometimes." Toby refuses.

"Nah, I'll pass." He answered confidently for the third time. "Hugh*, but why? Your sister is sad to think that you will be a Wizard¹ in your future." "Enough of that."

"Excuse me to those who were eating but a corpse of a young man has been found in the alleys of Kiesu Street. The young man appears to be around 18 years old but his whereabouts are still unknown. His face beated out of pulp that made him unrecognizable. There's still no lead for the suspect and the police were still investigating the case."

Toby's sister take out her pity to the young man in the news. "Wait, Kiesu Street were just blocks away from your school right? What a poor guy." Her sister noticed that Toby suddenly looked pale. "Toby, what's the problem?"

Toby says that he's fine. "I'm going to the sink." "Are you really sure you're okay? Is it because of the news? That damn reporter!" "No, I'm fine. I'll just take some meds." Toby leave the dining room and went straight ahead to the kitchen.

"Oyy! That's where I was killed yesterday right!?" Toby reminisce his past life. He really did came back to life. "I'm sure I was stabbed and beated out of pulp that night." Realizing this for the third time, he quickened to his room.

"Hey, what's the rush? Is your nausea gone?" His sister asked. Toby didn't reply. He shuts the door, take a piece of paper and pen and wrote down all that will happen in that day.

"After breakfast, my sister will please me to buy groceries in store near us." He wrote. "By that, I felt someone was gazing at me at far but yet nigh. By noon, Hikaru will invite me to watch some basketball game on another town. We will be disappointed by the results of the game, that's why Hikaru said that we should go next to his favorite computer shop to play FPS Games to enjoy our last days of summer vacation. Then, when the night was deep, he said that we should go home, so we did, but he take another route way to his home so we depart separated. That's where I pass through one of the alleys in the Kiesu Street. It's dark, but silhouettes were found ahead of me, then suddenly, my eyes start to shut down while I felt pain in my lower back. 'Is this it? Am I gonna die? Again?' I told myself."

After writing down, he put down his pen and crumbles the paper. He paused for a moment. Awkward silence envelops the room. Then, *ding*, an idea popped out of his head. "I can prevent all this things to happen if I would just forget about it and never go out of the house until the day is over." "What a clever idea!" he thought. Thus, lied up to his bed and letted things to go its way without him mediating.

His sister called him and please him to buy some groceries, as what is expected. Toby refuse to go, explaining that his stomach isn't well. "Sorry, I cannot go. Can you please do it on your own?" "Why is that?" "It seems unwanted situation contracted me to go to bathroom every minute!" He reasoned. His sister accepted his reason and leave him.

Toby passed out after that, and when he wakes up, "Shit! It's already 12 noon. Oh, nothing will happen anyway," he told to himself. Suddenly, his phone rang. Hikaru, his friend, was calling him. He picked up and answered the call, "Hey, what's the problem?," he asked. Hikaru invites him to join him to go to Kanagawa to watch a basketball game, as what he expected. Toby, knows well what will happen, politely declines, saying that loadwork have flooded him but in truth not because he's afraid to die again. "Oh, that's too bad," Hikaru replied, "You will miss an historic game because of some papers? My condolences to you my friend." Toby smirk a little, murmuring, "No, that will not happen." "Did you say something?," Hikaru asked. Toby denied and ended the call immediately.

The day went on with him playing video games in his room.

The day starts to move and it's now June 1st, back to school. "Yeeeeah!" Toby celebrates like a lunatic. "Now it's not the fourth time, but a new day!" He tidied up his bed gratefully, thinking that he didn't die again. Hurrying way downstairs, his sister greeted him with some new breakfast different from what he ate three days before according to him.

He gladly sitten down at the dining and mow down some new-good food. While eating, a news flashed in the TV.

"Excuse me to those who were eating but a corpse of a young man has been found in the alleys of Kiesu Street, just few blocks away from the police station. The victim were found dead with stab-wounds and beated up face. The whereabouts of the young man were still unknown."

Toby's eyes widened and his heart stopped a beat as the news continues.

"The only evidence for the identity of the victim were his phone containing his name, Hikaru Sato. Investigations were still rolling to find the suspect of the incident."

"No, No!" "What's up Toby, do you know something?" Toby panicked, saying, "It's Hikaru! Of course! He was my buddy." His sister look clueless to what he was saying. Then, suddenly his sister asked, "Toby, are you delusional? Who's this Hikaru that you were talking? Some new friend of you?"

"Come on! It's Hikaru Sato, my childhood friend and young brother of Hibiki, your friend also!" His sister doesn't know what he was talking about. "What do you mean? Hibikichi has no brother cuz she's the only child."

"Huh!" Toby's response.

He's completely puzzled to what's his sister was actually saying.

Living that new life while grieving the death of his friend.

What will be that new day will hold to his fate.