Another Day, Another Problem

"W..What the hell!? It's Hikaru! I'm sure you know him very well!"

Toby snapped out of his head trying to figure out how such an anomaly could happen. Hikaru just visited their house a few days ago, and now he's completely erased from existence. What's more is that his whereabouts were nowhere and Toby's sister doesn't know what Toby is trying to say.

"Oi! Why do you have to raise your voice over me? I don't know who this Hikaru that you were talking about."

"Like," Toby replied." I'm telling you that he's younger brother of Hibiki." His sister were in complete confusion to who is this Hikaru that he was trying to tell her. She thought of something that would clear out his brothers agitatedness of mind. "How about this," his sister said, " I'll call Hibiki to clear things up, okay?" "Fine." Toby replied.

"Hello there, Hibikichi, sorry to call early in the morning," his sister said. "Oh, Takina-chan," Hibiki said, "What's the fuss early this morning?" "My brother have gone insane early this morning midst our breakfast. He wants to talk to you to clarify something, I guess?"

His sister gave the phone to Toby and starts to speak to the other side of the line.

"Umm, hello Hibiki-senpai, please tell me that Hikaru was there. He's on your house, right? Preparing to go to school. Do you remember him, right?," Toby said.

"Uh...sorry for rudeness, Toby-kun but I don't know who this Hikaru guy that you were talking about," Hibiki replied.

Drop of tear were about to flow from his eyes, as if some pent up grief were going to overflow in any moment. "He's your younger brother. He's Hikaru Sato!" "I don't who that is, Toby-kun. Besides I'm the only child of our family. I have no memory of Hikaru Sato that I met in my life."

Toby were puzzled to what is happening, besides it's an another anomaly that he encountered. His supposed friend were found dead and got reported in the news but nobody knows who's Hikaru Sato is, even his own sister. Toby stopped to think for a minute and cleared his mind.

Toby calmed down and politely apologize to Hibiki for his rudeness. He gave the phone to his sister and they ended the call soon after.

"Maybe you were just hungry. Finish your meal and prepare yourself. You'll be late to school if you continue to act like that," his sister said. "No, I'm full. I'll go to my room."

"Are you sure? I'll just pack you some more lunch in case you're hungry." Yeah, thanks," Toby coldly replied.

He went to his room, enticed with the mystery that's going on today. "Hikaru was found dead, the same where I was also. But why his name were revealed but mine didn't? Why no one remembered him, even his sister? How did the days continue if I didn't die but occurred to him?"

All this thoughts roam around his mind. And after a few minutes of in-depth thinking, he came into conclusion.

"I'm sure that logic cannot explain how this things happen." He decided to do such a thing he cannot do before, "I will find who's the culprit behind all of this incident, no matter what."

While on his epiphany, his sister called him to go down and get to school or else he will be late.

Messy hair, eyebags under the eyes, wearing creased uniform, Toby went to school with such a state. Arriving there, suddenly someone grabs his neck as if he will be strangled. Toby looks in the direction of the doer and the guy talks to him.

"Yo, Toby, quite a get-up you got there on first day after the break. If you're like that the new students will be afraid of you."

Toby widened his eyes and immediately confront the guy. "Hey! Yamato, do you remember Hikaru right?" Yamato showed a puzzled reaction,

" Huh? Who's that? I don't know someone named Hikaru." "He's Hikaru Sato, our friend since childhood!" "Sorry to break it, but I don't know who's that guy is." Toby was displeased, "You also, huh...?"

Yamato asked him if he said something, but Toby denied and let things go and they went to their classroom.

Toby continued to ask people who he thought might remember Hikaru, but still no good, everyone has the same answer, they don't know him as if Hikaru Sato didn't exist in the first place.

The bell rang to mark the start of the class and the teacher entered the room. Toby who already asked 20 people sat down to his chair at the corner of the room near the window.

"Goodmorning class," the teacher said, "Today marks the start of the second semester of your second year. I hope you enjoy a lot in your summer break."

Toby raised his hand while the teacher was still talking. "Hmm? What is it Kiriyama?," the teacher asked. "Sir, do you know Hikaru Sato?," he asked confidently. "Ahh, that guy from the news?"

Toby reacted in suprise, thinking that finally someone remembered his friend. "Yes, Sir!," he said. "I don't know him but apparently he was found dead in the alleyways. You kids should be alert if some of this things happen cuz it's just near our school."

"Sorry to say it sir, but he's your student, our classmate!"

"Enough of that, Kiriyama. Such a guy is not included in this class. Take your seat and the class will start," the teacher said to Toby. "Uh...b-but." "Take your seat, now."

"Y-yes, sir," Toby slowly murmured.

"Before I forget, a transfer student will join this class starting today. Miss Amamiya, please enter."

Suddenly, a girl entered the room, standing at average height for 17 year old girls, in winter uniform even though it's already end of spring, a long white hair reaching to her waist, an eyes of amethyst gazing into the whole room, a captivating smile from her face that instantly charmed all those in the room except for Toby who were in deep thought.

"Miss Amamiya, please introduce yourself," the teacher said.

In such a soprano voice, she uttered, "Yes, sir. Goodmorning, everyone, I'm Hina Amamiya from Nakano All-girls School. I'm pleased to meet you all. I hope we can all get along and enjoy our High-school life!"

She cheerfully said it according to the students.

The guys celebrated while the girls were amazed on how beautiful their new classmate is.

"Enough, students. Miss Amamiya, please choose where do you want to sit." The students immediately offered their sits as if Hina is a princess or something.

"I decided where to sit," breaking the fantasies of boys by sitting next to Toby.

Toby wasn't moved at all by the things that were happening, only thinking on how to solve the anomaly that's going on.

Hina sits on her chair with such a poise. She suddenly uttered a word that struck Toby.

"You're thinking about Hikaru Sato right?"

Toby raised his head towards Hina out of impulse. "Do you know Hikaru!?" Toby asked.

"Yes, yes, very much. I killed him."


"No, more like you're the one who killed him."
