Someone's involved

"Yes, yes, very much...I killed him."


"No. More like you're the one who killed him."

Toby flustered and immediately burst out to Hina.

"W-what did you do to him?!" Toby muttered. Hina grins and giggled in front of Toby. "You sure did know that, right? Kiriyama-kun."


Hina raised her index finger, pointed it to Toby for once, and bring it closer to her lips, "It's our just our secret, right?," saying it with a smug and glared to Toby with a killer's gaze.

"What's the problem over there, Miss Amamiya?," the teacher said. Toby suddenly stood up from his seat and slammed his hand to the desk,

"Sir! She's the one who killed Hikaru! This girl was a murderer!," he said. "What are you talking about, Kiriyama?"

"Sir, can't you see? She said it to me!," Toby said. "Hey, Miss Amamiya, do you know what he was saying?"

Hina said something with an expression of a yandere. "Ara-ara...that's quite rude of you, Toby-kun."

"Huh?" Toby wondered why she called him in his first name even though that's the first time they met. Or is it?

"Hmm...Miss Amamiya, do you know who's Kiriyama referring to?"

"I wonder too...Sir."

"Like I said!..." Toby were about to reveal something, when suddenly Yamato says something, "Oi! Toby, What's going on with you? You're disturbing the class."


The rest of the class then said, "What's gotten in to you, Kiriyama? Have you gone insane? Just shut up already."

Toby struck cold in his nerves after hearing those things. "Kiriyama, take your seat. Come to the guidance office after the class. Proper counselling will be administered to you regarding your demeanor today."

" Y-yes, sir." Toby replied as if something got to his nerve. He seated to his chair as if nothing happened, while Hina continued to glare at him.

Toby wondered why he reacted like that out of nowhere. Yeah, that's right, the one who murdered his friend was right beside him yet he cannot avenge him because he doesn't have any evidence to prove it.

The class has ended an hour after, Toby letted out a sigh, wondering where he did go wrong. As he walk his way out the classroom, one of his classmates muttered something that caught his attention. "Do you know, Kiriyama, someone not in the living cannot become our classmate."


"I mean, you cannot just vent out your delusion to some new beautiful girl in our class." "What do you mean?" "It's up to you if you wanna believe that we have some phantom classmate." Toby clinched his fist, ready to punch the guy, when suddenly.

"Heeeey..., Kiriyama-kun, come with me," Hina uttered behind him. "What's your deal, miss-framed-me-up?" "Ara, that's quite precious nickname for me, Kill-i-ya-ma-kun." The other guy cannot caught up what they were talking to.

"Aren't you going to repent your rudeness just hours ago at the Guidance office?," Hina asking Toby. "Why do you care? I will surely make you pay for killing Hikaru," with a serious gleam in his eyes. "Yes, yes," Hina gladly replied.

Felt the heaviness in breathing, he ignored his classmates and went hurrily to the Guidance office to finish things off and start his investigation.

"I will surely make that bi*ch pay!," he sweared to himself.

As he approach the Guidance office, Toby felt an eerie feeling in the atmosphere. As if dark matter were lingering in the air, he felt the goosebumps. He felt like something not good will approach him. Looking around him in case the new girl will silence him in any second.

5 meters away from the entrance of the room, the suffocating atmosphere thickens as if in every inch, the dark miasma he felt in the vapor were at beyond control.

The door was nigh, he step in front of the passage, overcoming he thought to be a quagmire in his place.

Toby looked straightforward the door, heightening his senses in case something unexpected will happen, as if expecting the unexpected but not expecting what will surely happen.

He forwards his right hand, touching the door knob, rotating it clockwise ready to open the door when suddenly,

"How did the boy knew the incident?," a very deep voice behind the door said. "I don't know sir, but apparently he's an acquaintance of the prey," another man answering the question.

"Huh?," Toby said to himself, "who's the one Mr. Kou talking to? I'm sure it's him that answers the question, but who's the other one?"

The two voices continue to speak behind what they thought close doors,

"Hikaru Sato were completely erased from existence, how could someone remembered his remnants?" "I don't care if someone still knew, but one thing's for sure. Disposed the the defect."

Toby overheard everything and lost his grasp. He accidentally opened the door, witnessing what is inside the room.

"Oh shit," he uttered to himself. Someone immediately noticed his entrance and suddenly spoke to Toby.

"What do you want, Kiriyama?" Mr. Kou asked

"H-hhaha... Nothing, Sir. I came here because you said to, right?"

"Ohhh yeah, right."

"Are you talking to someone, Sir?" Toby asked just to confirm what he just overheard.

How could his homeroom teacher knew about Hikaru when he just said that he doesn't know who Hikaru is. Toby also overthinks about the existence of the person with that deep voice he sensed that were talking to his teacher.

"It's just my brother from the other side of the line(he's refering to talking in the phone)." After Mr. Kou said it to Toby, he grabs a scissors next to him without being noticed by Toby. "What do you want to discuss here, Sir?," Toby asked.

"It's about your rude behavior towards Miss Amamiya early this morning. It is not allowed to accuse someone of murder when you don't have any evidence at all." "How could that be against the rules?," Toby boldly asked. "You're swaying the topic, Kiriyama." "How could I, Sir?," he continues to ask as if he was Socrates.

"What do you know about the death of my friend, Hikaru Sato, Sir?"

"I don't know who this Sato guy that you were talking, but one's for all, he's found dead and got to the news."

Toby was puzzled to what really was trying to say by his teacher. "I'm enough of this, Sir. I'll just go find it on my own. But I will make sure you pay if you really got involved in this anomaly, even if your an adult or something."

Mr. Kou got pissed to what Toby said and he's now on his wit's end. He finally have the chance when Toby turned away from him.

The teacher have finally the chance to silence the defect by stabbing Toby at the back with his scissors. He showed in his face the confidence that someone will clean up the mess after he finish his job.

The blade were just meters away from Toby flesh after Mr. Kou swings the scissor to Toby.

"Ara...does the counseling finish already?"