Time's up Part 1

A dark yet white place. Surfaceless but somewhat he's standing. The coldness slashes through his bones but he's sweating as if facing the scorching sun.

"What the hell?!" That's how he describe where he is to.

Toby looked around if someone or something is in sight. That moment still goes on for over an hour even who knows if the concept of time even exist in that unknown place.

"Maybe I'm in nowhere?," the only answer he could ask.

To the north, to the south, to the west. He looks around in those directions, looking for anything to be scene.

He looks at the East yet he didn't even know where East really is.

He blinks, then...

A dark entity snags his face! "What the f-!"

His vision faze and darkens and the white yet dark room vanished by sight.



He wakes up in his desk inside their classroom.

"What the fr*ck! Where am I?"

"Ohh... You're awake," someone said by his side. Toby gleams to the guy and it was Yamato. "The third period was over. Bold of you to snag in your desk while Ms. Tachibana's class."

"Where's that dimwit!?," Toby looked for Hina. "Who's dim-wit?" "That new girl in the class, I mean." "Ohhh... Are you interested in her?" "Like hell!"

They silenced for a moment. "Hey, Yamato, have you been in such a white room?" "Like what?" "Another dimension I mean." "No, not yet. Why?" "I mean, I guess I've been there." "Keep dreaming, Toby."

Toby continues to snag on his desk while talking to Yamato who's leaning in his chair at the back facing Toby's desk.

"Ara... White room, huh... That's quite a fantasy of you, Killi-ya-ma-kun," Hina appeared in the midst of their conversation, interrupting the solace of the two.

"Why the f*ck are you here?," Toby confronts Hina. "Hmm... Did you remember?," Hina asked.

"About what?"

"Mr. Kou."

"Of course, that dude threatened me. I'll smash his face one day."

Yamato didn't gist what they're talking to. "Uhh, Amamiya-san, what are you talking to?"

"Hmm, Ara-ara, Yamato-kun you're their I guess."

"Uh-hmm..." Awkward for him.

"About what Mr. Kou done lately," Toby added to fill in Yamato the details.

"Huh? What do you mean, Toby? Who's Mr. Kou?"

"He atta-... What!? What did you say!?," Toby stuttered to what Yamato have spurted. He slipped his face through his hands while listening to Yamato.

"Hmm, it seems working, huh? (Giggles*) hehehe, that's good then," Hina said.

"Oi, oi, what have you done Amamiya!? What on earth happened to that teacher?"

"Just as normal," Hina smugs while saying and teasing Toby, "someone like him aren't fit to this world, so there's no need for him. What do you think should I do to him?"

"H-huh?" His heart raced to intense beating imagining what he have done. He's not ready for the consequences of being involved in erasing someone.

But suddenly, Yamato said something that calmed Toby at peace.

"Ahh! Lately, Ms. Tachibana said that Mr. Kou's stomach wasn't right today so he leaves after the second period."

"Huh? What do you mean? Amamiya, is he telling the truth?"

"Of course. Have you got scared to what I said?" Hina smirking at him as if making him a clown.

"You! What t-!" Toby flustered at her.

(*ding) The Bell rings, marking the end of morning class and the lunch break commenced.

"Ahh... Amamiya-san wanna have lunch together?," their female classmate asking Hina to have lunch with them at the canteen.

"Hmm, nice to meet you all. I've just finished talking to Kiriyama-kun, so I'm in with you all," she said as if she was a seiso or something. The girls were all filled with their hearts to have lunch with the new next-to-be school Madonna. Hina step forward away from the two guys and walk to fetch her bag.

"I have fun talking with you, Kiriyama-kun. You too Yamato-kun. Have fun finding Sato-kun."

Toby got pissed to what she said, "Oi! Don't just leave! You!"

Hina leaves with the girls leaving the one guy pissed and the other guy confused.

"Only hours have passed. How did you got closed to her. Do you know her before school?," Yamato asked Toby.

"No. Also I'm not acquainted to her."

"Uhh... That's too bad I guess." "What's with that?," Toby stared Yamato awkwardly. "The rest of the boys were staring daggers at you, although you haven't noticed, for being close to the new girl.


"Look at them," Yamato pointed to Toby what's happening. "I don't care. As if I'm interested with that transfer student."


They stopped the awkward conversation and straight away taked out their bentos.

"Uh... Sorry Yamato. I cannot eat in peace here. Rooftop was calling me for there to eat," Toby reasoned after a glimpse have swayed in his eyes while preparing to eat. Whirling winds and cicada sounds, that's what appeared in his sight.

"Want me to go with you?" " No I'll just go myself." They agreed quickly as if it was a common occurrence.

Toby repacked his uneaten bento and stepped away from his desk. As he walks his way out the room, he called fill the stares and glares his classmate throwing at him.

"What's their problem?," Toby said to himself.

He just walk and walk his way forward to the rooftop. Their classroom was in the second floor of a 3-storey building which why the rooftop was not that long to walk to.

After passing, several rooms and found himself climbing through stairs all the way to the rooftop, something not good of stench he smelled.

He just ignored with a confidence of nothing will happen to him at the top. What a boldness of him despite all the anomaly that occurred in past two days.

He reached the rooftop and gently opens the door. Nothing out of normal appeared in his sight, so he straight away went to his favorite spot to have his lunch.

A serene he felt at the top could not be topped by any pleasure in the school. The people at below were like ants to him.

He still thinking about how he could solve the case of Hikaru Sato but he cannot be distracted by that peace at hand.

Midway his provision, something loud have sounded near the door of the rooftop.

"What the?" He said. "Please not another unnormal thing." He prays to not break the peace.


The door have blown away and something unknown appeared in his sight.

A dark entity, standing at about six-foot tall, humanoid figure that has six limbs, all enveloped by a gnashing shadow, leaving an eerie, irritating noise as it moves.

"What the f*ck! Oi! Oi! Are you serious!? What was that?!"

Toby trembled in fear knowing how intimidating the thing in front of him.

What will happen to him as he faced another anomaly.