Time's up Part 2

"What the f*ck!?"

A monster in his sight. How could a paranormal entity have appeared amidst the bright of the sunlight.

"Oi,oi! What the hell is that!?," Toby cannot processed what was happening in front of him. In all of his life, he didn't saw such a thing until that moment.


The entity smashed one of its limbs in to the rooftop railings causing it to detach and fall from above right into the ground. "Are you serious!? Am I supposed to fight that!?", will he fight or just flee?

"How could I get away from this?", he saw an opening at the side and thinking to pass through there and use the rooftop entrance to escape.

*bang *wreck

His only way out have gone through his eyes. The entity wrecked the entrance, causing the debris to block the path through downstairs.

"Ahh!! Someone save me!", he said to himself losing his self-made confidence.

Sweating buckets, teardrops starts to flow from his keened eyes, almost peeing himself, that's how scared he is. He even forgot that he can reset if he dies, all he just think about is that nightmarish thing.

"Do I need to fight that?" He has no choice but to fight, I guess. "There! A metal rod." He rolled his way to the side to grabbed his supposed to be weapon of survival. "I'll go with t-this..." He tensed up his body way up.

"Come on Toby, you know how to fight, right?" He self-assured himself.

Toby has an history of joining the Kendo team when he was in elementary school. So we could think that he has a chance.

Seems not. He didn't even manage to win a fight against one of his opponents and even almost having neurosis at the middle of the game. But, how admirable his how much boldness he have to face various anomalies in his life.

"Hoooo...", he breaths slowly to calm himself. *shake *shake.

His mind were set to fight yet his knees won't listen, they shake so much that it broke his supposed cool stance.

"Shit! Get a hold of yourself, me! Stop shaking!", he said to himself while the monster was starting to move forward. "H-here...it comes," marking his fear of what will happen to him.

*loud scream(*Aghhhhh!)

"Ah! What th-!", the entity screamed out a loud and unpleasant sound. "Oi! That's cheating!"

The monster raised it's upper left limb and readying it to swing to Toby. "Get a grip, myself. Here it is!", he hold firm to the metal rod waiting for the entity to blow it's first strike and immediately dodge and prepare for counterattack.


Smashing through his side, as if his soul already lives his body beyond surprise.


His consciousness return back to him immediately. "Now, for the counterattack."

He slip way through the blind spot of the entity and swiftly build up his stance.

Muttering his full energy for the first blow.

"This is for you, tard-face!" Swinging his weapon to the lower left-limb of the monster.


"Huh!?", on his first strike, Toby landed the hit but something really amazed him. Left-limb fell off from the the monster's lower shoulder as if he sliced it like a tree branch on its final stead.

Yet losing a limb, the monster didn't faze from what happened. Realizing this, "Crap! I need to back out. Facing that off at close distance while it's aware of my presence woud lead to my demise."

Looking for the next strike, he will settle to what opening will occur.

*spurt back

"What th-! Oi! Are you serious?", Toby shocked from what he have seen, "Aren't I've blown his limb, why there's completely six of them? Regeneration?"

The entity appeared to have not any scratch at all despite what Toby have done.

"Shi-!" As he backed up, one of the monster's arm stretched right away in front of Toby, landing on his supposed handsome face(according to him) and blowing him two meters away.

"Uw-uwah!" Blood spurted out from his nostrils making him vomiting much blood.

"Shit! This is ba-!"

In just a blink of an eye, Toby can't see what was supposed to happen.

"Huh?" He felt like he was flying. "Huh? What happened?", there he saw something frightening, " Body? Mine? Huh!?"

How could someone like him gleams his body upfront and upside down? That's right.

"Wha-! Am I dead?",

No. Not yet, but it seems like that in any moment. His head got severed away, beheading him.

"Oh... Game over for me, huh?", even in those moments, he was surprisingly calm thinking that he could finally rest in peace.

In his failing vision, the entity appeared in front of his eyes, finishing him completely.

"Ah... Could someone please delete my browsing history?" His last words.

Or not



He wakes up in his desk inside their classroom. "What the fr*ck! Where am I?"

"Ohh... You're awake," someone said by his side. Toby gleams to the guy and it was Yamato. "The third period was over. Bold of you to snag in your desk while Ms. Tachibana's class."

"Huh!? What the hel-. Did I repeat?" He almost forgot that he was not normal. "Oh shit! Now's the first repeat of the day.", he said to himself.

"Oi, what's the problem, buddy? Did Mr. Kou scolded you?", Yamato asked. "Uh... Nothing. Hey Yamato, did you..." "What is it?"

"Is there really a tard-face monster at the rooftop?", he calmly asked to the friend. "No. Why?"

"Let's say I faced something like that."

"Keep dreaming, Toby." An awkward silence appeared in the midst of them.

"Ara-ara... So you finally encountered it, Kiriyama-kun."