Blood stained road

Asphalted road, people flocking the sidewalls with merchandises, cloudy smoke of vehicle passing having unpleasant smell of pollution, crowds were shouting to sell their goods.

That's how Toby can describe the Kiesu Street and how busy it could be.

"How could this crowded place allowed such murder case to happen," he said to himself.

In his creased uniform, bag hanging from his shoulder, he went there after the unexpected class suspension in their school.

"Lot of things happened, huh...," he sighed, "first, Hikaru got murdered out of nowhere. Then, a new annoying girl appeared who proclaimed herself to be the killer. In fact, I almost didn't believe in her story but after knowing what she could do, it appears that she will be a threat.

"Then there's that crazy teacher almost taking my life. It seems suspicious on how he mentioned Hikaru and appeared to be involved with the case. Haaah..."

He letted again a sigh, not expecting to have a half a day full of twist and turns and placing him in unwanted situation.

"Then there's that giant shadow monster," he added, "how could I forget about it. This world shouldn't have those kind of entities! It's a good thing "reset" allowed me to live or else I would have met Hikaru lately."

Spacing out in the middle of the road, "Hey don't block the road, Kid!" Vehicles almost running him off as he stood in the midst of a busy street. "Don't commit suicide here, Kiddo!"

Getting back to his senses, "Uh... S-sorry Sir." He immediately leaped away the road and letting the vehicles go there way. What he have done caused a small traffic to build up.

"Hey, kid, don't add up to the deaths in this Street." "Huh?" A bystander talked to him.

"Earlier this day, an unknown corpse have been found near the alleyways and appeared to be murdered."

Toby attentively listens to the man, knowing that he was refering to Hikaru and might as well know something about the suspect. "Uhh, Sir, do you know something," Toby boldly ask the bystander, "regarding what happened last night?" Confident that he have found someone who might be a witness to the case.

"I don't have any idea about the remnants of the victim, nor the one who murdered him. Yet," the man stop for a second.

"Please continue, Sir," Toby uttered. Yet the man didn't say a thing for a few seconds. He grabs a piece of cigarette in his pocket and start lighting it in front of Toby. Putting it to his mouth and inhale the smoke within and immediately blowing it out.

Toby was displeased from what the stranger was doing and is ready to leave at any moment.

"9pm, last night...", the man suddenly said. "9pm?", Toby uttered.

"It's deep in the night, the sky was very dark but the lights of the street wouldn't allow the bright stars to shine. Despite of that, I'm pretty sure it was 9pm when I go outside to clean up my store."

"What's next to the case, Sir?", Toby figuratively asked. "There's quite few people around so the street were quite silent than often...

"As I clean up, there a figure of a man appeared, appearing to rush to the alleyways since those alleys have shortcuts to the next side of the buildings." The stranger stop for a second and smoked his cigarette.

"Hmm, I'm sure that I also, have use that route at the same time as Hikaru when I was still repeating," Toby said to himself as he have a chance to process the information given.

"What happened then after that?", Toby continued to ask. *fwohhh

The stranger continues to smoke his cigarette, as Toby couldn't handle the pollution the guy was releasing.

"I don't know if it's the victim or the suspect, but the young man hastenly pass through those alleys. I wasn't interested to what's happening with them so I almost clearly ignored the guy.

But," the man cliffhangs the story.

"Uhh, I'm starting to hate this guy," Toby uttered to himself as he was annoyed why the guy couldn't get straight to the point.

"But... Few minutes have passed, I somehow leans my vision to what's happening in the alleyway. There I saw another humanoid figure who appears to be an adult talking with the previous guy."

Toby processed what the guy have said and starts to layout of the case, "So Hikaru appeared to have encountered another person in that route. From what I remembered, when it's my turn, something just straight away stroked me leaving me a new life. So it seems that way for him."

"Something happened after that?", Toby asked for more information. "Sadly... *fwoooh... That's all I could add. My wife suddenly called me after that."

"That's too bad, I guess," Toby said to the stranger, "Well, still Thank you for the information, Sir." "Not well, Kid. Why are you interested with the case? Do you know the victim?" "Hmm, he's my friend I guess."

Toby leaves the bystander and immediately processed the information.

While gripping his bag's strap, "Hmm, if Hikaru appeared to meddled with a guy, then Amamiya could be erased from the table, but I cannot be comforted with that fact 'cuz how much things she could do."

Toby continues to walk as he approach the passage through the alleyway. "Mr. Kou would be my first suspect for this if things were going their ways."

As he continues to walk, passing through the entrance, "Ugh! What the f*ck's happened!?"

He felt the same essence he felt when he was trying to enter the Guidance office earlier this morning.

Eerie feeling in the air, as if dark matter was expanding in any given moment. He walks as if he was travelling through a quagmire, goosebumps hits his nerves. As seconds past on, the dark aura he felt were spreading in the atmosphere of the area.

"Is this that lunatic teacher's shenanigans?", he thought.


Moments have passed and the eerie essence fades away in the thin air, making Toby's processing clear.

He walks on in the route and looks side by side for any evidence in the area.

"Hmm, it seems unclear how things

happened in here, but I'm sure I've gone through this," he confidently said to himself.

*hwwosh(smelled something)

"Huh?", he noticed something.

"Blood?", smelling something like that in the air was like out of nowhere. "It seems stood to me that something like this would happen in times like this." He clears that an incident really happened in there and his sure that it was Hikaru's drip of blood.

"I'm pretty sure Hikaru wasn't erased from existence because after all, things like should not appear if that's the case," he confirms to himself.

He stood up after making a crouching position and starts to look out for more evidences.

"Hmm, *yawns. Time for new things, huh..."

He moves forward from where he stands and starts to look side by side. In a sudden, he felt some eccentric feeling.

"Someone's watching, huh..." He realized something quickly and immediately puts his vision at his back. "Hmm, something of figures," he said.

There appeared in his point of view a person standing 10 meters away from him.

"Wait that seems familiar."

Standing at average height of 17 years old girls, wearing a winter uniform despite its almost summer, a long silvery-white hair, glittering amethyst-colored eyes.

"Hmm, it seems the suspect always come back to place of incident, huh...", Toby said.