Unknown Bonds

"Hmm, it seems like you forgot something?", Toby mockingly ask the person in near distance.

"Ara, you're quicker than I thought, Killi-ya-ma-kun," the silhouette of a girl have said.

There in fron t of him the person he hated the most since the start of the day. Hina Amamiya, a transfer student to Toby's school who appear to be the one who killed Hikaru.

"What is she doing here?," he thought, "how did she know that I'll be going here?"

"Yamato-kun seems daunted when I asked him," Hina said, "how much a friend could spill when his companion don't trust him, huh..."

"Yamato?", he thought for a second. "How could Yamato sell me off for such a quite disagreement? Well it doesn't matter I guess." Toby reconsider Yamato's deeds. "If things have gone like this, then I'll just put it up on my own," he added.


"Hmmmm..." Hina continues to hum as she walks forward and entering the route. Moving straight to Toby with a grin in her face is what the guy could describe.

"What are you doing here?", Toby asked to interrogate Hina. Yet she still continues to walks forward as if she isn't listening to his mutterings. "Oi, are you serious? Couldn't she hear me or she's just ignoring me?", Toby thought.

Every meter Hina gets closer to him, her humming starts to get louder and building up pleasant melodies. "Hey, wait this song...," he remembered something, "isn't this from the choral music?", as he thought as if he was listening to the sounds of heaven.

"Oi! Amamiya can't you hear me!?" He said.

"Are you joking me? Is she isn't gonna stop?", he thought.

As the musical played only through humming starts to reach its climatic part, Hina found in front of Toby. "Oi! Amamiya! Get back to your senses!", he said as he could not able to handle the weight of the sounds passing through his ears. The melodies were pleasant to hear yet he could not bear the noise travelling pass his hearing.

"This leaves me no choice," he thought. Positioning his footing as if in martial arts position, readying to release an indirect quick blow to Hina to make her back off. "This is my first time hitting a girl. Yet something like this should be necessary."

He lifts his right foot and swinged it into Hina's shoulders yet he will not aim for her body nor hit her but just release a swing to make her back off.

"For Gender Equality!", he yelled.

Midway his first strike, Hina suddenly opened her eyes, looking through Toby with a death stare yet with a grin on her face.

"Oh, crap! I cannot control my foot, it will surely hit her," he thought. Few inches before landing the strike, he blinks for once, then suddenly...

"Huh!? Where is she!?" Hina disappeared in his sight. His foot finally hit the ground, signalling that his strike missed, "It's a good things I didn't stroke her," he relieves to himself. For a second he suddenly thought, "Wait, where did she gone through? Where's she resorted to?"

He looked side by side to look where did she go, he then felt presence at his back. "Amamiya?", he uttered.

"Huh!?" Suddenly he fell through and slammed right to the ground, as if something hit him.

"Ughh... Something's heavy on me," he said. He's lying to the ground and as if someone or something was on top of him not allowing him to stand up.

"Ughh, hmm, I need to stand up...", he said. He grabs on something to regain his footing. Grabbing on a piece of cloth then touching someone's skin different from his own.


"Ara-ara, that's quite rude of you, Toby-kun," uttered by someone above him.

"What the f*ck!?", he frightened suddenly realizing who's the one craddling on him.

"Amamiya!?", he yelled out of embarrassment, "get off me!"

Yet, despite his warning, Hina crawls above him until their eyes met. Crystal-brown speck to Amethyst-colored eyes, they face to face with each other, both the hero and the villain(according to Toby).

"Hey, Toby-kun... What are you looking forward to?", she said as if like a kawaii seiso mesmerizing their fans.

"Huh?" Toby seems to be flattered to what Hina have done. "Wait, wait, wait... What's she's doing!?", his mind agitated.

In front of him the girl who he suspect to be the killer. Yet as he looks into her eyes, there in front of him the portal of cosmos. The light and the darkness intertwined as the stellar sparks disperse what was visible. That's what he sees in those amethyst-colored captivating eyes.

"Wait, isn't she just buying time to sabotage me?", realizing this, he came back to his senses and immediately initiated counter measures.

"What do you want, Amamiya?", he calmly asked to the girl who trampled him.

"You, I guess," she jokingly said to tease him. Toby flattered to what she said, "Oi, Oi! Is she serious!? Did she really confessed to me?", he thought as he almost got lost of words.

He continues to look straight to her while she giggles in front of him. " hoooh*, calm myself. She's just baiting me. I know what it is."

Toby turned on a cooled head and start to act rationally to avoid stepping into his demise. "Amamiya, get off me already."

"No, I think perhaps this was the right thing," she still making clown of Toby.

"Why did you kill Hikaru? What did he done to deserve such a thing?", he interrogate.

"Hmm, that's a secret," she said while putting a shushing gesture in her lips, "there's things to matter. So I will not tell you until the time comes."

Toby wasn't move to what she said and straight away get to the point, "Amamiya, get off me already! You're quite heavy... *panting... I can't breath."

"Ara, you seems falling to me that fast, Killi-ya-ma-kun."

"Like hell! Get off me already... Ughhhh... I'm dying...*panting." Toby wasn't able to say something as he was almost choked to death by a murderer.

"Hmm, Toby-kun, you're quite rude, I guess," she gets off him by turning to the side, completely freeing Toby from her shackles. She stood up before Toby being able to regain his footing.

"What the hell is with this girl? That eyes of hers. I'm sure have seen it from somewhere. Purple Cosmos, light and dark, what does that mean?", he uttered to himself.

"Did find ways to accuse me?", Hina ask regarding Toby's evidences. "Oi, I'm just starting the investigation and you meddle with it! Now, are you telling me that my assumptions were baseless!? Is this girl some kind of idiot or something!", he thought to himself. Yet, despite that internal monologue, he still put a calm exterior.

"It is not your problem. Well technically if I find something then you must be really in problem," he confidently said.

"Hmm, that's bold you, Kiriyama-kun. Perhaps meddling with you wouldn't do a thing right now." "Oi, what do you mean?"

Hina looked away to the opposite direction and preparing to leave the alleyway. She gazed for the last time to Toby before saying her farewell.

"Well, thank you for your service, Toby-kun. I have good time with you. I hope you realize what I said and turn your back before it's too late." "What do you mean?"

"Come to me. Be my Ally. And you will know everything you wanted to know."

After what she said, Hina walks forward without any word and straight away leave Toby in the middle of a death ground.

"What did she mean by that? Ally? As if I would acquaint with the likes of her," he said to himself. Completely leave full of questions, he followed Hina right through her way out of the passage.

Despite the light of the day, the alleyway still remained in darkness because it shadowed by tall buildings. He runs off to Hina, "There's so much things I need to ask to her."

Due to familiarity with the dark vision, he runs off way out, exposing his eyes with the outside light that almost blinded him. Far from what he knew, that passage connects to other Street full of vehicles.

He runs to follow through Hina while not knowing that he's on the middle of the road.

"Oh, crap," there, something hit him off and blast him through the ground.

His head hits the road, completely sealing his fate to lose his life in the middle of the road. Blood splattered, a broken front head of a car, that's what can be found in the scene.

"Oh crap! I'm dead again," his last words.