New Day

"There he comes again."

Something said out of nowhere.

"Huh? What is that? Where am I?", a guy was standing in nobody knows elsewhere. With messy hair, a blood soaked creased uniform, red liquid flowing out of his head as if something hit him that completely deletes him from existence.

He looks around of him, with that crystal-brown speck eyes he'll be able to distinct things from what they are.

"Am I here again?", he said as if he's gone through this unnormal situation, "Did something happen. Ohh... I died again.... When was that?"

He reminisce what have passed before he came there. "Oh, that's right," he said after a hunch came through his head, "I was hit by a running car... Where is that again? ... Hmmm, oh yeah, in that same street again, right?"

He was muttering random things as if he was talking to someone. "Hello! Anyone there!?" His shouts echo all over the place, well how could echoes form in such an open place.

"Hmm, seems no one responding... I guess."

After receiving such a response, he just decided to just laze around because...

Of course, nothing will happen to him for quite few time. "*yawn... Probably, I'm dead, therefore this could be heaven or hell... Perhaps even purgatory," he said to himself, "Whatever it is, such things were beyond my control."

Letting himself to sink in into the atmosphere, he felt the calm, peaceful presence of the place that even resorted him into sitting into lotus form or meditation form just like a monk.

"Hmmm... This seems fine," he said while clasping both his hands and and closing his eyes, "Perhaps, things like this should be necessary when things goes other way around. Hikaru could wait for justice before I sit my mind up..."

This went for few minutes, even though the concept of time doesn't exist in such a place. This is the first time a normal human even able to settle in those unknown worlds.




"Huh?" He heard something. A cold voice of wailing were penetrating to the silence of the ground.

"Probably some winds," he thought although certain breezes cannot be possesed in those places. Yet, he just ignore it and continues to meditate to not break the solitude.



"Could you shut the," he opened his eyes and look unto where the sound was coming, "shut the f*ck u-"

*creepy smile

There a giant humanoid figure, with no eyes, completely bald and naked, and both smiling and crying blood out of empty eyes in front of Toby. Nobody could figure out what that frightening sight is that even Toby himself cannot move an inch after seeing such a nightmarish entity.

"What the f*c-!"

His vision went black after that encounter, perhaps it is an omen for him, but something happens...


He opens his eyes from a state of unconsciousness.

"Familiar ceiling, huh?", he uttered by looking into a blank platform. It took a few moments for him to realize.

"Wait! Where am I?" He immediately rose up from where he lay down. "My room? Wait. How could?"

He wokes up from quite a deep sleep and just only realize that he is in his own room, their own house. The bedsheet, the ceiling, the desk table, the desktop, the bookshelf filled with all kinds of light novels and mangas that signifies that he was an otaku. All of things he could see around it was all knowned to him.

"Hmm, how did I ended up in my room!?", he uttered, "I died in the Kiesu Street, right?... Oh that's right!", he remembered something, "*glimpse(his ability to reset), I died again.

That's why the 'reset' ability works and saved me from passing away." After saying that, he wonders how could he, blooded and knocked off, able to go home and even properly sleep in his comfy bed.

"That's strange. How could I? More to is that even though I really reset, what time continuum have I been putted to?" He wonders if he return backs to morning of June 1 or, "Maybe I'm back to square one and will able to save Hikaru from impending death," he said hoping to came back to May 31 and prevent all this things to happen.

Putting his hands into his chins while thinking deeply in front of unarranged beddings.

He also wonders about why happened to Hina after their final encounter, "There's so much things that she need to explain to me. Probably she even knows about that out of this world place and perhaps even the one behind my curse abilities. E...eer, wait!", taking back what he said, "That girl didn't even deserve a trust at all, accepting her request would lead me to my demise."

Thoughts and hunches flowed everywhere, all spurted out with that mouth of Toby who has endless questions on every anomalies he encountered.

If someone on his place, they would have already have give up and gone insane, only Toby could stoop down at that lunatic level to trample those paranormal events.

"Toby! Wake up or else you will be late for school!", shouted by someone below the stairs. "Sis!", it's his sister, Takina, whom he live with for almost 3 years after transferring at that apartment due to Toby's school choice. "Probably she knows something how can I able to go home after those things," he said to himself.

Thinking like that, the thought of Hina taking him home would be possible, "No, no, no, such things like that would be impossible... Haha!", awkward for him not knowing that Hina is able to penetrate through his mind.

Abandoning various thoughts that would only lead him into analysis paralysis, he shifts his thinking into looking forward on what things have turned out.

He went out of his bedroom and washed his face to splash himself with the water of reality. After doing his morning routine, "First, I need to confirm what date it is today... Crap! I forgot I even have my phone," he tapped his pocket and after confirming that his phone was present, he fetch it out and immediately look out what the current date is, strange for someone to have his phone on his pocket while sleeping.

"June 2!? Wait! I didn't reset? How!?". He woke up at the new day, June 2, a day after the death of Hikaru and the fated day where Toby and Hina met.

"Hmm? What's up, Toby? You don't look well, did something happen?", his sister said while holding a plate with their fresh cooked breakfast, Tempura shrimp and rice balls.

"Sis, tell me," he uttered to his sister, "how did I got home yesterday? Did someone helped me got here? Did you fetch me on the road?"

Her sister looks confused to what he was saying, "What do you mean, Toby. Aren't you just got home here with your own feet?"

"Huh!? How could?"

"You even texted me that you have class suspension and you will hang out with you Yamato and your friends, right?" "What? How? Listen up, I'm certain that after leaving school, Yamato went their way to arcade without me, so that seems impossible that I'm with Yamato yesterday."

"Wait, have you forgot, last night while we're taking dinner, you even boast that you defeated 3 of your friends in FPS game. Or did I mistaken?"

"Wait, there seems a misunderstanding here. I don't remember saying such a thing, actually I don't even remember being able to go home last night since after that car hitted m-!" "Huh? What do you mean, Toby?"

He taked back what he just said regarding his death to avoid concerning his sister, "No it's nothing. Anyways," he changed the topic after realizing that there's another anomaly involved on his mysterious reality shift.

Shutting up in front of the dinner table and take his breakfast to then prepare to go to school.

After suiting up and preparing to leave their house, he gains a moment to think about the anomaly, "Is Amamiya involved with this again? How? Is this what they parallel universe?, he said as if talking about multiverses.

What would be a new day would hold on to his fate? Can he able to solve Hikaru's death?