Unexpected Encounter

"The one who killed me after?... Wait, do you mean!"

"Yes, as you could say."

Toby let loose of his pinning on Hina and letted the moment get in. "Wait, how could... Does that mean he's also the one settled for Hikaru?"

*sigh, Hina burst out a sigh and then giggles in front of Toby as if to mock him again.

"Hmm, Toby-kun, you might get things to rush, huh?"

"Oi, what are you laughing at? Just get straight to the point already!", Toby said it loudly that it echoed at that part of the hall.

Of course, there's no way other mobs wouldn't notice such situation and started to talk about what's happening in there.

"Isn't that Amamiya-san?" "Yeah, she's beautiful as ever." "Wait, who's the one with her?", uttered by the bystanders who noticed the two having conversation.

"Hmm, haha, aren't we garnering attention here?", Hina spurted after noticing the commotions, yet Toby was indifferent to them, only thinking about the answers.

"Huh?", he couldn't gist of the situation.


"Oi, what the hel-", Toby's cutted out from his words when suddenly someone holds his arms.

"Let's go, where the outside world couldn't get in," Hina said out of nowhere after she grabs Toby on his wrist and pulling him to her desired direction.

"Hey, what do you intend to do?", yet after all what Hina have done, Toby remained detached to what's happening to avoid risking his sanity.

Hina turned her way up to the upper stairs leading to the rooftop, " Does she mean my by the place not connected to the outside world, is it the rooftop?", Toby said to himself. "Rooftop, rooftop... Rooft-, the tard-face monster!", he fumbled himself thinking that the new girl might be affiliated to that entity.

"Ara-ara, Toby-kun, you've so low to yourself lately," she said something to act as comfort for Toby's upheaval. "Might as well have you enjoy the tranquility then. You don't need to worry that much as you will expect."

Those deep words might be difficult to understand yet Toby seem to take a hint in those words.

They run so fast as if something is chasing them, both of their arms are still in contact with each other with Hina leading the way and our protagonist is being hurdled by her.

As the winds blow from the open window, the silky-white hair of Hina were brushing off front of Toby's face as if it was intentional for him to enjoy the freshness.

"Wait, this fragrance... Smells nice... Nostalgic?", there's nothing for him to be on doubt since Hina's arrival have mark all the nostalgic experience he have seen.

"We're here," Hina said as they are in front of the rooftop's doorway. She holds her grip to the knob and turned it clockwise to open the door.

While opening the door, Toby has some flashbacks regarding his past visit in that particular place.

"So that didn't really happened in this world after I died, huh?", he said to himself. "I'm sure everyone would notice if the doorway has been struck down by something unknown, haha."

"What hits you here, Toby-kun? Does something excites you?", she said just to tease Toby. His response? He turned a cold shoulder to what she said and straight away get back to the main topic after his internal monologue.

"Does Masamune Kou also the one who killed Hikaru?", he asked without any respect to the teacher. "Hey, don't go away any further, just answer my question before the bell rings!"

Hina touched her chin with her index finger and look to Toby with a smug, "You cannot just get straight to the point without any evidences, right?", she replied. "Toby-kun seems to not understand how hard it is to judge a case based on rationality than with your own feelings though."

"What are you? Some former lawyer or something?", he awkwardly said to Hina.

"Well, then there's no point in playing around further with you anyway. It's funning being with you, Toby Kiriyama-kun. I'll end this conversation with concluding that your accusations would be true."

Now he has an evidence, would he straight away charge to Mr. Kou and let down the hammer of Justice to the teacher? Not as well.

In the midst of their conversation, someone opened the door, revealing himself in front of the two.

"Ara, he's here already," Hina said after noticing the guy.

"Well, well, well, isn't this quite an easy job? Hitting two birds with one stone." There stood at the doorway the guy they were accusing all along.

Wearing a white suit, with glasses on that surely marked him in Toby's list. He is holding some form of a blade that resembles like a pen to be easily disguised. Looking intensely to the two as if he could just charge them with confidence.

"Mr... Kou. So you have finally revealed yourself, huh?", Toby said upon meeting the teacher. "Hmm, you seems as something as the big man as ever, Masamune Kou," Hina added.


The teacher laughs as he could feel that he could knock down the two since they were just teenagers and he is something of a trained fighter, I guess.

"So the [Defect] and the [Goddess] are here, in front of me, and I'm just moments away to become renowned from this. Haha, just how lucky I am!", he shouted in delight with the right to mock the two.


"Well, you're getting ahead of yourself here, Masamune Kou," Hina taunts him, "Are you really sure you could handle us two?"

"Don't make me laugh, you kids. A girl like wouldn't stand a chance against me even if you're really the [Goddess]," the teacher said. "Prostate yourself and be honoured to be a stepping stone to my success!"

"What does this guy talking to?", our protagonist awkwardly said. "Anyways,... Hey! Motherf*cker! Are you really the one who killed Hikaru!?"

Mr. Kou stopped in his way forward and thinks about what Toby had said.

"Hmm,... Hikaru? Hikaru! Yes, yes... That poor guy. That shitty student of mine, that annoying face of him," the teacher said with full of passion on how he really hates the guy. "Yeah, as you might expect, getting rid of him might be worth it."

Toby couldn't control the urge of getting back to the guy. "Wait, that would be as well reasonable to beat his ass already, huh," he said to himself.

"You son of b*tch! Let me strike your head off so you can just shut up already!", Toby said before preparing himself to get head to head with the teacher. He took off his white suit and unlaced his neck tie, using at as a weapon.

"You're getting ahead of yourself also, Toby-kun. Cool off now first," Hina said.

"Hmph, as if. I'll beat him first before that," Toby replied having confidence also that he could win.

"Have fun with your friend again! Kiriyama!"

"Shit yourself, you lunatic!"

They rushed to each other with their weapons holding up.



As the heat of the battle sparks on, something... Appe-ared...

A dark entity, standing at about six-foot tall, humanoid figure that has six limbs, all enveloped by a gnashing shadow, leaving an eerie, irritating noise as it moves.

"What the f*ck!"