Wouldn't stand a Chance

"Dy-... D... Dyi-...ng"

There stood in front of them something that everyone would not expect to appear.

"What the f*ck!"

Toby backed up from his charge to maintain his distance away from the entity. In front of him is the monster he have faced off from the last time. "Crap! Does Amamiya led me here to become something of a food!?", his internal monologue.

"What the hell was that!?", Mr. Kou said something. After the appearance of the entity, instead of backing off, he stopped his ways and remained still on his place, just 2 meters away from the tard-face monster.

"How could it exist now?", Toby said to himself. "Is this something of school's seven mysteries?"

Toby decided not to move forward and stay still on his ground to avoid triggering the go-signal for the entity. "If it's still the last time, then even the three of us could not stand a chance against that thing. Does this entity have any sort of weak spot or something?"

As you remember, the last time he encountered the monster, he's still as scared as shit that he cannot even move an inch upon facing it. But now, due to his frequent exposures to various anomalies and encounters, he could feel such lightness in his feet compared from the first time.

"Oi! Amamiya! What the hell is this!? Are you planning to kill us that bad!?", he asked to Hina who's just 8 meters away from them and the entity. She stood on guard yet there's something of an essence of confidence seen on her.

"It's not like you're gonna die here, Toby-kun," she said, "Besides I didn't also expect for this thing to appear here this time, *giggles"

"Won't die here?", he's talking to himself, "Perhaps, she really know my abilities. My intuitions seems right in following her."

"What the hell those two talking to?", now Mr. Kou is having his internal monologue. "I need to finish this off and follow those two. But, what the f*ck is this thing? Some sort of their tricks? If I can be confident with my abilities, I could stood a chance against this monster.

"Wait, perhaps if I could defeat this and bring it to the group, I'll be filthy rich after this! Haha! Three birds in one stone, how lucky could I be!"



The entity made the first move and the ground starts to shake, or more technically, the floor is trembling. Dark essence spore out from its body and it starts to swing it's limbs. "Shit! Here it goes!", Toby uttered.

He backed away from his stead and confirmed his stance.

"There's nothing to be use in here," he said after noticing there's nothing to be used as weapon in sight. "Am I gonna fist to fist with that thing?" In his hand is just his suit and necktie so with that, he clearly has no chance against the entity.

"Haha, fight me! You dipsh*t!", Mr. Kou took the chance to strike first to the monster with his puny yet dangerous weapon pen. He charged forward with certainty while the entity was still on hand with Toby.

All of a sudden, not even the teacher's blink, the entity shifts its way into Mr. Kou without him noticing. The tard-face gleams immensely to the teacher before it launch a strike to the approaching enemy.

"Ugh, argh!" The limbs lands on his lower abdomen, causing him to spit out blood and make him incapable for a second. "Ugh... Argh!", he groan intensely due to the injury he contracted.

"Sh*t! That guy's useless than ever," Toby uttered after seeing their teacher in such an unexpected state. "I need to move or else, I'll be restarting all over again."

He looks around him for the second time in case a stick or weapon would magically appear in there.

"There! That would work."

A few rolls and runs he took to grab his supposed weapon, a mopstick leaning against the doorway's wall, who would expect something like that would be their.

"This would work... I guess." He gripped the pole with firmness yet not having assurance that that stick could stand a chance against the entity. He released his iconic Kendo stance while his legs were shaking just like the last time.

"But this time would be different," he confirms to himself. He charge forward and starts to approach the monster with his mopstick on his arsenal.

The entity immediately noticed his presence and turned his attention to the approaching guy.


Once again, the creature screamed loudly that hinders Toby's forward. Yet, he managed to maintain his footwork and shifts to the side while the monster is swinging its another limb.

"Lucky. Hooo! That was close," he muttered. After dodging, he leans to the right side and tries to strike the lower left torso of the entity.

*inhales heavily

He mustered his strength for that first strike, landing it successfully to the creature.

*chak (breaks)

"What the!", he uttered after seeing that the mopstick broke into half. It seems like a wooden stick would not stand a chance against a giant shadow monster.

After what happened, he backed off slightly to maintain his distance yet the entity launched another limb to him that immediately caught him off guard.

"Ugh... Argh!"

The attack lands on his back that made him blown away into distance. Despite the direct hit, he took only minor injuries that made him capable to stood up after few seconds unlike the teacher.

"Sh*t, that thing is tougher from before. A wooden stick surely would not make it moved," he said after catching back his breathing. "Crap! I need to stop that thing or else we will have blood bath in here."

All that's left is Hina who's standing there on her place, confident that she could defeat the entity. Toby looks in there direction and noticed that the monster starts to move forward facing Hina.

"What the! Hey, Amamiya! Get away from their!"

"Hmm? Are you really worried about me so bad, Toby-kun?" Despite the approaching danger, she still managed to tease Toby while giggling in here place.

The creature doesn't care on what's happening in the background and immediately swings its arms towards Hina.


"A-amamiya!" Toby didn't see what happened but he is sure that the entity hits Hina and that she's dead or blown away.

"Hmm, that was close. Too bad my cute uniform got dusty," someone uttered next to Toby that he didn't expect to be there.

"Ara-ara, you're their, Toby-kun." "What the! How did you got here!" He's surprised after finding that Hina is on his side.

"Just what are you, Hina Amamiya?", he asked while looking up on Hina on his crouching position. "What do you know about that entity?"

"(Giggles*). This is something of a reunion for you, Toby-kun."

"Huh? You mean!?"

"Yes, he's Hikaru Sato-kun," Hina said while facing the entity.