She's persistent

"Who are you?", asked by Toby to the girl who were following him a moment ago.

Her brazen eyes glimmers unto him, showing her interest to a rather not attractive guy. It marks of a blazing passion from her.

"Hmm, that's quite rude of you, Kiriyama-senpai."

"Senpai? That means she's from the first year," he said to himself. "What's her with problem with me?"

"Now you're here with me senpai, would you please help me?", the girl said to him.

"Before that, tell me your name," he uttered.

Due to previous incidences, his cautiousness heightens to the point where he needs to confirm the girl's whereabout before making a move.

"Ohhh... That's quick of you, senpai. What are you gonna ask next? My number? LINE address? Sorry but that's not my cup of tea for this moment."

"Huh?" He still hold a poker face, but on the inside, "nightmares, is it!"

The girl strike a moe pose and tried to ask a favor, "Senpai, please help me find something?", in a seductive voice.

"No." Just like a G, refusing the girl's request is a good choice especially with a seductive aura.

"She's up to something. Who knows whether she's included with Amamiya's shenanigans. I cannot risk another 'reset' because what might happen would be my last."

He turns his way back and decided to proceed back to their classroom to avoid encountering another anomaly before he could solve Amamiya's endeavors.

"Wait, Senpai!" The girl holds his arm preventing him to make his farewell. Unexpectedly, Toby felt a different essence from her that gives off a strange feeling.

"I need to retreat before this goes to something," he said to himself.

"What do you want?", he uttered back to the girl. "Senpai! Would you please listen to me."

"Ah... This sucks, she's stubborn," he included in his internal monologue. "Okay, I'll let her in her way and then reject if she do something out of my notice."

He face front the girl and opened his mouth to utter the words, "What do you want?", in a deep voice.

"Ah! That's a good thing then," the girl uttered while her fingers crossed and covering her quite red face.

"Just make sure it's not something as crazy as jumping off the building," he uttered.

"Haha, nice joke there, Senpai."

"No, I'm not joking."

"Huh? Really?"

"I'm certain with my words." As if he really did like the last time.

"Uh-uhh, then..."

"Spill it now."

The girl crossed out her fingers and placed her hands in her back and appearing to pull off something and uttered, "Would you help me find this cat!"

"Huh?" The girl holds out a thin paper, one that resembles a flier for something to take notice. There wrote a 'Missing: if you appear to found or spot this cat, please inform us on XX-0XX.' The girl's intention is to have Toby help her find the cat in the flier. With gingered hue fur and heterochromic eyes, that's the description of the cat in the paper.

"Hmm? Senpai? Do you look pale or something?", the girl asks after she saw Toby's face.

"Waw-wawa**!!" He's drooling, foam starts to bubble out from his mouth like those in comics to exaggerate his expression.

"Ahh!", the girl flustered for a second.

Apparently, our main character isn't fond of cats. Actually, he has an inherent dislike for cats. There's a time in the past where he almost passed out when a cat suddenly falls of in his lap. He has an history of being scarred by this furry friend and at the same time he has an allergy with cat's fur.

That makes him different from other people and at the same time weird when his classmates invited him to visit some famous cat cafe at Yokohama.

"Se-se-senpai!? What's the problem?", the girl worryingly ask.

In a sudden, Toby regains his poise and immediately say, "I'm fine, nothing to worry." Hiding his only weakness, cats, making a reference from the Minecraft as a creeper.

"Are you sure you're alright, Senpai?", the girl says in which he responds with a slight nod.

"Then what's your answer? Would you help me find this cute little poor cat?"

"Cute cat? Do you call that creature cute!? Like hell it would. Even a stray dog on its last leg would be acceptable to be my pet rather than that cursed creature. Hell, I would even have a giant anaconda than fondle that thing," he utters to himself.

This attitude of him made him disliked by others despite few know his pet peeve for cats.

Yet, he properly manages his agitation and just gives off a calm but a rather harsh response.

"No, I refuse to lend my energy putting my foot down finding such thing," in a monotonic voice to hide his rather not common phobia.

"Heeeh! Why?"

"I'm taking my leave. Never come near me just to find such creature." After that, he turns his body away and for this time, leaving is his only choice.

"How about this." The girl uttered and that's the second time. That's the second time he's not permitted to leave, now the girl is desperate to get his attention that she give off an offer.

"I'll give you in exchange for helping me."

Meanwhile, "Why's this girl that much persistent?"

He's talking to himself while the girl is gripping his quite neat, black collar, disabling his way out. It's not like the girl strong enough to hold him, it's just that Toby were considerate enough to avoid getting her fall off when he suddenly pulled away his necktie.

"Now, what do you want? What kind of thing can you offer in exchange for my precious time and service, huh?", he ask again.

He gives off a rather indifferent vibe in his tone yet the girl appears to up for something. The girl's cheeks start turn red as if signalling blush towards him.

But knowing our protagonist, the poker face remained still but on the inside...

"Ughh! She's still wouldn't budge. Why is she blushing like that? Ah, fuck! There's no way someone like me can able to such thing."

"Spurt it out already," he said

She placed her right hand once again on her pocket and reached out for something.

"I hope you'll agree with this!", the girl flustered out while handing a cold hard paper.

"10 thousand yen?", he uttered upon seeing the offer of the girl. "What the hell's with her? It's not like money can force me to hold such creature," he said to himself.

"No, I refuse."

"But. How about this... I'll give you another 20 thousand if you accept my offer," the girl's persistence starts to irritate him.

"How many times I would say to you that money isn't enough for me," he uttered.

"B-but... Then how about I help you study." The girl said forgetting the fact that Toby is his senior and has greater knowledge than her.

"Huh? Haha. Who do you think I am?", he mumbled after getting hit right through his ego to allow a junior to help him study.

Apparently, the girl is quite popular with the first years according to her signs and gestures. She's also smart and intelligent. Little did she know...

"It's just that you look like not really good at studying," the girl said but not directly to insult him.

"Ah shit! When does this end, huh...", he said to himself. Far from what others know, he's the second best academic grades earner in their class only surpassed by their class president and 4th place in the recent exam for their whole year.

But due to his personality and being notorious sleeper on classes, he is overshadowed by others leaving him forgotten in the school rankings.

"It would be pain in the ass explaining her," he muttered to himself.

"I refuse. It's not like my grades were that low." He's actually lying, it's far above that.

"If that's the only you want to say, I'm leaving," he said now for the third time.

"Wait, Senpai! Please hear me out for once," for the third time now, the girl wouldn't still allow him to leave.

"Then what would you offer that's more reasonable then."

The girl once again putted her arms behind her back but now with a more docile and daunted look. She's blushing again and giving a moe aura that could be able to penetrate his heart, but it's not the same feeling he could feel unlike from Hina's threatening, mesmerizing eyes.

"Y-you can have a date with me if you

agree," the girl shyly uttered as if in confession and not looking directly to Toby's eyes due to sudden embarrassment.

Holding out her IPhone showing a movie premiere of a much awaited film that even Toby is fond of going to.

But this, cannot able to persuade him to go find the cat, "No, once again I refuse. I can go there on my own."

"Tch," the girl mumbled out of frustration not being able to have him help. Now she has no more things to offer for him but...

"This leaves me no choice," the girl uttered when she suddenly grabs Toby's suit, pushing him back to the wall. It's not girl were strong enough to slam him, it's just that she caught him off guard while he's still brushing his hair and scratching his head.

"What the-!" He flustered for a second when the girl suddenly slammed him to the wall and putting her arm pointing and leaning to the cold-hard concrete. Their face met each other with his crystal-brown speck eyes and her shining ember red, brazen eyes.

"How could she! Her face's to close," he said to himself.

"Sen-pai," the girl uttered while her cheeks were burning red. Although despite this unexpected Romance trope, she's actually up for something.

"Now what the-! Again!?"

The girl suddenly pulled off another move by grabbing his collar once again, making him go out from her slamming.

Then, the girl reversed the situation by making his arm slam her to the wall leaving her unable to leave. Recreating the infamous wall slam then suddenly altering the positions, making Toby looked like the one who's trying to molest her.

Then *click

A strong beam of light suddenly flashes unto his eyes. When the light starts to fade, there he saw her IPhone with the front camera facing them front as if to take a picture while those things were happening.

"What the! So are you trying to frame me for this?", he uttered after realizing her intentions.

"Yes, if you cannot be persuaded by pleasures then how about giving you a pain in the ass. It's quite applauding to have caught the gist of my intentions that quick, huh."

Now her voice isn't like the moe cute tone like before but more of a serious voice.

"What are you going to do after that then?", he boldly ask, he's not afraid of her taunting.

"How cute it is to see your face despairing your school life if I would finally put it to school newspapers. 'A creepy senior tries to molest and rape the cute Shiro-chan.' That would be hit to the school and everyone would empathize with me while you, say goodbye to your peaceful school life."

Although her blackmailing would prove to be threatening in his supposed tranquil normal life, Toby didn't move a budge nor flustered with her wailings.

"Nah. I don't care what you can do. Perhaps my school were that wreck to not budge with your blackmail. Even still, I cannot risk my life to save that cat. I'm actually in advantage here."

"Huh?", she plopped her head to side while touching her cheek with her finger while a question mark marking her confusion on his indifference.

"What do you mean, Senpai? How could you be in advantage?"

"So you're name's Shiro-chan, huh? That's a cute name. Now I know who you are," he calmly said and at the same time smugging at her.

"Uw-uwah! How could you! Hmph!", she mumbled while turning her head away from Toby after being embarrassed in front of him.


He letted out a sigh and now it's time for his farewell but now for the last time. "If you don't have anything to say, then I'm leaving."

"Wait! Please don't leave. I'll tell you a something if you would help me," she again uttered but now she's offering something not tangible but a more like secret information.

"Huh? Secret? How intriguing can that be to persuade me to help you. Spurt it out," he said in another serious tone.

"The thing between you and Amamiya-senpai and how she killed Kou-Sensei."
