Sweet Tooth Part 2

The twins back off and Shirumi released Toby. They got back from their position ready to serve the new customer.

"How did it end up like this?", now he's having internal monologue in a flashback. "I even went here to Yokohama just to buy some figurines but why did end up in a cake store, huh? It's not like I don't like desserts but, I have a bad feeling when I eat cake ever since that day." Oh my God, he's having a flashback in a flashback.

"May I take your order, mister?", Shirumi asked. She's wearing a maid outfit from the start but I didn't notice so we have to illustrate that first with her having an outfit like those in Akihabara maif café.

"Aren't you the one who offered me something?"

"Then that's Red velvet shortcake, Sir. That's 2 thousand yen in all. May I know if you have any more orders?" She's being shrewd in her words to earn more from the customer.

"2 Thousand yen for a shortcake? Isn't that a bit bourgeoise?", he utters complaining for the expensive offer she's giving.

"It's actually that, Sir, since you will a buy one take one."

"That's really harsh of you," he uttered.

"Anyways, I'm fine with anything, just give it already since I've wasted my time in here."

"Yes, mister, that's an order for you. Do you have more orders?" She's jotting in the note pad to get his orders but looks like that's all he wants then she walks away to get the food.

A moment have passed and Shirumi brought the plate with the cake on it. Kurumi is also with her for... Maybe she's just interested in his reactions.

"Here's your order, Mister, enjoy it," Shirumi says while handing out the plate with a gladly manner.

"I have been thinking it since entering here, but why are you wearing maid outfit?", he says that all of a sudden with out any notice, like don't let them know your next move.

"Uh, that's rude of you, mister," Shirumi reacts with his words as if though embarrassed.

"That's a bold question of you, Sir. It's just a work uniform here in our restaurant so do not worry if you notice something this." Kurumi reacted differently with coolness and calmness in her voice.

"Uh." Toby's out of words so he just ate the cake in front of the twins like a normal customer.

"Oh, ith thastw ghoofd( it taste good)," he uttered while thankfully chowing up the food.


"That's good to hear then, Sir."



"What's the problem? Is something didn't satisfied you?", the twins uttered in synchronization, well they're twins actually.

"There's something lacking with the flavor. Like it taste sweet but it taste bland when it comes to the overall savor of the icing and the cake. I recommend using pinch of salt and adding eggs would also be a good choice. Lessen the use of flour to avoid making it stiffier than normal."

"What is that? Are you making an Omurice?", Shirumi harshly critiques his feedback.

"I'm not talking as a Baker but talking my experience from eating my sister's homecook meal."

"That's very considerate of you, Sir. It's been along time since we get a feedback from a customer. With this, we can make our product better and serve you better," Kurumi says, she's pretty straightforward with her choice of words.

"Please stop calling me sir, I have a name. And once again I'm not going here again after years but by then I can visit here anyway."

"Then how about we know your name, Sir?", Kurumi asks, and that's where his gravest mistake he have committed.

"It's Toby, Toby Kiriyama."

"Toby... Kiriyama," once again in unison of the two. Didn't I said that he will surely cook.

"Anyways, I'm finished. Thank you for the food," he finished as fast as when he tries to avoid cats.

"That's fast!", Shirumi says in amazement with his abilities.

"Here's my payment. Maybe you should lower your charge to attract more customers. People don't want hefty products."

After handing out the filthy paper, he leaves in advance without any notices.


5 minutes have passed since Toby leaves, the two is cleaning his table while talking what they have learned. Probably that small compliment and feedback by him made them hella successful in the future.

"Uh, I think the guy from before forgot to bring his take out," Shirumi uttered when she remembers her shrewd offer to Toby.

"Hmm? What is it, Shirumi?", Kurumi asks concerning Shirumi's reactions.

"Sorry, Nee-san, I'll hand out this to that guy first." She's actually more considerate than what she have shown before.

The black haired girl carried the packed cake in attempt to run off Toby who's absent minded that actually went to the nearest convention.


"Please handle her first Nee-san before I came back!" Shirumi shouted from the outside crossing the road.

"Wait! Shirumi watch out when you cross the roa-!"

Kurumi's still inside the shop and she got cut off in her words when something happened in front of her eyes.

Blood splattered in the road, a sudden stop in the traffic while the people is witnessing something. A body is found lying on the ground with a crack in her head and not only there after the sudden hit from the incoming vehicle.

"Shi-... Shiro...!! Sh-shirumi!"