Event Desparites

"You're useless as ever, Kurumi Mihara."

In a more deep tone, someone uttered a chilling revelation.

*bang *boom

"*cough, What the hell happened?", Toby cannot fathom what exactly happened. A faintful dusts and smoke was blocking everyone's vision and who knows what appeared in the middle of the confrontation.

Let's get back to the events that occured a moment ago.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Toby Kiriyama, the Defect."

"Huh? The f*ck!" Still, the ongoing smoke and rubbles impedes their way of vision.

"Could this be an earthquake? Of all the times? Crap, I need get out of here. Wait, where's that two."

In the end, he's still worried about the twins, the one's useless and the other have something hidden for the long time.

"A person? Is that the twins," he foresaw a silhouette not far away from him when the dust starts to settle.

"*cough... Ma..ss-ter..!"

A voice emerged from the other side, it's faint and growling yet husky as if the owner of the sound is being strangled.

"Sh*t! If this goes on, we will be buried in here. What exactly have happened here? If in any case I'll die here again, I cannot be sure if natural disasters could be mitigitated even if I try to 'reset'." He's still talking to himself not hearing the wailing in front of him, well of course it's only a moment until he realized.

"R..r-run!", a frail sound echoed again into his ears and this time he took out the action.

Bowing down and rolling to the side to evade the unforeseeable strike from the unknown.

*thud *crash

"Ah.. Ow, Ow, Ow,... Where did that came from? If not for that voice, I would be hella pancake this time," he uttered.

The dust have settled and there appeared in his discern a black short haired girl that exactly resembles the younger sister's description.

"Sh-shirumi..." The only thing he can do is utter the name of the girl in front of here.

Although that entity resembles the face and body of Shirumi Mihara, the person in front him cannot be distinguished if it's actually a real human or a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"If I cannot be wrong, this sensation... So this is what Amamiya have been talking about," he said to himself.

He can feel the innate desire of malice in it's intent.

"I've said it before but let me repeat myself, for one last time, It's been an honor to meet you, Toby Kiriyama, the Defect," Shirumi uttered in a cold, stunning expression.

She has unintended glowing red horns above her head like that of a glow stick.

"You're ain't Shirumi Mihara in the first place, aren't you?" Toby notices a significant difference between the real deal he have encountered two years ago and just two minutes ago.

"Her eyes does not match from what I remembered the last time. Emerald green tint, just like what Hikaru have when that giant entity appeared last month," he's having internal monologue.

"Ugh... Ghah!" Once again a frail voice sounded and it's coming from the rubbles.

"The other twin's not here, perhaps she joined hands with this one. *cough, with this, escape would be impossible if I don't act out immediately."

"Master... Kiri-... Yama! Help mme...."

A debri near him moves upward as if someone's being buried but still fighting it's way to stand up and escape.

"Older... Mihara!?" He noticed the flower hair clip on the ground while the white haired girl was found lying on the ground under the rubbles of the scene.

He act as swiftly as he could do help the girl under his feet. Blood gushing out from the top of her hair all the way flowing to her smooth face.

"This is bad, going to hospital is our only choice but first I need to find out how to deal with that one," he uttered when he approach the injured Kurumi and bring his arms to lift her up.

"I-i... know it... all along," the limped girl mutters in the bit of her strength.

"Oi, if you want to live, don't talk to much," Toby harshly says to Kurumi while carrying her.

"Ever since that... day, Shirumi Mihara never existed. She's now bound to death," Kurumi added.

"Bound to death? Just like Hikaru's situation? That means that Shirumi Mihara all along is an entity," he uttered.

There's a slight flashback appeared, you know to cut off the epic moment.

Two years ago,


"Shi-... Shirumi!"

Kurumi rushed off the store to witness what exactly happened.

"Sh-shirumi..." She cannot utter anything than the name of her twin sister, three syllables with stuttering in all of places in her mouth.


"Ahhh, Shit this bad!"

"Hurry! Someone got hit here!"

"Hello, is this the police? A young girl got hit by a moving vehicle! Requesting for ambulance immediately!"

The bystanders and passerbys, the pedestrians and drivers, all of them got shocked on what have happened. It's not your normal everyday traffic incident. What happened to Shirumi's body is what people would call a salvage and butchering.

One of her limbs got disected from her shoulders and the girl's legs have already blown from extreme pressure after the truck run of her body and not just got being hit. Of course this novel is not isekai or reincarnation that's why there's no hope for her revival. A literal blood pond emerged in the midst of the busy road.

"Get the stretcher here! Quick!"

"Is this even a traffic accident?"

"This is bad, there's no way we could recover her body."

"Poor girl."

"Please stand back!"

The rescue have arrived, ambulance and EMTs scoundrel in the area of incident. Different voices could be heard if you're one of the witnesses at that time. People got their days ruined just looking on the massacred corpse bathing in its own blood.

"The hell about the breaks!? Look what have you done!" The poor truck driver's being scolded in front of the crowd, in their eyes he's monster.

"There's no way this girl could survive."

"Uwaghhhhh *pukes"

"Seriously? Early this day, what a poor girl."

Pity and sympathies can be heard everywhere with unexpected sounds of someone puking and vomiting, laying there eyes to the incident might be the reason.

"Shi-... Shirumi...-rumi."

Yet despite the knows of the outside world, Kurumi is standing there, with her shaking legs and gasping and powerless voice.

"What the hell's happening?", she said to herself numbing the pain in her own head ready to break down. "Shirumi is fine right? Then, why do this people here? Shirumi successfully crossed the street to bring the cake, right? Why the ambulance's here? There's no accident happened, right?

"Shirumi lived... Shirumi lived... Shirumi lived..."

Her view of the world strayed away from the reality, from what exactly's happening. She continue to utter the word Shirumi out of her lips, her mind's fixed to one and only idea, that Shirumi lived.

In the sudden twist of the world, the blood in ground starts to evaporate. The bones and tendons crackle as it being attached to one another again. Outside noice of the people witnessing the incident suddenly shutted off, as if nothing really happened.

The huge truck that hit Shirumi Mihara continues on its way to traffic and the ambulance shown no any traces of appearance in that area neither any rescue teams.

Kurumi lifted her head upfront while still uttering the name of her deceased sister.

"What's the problem, Nee-san?"

Somebody uttered in front of her, it has a familiar voice and intonations.


"Yes, Nee-san, what's with you all of a sudden?"

"Shirumi, did you manage to give the cake that guy left?" Out of nowhere, her expression changed like nothing really happened, as if it was all a dream and a very cruel nightmare.

"My bad, Nee-san. He's far away from what I imagined so I have no choice but to go back."

"Shi-... Shirumi, you're alive, right?"

"Of course, alive and kicking. What's with you all of a sudden?"

"N-nothing... It's just my senses, I guess." She said that conveniently and lay down to her own make up world.

Out of her desire to play like gods, she created a reality where her sister's alive.