opening of eyes

When Siri Open her eyes, she was unable to see anything, so she tried to adjust vision slowly, The blur Ness in the eyes started to disappear, and the formation of the Images started reappearing

Later, Siri was approached by her father, and he asked Siri, what's wrong with you? why didn't you go to school?

For that, Siri, Replied father, I'm not feeling well, and I got my period And my stomach is started to hurt very badly. I don't have energy to attend the further classes so that please excuse me for one day to stay at home and rest.

For this statement, father ask Siri to take some painkillers to reduce the period cramps

After sometime, even after taking the pill, the pain has not subsided so Siri started crying very badly in her room by staying all day in the bed. When her mother notice this, she goes and inform to her husband so that he can give some medicine.

Anyway The father of Siri is a doctor so going to the private hospital or clinic was not necessary to take the treatment. It was easy for Siri to get The medicines very easily in our home only

Priya says to her husband that her daughter is suffering from severe pain, and she Can't bear to see her like that immediately, Priya husband went to Siri, room by looking his daughter in such a state, sudden emotions emerge from him, so he asked his daughter to take a painkiller injection

For the Siri Said Yes, father, I need. I need to. I need to relieve from this pain as soon as possible and it's such a pain, and I can't even eat or drink anything. Please do something.

After saying these words, Siri slept again

Siri's father bought an injection kit to her room Started loading the injections and ask Siri to Wake up and he gave the injection to Siri. After few minutes, the pain has disappeared and she felt as if there is no pain in her body and she felt she's alright, and even she was happy so that she could attend has school tomorrow at least.

Siri was more excited to go school because to meet her new friend and to see him, he is none Nithin

Whenever the Siri remembers his name, the Smile) used to reappear in her face and it was uncontrollable

In the evening, Siri, calls Nesh Matthew to enquire about today's class, what Did they do?

As soon as Siri calls her friend, Nesh

Ring... ring..... ring ring....

Other side

Nesh phone started to vibrate in her room as soon as she sees the name of the caller ID. It was none other than Siri.

She picks the call and say Siri that hello why didn't you come to school today? What happened to you?

For that, Siri Said I was not feeling well so that I was asked to rest at home by my parents

So that I couldn't come to school today, if you don't mind, can I have an update about the today's classes what they did in the school?

Nesh gave her the updates about the lessons what they did in the school

After that, Nesh also says Siri that this weekend there is gonna be a sports day is conduct in the school and it has been displayed on the notice pole, as well as the memo has been sent to each and every classes to reach the students

After exchanging these words, finally, they said bye to each other and call has been ended.