sports day

Siri went to school on Saturday .

It was the day where the sports was conducted in the school .

As the prayer Begins in the assembly hall. All the students were gathered together over there.

Since it was Saturday, all the class students were made to stand according to their uniform colour each uniform colour as given and separate name and the group was considered as the separate house

Each colour as given the separate gemstone Names such as Ruby(red), Emerald(green) , Sapphire(blue), topaz(orange) are the colour of the group.

And each group has it separate group songs Which used to sang by the students during the morning prayers before the classes in the assembly hall.

On Saturday, as soon as the prayer ended

Students were asked to get ready for their physical activity section

Physical activity of all the class students begin by doing the exercise

As soon as student finish their exercises in their assembly hall, they were given by a small break

After the break, suddenly, The students were informed by the social teacher on the Dais that they are going to conduct some small activity in the school, which is known as elections and students of each class were asked to vote for the candidates who were going to be choose as school leader, sports leader, House leader, school captain and vice captain of the school

In this elections, all the students of class seven at the eligibility to participate in the elections

Siri was chosen in the group Topaz

Nithin was chosen from the group sapphire

Nesh was chosen from the group Emerald

Rohith was from Ruby. These are the people those who were chosen as the group leader of the school.

Captain of the school and the vice captain of the school were given to the other class people. Similarly, the sports leader was given to the one who recently Participated in the national Level athletes competition

After conducting the Elections among the students, the principal came to the dais and announces the school, captain and vice captain and Congratulated them

After distributing the leadership among the students, the teacher brief Out the responsibilities of the leaders, which should be followed during days of the school

The responsibility of the group leaders were to maintain the decency of the group in the school and make sure to make the students to follow the discipline in the campus of the school

After distributing the responsibility, the group activity of the sports were announces and the students were asked to form the team among them and make sure to participate in their group activity

During this group activity of the sports day, the group leader will bear the responsibility of the group and asked to Be the captain of the group sports.