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The interior of the Night Tower was like a round hall with a floor made of gleaming bronze, etched with intricate runes that seemed to shimmer in the soft light that filtered through the high windows.

In the centre of the hall, a grand round table stood, its surface polished to a mirror-like sheen. Here, male and female receptionists, dressed in black robes, work to welcome guests to the tower.

While most of the Night Watchers were gathered outside, watching the spectacle of the Thunder Lord's epic battle against his ancient enemy, there remained a dedicated few who diligently carried out their duties within the tower, ensuring that all affairs ran smoothly even in the midst of such momentous events.

Dean led Gilgamel to walk to a traditional elevator.

Gilgamel glanced around before inquiring, "Senior Dean, why isn't there an Anywhere Curtain here?"