Ch. 6 - Day 6: Chaos and Confections

Day 6:

9:00 AM – Woke up to the sound of swords clashing. It seems the heros returned. 

9:30 AM – Enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of cookies and milk, courtesy of Agnes. She was shoked to see my castle in such a messy state. I recived a scolding. But the cookies so it's fine.

10:00 AM – Received an unexpected visitor: a wandering merchant peddling potions and magical trinkets. Spent the morning browsing his wares, again. Top quality. Spent all my pocket money on it. 

11:00 AM – Held the daily strategy meeting with the minions. It was chaos. 

12:00 PM – Decided to oversee the minions. Found out they like cotton candy. At least they have one normal trait. 

2:00 PM – Heroes returned, as expected. Great. Just what we need, more hectical clashing and breaking of gnomes. Averted any problems. We can soon say hello to our impending doom if we don't level up.

4:00 PM – Engaged in a battle of swords. Defeated the heros. They swore to return. Ugh, another day of getting up early. 

6:00 PM – Agnes stopped by again, this time with a basket of freshly backed pie. She's convinced I'm her grandson. Should I enlighten her?

8:00 PM – Reflecting on the day's events, I realized something profound: being good isn't about grand gestures or epic battles. It's about the little things. The pie and the cotton candy. 

10:00 PM – Retreated to my chambers, full and tired. The heroes may have retreated for now, but they'll be back. 

End of Day 6

Diary Commentary – Vortax (formerly known as Max):

Another day, another battle of wits. Who knew defeating heroes could be so… entertaining? But beneath the laughter and the puns lies a deeper truth: I am now the final boss. oh holy- God?