Ch. 7 - Day 7: Revelations and Reflections

Day 7:

9:00 AM – Woke up to the sound of birds chirping and Grog attempting to make breakfast. As always, the taste can't be compared.

9:30 AM – Went back to bed and slept. Cute sheep were hopping around. That's until, they turned into my minions. Jup, even my dreams seem to go downhill right now. 

10:00 AM – Received an unexpected visitor. Couldnt be bothered. My minions must have handled him, because I never saw any trace of him.

Interlude – Merchant's Sales Pitch:

Merchant: "Step right up, step right up! Behold! Huh?! Who are you? And where is your guill- I mean grandiose boss?"

11:00 AM – Held a strategy meeting with the minions. Turns out, "How to make the castle seem less frightening" isn't in their job description. Jes again. 

12:00 PM – Decided to implement a new defense strategy: lie in bed and don't show yourself. Worked.

2:00 PM – Heroes returned, as expected. The couldn't find me, so they left to return tomorrow.

3:00 PM – Negotiation attempt with the heroes failed spectacularly. Turns out, my minions are even worse than me.

4:00 PM – Went to wash up and brush my teeth. I planed to retire early.

6:00 PM – Agnes stopped by again, this time I was already fast asleep. 

End of Day 7

Diary Commentary – Vortax (formerly known as Max):

Another day, another battle of - Who cares! I'll just hit the hay.