Lost in a dangerous space-time I think?

Oh, this isn't right!

I projected this inwardly seemed that was all I could do and gargle I could do that too. Why?

It seemed I was in a pure flesh form with no ability to mould one's self so I was a pathetic ugly little baby, I wish I could say I was cute but this was certainly a hideous form.

It was surreal to me, an alien experience for a myriad of reasons, but why can I reason why do I have profound words?

No I was merely dreaming and yet I am in a unique form coupled with the fact I was sure I was a matured living entity. I didn't die unless previously I was in a limbo state, but no that was any nothingness which was where my previous investigations lead me to.

And yet it was some bizarre dull clock scene fitting for an insignificant character.

Maybe this route was one of me becoming a lesser form due to past sins, I knew not of magic though and I didn't die. I already had a dream however this seems not to be a dream.

Babies should possess no inner monologue and I cannot believe in the soul when I don't know my situation and the soul somehow knows not of itself, absurd!

I stroked and played with my toes and then my feet, a dumb little creature I was trapped in.

I should probably attempt to know of this situation, that reminds me this woman of flesh has been holding me and cradling me like I'm her property.

I suppose I am however as she has a familiar scent.


"He's beautiful mii lady, what shall you name our young master?"

Oh? Mii lady what is this she is Mein lady. Why do I even comprehend this adult language, this is starting to frustrate me especially trapped in this vessel and being stared at like a <> in a zoo.



I should remember this dialogue as to when I can attempt to be more covert.

"His name is Thales; Thales Miray of House Miray"

"Oh that is a wonderful name and how bold too, you aren't his lords favourite for no reason"

Where the he?? Am I, truly I've been punished. Thales a decent name I can say, but I have been presented with a contradiction already I am not dead yet I have clearly been born if this lady is not a witch, based on the scent and familiar heartbeat that comforts me surprisingly that seems to not be the case.

2 months have passed

I am starting to accept I always existed in this scenario and for some reason I incessantly daydreamed of a life before this one.

Perhaps I dreamed in the womb but this does not tell me why I had thought present and even now this seems early to be thinking, however I seem to be restricted to the language occupants of this community can produce, for now based on the fact I cannot use words of that former imaginary world.

Moreover this vessel appears to have a name it's called a "Wisdom cultivator" a fact I learned from my pilgrimage around my world.

It's a very small world. I have not laid eyes on that man you would call father once.

Or any men for that matter aside from myself in reflections, less important ones that is,

It's unpleasant, my mother is one of those an overbearing anti thesis to a songbird.

"Oh Thales you can't wander off like that. Npc use your eyes can't you see my precious son is being coerced into danger by this horrible world"

Of course she didn't call the maid that but she really isn't relevant enough to have her name occupy space in my telling of reality.

"Will do my lady and of course you're correct and wise as always"

I am curious on if she is bootlicking for her job or simply intimidated by this she beast, I'll keep this in mind.

Time it moves so slowly for me here, but it has been 6 months I am capable of speech out loud and writing fluently I'd probably wait until I'm 3 to execute any of my concrete devices.

"Oh Thales how I enjoy your tufts of green hair and your cute round face and your button nose"


"I see"

My mother's name is Lilith it's a really horrible name and rather boring, although I'd like to see if it is true, anyways I considered calling her it just to show how distanced I am from her to gauge her reaction in that situation.

"Oh my little Thales are you perhaps a cold genius, let me warm you up"

This woman used violence on me and I was powerless to stop it, I believe it was called a hug however this wench oversteps her boundaries too often; I cannot breathe to tell you the truth.

I didn't even call her by her name and got this unfortunate reaction, maybe deciding it would create further hassle for me was an oversight it surely cannot get worse than this.

This body is pathetic 6 months and I am out of breath and fall asleep in a demons arms. I have decided I will grow this body as soon as I can maybe I can slay this monster.

Today is a new day; I barely escaped this woman's clutches. I am hiding behind a shelf. I have unfortunately been captured by this old fart.

 Not her mind you she is young at the very least around early twenties. Although is that young? Coming of age in this world is 15.

Regardless this old geezer chuckled and can see me, not me though. He is amused by me this is patronizing at least he's a man though I shall attempt to cooperate with him. 

Excuse me, good fellow... Um can you not tell mama where, I am?

(I have stupid lungs and a stupid brain. It's hard to articulate my words even of my calibre.)

Please sir in return I will return the favour, gwacioshely and provide.. You with this sacred text in my pocket

"Oh yes very good Young master Thales you are very special, brilliant words for someone so small, it scares me truly, mind you are you aware of what this text is you're giving me."

Oh that? Yes I took it from mama's study it is called moonlight sonata by an unknown composer

 "Very good, yes and what do you think about it if you have heard your mother play it?"

I'd have to say good fellow it err, stirs my do you call it?

"Your emotions Young master?"

Yush that is it it stirs me emotions and it first it sharp makes me want to talk but not out loud y'know and is a little bit depressing, and then it switches bars and goes like hard to keep track of but it is fun, then goes back to something. It is saying something important methinks overall.

"Yes young master you may have talent in that too one day, we should probably get back"

(Why did he emphasize the "that" and this bastard is betraying me after all selling me out after luring me in with a common topic on the fly. Is my speech craft and acting not really up to par?)

"No need to worry Young Master, I have a gift for you"

(Oh this spurs my curiosity, regardless this poor old fool really thought I never knew what emotions were, merely a trick to conceal my knowledge, based on how these rules work it would be troubling for this place to be barren of emotions thanks to that domineering woman's rule.)

"OK" I utter in a meek voice betraying part of my thoughts.

The man scooped me up in one hand and held my milk cup I brought along to the broads library in the other hand. "Broad" me being able to articulate that pitiful word is interesting mind you

Lilith's Pov

I saw the head butler in a quiet space with my precious Thales on his lap I couldn't find him anywhere I was worried I couldn't find him anywhere. That Thales is my true hope of this world.

He was playing in the butlers lap, playing with a puzzle cube, or no scrambling it? Surely he was not solving it?

"Thank you for this entertainment butler man, the combination bit by bit shall be solved all 43, 252, 003, 274, 489, 856, 000 permutations." Thales churned out in a machine like manner and this bright little boy was actually defying all reason and solving it. He is only a baby for the lord's sake, he is for sure the brightest star I must protect him at all costs. I should tell Ghalib of his son's greatness.

"Yes Thales I do believe you can solve it but do you grasp what lies beyond it if you do, soon I will give you your next Cube when you're done with your adventures"


What is this senile old man talking about Thales is a baby how can he comprehend his yammering, even I thought I was mad when this baby is somewhat fluent and this worm is talking to Thales as if he is an equal and as if Thales can match to an adult.

"Um good fellow what is your name though I enjoy this place much more thanks to you, so thank you"

This butler has actually tamed Thales what wizardry surely I was too harsh on him. Maybe I can even use this as an example. I will treat you kindly dear butler well done for treating my little greatness well.

The butler looked into Thales abyssal, hollow, black eyes with no fear, even I refrain from paying them mind and focus more on his human traits such as his light green hair.


"My name is Edmund young master, a name the heart holds deep, I will use it even more than I should for you."


"Edmund is it? I will remember it well"