The misplaced man finds a girl who is beyond his comprehension

The man boy was now aged 3 and has fully accepted as well assimilated into this world.

"Ah birthdays are strange here my next one is 5 even though I am 3."

"They seem to operate in cycles of 5 years but cycles are as grand as the largest reefs for they are tied to time" Thales pondered carefully.

"I'd probably explore this deeply in the future."

"Now that I am 3 my horizons have broadened in this labyrinth, I wander through it like a brave explorer as fur Elise carefully plays in my head, while I solve these two cubes Edmund-sensei left in my heart" Thales was deeply moved by his time spent with the old butler.

Thales also neglected to mention the Cubes he solved are imaginary as he developed through his intentions rather quickly. If on earth he may be looked at as a bright genius or a demonic prodigy, who has bottomless potential as an analogy.

Thales actions were not pointless either he was testing his biology and exhausting his mental stamina but flexibly manipulating his cognitive faculties.

Thales suddenly paused in movement something strange caught his attention.

It was a shape, a human shape.

"It's another child" Thales screamed inwardly

 "She possesses crystal blue eyes and fiery red hair." Thales had recovered.

"This pixie must be one of my father's other children" Thales looked at her from 4000 steps away she certainly had not seen this tiny entity in her view.

Thales resolved himself to be active he held no concept of shyness in his heart, what was a little girl to a venerable of history in the making.

He was quite excited as well as amused such a rare opportunity of interaction with his half sibling moved him greatly.

He also wanted to know of her intentions.

Thales approached her slowly and covertly he thought.

"I'll make my presence known and engraved in this mortals heart for years to come however I have little time to invest in minor characters" Thales thought arrogantly.

"Hello pixie of the labyrinth your humble self has the honour of being graced with Thales Miray the divine prodigy of House Miray"

Is what Thales thought he was going to say, luckily for him it went like this?

"Hey- um I am Thales nice to meet ya, what is your name big sis?" Thales greeted stiffly.

"I'm Beatrix Hecate of House Miray, final daughter of Lord Miray before we approach the zenith of stages" Beatrix said proudly amused by this young boy's presence with a perfect curtsy.

"And may I ask were you hiding because you were shy?" Beatrix said playfully.

Thales face showed he was alarmed by her words slightly, he also thought many other things in parallel such as what did the zenith of stages mean? Why was her last name not Miray? And how the heck did a mere child outdo him in social endeavours??

Thales showed confusion, but he answered her question after an awkward silence

He gave her an excuse "Why I am only small and you're a stranger of course I had to protect myself just in case, but my curiosity has much more potency than my carefulness"

"Not very shrewd are we, hehe" Beatrix teased him.

Thales was not enjoying this but he moved past it.

"Um Beatrix is too hard to say every time so I'll call you Beato if that's alright"

"Aren't they the same syllables" Beatrix countered.

"Yeah but Beato sounds more interesting, I'll experiment with other names in the future probably"

Now it was Beatrix turn to be flustered.

"You shouldn't play around with a ladies name as if it is some clay to be sculpted." Beatrix lightly scolded.

"Oh sorry lady Beato of the labyrinth your lesser humbly apologizes" Thales mimicked the bootlicking he saw a few years ago and applied it perfectly here.

Beatrix chuckled.

"Of the labyrinth, quite clever young man and amusing"



"Yeah you're not bad yourself" Thales complimented genuinely convinced of this girls worth.

"By the way how old are you Beatrix you seem to be quite intelligent"

"I'm aged 7 I passed my first cycle effortlessly of course" Beatrix puffed her chest in pride, in her gothic Lolita dress while doing a twirl.

 "Although as great as I can be you seem even stranger for a 3 year old. I mean everything about you is well, weird."

"Oh yeah well why do you have an eye patch on Beato"

Beatrix shuddered and averted her eyes.

"That is well complicated if you have different questions maybe I can answer them"

"I'd probably do some research myself." Thales realized he made himself sound like some old fart this certainly was not natural for 3 year olds of this world.

"Ok professor" Beatrix teased.

Thales was unhappy about being teased.

 "Fine then, I have 2 questions for now"

 He'd just ask Edmund later the third he was most interested in.

"My first is since you mentioned being the last daughter, how many siblings do we have? And who are they?"

Beatrix thought and was suddenly overwhelmed.

"Well the latter part of your question is better if you experienced it yourself"

Thales judged she was likely correct but felt she was just lazy.

"However for the first we currently at this point in time we have around 30 siblings"

"At this point in time" These words impacted Thales, what did she mean by that?

"We have 16 males with the rest being females naturally meaning I am the14th girl and you are the 16th boy isn't that ironic"

"I wonder how you will do in your first cycle your majesty"

"Same here Beato" Thales especially agreed with the last part.

"Regardless what is your other question?"

Thales looked at her shining his white teeth with a perfect smile and enthralling charm.

"Why isn't that obvious? You should become my first friend Beato, what do you think about that?"

Beatrix eyes turned soft as she felt nostalgic despite being only 7.

"You idiot why did you have such a presence for something as simple as that, my answer is only if you survive" Beatrix said cryptically as the corners of mouth formed a passionate smile.

"I see something as small as your perception doesn't move me in the slightest."

 Thales felt nostalgic not even he knew why.

"Very well Thales that's good hehe."

Mind me Thales what is your last name?

"It's Miray of House Miray"

"Miray" Beato echoed.

"I see, farewell Thales" Inwardly Beato had mixed feelings after hearing his last name as she moved away.

"Bye bye Beato, you shall become my friend"