The lamb learns wisdom of an ancient land

"Edmund-Sensei, what is the zenith of stages?"

Edmund paused in thought, while a smile curled on his face.

"Where did the boy learn of that phrase? Not a servant they wouldn't dare in many ways"

"Even I as the head butler wouldn't, but as the Head butler I have insight in these matters." Edmund connected the information carefully and asked the boy to obtain the conclusion that was swimming in his head.

"Who or whom did you learn this information from? Thales my boy"

Speaking even at this level was rare for a servant of the House such a feat only accomplished by Edmund currying favour with Thales.

"I met a pixie in the labyrinth earlier she had scarlet hair and an eye patch"

Thales didn't give her name and he thought it was a vague description but didn't know how rare it was although he was probing information with the eye patch.

"Ah Lady Beatrix, that girl is whimsical after all makes sense she would phrase it like that."

"Sorry Beato I gave you up easily but you shouldn't spill random quest defining information to strangers." Thales thought convincing himself he did nothing wrong.

Thales had also confirmed her eye patch may not be a spontaneous costume choice and held darker secrets behind it now.

"Ahh my curiosity is stirred even more" Thales laughed dryly inwardly.

Still perhaps feeling bad about selling out his future friend

"In any case the zenith of stages is what those of the higher blood refer to as the wheel of the infinite game, a tournament of such that determines many things mainly the transition between living things and Life as a system as per the prize."

"Which is?"

"I'm afraid I don't possess the authority to utter its true name"

"For now call it the star grail as wisdom cultivators do."

Thales thought deeply, he thought he needed to adjust his sight and broaden his horizons but he wouldn't be seeing Beato again for 2 years.

Edmund could only give him so much information.

"This information is something I need to personally verify anyway." Thales made a mental note of such plans.

"That reminds me Young master Thales, you will reach the first cycle in 2 years and you must clear your trial to obtain the authority to challenge the game"

"Or to put it crudely if I may"

"You will die trying." Edmund uttered coldly, if he uttered such words in the boys Mothers presence he would have been erased.

"Death, so that little girl wasn't being theatrical after all?" Thales thought slightly disturbed.

"I'm going to die if I fail is that literal Edmund-Sensei?" Thales asked with saliva dribbling down his chin.

Edmund took a handkerchief and wiped the toddlers spit, this was the most child like he had seen Thales in terms of behaviour.

In the same action he answered him.

"I'm afraid it is you would do well to prepare child, lest you want to suffer the fate of a million broken spirits before you"

"Death is not an escape!"

"I reject this end, the Mystery intrigues me!"

"The Mystery pervades me!"

"The Mystery consumes me!"

"The Mystery escapes me!"

This was Thales's resolve an endless ambition it seems.

"I will prepare well Edmund-Sensei is there any advice you can offer me at this time"

"But of course Young master, I thought you would ask, I usually wouldn't suggest this however it is you..." The Old butler thought of the future with Thales's potential.

"Dear lad there is a sacred writ in your mother's library a copy of such a book, such a inheritance"

"It's meaning is lost on us, on all of us not even his lordship can read it yet we worship an empty book anyway"

"Maybe it can help you."

"Thank you for your assistance Edmund-sensei I'll attempt it after I crash." Thales mumbled sleepily his tiny body finally catching up to him.

"One last thing" Edmund said as he cradled the boys head.

He brought it to his mouth as he picked the boy up.

"If you survive your mothers authority is limited and if you cheat death once more you shall be freed my boy."

"Is that so, that is great news." Thales whispered.

"You always had good comforting techniques Edmund-Sensei."

"Sleep well little light, for your journey has begun a little prematurely."

The Old butler with his monocle and tied back long grey hair looked at the child in his arms.

Your mother has a good heart but all living things can be corrupted by a sin.