This arrogant bastard is copying me

Thales awoken a strange time indeed, it seemed to be nearly nighttimes.

"Hmm it seems it is time to see what Edmund-Sensei was pointing me too" Thales recalled Edmund-s words a perfect recall thanks to his effort, although it seemed too easy.

Thales used these words as a map in his mother's library.

"I wasn't told what it is but it is sacred so is that it?"

"Nah this is a regular old holy book with a bookmark in it" Thales saw from a far.

"I wonder who the god is." Thales thought.

"No matter I am on a quest here, a quest for my survival"

Thales was determined; he quickly sorted through a pile of books that looked promising until one caught his eye.

"<> by ETERNAL MONOMYTH Primordial"

"What a weird penname I wonder who "he" is" Thales thought puzzled at the eccentricity of some people.

Thales flipped through some of this sacred writ, he frowned.

"Oh I see it really is not readable so far, I had thought my family were collectively idiots but it seems I am not an individual greater than the whole."

"Hold on I sold myself short, this is readable let's see here legacy 27 it's called"

Thales thought this was quite pompous.

"Could have simply called it chapter or section, "Legacy"" Thales snorted at that word.

"Ok then might as well read this so called legacy"

I am cold, I am a man not born from his mother so I know not of mothers warmth.

I run through the traveller's door, the bars of the prison are not here.

Lost in this deep abyss it stares away from me. "Does it see us" my only ally asks.

No wisdom it is dark but even the darkness cannot see itself.

"If even it cannot see us how can we find our way back?"

We will walk but not back every way.

The best traveller leaves no tracks.

Has no limit on where or when.

They merely travel and the travel is all there is.

Very wise Wisdom said "But how do, you utter words when even the nightmares cannot hear their own screams in this hole"

Wisdom for someone wise you are slow learned it seems.

Even mere Dragons need not of words to speak perfectly any when.

True language contains no flaws only our foolish comprehension is limited.

"How long have we been here for?" Wisdom surely you jest?

We see it all, always.

We count not of the moments; we need not of an abacus to count time.

What is an abacus to the heralds of the flowing time? The best work is done with no abacus.

"Can we leave oh my best friend surely there is a way?"

Of course my humble student, Wisdom

"Then use your powers to let us escape magnanimous hero I have learned enough"

The best door has no bolt or key and yet it cannot be opened.

"How are you incapable?"

Ah you misunderstand Fate is the best knot karmic destiny is intertwined with things and yet does not tie them up and however it can never be loosened.

"You can simply kill Mother Spider the genesis of all evil mothers the weaver of fate!"

The true Monomyth loves all

The true Monomyth rejects no one

The true Monomyth saves things

The true Monomyth abandons nothing, not even nothing and the nothing after that.

We sail under the light of all worlds, Wisdom.

We step out of the light of all dreams.

The Light inspires.

The Light grows.

It cannot be blown out.

Even now in these Umbra wilds.

The strongest nurtures the weakest under the light.

The weakest is material to be taught by the strongest.

Despite any amount of knowledge is not to be learned to esteem ones teachers not even the knowledge of knowledge or the learning of learning.

Not reflecting on reflecting or recalling on how to recall.

Not to cherish ones material, is to be greatly lost.

Love is your only weapon in war and peace.

The Love of Violence

The Love of Kindness

The Love of Eating or be Eaten.

The Love of All

The Love of None

Love thyself and your enemy and all battles are a fleeting dream.

This is the lineage of the light a step that shakes the heavens and earth.

Such is a marvellous...


"God my brain hurts"

"I only retained some of that information vaguely however my aptitude in many things has risen and myself spills out like water."

"AND HEY THIS BASTARD COPIED MY AMBITION" Thales was livid even though he was secretly inspired and scared a mere story can be a sacred writ.

"Who are you ETERNAL MONOMYTH primordial a great artist or something much more?"

"Don't get cocky anyway that isn't the mystery or it wouldn't intrigue me."

"However I will remember your name well"