Yes this can work

Thales trudged along the ground, he felt his face throbbing, it annoyed him deep down that things weren't easy, why couldn't things just fall in his lap he thought.

"Well I myself might turn mad enduring things for too long silently but my purpose is not to let off steam but in fact to verify this forest I find myself in."

"Oh, I'm being followed. But it makes sense I am a master of the house and only 5 at that even though no one can go to the forest but us, on the way I might have run into unsavoury characters and been unable to defend myself."

"That would be by accident though I think... wait can I even win against her actually?"

Thales felt downtrodden after thinking this and shuddered.

He moved his heavy body a long he was somewhat panting you'd think he was hiking a mountain but it was more like he was finding out a 5 year olds body is fragile and overlooked that when he sustained the beating.

Suddenly a bright ethereal luminescent scene met his eyes contrasting the darkness in them and brightening his world. He thought what is this source of energy?

"Ah, this is natures beauty" Thales took a deep breath the air he hated to say it felt magical, but this was natural as far as the eye could see so he was ok with it.

"Yes you don't belong to anyone do you, you're so wonderful, such aromatic fragrances, you're unbelievably beautiful." Thales professed his love for the forest out loud.

"Um thanks Thales I'm glad you feel that way and we are not actually brother and sister but don't you think this is too soon."

Thales buckled and fell on his back and looked up, his eyes met a singular eye a crystal blue eye and scarlet hair wearing an afternoon tea type of dress, prim and proper it was Beatrix.

"Crap this is too cliché, so why did you notice I left?"

"Not why did I follow you? " Beatrix said surprised.

"An interesting question, but I saw blood so I assumed you were beaten by a girl."

"So I assume it didn't go well?"

"On the contrary it went well for me but for the natural eye it just looks like I got pummelled without remorse for any reason by my older half sister."

"... Um, sure that's fine, then why did you come out here."

"You believe me? You really aren't the logical type."

"Well no it just isn't like you to get beaten up like an idiot without a scheme so I assume you have a plan unless your social skills really are that bad."

"No, no I have a plan (Although my social skills probably are also, that bad.)."

"I entered here for that plan too not because I wanted to avoid you but it was necessary!" Thales insisted he had a sole motive.

"Well whatever, try not to get so badly hurt dummy you're not that big."

"Yeah well I've felt the ground and used a range of methods I can't feel those veins you were talking about nor was something here in a long time even if it were here once which I can't even verify."

"But it was here, I swear to the father it was here."

"Yeah well I don't care about that, I think something is here but I'll have to come back and see try not to follow me next time. I think it can work"

"Eegh... OK I won't but can we clean your wounds?"

"Yes sure."