I realize I’m special but isn’t this unfair?

5 years 2 months, that is how long it has been since Thales solved the problem of cooperation. Yes after he approached her he suffered for 2 months he already repressed and erased these memories cognitive flexibility at its finest again.

He is now Thales Miray: Heart Path-Rank 13, Life path-Rank 15 and World path-???

He in fact extended his own suffering to get slightly more gains in cultivation.

Ironically he actually lowered his gains in life path slightly by doing this which could be epistemic tells of what that path could mean for Thales.

"It's been long since I developed my projects so I could say I am nearly done now all I have to do is be done with my 10th birthday second cycle trial, I enjoyed my time playing with that doll, but now I am growing old it's time to put the toy back in the toy box."

"Beato you're the head in the clouds type right? Then bless me while I walk through our path, the path of lunacy once more, hold my hand and listen to my heart, if it's calm that would be nice." Thales echoed his wants to nowhere but hoped her presence can be felt with him.

"I haven't yet been able to say this mind runs thicker than the fog, darker than my eyes, my eyes don't shine so you shine in its place Beato, I don't want to grow attached I won't lie, I prefer fleeting things now, but I'd be ok with you."

Thales needed no escort he walked alone, high in spirits confident in guidance.

"If I can see it its real, my path is aware of me as am I of it, now trial don't eat too much of me now, me."

Thales rested his eyes for a second blinked twice and he was in that room once more, the cold emptiness beckoned him.

"Well I speak to me and I will not understand but I'll imitate your madness and feel my way out of it."

"Oh, you're a little slow aren't you, we meet again I suppose but I have nothing to give you don't you know that."


"What do you mean?" Thales said with exasperation.

"You're too blind now, but of course you can't find yourself in one place silly. In words you can understand you need to journey in ways other than these, so shoo have diverse experiences."

"Why am I different?"

"You're a slave are you not?" Thales told himself.

"You're also a thief."

"You're also a scared living thing but you shouldn't be should you or you?"

"I don't get it?"

"The rambling of a homunculi, you'll know what to do soon and from what I can see you have quite the attention to detail so good job, that might be exciting even if that is wrong for me to say?"

Thales didn't understand he stopped speaking in snake tongue and still was incomprehensible, maybe this wasn't him?

"Well I experienced rejection; I guess I wasn't good enough. Ah well no point in crying, I should sleep yes and work and wake up many things to do and yet all the time to do it."

And away Thales moved forward ever chasing the mystery.